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The Penguins Made Me Do It...

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:: 2004 20 August :: 8.47pm
:: Music: morrissey - i have forgiven jesus

laurence rocks my socks!

as a friend, andy.

something to say?


:: 2004 20 August :: 6.32pm
:: Music: morrissey - first of the gang to die

i love my brother to pieces.
the first time i beat neji with hinata...

a7mad: donkey shit.

the second time i beat neji with hinata...

a7mad: monkey piss.

the third time and last time i beat neji with hinata...

a7mad: hinata barf.

my brother is so cool...

something to say?


:: 2004 19 August :: 6.03am

I love you.

19 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 19 August :: 6.01am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: morrissey - first of the gang to die

if you haven't listened to this song, just listen to it cuz it's my new theme song
You have never been in love,
Until you've seen the stars,
reflect in the resevoirs

And you have never been in love,
Until you've seen the dawn rise,
behind the home for the blind

We are the pretty petty thieves,
And you're standing on our street..

...where Hector was the first of the gang
with a gun in his hand
and the first to do time
the first of the gang to die. Oh my.
Hector was the first of the gang
with a gun in his hand
and the first to do time
the first of the gang to die. Oh my.

You have never been in love,
Until you've seen the sunlight thrown
over smashed human bones

We are the pretty petty thieves,
And you're standing on our street..

...where Hector was the first of the gang
with a gun in his hand
and the first to do time
the first of the gang to die. Such a silly boy.
Hector was the first of the gang
with a gun in his hand
and a bullet in his gullet
and the first last lad to go under the sod.

And he stole from the rich and the poor
and the not-very-rich and the very poor
and he stole all hearts away
he stole all hearts away
he stole all hearts away
he stole all hearts away

4 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 18 August :: 4.31pm

buck up, laurence
everyone hates a sad professor.

9 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 18 August :: 2.03am

junior, the floor's on fire!

9 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 17 August :: 6.26pm
:: Music: aimee mann - wise up

shamlawi: ha ha. I'm done everything in may.

me: meep

shamlawi: that;'s a funny noise

me: andy n i will be all..... WAAAAAAAAAAH, and you'll be all YAAAAAAY, and everyone's gonna be like "what?" and you'll be like "yeah"

shamlawi: I'll be more like "huh"

me: and then 7amada's gonna be like "hahahaha shamlawi!" and you're gonna be like "disarmament chair!" and i'm gonna be all like "concubine!" and you're all gonna be like "under your mom!" and everyone's gonna be like "what?" and we're gonna be like "yeah"

shamlawi: wow. it makes me want to sing a song these words of yours

me: yeah that was so deep

shamlawi: extremly. its one of those really deep, emotional, let's get down and dirty conversations that stay in your mind FOREVER... or at least for a few minutes.

me: yeah. i'm gonna save it before it goes

shamlawi: you better hurry

1 mabidee | something to say?


:: 2004 17 August :: 1.57pm
:: Music: sylvester stallone being a hero

watching a movie
have you ever seen the movie, Magnolia? andy, you should. it's about love and forgiveness.

mama: who is that?

me: his son.

mama: no it's not, it's tom cruise.

me: he plays his son in the movie.

mom: how can they make tom cruise's father ugly? americans are stupid like that.

i have much love for my mama.

4 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 17 August :: 1.43pm

The Deaftones
Your reality
I can’t believe my tones are here
I’d wave to you, but
I wish you could see me now
Then again, I can’t even see myself in this lovers’ crowd
Your gossamer
I wonder if motion obstructs it
I can’t breathe lest I sigh your music away
I’m going deaf
I wish I could hear your voice over mine
Your percussion over mine
Over theirs
Your pulchritude
All that stands between us is a pit
Your madness
Your beauty
So when I stand so very still, I wonder
How will you ever know how much I love you?

*after laurence made a giant entry about how poetry is misunderstood, i shall explain. it's about being at a concert.

something to say?


:: 2004 17 August :: 2.43pm

old pimp donald had some studs, and one of them was joe
does anyone else think it's excellent how joe managed to get the most comments on his past two entries -- which were both only 1 sentence long -- out of all of our entries? no wonder the ladies love him.

10 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 16 August :: 12.34am

from "The Mothman Prophecies"
John Klein: I think we can assume that these entities are more advanced than us. Why don't they just come right out and tell us what's on their minds?

Alexander Leek: You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

1 mabidee | something to say?


