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The Penguins Made Me Do It...

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:: 2005 23 May :: 11.57pm

to anyone who notices the edge of a leaf
don't let the world get to you. i know you are few and far between, but i want you to keep doing what you do. don't give up.


:: 2005 21 May :: 12.59am

all that no one sees,
you see
what's inside of me.
every nerve that hurts,
you heal,
deep inside of me.
you don't have to speak,
i feel.


:: 2005 18 May :: 11.21pm
:: Music: Deftones - Back to School


5 exams left.

4 days of school.

This is the beginning of my last weekend of high school.

After this week, I will never have to put up with being sent to Stitt's office for misconduct, violating dress code, back-talk...

Yeah, it's not hitting me yet.

*turns on the tv*

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2005 16 May :: 6.59pm

It's official.

Women have been granted voting rights in Kuwait.


something to say?


:: 2005 16 May :: 6.42pm

the things we created to bring us together have only torn us apart.


:: 2005 16 May :: 2.24am

activists are freaking hot.

women activists in cultures that treat them as nothing but baby-making, dinner-cooking, laundry-washing objects, good for sex every now and then, are fucking goddesses.

1 mabidee | something to say?


:: 2005 16 May :: 6.54am

How different would your lives be if I wasn't in them?

4 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2005 14 May :: 3.44pm

just spell it out for us, Madison
"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."

"It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad."

"It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood."

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

"Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government."

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."

"No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."

"Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other."

"The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty."

"We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties."

"What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2005 14 May :: 2.55am

i'd like you to meet someone

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2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2005 13 May :: 12.07am

To my savior...
"When I was a foul, vicious convict, so evil that other convicts called me Satan, this man had rescued me... He was the man who had given me wings - to go places, to do things I otherwise never would have dreamed of."


:: 2005 10 May :: 11.32pm

from "The Hours"
Clarissa Vaughn: Alright Richard, do me one, simple favor: Come. Come sit...

Richard Brown: I don't think I can make it to the party, Clarissa.

Clarissa Vaughn: Uh... You don't have to go to the party, you don't have to go to the ceremony, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You can do as you like.

Richard Brown: But I still have to face the hours, don't I? I mean, the hours after the party, and the hours after that...

Clarissa Vaughn: You do have good days still... You know you do.

Richard Brown: Not really... I mean, it's kind of you to say so, but it's not really true.


:: 2005 11 May :: 5.05pm
:: Music: Ace of Base - Lucky Love

Know when to stop.

Andy: Did you know Ace of Base are still making music?

Me: No!

Andy: Yes!

Me: Don't they know when to stop?

Andy: Seriously, I mean it was a beautiful life then they saw the sign then it was over!

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2005 9 May :: 1.41pm

don't move
stay right where you are
talking can only give you away
so nothing to say

the voices say hello
imprisoned, they're invisible
we look a lot alike
we look a lot alike

this is boring
all we talk about is you
come on, give me a reason
a boy and his machine gun

when you're finished struggling
are you free tonight?
did they stick you in here
cause you weren't working right?

don't move
stay just like you are
you look sane, motionless like that
so very flat
it's amazing what velocity can do
when human beings are in season
a boy and his machine gun
if you're quiet, we might see some!

when you're finished struggling
are you free tonight?
did they stick you in here
cause you weren't working right?

there's a tv in every room
and it's free, even pay-per-view
which you'll need if no one's gonna visit you, animal

i know who you're waiting for
no one's coming, though
no one's coming, though

so, fuck you and your principles
and fuck whatever made me
perhaps you think i'm evil
what does it matter if we're crazy?


:: 2005 10 May :: 5.29pm

Hey Get-Backer, can you find my heart?

something to say?


:: 2005 8 May :: 7.57am
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: Catdog

If only more people knew...

John Horton Conway is the creator of the Game of Life, based on the idea of John von Neumann, a mathematician who developed theories about both natural and artificial self-operating systems - automata.
Read more..

5 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2005 5 May :: 9.20pm
:: Music: Stray Cats - Sexy and 17

I wanted to make a whole entry on how awesome one of my best friends is.

But Laurence beat me to it and he totally pissed on my fire...

Can I just say I love you and you're a wonderful human being?

I (heart) you. Happy birthday.

1 mabidee | something to say?


:: 2005 3 May :: 1.04am

are you going to do something that matters?



:: 2005 2 May :: 9.10am

Because I'm tired of waiting for California to get on the ball
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farm animal: genetically altered chicken

article of clothing: hot pink feather boa

adjective: hoo-hah worthy

verb: exhume

famous historical figure: Karl Marx

animal noise: gobble gobble

a chick flick: Sleepless In Seatle

number: 4

1 mabidee | something to say?


:: 2005 29 April :: 7.28pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel

I made my father laugh today. We cracked jokes together, which we haven't done in about ten years, give or take.

I know where I inherited my "sense of humour" from now. You know that sarcastic thing I do where I make fun of somebody, say something really mean with a straight face? I got that from my dad.

3 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2005 29 April :: 1.01am


something to say?

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