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crazy girl

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:: 2003 20 July :: 12.21 pm
:: Mood: none
:: Music: none


Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 18 July :: 8.51 pm

Jay's back

and now I am happy

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:: 2003 16 July :: 10.30 am

Today in HIstory for JUly 16th
BoRn TOdAy
Stewart Copeland 1952
Ruben Blades 1948
Pinchas Zuckerman 1948
Margaret Court 1942
Bess Myerson 1924
Guy Laroche 1921
Barnard Hughes 1915
Ginger Rogers 1911
Barbara Stanwyck 1907
Roald Amundsen 1872
Mary Baker Eddy 1821
Jean Baptiste Carot 1796
Sir Joshua Reynolds 1723


:: 2003 13 July :: 9.54 pm
:: Mood: where's jay?
:: Music: Going Under ~ Evanescence

I hate how my parents volunteer me for things....

I also hate it when my niece follows me around 24 fucking 7


I'm straight forward...what else can I say?


:: 2003 10 July :: 9.37 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Brooks and Dunn ~ Only in america
I thought about jay when I read the cheer bear on the site above and it said something about a relationship quirk... interesting...

Raych and I thought of these...
Cheer Bear : Ally Le Bel!
Grumpy Bear: Jay
Bedtime Bear: Raych
TenderHeart Bear: Justy
Friend Bear: Tony
Funshine Bear: Joe
Love-A-Lot Bear: Tasha
Good Luck Bear: James
Wish Bear: David

6 Please | respond

:: 2003 9 July :: 4.21 pm
:: Mood: concerned
:: Music: Remix of Ignition ~ R Kelly

Interesting... Bye Jay
Wise One
Wise One

With an intelligence far beyond your earthly years
and an awareness of the unknown to rival the
greatest of astrologers, as a Wise One you're
an extremely gifted and significant spiritual
agent, and have a special mission of teaching
and awareness in your mortal life. In the
spiritual world, you were called out of
retirement due to your impeccable track record
on Earth. You get the job done, and nobody else
does your particular job better. You have eons
of magical power and wisdom in your soul,
though it may lie dormant. Your presence is
magnetic and powerful, and when angered your
eyes become alight with intensity and
conviction. You are truly majestic and
beautiful, the most respected and reverred of
the Earth Angels. Remember, your hopes and
dreams when applied are as good as casting a
spell, whether good or bad. Be cautious of what
you wish for, because it may just come true.
Use that amazing capacity to learn, teach and
work to your advantage, and it will take you
everywhere you want to go.

Which Earth Angel Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


:: 2003 3 July :: 10.56 pm
:: Mood: Okay
:: Music: none

Hey Jay
Favorites --- - - - - ---
Number: 11
Color:Ice Blue/ Rainbow
Day: Friday
Month: October/November
Movie: O
Food: Chedder Rounds
Season: Winter
Sport: Cheerleading
Class: History
Teacher: Mr. Schnicke
Drink: Sprite/Sierra Mist/ 7up
Veggie: corn
Radio Station: 92.1
Store: Hot Topic
Word: Belle
Animal: Dogs
Flower: Star Gazers
State: Massachusetts
Me/You: You
Coke/pepsi: Pepsi or Coke
Day/night: night
Aol/aim: Whats the difference?
Cd/cassette: CD
Dvd/vhs: dvd
Jeans/khakis: Jeans
Car/truck: Truck
Tall/short: Tall
Lunch/dinner: Duncher?
Gap/Old Navy: old navy
Lipstick/Lipgloss: Lipstick
Silver/Gold: Silver
What is the one thing you would change about your past?: the accident
Who is the last person you saw? Other than my family... Tammy and Ryan
Who is the last person you hugged?: My parents
Who is the last person you fought with? Don't remember, probably my mom
Who is the last person you were on the phone with? Jakes mom
What is the last TV show you saw? Port charles
What are you wearing? paris shorts and little tank top
What are you doing? Talking to steve/christoph and Jay.
Who are you talking to?: Jay
What song are you listening to? Nothing
Where are you? In my back hall
Are you online? Yes
How are you feeling? Sad
Are you in a chatroom? No
What day is it tomorrow? Friday
What are you going to do after this? Going to bed
Where are you going to go? my room
How old will you be when you graduate? 18
Where will you be in 25 years? very rich with christophs money...retired porn star