:: 2004 15 August :: 8.23am
:: Music: deftones - lifter

yesterday was like evil day. first i woke up at 11 cuz conway sent me a msg telling she was back. *theme from psycho* crap....

well i couldn't go back to sleep after that, so i showered, threw together a little lunch. my mother got hom before i was done and told me she was going to get her picture taken for the US embassy, did i wanna go with her? i figured, why not? i finish lunch, stick it in the fridge and we go to photokina. well as we were there, the law firm called. they need me to type up a law suit or something equally insane? so my mother drove me there and i sat in that swivel chair for 4 hours, staring at the computer screen, trying to translate the fancy arabic into english. finally, it was over and my mom picked me up and we took my phone to the shop. they tell me the circuit's shot, i might lose everything on it. numbers, pictures, ringing tones. *bangs head on hard things* crap again.

it wasn't over by then, since my mother wanted me to go with her to pick out the material for her dress. i can't believe it took that long. mind you, i still hadn't eaten anything. i, toTO, had not eaten a thing, from 11am the time i woke up until past 9pm, when i finally got home, called up KFC and ordered a gigantuous dinner. 3 twister wrap sandwiches, family sized box of fries. mmmmm t'was good.and the lunch i had spent all morning preparing? well my brother came home to change, discovered it, and it was all gone. nothing left for me OR my mother.

it was a long day. when i got home all i wanted to do was eat, put my feet up and sleep. but i didn't. i had to get up and do the dishes and the laundry. didn't get done til around midnight. torture. food. work. i'm quitting. for sure.

and THEN. i woke up early today, too. my brother came into my room to ask if i wanted breakfast. so we had breakfast together. then we played naruto. addicts, i swear. oh! speaking of naruto!

my cousin, DJ kitsune, was online last night and we spent easily 3 hours discussing naruto (weather or not he's the fourth hokage) and he stops all of a sudden and goes "you're a hottie."


ziyad: did i offend you?

me: no. you complimented me. and i'm no good at taking compliments. from my cousins.

ziyad: well think of it this way. i've never met you, i have no fond memories of you, and i saw two pictures of you. one of them AC made all sexy and the other one of just natural you. you're cute.

me: i'm supposed to be cute. i'm 16.

ziyad: oh i think you'll remain cute long after that.

me: so do you think sasuke's gonna whoop naruto's ass in manga 227?

yeah. freaky. *shudders*

today, is a pretty day. my mother n i are going to go to the movies together. it's going to be nice, it's been a while since we've spent some quality time. and you know why i can?

cuz i'm done my math summer assignment. WHEEEEE!

oh and the final laugh of the day:

(while watching tigers on the discovery channel)

sarah: it's a pussy!

me: it's a big one

sarah: just like mine!

and THEN.

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 13 August :: 8.30pm

oh my...
at least the guy's really REALLY hot

Girl and Boy
You're a girl who's not afraid to show a little
skin. Especially if it involves getting paid to
do it. You don't mind doing a little show while
you're removing your clothes either. Your
bedroom probably has a pole somewhere in it,
and if you don't, you should definatly get one.
Your job probably involves standing on a street
corner until you find an employee.

Rate a 5 to see a picture of a hott guy... Send me
a message!

What type of girl are you? (many outcomes and awesome pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

4 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 13 August :: 7.43pm
:: Music: a perfect circle - 3 libras

my phone died! i need to get a piece of shit new temporary one. wait it gets worse. umm... no nevermind it doesn't. so yeah, my phone died! (you can still call me, but i lost all my saved numbers and things)

R.I.P. baby!

so how've you been?

6 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 10 August :: 3.11am
:: Music: deftones - white pony on repeat

my list of reasons on why to be happy
1- i have a mother and brother who love me very much and i love them in return

2- i have awesome friends

3- senior baby! woo woo!

4- i get to take sandman to prom *grin*

5- i have chocolate custard

6- i love this album and i have all the deftones albums, niyayayayaya!

7- people on different continents think i'm a "cutie" *hot ears and giggling*

8- math summer assignments are fun! wheeeee! *snort snort*

9- i had koosa for lunch today (my favourite food in the whole wide woild!)

10- i just took a shower and i feel so cleaaann!

11- i'm having chocolate custard

12- i have toenails! *wiggles toes* don't laugh, i haven't had toenails in a long time. i missed them.

13- my room smells like candles, and the light coming in through the window is just right and i love this song

14- i got the latest naruto manga! YES!

15- kaileen just emailed me and she's going to college afterall. woo woo!

16- my lip's back to normal size

17- i'm living with barney this weekend

18- chocolate custard! chocolate custard! i love my chocolate custard

19- chocolate custard! (come on, it's a great reason to live)

20- my room is clean-ish. i was looking for my picks. couldn't find them. but my room is clean-ish.

21- i'm joining a gym. finally

22- i'm learning to glonk losing my religion! sex!

