Deanna and I can't dance. nor do we have any friends. But now we have anges. Wonder if she can dance.


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The names Brielle, bitch

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:: 2004 14 January :: 2.00 pm

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::brielle
Birthplace :::newton,nj
Age :::14
Age you act :::sometimes i act really mature, sometimes totoally immature
Current location :::blairstown,nj
Eye color :::brown
Hair color :::brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::righty
Zodiac sign? :::sagitarius
Height? :::5'1 and three quaters
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::itallian, and im some indian and other things.. but i like those two the besttttt
Your hair :::brown?
Your fears :::death,spiders,snacks,small places
Your perfect room :::big... and it has, computer,phone, tv,dvd player, and a gaming system.. and i lotta clothes in it~
What you practically do in a day :::go to school and talk on IM
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::a lot of words..
Phrases you overuse :::uh-huh, haha,, hehe
Your first thought when you wake up :::i wanna go back to bed
Your greatest accomplishment :::still being alive
Something you want to do :::conquer the world.. haha
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::coke
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::mcdonalds
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::christina
Chocolate or vanilla :::vanilla
Adidas or Nike :::adidas
Black or white :::white
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::bills
Burgers or hot dogs :::hot dogs
Egypt or France :::france
Rock or rap :::rock
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::no
Cuss :::yes
Sing well :::no
Sing in the shower :::yes
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::uh-huh
Believe in yourself :::yes
Like taking these longass surveys? :::yes
Play an instrument :::no
Want to go to college? :::yes
Want to get married? :::yes
Want to have children? :::yes
Think you're a health freak? :::nahh
Get along with your parents :::sometimes
Get along with your siblings? :::once in a while
Think you're popular :::nopeeeeee
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::yes
Drank alchohal :::no
Smoke :::no
Get high :::no
Done any drugs :::none
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::no
Been on stage :::no
Gone skinny dipping :::no
Been dumped :::no
Dyed your hair :::no
Stolen anything :::yess
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::hilary
Loudest :::crystal
Most shy :::hmm... not sure
Blondest :::CHRISTIE!!
Smartest :::kristen
Kindest :::deanna
Best personality :::courtney
Most talented :::dunno
Best singer :::dunno
Most ghetto :::BECCA!
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::??
Pain in the ass :::haha..
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::haha
Funniest :::crystal
Best person for advice :::courtney/deanna
Dependable :::danielle
Trustworthy :::deanna and court
Druggie :::dunno
Most likely to end up in jail :::casey
Person you've known the longest :::katie
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::somthin about the lion king ?
Last nightmare :::dunno
Car ride :::hm.. yesterday morning
Last time you cried :::last nite
Last movie seen :::freaky friday
Last movie rented :::dunno..
Last book read :::holes
Last word said :::haha
Last curse word said :::shit
Last time you laugh :::just now
Last phone call :::sam called me.. does that count
Last CD played :::now 14
Last song you listened to :::dunno whats its called
Last annoyance :::i gotta leave in a half hour and im not dressed
Last IM :::becca
Last weird encounter :::what
Last person you hugged :::my mom
Last person you yelled at :::my sister
Last time you wore a skirt :::forever ago
Last time you've been evil :::at my sisterr
Sarcastic? :::dunno
Last time you fought with your parents :::a courple days ago
Last time you wished upon a star :::last nite
Played Truth or Dare :::TRUTH OR DARE JANGA BABY!
Spent quality time alone :::dunno.. i can never get away
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::yes
Do you feel lonely :::no...
Ever TP'd someone's house :::no?
How about egging someone's house :::nahh
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::i love youuuuuuuu
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::uh-huh
Yo Momma :::dsjffd
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::yes
What do you think of George Bush? :::he needs to get our soliders outta iraq
Any secret fetishes? :::sdfkmsfd
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::nah
How many languages do you speak? :::1.. english
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::no
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you XP)) :::dfnsf

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2004 14 January :: 1.24 pm

wellllllllll.. i didnt go to school today as you people could figure outttt... and im not sick or anything i was just tired and my mommy said i could stay home yay!! and i went back to sleep at like 7 and yea i woke up at 12 or rather my mom did because shes like.. your never gonna fall alseep tonite.. so i watched tv and eat breakfast or lunch whatever you wanna call it and i sign on IM and guess whose on!! no one other then rebecca!! haha so i've been talkin to her for like 40 minutes haha i love this girl.. i think i gotta babysit so i should get my ass up and get dressed but nahhh ... i'll probably wait until 2 .. haha i got a half hour after that..

i hate snow, i hate snow, i hate snow, i hate snow... did i mention.. I HATE SNOW.. i hope it doenst snowwww... i hate snowwwwww...

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:: 2004 13 January :: 7.53 pm
:: Mood: blank

another one
Full name [last names can be left out]::Brielle Janine
Nicknames::Brie, Belle
Date of birth::12.19.03
Place of birth::Newton, NJ
Current location [as in your home]::B-town, Nj
Other places [general areas] you've lived in::nahh
Parent names and ages::Bernadine- 42 Leigh, 41
Sibling names and ages::Leigh- 10, Rachel-3, Nick.. uhh 2 months?
Zodiac sign::sagittarius
Chinese animal sign::donkey?
Birth stone::dunno
Birth flower::dunno
Birth colour::dunno
Birth number [add mon+day+yr until you arrive at a single digit:]:what?!
Type of food::pastaaaaa
Specific food dish::mac and cheese
Random object::fish
Television show::friends
Movie::pirates of the caribbean
Thing to say::uh-huh
Moment in history::world war 2
Holiday or event::easter
Memory::the lakey wakey
//...monkey...//:pajamas ( i have them)
//...New York...//:crowded
// people
[What is your definition of love?]:happiest thing of eath
[Are you fearful of being loved or loving someone? Why or why not?]:yes.. your gonna get hurt in the end
[What is your general outlook on life?]:its one big game
[What do you think about politics?]:i dont understand them
[If you were president, what would you do?]:haha.. i wood conquer the world!
[What did you want to be when you were 5-years old?]:a teacher
[How about at 15-years old?]:dunno.. im only 14
[What about now?]:not sure...
[Why has it, or hasn't it, changed?]:i matured
[What sort of people annoy you?]:annoying ones
[What sort of things do people do that give you hope?]:nice to each other..
[What do you think of America right now?]:we're screwed
[How about France?]:dunno?
[How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?]:dunnoooooo

