Real Name: | brielle |
Nicknames: | dunno |
Name you wished you had: | shayla |
Current Age: | 14 |
Age you wished you were: | 17 |
Birthday: | december 19ths |
Specific Location: | nj |
Status in Lyf: | it sucks |
Movie: | pirates of the caribbean |
Book: | speak |
Food: | pastaaa |
Song: | seasons |
Singer: | justin is madd hott! |
Movie: | the wiggles.. all there movies..ahh |
Book: | my dog kitty |
Food: | sea food |
Song: | around the world |
Singer: | britney |
Romantically liked a teacher: | no |
Kissed your same gender: | nahh |
Gone skinny dipping: | nahh |
Shoplifted: | it was kool and i didnt wanna pay for it |
Bitched at your best friend: | uh-huh |
Lied about your age: | yes |
Are you lying right at this moment: | no |
Run up and down your street naked for $300: | no |
Go on a reality show: | no |
Marry a wrinkly, old millionaire: | if i have to have sex with him.. no |
Get a tattoo: | nah... to much pain |
Fuck people for money: | if they were hott |
Go into a gay bar just to experience gay life: | no thanks |
Be a member of a gang/mafia: | no.. scary |
Change your image to be popular: | never |
Panties or Thongs: | pantiess |
Up or Down: | up |
Boob or Ass: | uhhh? |
Being alive and miserable or Being dead in peace: | being alive.. im scared of deathq |
Stranded in the Ocean or Stranded in the Desert: | ocean... |
Nipple Ring or Somwhere-Down-There Ring: | wtf? |
Ran out of undies or Ran out of Toilet Paper: | undies |
Tickle or Pinch: | tickle |
Food in your hair or Hair in your food: | food in your hair |
Shy Person or Loud Mouth: | loud mouth |
Masturbation: | ooh god.. one time i screamed it in a car.. |
Alcohol: | eww .. nasty breath |
Abortion: | eh |
Marijuana: | people who do it.. need a life |
PreMarital Sex: | if they get married.. if they dont.. it bad |
Finding Nemo: | aww cute |
Sebastian from Little Mermaid: | I LOVE HIM |
Johnny Depp: | hes hott in pirates of the caribbean |
Britney Spears: | stupid bitch |
Hilary Duff: | i like the song.. so yesterdat |
Rotten Milk: | if you want any.. go to my grandmas house |
Gays/Lesbians/Bisexuals: | they dont bother me... |
Me (Make it good or I'll slap ya HARD!): | kjdsfksf |
Where is the best place to have sex: | lol |
Where is the worst place to have sex: | in the snow |
Who is the biggest disgrace in your family: | my aunts.. druggie/alcholic/moron/asshole/ husband.. but they arent together.. but they ddint get a divorce so techinally hes still in my familyl.. |
Are you ashamed about being friends with someone: | thats mean |
If yes, who is it? If not then type, WOOGABALOOGALOOGA!!!: | WOOGABALOOGALOOOGA! |
What color would you dye you hair: | brown |
What instrument do you play: | eletric guitar |
Are you a bitch who'll scream, I DON'T WANNA FUCK U! at a quiet place: | yesss |
Who are your closest friends: | court,casey,kristen,deanna,danielle,chrisite,katie,becca |
Do you they know they are close to you: | i hope |
Who are your enemies: | most of the people i go tos chool with |
Why are they your enemies: | they are assholes |
What do you say when you stub your toe: | shit |
Do you still go trick or treating: | yes |
Name someone who annoy you the most: | alex curtis |
What are you wearing now: | my pajamas... |
What time is it: | 955 |
A name people call you that pisses you off: | uhh.. |
Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now: | yes |
What song is stuck on your head: | why cant i |
What is your current teeth color: | white.. i hope |
Do you like freckles: | they are cute |
Do you HAVE freckles: | a few |
What is the best number in the whole wide world: | 2 |
Would you collect your grandma's toe jams for $5000: | yes |
Do you think you'll be arrested in the future: | no |
What is your curfew time: | dont have one.. idont go out usually at nite |
Will you ever date someone you met online: | nahh |
Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: | uhh |
If you can transform into something what would it be: | a bee.. i wanna sting ppl |
If you were to kill someone, what method will you choose: | uhh.. |
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: | of couse |
Are you bored right now: | yes |
Can I virtually kiss and hug you: | haha |
I just did, what will you say and do: | fuck you |
This survey is done, what do you think of it: | its not bad |
If you said something positive abovethen type I LOVE fLO: | haha |
If you said something negative then slap yourself you BITCH!: | ooh my |
Didn't I say this survey was over: | yes |
Did you think I was lying: | yes |
Am I becoming a bitch to you: | no |
Am I annoying: | wierd |
If yes, then sorry... Type, APOLOGY ACCEPTED: | |
If not, then... (Look Below): | |
I: | |
LOVE: | |
YOU: | |
What do you say back: | uh-huh |