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User:ANDI (user# 3405)
Location: the place that sux, Florida, United States
AOL IM:missladydrummer
Bio:People say i'm neato but i think i'm the lame one of the bunch, no wait ahh...Yea, I am defentily the lame one... I listen to Underoath, Skillet, Dashboard Confessional, Hawthorn Heights, Dead Poetic the oldies, classical rock and more. If u wanna know more then I guess e-mail me or what.
Friends:(4) andi, cali, tubularchick88, yellowchicki
Friend Of:(3) andi, Cali, yellowchicki
Interests:(2) I play the drums (bada!) I skateboard a lil here and a lil there. I'm a lazy spud, at least as much as I can be. That's really it I guess....
Created:2003-03-02 14:30:32
Last Update:12 28 2004
Journal Entries:289
Comments:Posted: 314 | Received: 396
Member Of:None
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default