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:: 2012 11 October :: 2.37pm

1 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 3 October :: 5.18pm

The liquor is calling the shots bud.



:: 2012 30 September :: 7.48pm

This is where I would write some self congratulatory bullshit. Oh wait, this isn't facebook!

8 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 29 September :: 1.09pm

i'm writing these up for work.

they want us to make a procedures manual for the maintenance department, since they never made one initially, and there's been quite a bit of turnover in the department over the last 5 years. also, todd and i are not going to be sticking around here forever, which is no secret to anyone.

so, i'm looking for feedback. primary concern is readability and conciseness, while being amply descriptive. the idea is that whatever knuckle dragger comes here after us will hopefully at least be able to read, maybe even have some experience in the trades. but they need to be able to perform these tasks, whether they have experience or not. thus, these procedure instructions.

please let me know what you think.

LED wall

Filter change

Paint guide

2 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 24 September :: 4.57pm
:: Music: the crane wives - the fool in her wedding gown

so, i've realized that while i bring a lot of specialized knowledge to the table, which i use on a virtually daily basis, it is extremely unnecessary for the job. good to have. really not needed.

there are ultimately only two critical aspects to holding down a maintenance position (aside from the social politics of whatever company you work for. that's a much bigger, separate can of worms):

1. Fix whatever broken stuff they bring to your attention.
2. If you can't figure out how to fix it, either:
a) have them call in someone else who is more specialized to fix it.
b) make damn sure it leaves your care broken enough to justify buying a new one.

that's pretty much it. simple. the only thing that makes this job difficult is me. which would happen at any job i have.



:: 2012 21 September :: 6.33pm

"Wash, tell me I'm pretty."

"Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion."

"Because I'm pretty?"

"Because you're pretty."

2 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 16 September :: 10.38pm

It melts my heart, and brings tears to my eyes, every time Mike prays for my brother when he does Reagans bed time prayers with her.

1 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 12 September :: 3.03pm
:: Music: the music tapes

looking for new stuff
thank you, soundcloud, for always showing waveforms while i listen.





1 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 6 September :: 1.19pm

Dear Christopher Best,

Thank you for purchasing your 4 ticket(s) from etix.com.

This email serves as your receipt.

Your method of delivery is:

Print At Home.

Your confirmation code/Order Number is: xxxxxxxx

Your ticket(s) are from the following venue(s): The Intersection

You have been charged for the following:

Price Conv. Fee Date Performance
$6.00 $3.58 September 22, 2012 7:00 PM THE CRANE WIVES-CD RELEASE**17+*
$6.00 $3.58 September 22, 2012 7:00 PM THE CRANE WIVES-CD RELEASE**17+*
$6.00 $3.58 September 22, 2012 7:00 PM THE CRANE WIVES-CD RELEASE**17+*
$6.00 $3.58 September 22, 2012 7:00 PM THE CRANE WIVES-CD RELEASE**17+*

Delivery Fee: $0.00
Order Fee: $0.00
Total Price: $38.32

7 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 23 August :: 4.06pm
:: Mood: creative

I've been doing alot better. Yeah, it sucks being secluded in a tiny town with no cell phone, but I now have a job, RJ has a job too, so things are getting alot better. I paint every day to keep stress, anxiety and depression at bay. And as hard as it's been, I still remain smoke free for over 4 months now. Things are coming together nicely :)



:: 2012 17 August :: 6.21am

My kid won't nap. And some people might think that, that is no big deal. But you've probably Never met Reagan. She is a major crab without a nap. She is sleep deprived and has been since she was about 4 months old. Her dad is no help with that. He contradicts everything I say or do.. She hasn't napped since Tuesday. And that wasn't a very long nap. Maybe a 20 mile drive. Wednesday, she fought it for 4 hours, and screamed bloody murder for 2.5 hours. I am seriously going insane. She doesn't ever let me do anything. Other than watch cartoons with her. I'm to the point where I'm ready to send her to day care just so I don't have to deal with nap time... But I would feel super Shitty about dumping her off on someone else when she wont go to sleep on her own.

And complaining and being this frustrated with her makes me feel like a Shitty mom and a Shitty person. Which just makes me cry along with her.

6 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 14 August :: 2.01am

Hello woohu, how are you?

4 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 6 August :: 11.22am

Comfort kills dreams so we have to stay hungry, or perhaps stay greedy, to keep moving in that direction.



:: 2012 22 July :: 12.04pm

Set to the tune of happy fucking birthday:

Happy hump day to me,
Happy hump day to me,
At least I'll have Wednesday
And Thursday to sleep.

1 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 2 July :: 10.38am

So I've learned that when I'm suspicious about someone's motives I am usually correct.

4 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 16 June :: 5.27am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Turning Pages-Sleeping At Last

I've waited a hundred years. but I'd wait a million more for you. nothing prepared me for what the privilege of being yours would do.
if I had only felt the warmth within your touch, if I had only seen how you smile when you blush, or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough, I would have known what i was living for all along. what I've been living for.
your love is my turning page, where only the sweetest words remain. every kiss is a cursive line, every touch is a redefining phrase.
I surrender who I've been for who you are, for nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart. if I had only felt how it feels to be yours, well, I would have known what I've been living for all along. what I've been living for.
though we're tethered to the story we must tell, when i saw you, well, I knew we'd tell it well. with a whisper, we will tame the vicious seas. like a feather bringing kingdoms to their knees.



