2005 16 August :: 6.52pm
By Käse and by George (not Rachel's dad but the monkey), I got my duvet and duvet cover!!
My family and I went into this Linen and Stuff shop after consuming a birfday meal at one of dad's favorite restaurants, and lo and behold we found what we were looking for!
Me happy!
Rachel and Tracey and Kyle, Tina gave me a CD that I think that you'd enjoy.
Edit 11:30
I found the greatest "breakup song"! It's by Die Aetrze and it's called "Männer sind Schweine" (men are pigs). The lyrics are making me crack up xD
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2005 16 August :: 3.27am
Good. Lord.
I r0x0r my own b0x0rs at pool now. Yay for guys that like me that work at the pool hall. ^_^
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2005 15 August :: 10.55am
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2005 15 August :: 2.42am
Shopping is fun. Who doesn't love it?
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2005 14 August :: 12.32pm
Well, I'm back in Rockford with three more Germans!!!!
It was nice to get away for a couple of days, and to see my friend Sarah. She has a man again, and I'm glad that she's happy ^_^ She's going to college in...Stevenspoint methinks. Middle of Wisconsin.
We didn't ever go into the city of Chicago, just stayed at the O'Hare airport. Tina's plane was late, then she and her parents walked out of a different gate than what the computers stated...but it's soooo awesome to see them again!!! Tina and I found out that we can play different regions of DVDs on our computers, so I know what I'll be asking for Christmas/my birthday ^^ *whistles slyly*
Today we played hookey from church, and are gonna go to Freddy's Gardens soon. Blegh. Oh well, at least we get to see the ginormous horse again. Again again again. I'm bringing my camera with.
So yeah, many greetings from the Krauts. Tina says hola. And I say that I love Nougat Bits!
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2005 10 August :: 11.26pm
Victory is mine!
I'm now registered on The Face Book!!!! Bwahahahahahahah *gasps for breath* hahahahah!
My group leader informed me that she'd force each and every one of us in the group to register. I love that girl.
Edit 11:54
Did I mention that The Face Book is awesome and can show me who my classmates are gonna be? Well it is.
Edit 11:55
And that I found Tara?
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2005 10 August :: 10.16pm
As requested by Brianna
Read more..
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2005 10 August :: 7.37pm
I just wrote Tara a letter.
I sound like such a dork in it. Oh well, might at well let her see the real me.
Andy was talking behind my back, saying cruel things. I heard him. I'm surprised that I didn't sneeze.
Mom says that I can't go on the computer until I clean my room. Well, what am I supposed to do with all my college stuff? Shove it underneath my bed?
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2005 10 August :: 5.41pm
Hello all.
I just bought a printer for my computer. And set it up all by myself!! You should all be very proud, even though a trained ape could figure it out. It has a scanner and a copier too. I just scanned a picture of me at the horse wedding, but sadly I don't know how to get it on here. So just be contented in the fact that it is highly amusing.
I think that's it. I hope to see y'all soon.
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2005 10 August :: 5.26pm
Andy's guilt-tripping me about dad's birthday. About how I don't want to split a present with him to give to dad.
I'm perfectly happy with the book (Scheisse! The REAL German you were never taught in school) that I'm giving dad because I know that he'll use it.
Andy's just guilt-tripping me because he doesn't have enough moneys and so he wants to spend my hard-earned cash instead of his own.
Stupid little brothers.
Did you know that mom, dad, and I used to call Andy "Scrooge" when he was little? And we all declared that he was going to be a lawyer when he grew up.
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2005 10 August :: 9.36am
:: Mood: sleepy
Ugh, last day of babysitting. Gott sei dank.
I love the kids to death, but putting down Sophie for her nap and making Noah read for an hour is starting to become my own personal hell. Especially with Noah. He can't sit still for five minutes.
Tomorrow my family and I are heading over to Wisconson via the ferry. We'll meet some family friends and stay with them for the night, then head on to Chicago in the morning. Michi's folks and Tina arrive in Chicago around...oh, I'd say six pm. They'll go to sleep, then in the morning pick up their r.v. (ridiculous vehicle) that they'll be driving around Michigan.
I'm contemplating bringing Tomato along for this trip, if only for the means of recharging Olga. I wish she had a gargantuan battery sometimes.
Oh, and I finally got my debit card!! w00t! So now I've got all these important pieces of plastic that I can't lose.
Rachel, I forgot to give you that painting. And the moon was hot last night.
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2005 9 August :: 11.46pm
Having my driver's license is pointless without a car.
Having a car is pointless without insurance.
Getting insurance is pointless unless I can pay for it.
Paying for anything is pointless unless I have a job.
I need a job.
P.S. I have killer hiccups. You know. The kind that hurt. The kind that, with every hiccup, clench every single muscle in your body. They hurt and make me angry. And kind of ill. I just ate and they're squeezing my tummy.
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2005 8 August :: 9.30pm
Hi friends.
I'm home. And exhausted.
My computer came today. It's a Gateway something or other. I figured out how to type and get online with it. That's about it so far. And probably all I will ever learn.
If I don't see you before I go to college, bye and have a good year.
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2005 8 August :: 1.39am
Ben is a mean drunk. :(
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2005 7 August :: 12.51pm
*sings off-key*
Makin' cookies
Makin' tookies
dat's the way to go...
I'm baking yet again. Again again again. I love baking.
Tired. It's been three days in a row that I've had to wake up early after a late night. Blegh.
Family's off at the beach. Joy.
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