Lights fly past The signs are blury and I wonder if I jumped this curb would it slow things down. Why didn't I listen my suicide note!


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The Truth of Killing a Song Bird

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:: 2008 8 December :: 11.15pm

these past few entries have been all emo and shit, and the next few arn't going to get any better.

if you want to talk shit about someone do it elsewhere, this is MY place to write what i think.

Don't be a dick on my woohu, thats my job.

6 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 7 December :: 3.48am

02:36:20 < Danno> < Kidsune> Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but i'm gonna go down on
02:36:20 < Danno> < Kidsune> And you're gonna love it...
02:36:20 < Danno> < Kidsune> But it's only going to be long enough to let you
start enjoying it...
02:36:23 < Danno> < Kidsune> Then i'm gonna come back up again and fuck you, big
02:36:26 < Danno> < Kidsune> Lots of love,
02:36:28 < Danno> < Kidsune> Fuel Prices

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 4 December :: 10.41pm


i just got rickrolled on my phone. it was pretty sweet.

i just wish i knew who did it, so i could give them a high five.

that made my night. f'realz.

still sucking at getting school work done.

but that's okay.

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 2 December :: 4.07am

i was bored, how well do you know me?

5 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 29 November :: 1.55pm
:: Mood: irritated

When your friends call me crying looking for you, I think thats a sign that you should quit being so flakey.

and i take care of your fek-in cat while your gone and you can't even come over to thank me.

I'm very very underappericated.

8 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 27 November :: 10.57pm

holy update batman...

So, last weekend I went to Osaka to the aquarium which is one of the largest, and also happens to be next to one of the largest Ferris Wheels in the world as well. Yay for whale sharks, penguins, and wanking otters!

At first you see the otter wanking it and you feel bad for his jiblets... then you just kind of feel bad for the otter...

After said expedition we headed to a McDonald's (I know I know shutup you don't know what it's like) for some cheap food, and sat with some friends and chatted. At this time, Eric tried to convince Kelly to go to Tokyo with them. It didn't take too much convincing but she eventually agreed that it would be the worst thing should could possibly do, so why the hell not.

I soon followed...

Off we went to Tokyo. After a 2 hour power nap of power naps, I found my second wind with some to spare. We arrived around 10 on Friday night, checked into our hostile, and promptly went on our way to Shibuya.

Shibuya is probably one of the most massive places I've ever been too. I've never been to New York ( never really been inclined to go) but I'm fairly certain that this would kick it's ass. I don't even know why cars try and drive through there. It's damn near impossible.

So after arriving, we headed on our merry way through some back streets, stopping at just about every Combini we could find for a beer. They never really last very long. Finally, we came across a street with a few clubs lined up, we picked on for coming back up, and proceded with getting as intoxicated as you possibly could. Around midnight thirty or so, we head into the club. It was called Club Atom and was a four story bonanza. The first floor was just lockers and such. The second floor was J-pop ( which is fucking awesome in a club setting. Really, you'd be surprised.), the third was techno and dance, and the fourth was hip hop and such. We bounced between floors all night, until Kelly (as always) managed to meet a few people on the hip hop floor which we joined. It was two japanese guys and these girls who I later found out were Korean. We danced and danced and drank and drank until the club closed at 5 A.M. and we had to leave...

we weren't done...

The drunk ass japanese guy suggests that we go to an all you can drink two hour karaoke place, which in our state seemed like the greatest idea ever.

We drank and sang. I talked with this Korean girl who was just slaughtering the Japanese language. I mean, I'm no expert by any means, but being that what I am learning I'm getting through schooling as opposed to just learning ( which isn't always bad) you can hear all the grammatical errors. Makes me think that being Chris must be shitty, because he would be flipping a nut (you grammatically correct bastard). Around 9 am or so we returned to our hostile and slept until 4 PM. At which point we got up, went shopping in Harajuku ( you know, the place where Gwen Stefani gets those Japanese girls she uses as accessories), and then did it all over again.

We also stopped in Shinjuku by a gay bar being that Matty Kupa is our resident gay dude. A gent at that. He is a contender for guys I would go gay for. I've never been hit on in spanish by a guy before, but now I can check that off my list. It's amazing how clique-y the whole shinjuku gay scene is. You can tell the foreigners who can speak japanese because they are only talking to japanese people and they give you this horrible look like you're diseased and not worth their time. Artsy fucks.

After that, same club, dancing, shananigans.

We then returned to Hikone and I took the next two days to recover. It was amazing.

Now however, my sense of adventure is off. I need sleep.

Happy thanksgivings. enjoy the turkey!