:: 2012 29 May :: 10.33am

I have a notion, a feeling that something big is about to happen, something is going to change and something is going to come to fruitition out of nowhere.

1 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 19 May :: 11.32am

Look out, we got a badass over here



:: 2012 26 April :: 10.36am

One lab accident short of being a super villain.

10 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 30 March :: 4.13pm

8 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 29 February :: 3.13pm

Its been almost 2 month since Darielle has been over. She has barely said anything to Mike. I only saw her long enough to drop money of to her at school (for her mom because she forgot to give it to her before school and her mom was in the hospital having surgery) and tell her I deserve an apology. Mike saw her long enough to pick her up from school and take her home because her mom was at one of the other kids sporting events. She has asked Mike to bring her food at school and he probably would have if I hadn't been home. She told him her trip money was due in March and he told her that her attitude adjustment and better grades were due a long time ago.

I feel guilty because she hates me so that is ruining her relationship with Mike and Reagan. And it breaks my heart that she hasn't even asked about Reagan. It probably makes me seem really petty that I am really upset and hurt that she never says one thing about Reagan on facebook and on the rare occasion she has, she deletes it before too many people see it. Yet she posts tons of things about her nieces and nephews.

I can't help but think she is ashamed of Reagan and hates her or resents her. What the hell am I supposed to say to Reagan when she is older and asks where her sister is? I'm not going to lie to her but I definitely dont want to break her heart.

I want to punch someone in the face.

10 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 24 February :: 10.13pm

I cannot wait for spring! Why? cause that is when construction on our new apartment begins. I will finally be able to paint, put down carpet, help mom build a bathroom with a rainfall shower and a kitchen area. Not to mention the our own front door complete with lock. I am so excited and so tired of this basement!!!

3 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 19 February :: 8.28pm

I will no longer have a relationship with my mother.
I have had all I can take.
Apparently I am the only one of her kids who didn't turn out..

Fuck her. She can't even come over to see her granddaughter. She drops Reagan's gifts off at my sisters, and sends me a text telling me i can go pick them up. Really? That's fucking ridiculous.

I have turned out better than I should have considering she was my influence.

I am DONE!

6 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 9 February :: 11.21am

3 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 2 February :: 9.45pm

My mom took me tanning for 10mins today. She thought it would help with my seasonal depression. Nope. I'm burnt. My back is on fire and I just want to go lay in the snow.



:: 2012 29 January :: 10.18pm

My poor lillyAna has an upper respiratory infection. His eyes are all goopy and swollen. It's pure torture to watch knowing the only thing I can do is keep him warm and keep his eyes clean. The general rule is if it doesn't clear up in 5 days then take him to the vet. I don't know if I can wait that long. He really isn't acting sick other then the goopy eyes. He still spent all afternoon playing with toys and eating twice his body weight. It just looks really nasty. I'm just at a loss.

Oh. for anyone confused by this post, LillyAna is my moms gender confused cat.



:: 2012 22 January :: 4.05pm

Why do I have to mediate between a grown man and a nine year old over whose turn it in on the computer? Get a job, Buy your own, Problem solved!



:: 2012 19 January :: 7.34pm

Thought work would help with my cabin fever. Nope. I need to get out.

1 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 17 January :: 11.44pm

starting to get cabin fever. Its making me really short tempered. I have even less tolerance for Chase's poor "cinderfella" attitude and Derek's back-sass. This could be bad.

I am actually excited for work Thursday.

2 Open Fire | [x]


:: 2012 17 January :: 3.02pm

I have been trying to find a way to vent without feeling guilty and like a total bitch when I am done. I think I have finally realized that it's not possible for me to do that, and I guess I don't really care too much about those feelings anymore. I will have to deal with them.

I have been struggling to have some kind of civil relationship with Mike's daughter for the last 4ish years. One day, she just decided she didn't want to listen to me anymore, and felt that I can't tell her what to do or anything. At first it caused Mike and I to argue, a lot. He thought I was being mean, or that I didn't know what I was talking about. It took awhile for him to finally see that she really doesn't listen to me, and completely ignores my existence. I thought it was getting better, but I was wrong. Now, she absolutely hates me. She won't admit it to me, or Mike, but we all know. I am not trying to be her parent, because I know she doesn't want me to. But I am not going to sit back and watch her let her grades fall, or see her curse like a sailor on Facebook. So I say stuff to her about it. I am not mean about it, but I am direct, and I come off as a concerned elder, not a parent. However, she see's it differently, and completely disrespects me. The other day, I finally had enough, and I ratted her out to her dad. Because of course she deleted the conversation on her status, so that I didn't have any proof. It really got to me, that she was that disrespectful to me. Well Mike was instantly pissed about it, and let her have it. He took my side and told her that she needed to respect me. A lot of things were said in their conversation. But summary version, I am a bitch and I act like a two year old, and don't deserve respect. And Mike told her not to ask for another damn thing until she learns to respect me, and apologizes.. Now, she won't talk to him. He tells her every night before he starts work, "Good night, I love you". (He sends her and I a text every night telling us that). And she won't respond, if she does, all she says is "night".

I feel horrible that their relationship is shitty. I feel like it's my fault, but at the same time I am happy because they need to learn that he needs to have the upper hand and discipline her, and that she can't get away with everything. I also feel bad, because Reagan loves her, and because she is mad at us, she won't come over for at least a month.. So Reagan is suffering because of that. I want to say something to her, but I don't know how to do it without making things worse..

5 Open Fire | [x]

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