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User:Goldie18 (user# 17491)
Location: for me i wish that i was anywhere, with anyone making out...
AOL IM:goldie1824
Bio:Noone really knows what is in store for them, or how their life will turn out. So my advice to you: live every day like its your last. **** when you thought boys had cooties & friends were new,dreams were unshattered & worries few,when recess was too short & life too long, decisions came easily without need to belong, when storks delivered babies & passions werent so strong,friendships were unbroken, right was right,wrong was wrong, when bad things didnt happen,& only skinned knees brought tears & the night light in the socket quieted all our fears when farewell meant just for summer & real friends didnt part,the fun went on forever & never left a broken heart
Friends:(1) m&ms487
Friend Of:(1) emmyd
Interests:(23) being in love, camp pembroke, class of ohseven, crushes, Dor L' Dor 2005, dreams, driving at night with music playing, etc, flirting, hair straighteners, i <3 israel, lacrosse, music, my car (2005 honda cr-v), my iPod, nerusy, pictures, randomness, some of Natick, summer, volleyball, wishing, writing
Created:2003-11-22 12:54:00
Last Update:05 17 2006
Journal Entries:134
Comments:Posted: 19 | Received: 68
Member Of:None
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default