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 24 November :: 11.25pm|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318


2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 22 November :: 5.29am

i hate being woken up early.

i hate being woken up early because someone NEEDS me to talk to them.

i hate being woken up early because someone NEEDS me to talk to them so the don't fall asleep behind the wheel

i hate being woken up early because someone NEEDS me to talk to them so they don't fall asleep behind the wheel because they are driving drunk

i hate being woken up early because someone NEEDS meto talk to them so they don't fall asleep behind the wheel because they are driving drunk and they don't wannt a ride.

UGHHH $%(!#$()&!#$&(*

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 21 November :: 2.39am

And i still won it.

8 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 20 November :: 11.10pm least my female problems don't involve bleeding.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 21 November :: 9.53am

if you could be less spiteful that would be fantastic...

11 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 20 November :: 4.15am

I played to much rockband and i now have aqualung by jethro tull stuck in my head.

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 18 November :: 3.55am

so, i saw the first cut of the summer film today. well, it's already been through several revisions. but this was the first public screening.

i will say, some things turned out really well. some did not. i'm glad to see that it came together okay, at least. i would have been pissed if it sucked, and surprised if it was out of this world. i still think some of the big problems with the story are in the script itself, and are therefore beyond fixing at this point. i also think that cleaning up the audio will do wonders. and that is going to be a formidable task. i'm just wondering if my class next semester is going to have to do all that. it would be interesting. then i'd have my hands on it during two phases of the process, instead of just one. that would be weird.

other than that, just business as usual. falling steadily farther behind in all of the important classes, with the one class that i'm doing best in the only class i'm actually making headway on.

it'll all come together in the end. i just hope the collision isn't too catastrophic for me to keep it together.

and in the meantime, just keep plugging away at it, little by little. but i am also running out of time, which means a step up in pace is in order.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 17 November :: 2.44am

I hope they don't kill opie.

He's one of my favorite characters

7 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 16 November :: 1.39am

my brother thinks that i'm an alcoholic for taking a minicooler with 3 beers in it, in the bathroom for my bath.

4 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 15 November :: 1.36pm

why do i do this to myself?

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 14 November :: 2.57am

thursday night, that means its time for bowling scores again

this week, highest game ever of 211, 182, and 134, it was a 529 series.

fuck yeah!

average last week was 151

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 13 November :: 2.59am

I figured out the whole issue of "us" tonight.
we're two different people outside of privacy.

It just doesn't work that way.

9 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 13 November :: 1.48pm

So yeah... I've got some time so I guess I'm about ready to update you guys.

Been pretty stressful here, as far as classes go. But I've managed to maintain an A- so I'm alright in that department. Plus I got an 88 on the last test with a class average of 62. My theory is that someone just didn't show up, regardless...

I really need to take some pictures of where I am at. I noticed that all my pictures are of me drinking. Not to say that I'm not drinking a lot, a problem I need to find a solution for desperately, but I'm not JUST drinking. I'm doing a lot of things recently. I guess the problem is that I have a hard time taking pictures of anything interesting because I feel like such a tourist. I will do a lot of things here because I don't really care what the people think of me, and it gets me somewhere usually. For some reason, though, I can't seem to take pictures. Soon enough I will get some real good ones.

Speaking of drinking, this weekend is sure to be packed to the brim of fun. starting tomorrow morning I'm going to some elementary school to play games with kids. It's mandatory, which kind of pisses me off. I've already volunteered to do a few of these kinds of things and I'd rather just sleep in, but you know, I guess I gotta do what I gotta do.

So after waking up at around 8 and getting back at around 12, I have 2 hours or less to just chill out for awhile, before I have to bike to the train station to catch a train to Kyoto. Luckily they are paying for the ticket for me. By them, I mean some Women's College of some sort or another. They are loaded, and have decided to pay for a few of us to take a train and a taxi (keep in mind that a taxi is about 2 dollars per foot, fucking expensive) to the school, and then for the ride back. I'm not actually taking the train back though...

Afterwards, Nate, Nick, and I are going to chill in Kyoto and see what happens for awhile. They claimed that the event won't end until 8, and I'm still not sure exactly what we are doing there. I think we are just trying to help them with their english or something, who knows.

So I imagine we'll eat some food, get some liquor, do some shopping or something, and maybe buy a burger and McDonalds so we can take a nap. Yes you just read that correctly.

Around 10-10:30 we are meeting up with Kelly, Yui, Shige, Adam, Megumi, and maybe one of her friends, at which point we will consume endless amounts of alcohol and then attempt to do some clubbing of some sort. This will last, I'm assuming until about 5 in the morning.

Then, I will be fucked, I'll die on the train home, barely crawl into bed and go into a desperately needed coma until about 2 or 3 that afternoon.

I'll wake up, try to get some homework done, and then head out to the bar to bid my friends farewell as they head off to live in Tokyo.

