2005 1 August :: 2.19am
So I was watching Full House on Nick at Nite and this AIDS/HIV awareness commercial came on.
I recognized the song. It was Tokyo by The Books.
It's not here. It's the same concept as those four one-word ones but it has Tokyo as the song. I swear.
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2005 31 July :: 10.38pm
My email at Aquinas:
My email has "rack" in it and yours doesn't!
I love you all.
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2005 31 July :: 9.13pm
:: Music: Liberate-Disturbed
I took a nap today.
It was splendiferificous.
Just came back from taking Mark for a walk downtown. He's so cute when he's hyper ^_^
I could get used to having a dog.
Looks like I'll be hanging out with Ashley and Michelle for a little bit tomorrow. I haven't seen them since JAFAX. w00ts.
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2005 31 July :: 8.52pm
It's on Madison and Franklin, I was wrong. 737 Madison.
It's beautiful. I love old houses. It's big and old and beautiful.
I helped Nick paint and my parents came over to help move furniture and stuff. Nick's parents helped us paint. His room is awesome.
Once school starts up, I'm definitely staying there a lot.
I love you all.
P.S. The guy's name is Travis and he's nice. Piercings, Katie, piercings.
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2005 31 July :: 2.55am
Nick's moving into a house tomorrow with Ben, Katti, Oliver, Jim (Katti and Oliver's friend) and some guy with a ponytail (presumably also their friend).
Ben's out of town until Tuesday so I don't know when he'll move in.
Nick took me by the house the other day and I've seen pictures of the inside so I'm really excited.
We're going to paint his room. I love painting.
The house is on Madison and Cherry (I think) and it's right by Aquinas so I might be over there a lot.
Anyway, I'm going to help him out tomorrow with moving stuff in and all that jazz. Today, I helped him clean out his car and my parents and I took him shopping. My parents are so nice, they paid for half the things he bought.
My mom's worried about him being out on his own.
I love you all.
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2005 30 July :: 12.17pm
Jhonen apparently stopped by Penny Arcade's booth at Comic Con and drew them something in their World of Warcraft themed sketchbook.
I am happy because it is of a warlock.
Read more..
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2005 30 July :: 12.02pm
Yesterday my parents went out early and looked at cars. (They also went to Little Bohemia but I'm sore about that so we'll move on. :p)
They found this 11 year old one that they wanted me to try out. It was actually pretty nice and I liked it.
But I will say nothing else because I will jinx it.
I love you all.
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2005 29 July :: 9.04pm
So this was a very interesting week at camp. Especially the latter part.
Yesterday morning I heard this rustling sound. I was still half asleep so I couldn't figure out what it was. It sounded like a racoon was outiside my tent. But then I thought it might be inside my tent, which was when I woke up. So I rolled over and found a squirrel underneath my bed, trapped in my mosquito netting. It was most amusing.
Also yesterday, 2 of our horses got married. They have been in love since the beginning of camp almost. I was the minister. I wore this awesome dress I got at Goodwill. It has cows on it. Y'all will have to see it sometime.
Today I got bucked off a horse for the very first time. There's this one horse we have and we were trying to decide if we wanted him back next year, cuz he's kind of iffy, so I was riding him around in the ring and when we started cantering (running) he bucked me off. I'm ok though, I got back on and made him canter more. Needless to say, he's not coming back next year.
Well I'm too tired to write anymore. Goodbye. I hope everyone is well.
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2005 29 July :: 1.31pm
I love Mark, he's such a cute puppeh!
Edit 4:52
So now I'm "blatantly retarded".
Meh, it's better than being disgusting.
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2005 29 July :: 2.18am
I got my ruby tonight so now I can become a summoner in FFXI. ^_^
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2005 28 July :: 7.10pm
:: Mood: freaked out
Apparently my friend Karen Kroll (missionary in Zambia) accidentally killed a man riding a bike. He was on the street, got in her way, she didn't see him although he saw her. It wasn't her fault, but she might end up having to go to jail. Perhaps for life. It shows how corrupt the system is in Zambia. *shakes head and shudders*
I'm scared and freaked out. And still pissed off. I've forgiven the chick because I understand how she feels. Hey, in 10th grade my friend's mom committed suicide.
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2005 28 July :: 2.08am
She thought Katie cut up her arm and took a picture of it. Katie, that's a compliment, that means it looks real!
And I think she's kind of cool, I kind of like her.
Also, it means the discussion is over and the argument has been resolved.
I hope she sees it that way. I love you, whomever you are, I did not mean any ill toward you. It was all in the defense of my best friend and I apologize.
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2005 28 July :: 12.23am
*cries in rage*
[insert long rant about people being dumb here]
I try not to think about it and be hurt about it, but the more I try not to it hurts even more.
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2005 27 July :: 11.35pm
well its been a while, I hope you are all doin well,
I feel good, ive lost 30 pounds and now im not afriad to be all like yeah i started at 236 and now im down almost to 200 flat. I feel soooo much better, so much more energy and i just feel better.
so i have the 4h fair coming up, its from august 8-13th, if any of you are free on those days you should come check it out, its at the lowel fairgrounds. there are always tonz of things to do and lots of animals, ill have my horse and rabbit there this year and its ganna be a blast.
so its lame that i work at mcdonalds i know, but ive been working so much that the paychecks almost make it worth it, if yall are at the northland drive one look for me in the back lol, i wouldnt suggest any of the food but our ice cream is good and our shakes are too! lol, thats about it though..... sad..... anyway, just thought id make a little post.
luv ya'll tonz
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2005 27 July :: 12.09pm
I just made my infamous sugar cookies. A double batch.
And knowing Andy, dad, and Michi, they'll be gone by tomorrow.
I love baking for people ^_^
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