Lights fly past The signs are blury and I wonder if I jumped this curb would it slow things down. Why didn't I listen my suicide note!


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The Truth of Killing a Song Bird

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:: 2011 9 August :: 2.49pm

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 1 August :: 1.57pm

so I finally put up the deuces, and for good reason too.

The idea that I was being played was apparent, but I didn't mind as long as it wasn't staring me in the face. Last Tuesday it spit in my face and I was left with no choice. Really I should have drawn this conclusion in the beginning. too bad because that ass is seriously tax deductible. I mean that in the nicest sense.

what was nice as well was the back up that I got from everyone.

But worry not, you think I don't have a back up plan? pfff... I don't really. But you know me, perpetually on the prowl.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 18 July :: 5.38pm


they really do.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 14 July :: 2.40pm

More paperwork.

sprint is one of the top 500 "green" companys, i don't see how, let's say i have to order a phone for someone.

Step 1. I put their information into the computer along with phone issues, the computer automatically prints out 2 peices of paper (2) then the customer has to fill out a "data preservation form" (3) turns out i have to order a phone for the customer i get a shipping reciept (4) when the phone gets here it comes in a cardboard box with air filled plastic bag type things to take up space, then it comes in another smaller box filled with bubble wrap, then the phone and battery cover are wrapped seperatally. inside the box there is also a shipping log...

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 14 July :: 11.20am

This is a letter I've been meaning to write for awhile.

To You,

Can you explain something to me? How is it that he's been back in town for almost a week now and you've slept with me for 5 out of 6 of the nights?

When you were arrested, who did you call first to come pick you up? Who drove you to get your car from the towing company? Who talked you down until 9 in the morning?

If you didn't look so good in my Rooney jersey when you aren't wearing any pants I'd probably not have let you stay and although I may have played the "point to the couch and tell you to get the fuck out" story line in my head I cannot follow through for the life of me

Sometimes, I wish I was a cold beer.

You are considerably hindering my ability to get some whilst augmenting it at the same time.

Why do I have to be on this new "nice guy" kick?

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 9 July :: 3.52pm

Saying goodbye to an old friend...

Rest in Peace, Ally. I will miss you.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 7 July :: 11.42pm

so apparently GR is in the world news because it has an asshole with a gun. what city doesn't have an asshole with a gun? our asshole is just a little more stupid than most. so, proportionally speaking, our assholes without guns should theoretically be smarter. but... they're probably not. i just think people pick up on this stuff because nobody has a life, and they have this morbid curiosity with death. i mean, face it, we're all dying someday.

and until then, we will spend our lives waiting for windows XP to actually work on this damn laptop. (or maybe that's just me)

honestly, though, i'm making progress. i got the OS on there with relatively few hassles. it was after i started trying to get my shit set up on there that i got pissed, because all the drivers were missing. and then i found the driver disc, so now i'm waiting for that.

see? i'm way more exciting than gatorade boy. i'm still flabbergasted that in all of my disorganized piles of random shit, i managed to find the 2 discs i needed to make this shit work. and it's a legit copy to boot. then again, that's probably why it's being a pain in the ass. if i had just used the illegal bit torrent i downloaded and burned in like ten minutes, i would probably be done by now.


Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 7 July :: 11.24am

World Cup Hotties
here are my top picks (i tried to get one from each team, but some teams were just really unfortunate-looking):








United States



New Zealand



if i had to pick from this list.... i'd say miss norway takes the cake, with colombia and mexico rounding out the top three.

4 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 1 July :: 3.39pm

the universe doesn't give a flying fuck about you

i like this. not sure i agree with everything he says. but i still needed a good pep-talk.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 27 June :: 5.23pm

Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you're happy

yes... the rock-a-fire explosion version is necessary. It makes me happy and creeped out at the same time.

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 27 June :: 5.20pm

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you're angry

my late uncle once told me this was devil music... and then proceeded to ask me for a copy.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 24 June :: 2.22pm

Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year

this wound up being easier than i thought it would be. i bought this album last year, and i listened to it all the time. still good, though.

here's to getting by. and finding the way to my heart. cheers!

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 24 June :: 2.06pm

Day 29 - A song from your childhood

i still love this song. and i can still hit the high notes. although i was better at them when i was 7.

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 22 June :: 5.41pm

Day 19 - A song from your favorite album

you're killin me smalls.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 22 June :: 5.31pm

Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 19 June :: 10.18am

Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio

five and a half in boys, ass is off the hook...

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 18 June :: 10.54am

Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate

I blame work for this one

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 18 June :: 10.44am

Day 15 - A song that describes you

This song, while its meaning likely different from my interpretation, seems to lay out the one consistent dilemma that I find myself in, and which usually gets me in trouble in the end.

I do feel as though it's a bit narcissistic to try and describe you're own life...

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.59pm

Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty

i only feel guilty that i'm familiar with the original. this is actually pretty sweet.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.44pm

Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
vinnie colaiuta, steve gadd, and dave weckl. not much else to say.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.32pm

Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument

most people can play the guitar part, but how 'bout some drums? this song wins simply by being about a frank zappa concert in switzerland.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.20pm

Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.14pm

Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
wish i could find the album version of this song on the interwebz:

also "prisoner" by Bruce Johnson, which is definitely not available online anywhere.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.06pm

Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
this one would be hilarious:

this would be more appropriate:

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 17 June :: 2.52pm

Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you're sad
apparently when i'm sad, i listen to songs about being away from home, sung by dudes with acoustic guitars. thus i give you:

Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 16 June :: 11.30am

Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love

I thought Joni Mitchell was a trip. Boyz II Men without backing music is something that comes up every now then.

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 14 June :: 5.48pm

fucked at work...

hey justin, congrats on selling a bunch of accessories, tripling the repair numbers, selling more insurance, and getting more tech refferals than i ever have and my fucking comission check is still the same amount it was last month.

what the hell do i have to do to get ahead!

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 14 June :: 11.54am

Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure

I'm pretty sure that security saw me singing this song out loud in a drunken state on my way in the other day...

needless to say he laughed at me.

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 14 June :: 3.33am

Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you're happy

i'm more accustomed to the version off of underdog world strike. but this works too.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2011 14 June :: 3.24am

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you're angry
it's about to get a little brutal in here. maybe this is why phil pisses me off.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything? | Random Journal