"Getting to know you..." brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2004 13 January :: 6.17 pm

im on the phone with sam but im gonna type this anywayz... yesterday was like the crying stage and yesterday i guess.. it was just weird and today is like ... woah.. i cant believe hes gone.. why him? and its really not far.. he was only 24 years old... but... i guess there is really nothin i can do ... but im just hoping theres a heaven and if there is i know hes there..

anywayz... i dont see the point in goin to school tomorrow.. all the teachers are goin to that other teachers funeral.. so its gonna be boring just like today ... lalala we did nothing.. i gotta eat tomorrow.. later my amigos

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:: 2004 12 January :: 9.59 pm

Real Name:brielle
Name you wished you had:shayla
Current Age:14
Age you wished you were:17
Birthday:december 19ths
Specific Location:nj
Status in Lyf:it sucks
Movie:pirates of the caribbean
Singer:justin is madd hott!
Movie:the wiggles.. all there movies..ahh
Book:my dog kitty
Food:sea food
Song:around the world
Romantically liked a teacher:no
Kissed your same gender:nahh
Gone skinny dipping:nahh
Shoplifted:it was kool and i didnt wanna pay for it
Bitched at your best friend:uh-huh
Lied about your age:yes
Are you lying right at this moment:no
Run up and down your street naked for $300:no
Go on a reality show:no
Marry a wrinkly, old millionaire:if i have to have sex with him.. no
Get a tattoo:nah... to much pain
Fuck people for money:if they were hott
Go into a gay bar just to experience gay life:no thanks
Be a member of a gang/mafia:no.. scary
Change your image to be popular:never
Panties or Thongs:pantiess
Up or Down:up
Boob or Ass:uhhh?
Being alive and miserable or Being dead in peace:being alive.. im scared of deathq
Stranded in the Ocean or Stranded in the Desert:ocean...
Nipple Ring or Somwhere-Down-There Ring:wtf?
Ran out of undies or Ran out of Toilet Paper:undies
Tickle or Pinch:tickle
Food in your hair or Hair in your food:food in your hair
Shy Person or Loud Mouth:loud mouth
Masturbation:ooh god.. one time i screamed it in a car..
Alcohol:eww .. nasty breath
Marijuana:people who do it.. need a life
PreMarital Sex:if they get married.. if they dont.. it bad
Finding Nemo:aww cute
Sebastian from Little Mermaid:I LOVE HIM
Johnny Depp:hes hott in pirates of the caribbean
Britney Spears:stupid bitch
Hilary Duff:i like the song.. so yesterdat
Rotten Milk:if you want any.. go to my grandmas house
Gays/Lesbians/Bisexuals:they dont bother me...
Me (Make it good or I'll slap ya HARD!):kjdsfksf
Where is the best place to have sex:lol
Where is the worst place to have sex:in the snow
Who is the biggest disgrace in your family:my aunts.. druggie/alcholic/moron/asshole/ husband.. but they arent together.. but they ddint get a divorce so techinally hes still in my familyl..
Are you ashamed about being friends with someone:thats mean
If yes, who is it? If not then type, WOOGABALOOGALOOGA!!!:WOOGABALOOGALOOOGA!
What color would you dye you hair:brown
What instrument do you play:eletric guitar
Are you a bitch who'll scream, I DON'T WANNA FUCK U! at a quiet place:yesss
Who are your closest friends:court,casey,kristen,deanna,danielle,chrisite,katie,becca
Do you they know they are close to you:i hope
Who are your enemies:most of the people i go tos chool with
Why are they your enemies:they are assholes
What do you say when you stub your toe:shit
Do you still go trick or treating:yes
Name someone who annoy you the most:alex curtis
What are you wearing now:my pajamas...
What time is it:955
A name people call you that pisses you off:uhh..
Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now:yes
What song is stuck on your head:why cant i
What is your current teeth color:white.. i hope
Do you like freckles:they are cute
Do you HAVE freckles:a few
What is the best number in the whole wide world:2
Would you collect your grandma's toe jams for $5000:yes
Do you think you'll be arrested in the future:no
What is your curfew time:dont have one.. idont go out usually at nite
Will you ever date someone you met online:nahh
Most romantic thing that ever happened to you:uhh
If you can transform into something what would it be:a bee.. i wanna sting ppl
If you were to kill someone, what method will you choose:uhh..
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys:of couse
Are you bored right now:yes
Can I virtually kiss and hug you:haha
I just did, what will you say and do:fuck you
This survey is done, what do you think of it:its not bad
If you said something positive abovethen type I LOVE fLO:haha
If you said something negative then slap yourself you BITCH!:ooh my
Didn't I say this survey was over:yes
Did you think I was lying:yes
Am I becoming a bitch to you:no
Am I annoying:wierd
If yes, then sorry... Type, APOLOGY ACCEPTED:
If not, then... (Look Below):
What do you say back:uh-huh

The Ultimate Boredom Killer brought to you by BZOINK!

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