23- i have enough time on my hands to make this list.

doom doom doomy doomy doomy. the end!

6 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 9 August :: 10.25pm

analyze this
i'm driving in an almost traffic jam on I-94, heading east out of detroit. it's crazy because i don't feel like i'm in control of the car, and everyone is going really fast. suddenly, the guy in front of me slams on his brakes, so i have to follow suit, and i swerve to avoid rear-ending him. the car behind me hits me, but it's a very light crash (if that makes any sense), and it sorta bounces off. so it turns into this huge pile-up of vehicles stuck on I-94, and i'm wondering, "what the hell caused this?"

so i park and get out of my car, and i walk over to a group of people. i ask them what's going on, and they're like, "there's a bunch of protesters up there!" and i'm like, "wha?" so i keep walking through the cars and i come to the end of the pile-up, where there's this open stretch of freeway for a few hundred feet. i don't know what was on the other side.... i can't remember... a parking lot? i don't know, it was weird.

i hear lots of yelling and i look over to see a few hundred people standing on the grass hill next to the freeway. behind them is wayne state (yeah, who knows). these "protesters" are shouting down at people who are trying to run across the open space on the freeway, egging them on to do it. then, as soon as someone builds up the courage to do so, the mob on the hill bust out rocks and other hard objects (forgive my memory, this dream was a whole 15 or so hours ago) and throws them at the people on the freeway! it was like being in a war zone!

so all these people by me are limping around, rubbing their bruised body parts and bleeding all over the place. i'm getting fed up with these assholes on the hill, and for some reason, i really want to get across. so i just start walking, paying no attention to the sneering from the mob, concentrating on getting to the other side. i have the dirty harry snarl going, pissed as hell, walking confidently as debris is flying at me.

but i never get hit, and i make it safely to the other side. at this point, everyone starts cheering - the dorks stuck in the traffic jam AND the freaks on the hill. a bunch of the protesters come running out of the wayne state building and congratulate me on being "brave" and "going against the norm" and "doing what i believe in," and all this business. then they hand me an award and bring me into the building where other "winners" are sitting around eating pizza and wearing birthday-type hats, blowing on noise makers. they sit me down at the head of the table in a nice leather chair, and a girl kisses me on the cheek.

the end.

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 8 August :: 11.10pm
:: Mood: nostalgic
:: Music: radiohead - backdrifts

i had a dream and stuff. yeah. so i'm living in andy's house only it's not her actual house, it's huge and she's filthy rich. and then, aliens land! and i fall in love with one of them. he looked exactly like scottie only he had blue skin and his pupils were inverted and he had white hair and dressed funny. and we were so in love. just like old times.

and the aliens had to leave, and we stood outside on the balcony and said goodbye. i went inside and andy was there and i turned around and asked her "what the hell am i doing?" all of a sudden i run to my bag and start throwing my stuff in and andy's asking me "what? what?" and i go, "i'm leaving." and i hug her one last time and just get on the space ship and go away with them to a place i didn't know.

i left, and i didn't look back. i knew i was never going to see earth again, my friends and my family. i didn't even have time to properly pack. instead, it was just this impulse, that i could not lose him again. and then on the trip to my new home, we were together all the time, and we were intimate in ways i'd forgotten existed. it was so crazy weird.

so crazy weird.

1 mabidee | something to say?


:: 2004 7 August :: 8.13pm
:: Music: deftones - nosebleed

What makes you laugh?:the offspring - the kids aren't alright
Who is your hero?:a7mad khalid bo3riki
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?:matt bellamy. mmmm.....
How many pairs of shoes do you own?:"i think a change of footwear is in order"
Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?:*blink* uh.... elsewhere?
Who do you blame for your mood today?:a7mad! i whooped his neji-loving ass! sharingan style! *dancing and noonage*
If the Internet were sex... I would:be extremely disapointed
Have you ever seen a dead body?:3
What is something scientists need to invent?:transportation through all 11 dimentions and acceess to the multiverse
What should we do with stupid people?:kill them off. to ensure the survival of our species.
Have you ever broken a bone?:several
Do you watch local news? Why?:only during MUN
What happens after you die?:i go get judged
How big is your bed? Big enough?:not big enough. although i did manage to share it with andy once and beat her senseless in her sleep
How long do you think you will live?:not long enough

Random Thought Provokers brought to you by BZOINK!
EmotionDump - 100% Anonymous Emotions and Confessions

1 mabidee | something to say?


:: 2004 7 August :: 7.57pm

give ToTo more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 3 August :: 3.58pm

How evil are you?

how lovely. now it's certified by a quiz.

12 mabidees | something to say?

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