Lights fly past The signs are blury and I wonder if I jumped this curb would it slow things down. Why didn't I listen my suicide note!


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The Truth of Killing a Song Bird

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:: 2009 11 June :: 4.33pm
:: Music: rain

my diploma and transcripts finally came in the mail today.

i only made the dean's list 3 semesters out of 8. but i graduated from both the college of liberal arts and sciences and the honors college in good standing, fulfilled all the requirements for the film and video major, and finished with 121 credits and a 3.364 GPA.

which means, basically, that i spent the last 4 years of my life spending thousands of dollars and hours upon hours on 4 sheets of paper telling me ... what?

that i still have to shovel dirt for a living, and not even manage to scrape by without a lot of financial support from friends and family? funny though, the papers don't say anything about that part. They honestly paint what, to the untrained eye, would be a picture of a successful young man with a bright future and a world of opportunities. when in actuality he is just a loser with no real job, a fair amount of debt, not a lot of excitement, and way too many nights - and days - stuck at home to sit and think. that's a very dangerous place to put a mind like mine. it rarely goes happy places. honestly, the only way my brain seems to be able to keep itself happy is when it has plenty of distractions, and people to entertain. otherwise, it just turns dark.

then again, maybe i just feel dark because it's all rainy and miserable outside. i wish it would just fucking storm. that would be a lot more exciting than this drizzly crap.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 7 June :: 10.53pm

saturday night i was at cheers, i got drunk and sang karaoke it was awesome!

5 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 3 June :: 7.27pm

Heartbeat with a high demand/ Often will go hand in hand/ But I'm sick of just starting plans/ I wanna spend the rest of my life...
again tomorrow.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 22 May :: 11.18pm
:: Music: Modest Mouse- She Ionizes and Atomizes

She ionizes and atomizes/ Then turns to sunlight/ He realizes and itemizes/ Pulls harder than gravity...
i am certain that i am a serious hypochondriac.

Among several other things, I've recently discovered that I have Precordial Catch syndrome.

Freakin sick of going to the dr office like 12 times a month. The girls at Bronson even know how to spell my name, CORRECTLY.

4 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 19 May :: 9.21pm

people, stop dissin my music!

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 18 May :: 8.21pm
:: Music: Ingrid Michaelson- The Way I Am

If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light, I'd find a match.

Cause I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.

If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better.

Cause I love the way you call me baby.
And you take me the way I am.

I'd buy you Rogaine if you start losing all your hair.
Sew on patches to all you tear.

Cause I love you more than I could ever promise.
And you take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 17 May :: 5.26pm
:: Music: Eric Hutchinson- Ok, It's Alright With Me

I'm sick of just starting plans/ I wanna spend the rest of my life...

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 11 May :: 9.28pm


eta* retracted.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 11 May :: 7.45pm

I'm still depressed about this shit.

it seems that when i finally get my life back on track, i start getting my bills cought up i get kicked in the face.

what the fuck.. really?

i'm so sick of this shit.

to put the icing on the cake, today i got my insurence card... and it'll never get used because i don't have insurence.

why me?

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 9 May :: 3.28pm
:: Music: Death Cab for Cutie- Cath...

Soon everybody will ask what became of you...
pretty boring day today. Paul is at football camp, so I am making homemade bagels and doing laundry... just call me Martha. Except I just burnt my hand and it's starting to blister...

obligatory kitty picture.

4 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 8 May :: 11.24am

Can anyone reach the knife that's in my back?

I was just laid off, a week before insurance starts, i can't get unemployment either.

this is bullshit.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 5 May :: 7.44pm

"Here's the thing, Barney: I'm snuggly. You're not. Who wouldn't want to snuggle up next to this business on a Sunday morning? Wrapped in a comforter, and its raining outsode, and there's muffins warming in the oven... I'm cuddly, bitch! Deal with it!"

"Oh, Fran. Oh Franny Franny Fran. We are gonna have some fun."

"This circle... represents people who are breaking my heart. And this circle, represents people who are shaking my confidence daily. And where they overlap...Cecilia."

"This is a pie chart, describing my favorite bars. And this is a bar graph, describing my favorite pies!"

"What the hell happened to my charts?"
"We threw them away."
"That's how an intervention works, Marshall... You wouldn't stop using, so we flushed your stash."
"C'mon, Ted... I need my charts, man! Just for a day... and then I promise I'll never ever use charts again! I'm under a lot of pressure here, I NEED MY CHARTS, JACK!"
"God, you're doing charts at work??"