Sunday, maybe I'll rest, we'll see....

I have a meeting with my teacher now for some conversation time so I will catch you chaps later.


Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 12 November :: 2.51am

I guess this is the time of year for drama.

3 people i know with relationship issues right now.
1 person possibly going to jail.
and a whole slew of other problems.

6 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 11 November :: 1.14am
:: Music: Coldplay

Yo Internet Peeps:

My radio show is currently up and running. It has been for several weeks.

I'm sick of not having any listeners. The show sucks, because I don't try, because nobody listens, because I didn't advertise very well. Or at all.

So, I will be attempting to change this.

The show is currently: MONDAYS @ 4PM LISTEN HERE!

I'm thinking about doing a couple of themed shows. Maybe one entirely off of youtube, or one entirely of "red hot jazz" (think 1920s).

If you can't listen at that time, I totally understand. Which is why when I reschedule next semester, I will be asking for your input as far as what times on what days are good times to have my show, so I will hopefully have more listeners. Because I want to do something that everyone will enjoy, at a time that is convenient for them.

So, hopefully you can listen at that time for the next couple of months.

More updates will come later.



Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 10 November :: 2.50pm

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 10 November :: 2.10am
:: Music: hank williams tear in my beer

Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im cryin for you,
Dear you are on my lonely mind.
Into these last nine beers
I have shed a million tears.
You are on my lonely mind
Im gonna keep on sittin here
Until Im petriified.
And then maybe these tears
Will leave my eyes.
Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im crying for you, dear
You are on my lonely mind.

Last night I walked the floor
And the night before
You are on my lonely mind.
It seems my life is through
And Im so doggone blue
You are on my lonely mind.
Im gonna keep on sittin here
Till I cant move a toe
And then maybe my heart
Wont hurt me so.
Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im cryin for you, dear.
You are on my lonely mind.

Lord, Ive tried and Ive tried
But my tears I cant hide
You are (were? ) on my lonely mind.
All these blues that Ive found
Have really got me down
You are on my lonely mind
Im gonna keep on drinkin till I cant even think
Cause in the last week I aint slept a wink
Theres a tear in my beer
Cause Im crying for you dear
You are on my lonely mind.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 8 November :: 1.41am

I've no idea where I stand right now.

7 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 5 November :: 11.59pm

i thought the pornstar's husband was going to rat everyone out.


2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 2 November :: 11.31am

you never realize how bitter cold you are until you step into that hot shower.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 31 October :: 1.17am

FYI: my turds are tapered.

also, i bowled a 163, 149, and 169 tonight.

my average is 147

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 30 October :: 4.18pm

You have confirmed your interview schedule on 11/6/2008 at 4:00 PM. Please report to the HR office at Sears Auto Center. For more information, please call 6162857721.

4 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 29 October :: 1.26am
:: Mood: contemplative


i feel like i've lost a lot of my pizzazz. (or maybe you spell it pissass. depending on how many laxatives i took that day.) you know? i feel like i used to have more vitality, more everything. not that i was a driven, self-motivated type of person. not that i was spastic or rambunctious. i just feel like i had an undercurrent of motion that just isn't there anymore.

nowadays i let the simplest things prevent me from getting anything done, and i really don't feel the need to try and innovate, or make new things happen. i'm content to attempt, and fail, to merely recreate those which have come before. nothing outstanding. nothing superb. i just settle for okay.

but that really doesn't seem right. i don't want just an okay life. i don't want just okay friends. okay coworkers. okay family. that's not how it works for me. i feel like everything about my life up to this point has been outrageous. and now it's just mellowing out. i guess it's my job to keep it outrageous. but i have a lot of fucking jobs right now, which i guess is what's bogging me down. so, adding the job of unbogging myself to the pile doesn't really work. it'll just exacerbate the problem.

so, i just need to get a few things out of the way, one at a time, so that i have a bit more freedom to have some of that guilt-free, sporadic, funtime. where my energy is put to its most effectively pragmatic use. because clearly i don't get shit done when it comes to actual work. but give me something fun to do, and i'll forget to eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom, i'm so diligent.

and faking myself out to think that the "work" stuff is actually "fun" stuff doesn't cut it. believe me, i've tried. although, i have discovered that some of the "fun" stuff is actually "work". but since it falls under "fun" in my classifications, i can still do that, at least.

i guess we'll make it happen eventually. and until then, i'll just have to tough it out. but i want to be fun and exciting again. none of this boring, grumpy, old man nonsense. that suits me at times. but i don't think this should be one of those times.

i'll get there, and i'll enjoy it. but i'm not there yet. and there's no sense in rushing it.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 27 October :: 11.37am

the sun came out today.

Would you drop everything? | Random Journal