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:: 2005 6 August :: 9.55pm

Holy expletive
A Very Long Engagement is the best movie in the world. Better than Amelie.

It's directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the same guy who directed Amelie. A few actors from Amelie are in it too.

Seriously, I haven't seen all the movies in the world but I can tell you right now that this is the best.

It's about a girl named Mathilde whose fiancee was killed in World War One. She doesn't think he's dead and insists on looking for him.

I cried a thousand times during that movie. A thousand. Even for me, that's a lot. I cried at parts that weren't even necessarily sad but just beautiful.

You know how Amelie had lots of red and green and a splash of blue? Well A Very Long Engagement has a washed out, yellow, old-fashioned look to it with bits of red, green and purple.

It is so wonderful. If you liked Amelie or French movies in general, you have to see it.

I love you all.

P.S. Can't do accents so you'll have to deal with some anglicization.

P.P.S. It's kind of long though. I didn't notice really, until I looked at the clock at it was 9. (I started the movie at 7.)

P.P.P.S. It has a lot of sex in it but I didn't mind it at all. It didn't seem out of place or gratuitous.

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:: 2005 6 August :: 3.36am

So apparently, a man was shot in the parking lot next to Nick and Ben's house.

Which makes me a bit upset.

Except for the fact that the newspaper is the only source that said it happened on Madison and Franklin and everywhere else says Madison and Woodlawn.


Either way. Rachel = freaked out slightly.

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:: 2005 5 August :: 7.19pm

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:: 2005 5 August :: 3.23pm

Yay! I have photo shop!
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:: 2005 5 August :: 1.52pm

well i leave for fair this sunday, and it runs all next week, i doubt any of you will come down, but if your bored one day and want to do sumn there is always stuff going on every day of the week. The fair website is www.kcfg.org/ you should be able to find anything you need, directions, and a shedule there. maybe ill see some of you there ^.^

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:: 2005 4 August :: 5.35pm

And so I mock again.
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:: 2005 4 August :: 2.28pm

Ben, this is for you
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:: 2005 4 August :: 1.12pm
:: Music: Paint it black

Squee! I get to watch Mark tomorrows!!!!!!!!

I'm also watching a bunny right now, and watering plants. Starting Sunday, I'll be babysitting four days in a row. Things are starting to look up for my money situation. I hope I'll find a job when I'm in Kalamazoo though. Ich brauche Geld fuer Schule.

Ugh, I have the hiccups >_<"

Janina emailed me, so I get to write another novel to her ^_^ She says hi to everybody here and that she misses you all.

Edit 2:45

Just emailed Janina back. Complete with pictures from After Grad!! Bwahahaha!!! Be afraid, be very afraid ;p

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:: 2005 4 August :: 2.12am

Uh, Katie?

A bodice ripper is variant of romantic fiction, often historical fiction, in which the heroine often loses her virginity by force. They are typically full of unrestrained romantic passion. Usually the cover depicts a large-breasted female whose bodice is being ripped by a muscular, often shirtless man. Often she first resists him, but is later overcome with passion.

They may be viewed a form of escapist fiction, with the historical background providing a way of allowing the (usually female) reader to indulge in a rape fantasy without guilt.

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:: 2005 3 August :: 6.19pm

I got stats on my roommate today.

Her name's Tara White and she lives in Jenison. Woooo. I've got her address and phone number, but I'm rather too much of a phone nazi (and just damn nervous) to dial it.

I also acquired my state i.d. card today, so mom and I took a little trip down to the bank and opened a student checking account.


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:: 2005 3 August :: 2.27pm

Germans, I love you.

Some pranksters in Germany have been putting little yellow flags with Bush's face on them in doggy poo.

Hee. Germans.

I love you all.

P.S. Get your flags here.

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:: 2005 2 August :: 11.42pm

The neighbor kid band member left Eisley. You know, the one that wasn't related to all of them.

And they got their cousin to play bass.

Sigh. Changes.

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:: 2005 2 August :: 10.42am

Becca picked up Mark this morning.



I'm gonna miss that dog.

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:: 2005 2 August :: 9.49am

Mat called me last night at about 1:30 and tells me he is going to the emergency room because he got cut on the forehead while he was sword fighting. So I flip out at him and play FFXI until he gets to my house around 4am. Total, he got 10 stitches and a wrap around his head to keep it closed for a while. He said he was probably going to spend the night at my house, but since my house doesn't have air conditioning he doesn't think he can stay and decides to go back to his house with AC. I want to go with him, just to be sure nothing bad happens, but he says he's fine and to get some sleep. So I head to bed at 4:30 and have to wake up at 9 because I have work at 11:30. Wonderful night.

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:: 2005 1 August :: 2.35am
:: Mood: hungry


I think I finally found what I've been looking for.

In Germany, and a lot of Europe, the people use different types of comforters than us. They're down-filled and squishy and comfy and warm, and you put a cover over them. I've dreamed, ever since I first went to Germany, to have one for my room.

Apparently they're called duvets here, and I'm drooling like mad because I'm so close yet so far. I can get one at JC Penny ^_^


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