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 2 May :: 11.13am

err i mean the H1N1 flu... yeah.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 2 May :: 11.13am

wait, errr ummm.. uhhh.

not SARS, that was the popular thing to have 2 years ago.

last year was west nile and the bird flu
oh yeah this year its the swin flu.

so i now have the swine flu

5 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 2 May :: 11.12am

I now have SARS....

that is all.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 2 May :: 1.17am

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 30 April :: 9.30pm
:: Music: Kings of Leon- Use Somebody

off in the night/ while you live it up/ i'm off to sleep...
i've been roaming around
always looking down at all i see
painted faces fill the places i can't reach

you know that i could use somebody
you know that i could use somebody
someone like you

and all you know
and how you speak
countless lovers undercover of the street

you know that i could use somebody
you know that i could use somebody
someone like you

off in the night,
while you live it up, i'm off to sleep
waging war to shake the poet and the beat

i hope it's gonna make you notice
i hope it's gonna make you notice
someone like me
someone like me
someone like me

go and let it out
someone like you
someone like you
someone like you

i've been roaming around
always looking down at all i see

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 27 April :: 7.57pm
:: Music: Matt Giraud- You Found Me ;)

Where were you, when everything was falling apart?/ All my days were spent by the telephone that never rang/ And all I needed was a call that never came...
i am sick and a little bit sad
really hope i'm not coming down with swine flu.

i might have a television hangover tomorrow.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 24 April :: 10.14pm
:: Music: Erin McCarly- Love, Save the Empty

Little girls don't know how to be sweet girls/ Mama didn't teach me/ Little boys don't know how to treat little girls/ Daddy didn't show me...
lots of weekend plans... now through mid summer.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 17 April :: 1.30am

so I'm really drunk....

prime minister Aso gave me 12000 yen today...

while making my poor ass happy, it also made me sad for the people working here.

I suppose they had the right idea in that I will spend it IN japan and not send it anywhere else or save it for America.

good night.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 14 April :: 10.47pm
:: Music: OAR- This Town

In the morning wake me up/ And tell me everything/ So I can understand your world/ And you can understand my dream...
who needs twitter? i've got woohu.

5 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 14 April :: 9.56pm
:: Music: The Killers- Sam's Town

I’ve got this energy beneath my feet/ Like something underground’s gonna come up and carry me/ I've got this sentimental heart that beats/ But I don’t really mind that it’s starting to get to me...
I don't like playing the waiting game...

Vegas was crazy. I spent too much money (but that's what vacation is for, eh?).

Not a big fan of real life. Still really ridiculously tired.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 5 April :: 1.35pm

Fuck x64 vista.

32 bit W7 here i come, the time is now.

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 4 April :: 9.46pm
:: Music: Lily Allen- The Fear

And I am a weapon of massive consumption/ And its not my fault it’s how I’m programmed to function/ I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror/ I’m on the right track yeah we're on to a winner..
maybe i have a higher purpose in life.

going to vegas on tuesday, and planning on getting crazy.

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 3 April :: 10.19pm
:: Music: Everclear- Amphetamine

She looks so bored sometimes/ She has that super pale skin and those soft green eyes/ She looks like she could have been happy in a better life...
She came out west to find the sun
She lost her name but found a new one
Amy goes to school all day
But at night in the neighborhood
They call her amphetamine

She is perfect in that fucked up way
That all the magazines seem to want to glorify these days
She looks like a teenage anthem
She looks like she used to be happy
With the girl inside

She looks so bored sometimes
She has that super pale skin and those soft green eyes
She looks like she could have been happy in a better life

She came out west just to break away clean
From her family and her friends
Just a little girls dream
All she wants to do every night
Is sit beside my window and listen to the sirens

She is perfect in that fucked up way
That all the magazines seem to want to glorify these days

She looks like a teenage anthem
And she looks like she should have been happy
In another life

In another life, ooh, in another life
Yeah, in another life

She came out west just to break the spell
After three long years in a marriage from hell
Six months clean, living sober and right
The doctors tell her everything will be alright

Yeah you just take your pill
And everything will be alright
Yeah you just take your pill
And everything will be alright

She looks like a teenage anthem
She looks like a magazine girl
She looks like a teenage anthem
Like she used to be happy in another world

She looks like a teenage anthem
She is happy with the girl inside
She looks like a teenage anthem
And looks like she could have been happy
In another life

In another life, happy in another life
Ooh, in another life, happy in another life
In another life, happy in another life

Met her at a party and I took her home
She is the saddest girl that I have ever known
She wakes me up in the middle of the night
Just to tell me everything will be alright
Amy smiles at me and tells me everything will be alright
Yeah, amy smiles at me and tells me everything will be alright

Yeah, I tell myself the same damn thing
Everything will be alright
Ooh, everything will be alright
Everything will be alright.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 1 April :: 10.02pm
:: Music: Everclear- I Will Buy You A New Life

They might think you're happy/ Yeah maybe for a minute or two/ They can't make you laugh/ No, they can't make you feel the way that I do...
maybe tomorrow brings good news for once?

not hopeful.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 31 March :: 11.11am

things are going good with jordan and i the only trouble is my insecurities

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 19 March :: 10.19pm

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 15 March :: 1.39pm

i have a perhaps unhealthy interest in bathroom graffiti.

but you have to admit, the progression here is truly something special (yes, i do return to the same bathrooms, and since i'm there, i'll check out what's new):
2. my CUNTry tis of thee!
3. my CoUNTry tis of thee!

three visits - each with a new update.

now, bear in mind, this was on a divider between the urinals.

knowing that, how creepy would it be if you were the one standing at the urinal, and someone in one of the stalls STARTED SINGING THAT SONG while you were standing there.

i would probably lose my shit.


plain white ts show tonight. pretty stoked about that. yes, my vag may even be tingling a little. either that, or it's my purity ring acting up again.

5 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2009 13 March :: 5.50pm

dad found a massacred HP laptop in the trash, only thing savable was this

Read more..


9 You are Invited | Would you drop everything? | Random Journal