[ have you ever ]

Drank?: Yes
Smoked?: Yes
Had sex?: No
Stolen? Yes
Done anything illegal? Yes
Wanted to die? Yes, look at me...
Hit someone? YES!!!
Do you write in cursive or print?: Print
Are you a lefty or a righty?: Bothy
What is your sexual preference? Males
What piercings do you have?: Just ears
Any tattoos? No
Do you drive? Yes
Do you have glasses or braces? No
How many fillings do you have? None
Do you think you're good looking? Of course not
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? A couple, not too often... enough to make me sick.... I hate liers

[ fashion ]

Do you wear a watch? Yes
How many coats and jackets do you own?: 4
Favorite pants/skirt color?: Blue
most expensive item of clothing? Pants?
Most treasured posession? My guitarS
What kind of shoes do you wear? airwalk, flips
your style in one word: Ally


:: 2003 2 July :: 2.40 am

Chinny's are gross...

No guy will ever do my chinny. Or anything near it.

7 Please | respond

:: 2003 1 July :: 1.58 pm
:: Mood: undescided
:: Music: None

Quiz thingy...
First name: Allison

Middle name: Irene

Last name: Le Bel

B/day: December 19th


Fav. Car: 1966 Mustang , metallic Ice Blue

Best Friends: Rachel, Kaleea, Rachel, Jake

Anyone you dislike: Nope

Boy/f or Girl/f: yes

Siblings: 1 Brother, John

One word that describes you: Jay says - Candy

Fav. Movie: O - I think

Song you like: Number 7 on Reach 454

Fav. Singer/Group: Evanescence

Fav. TV Show: 8 Simple Rules

Future sons names: Tre

Future daughters names: Chloe

Your idol: I don't have one

Fav. part on your body: I don't have one of these either

Hottest guy/girl you know: Christoph/alex

What do you like about the opposite sex: Um

Whats your ideal boy/f or girl/f: I can't say, things change

Who was your first kiss: No tongue- Ryan Scott, Tongue - Tony Zanders

Best kiss: Andy Pigorsh

Worst kiss: Dustin Kennedy ~ not that he was a bad kisser, it was just...weird

Nicknames you have: Ally, AL , Allyson, Umm.. maybe more

Sports you play: I use to play basketball um... Cheerleading (if you consider it a sport)

Who do you remind yourself of(someone on tv or a singer): Jay says - the donnas

Ever been in a car accident: nope

What have you done with a girl/guy: Stuff

Ever been chased by the cops: No comment

What kind of car would you like to own: Compact sports car

What’s your dream job: Musician (kinda background I don't want to be lead anything unless it's guitar)

If you’re a girl, do you consider yourself a blonde: No..sterotyper...

What is your personality: Odd?

------------------About My Friends--------------

Who’s your best ‘girl’ friend: Rachel

Who’s your best ‘guy’ friend: Jake

Who do you trust the most: Tuff question. It's too personal for me.

Who do you feel most comfortable going to: Rachel/Jay

Who gives the best advice: Myself

Who’s the funniest: Jay

Who has the best smile: David Loper

Do you have a lotta close friends: Yes


:: 2003 30 June :: 10.42 am

Let's see here.

Friday morning I get up with a horrible stomach ache. I am ready by 5:30 to leave. When I get there everyone is already on the bus and it's 5:45. I pack it on the bottem of the bus and go find a seat. I end up sitting by Lauren Calahan. She's a really nice "sophmore" that I play in church with. We finally get going and it's a long ride. About...8 Hours it took us. We get off the charter and it's sooo cold! We get situated, go to church and listen to people talk. Saturday, it was warm, the weather was perfect. That day was great. I had a stomach ach the previous night as well. Saturday night I didn't though. Sunday was packed. There wasn't any time to just sit in the dorms and talk. We got on the bus by around 1 and left. We got home pretty early. At around 9:15. It was great.

This morning I went and got rachel from the airport. She is burnt sooo bad it's gross. She is probably going to have little spots on her again like she did last time from blisters. Her whole body is peeling and underneath that layer her skin is like the crayola crayon, carnation pink. It's gross. I'm going now.

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:: 2003 26 June :: 1.56 pm

Magic Number11
JobLeader of the Free World
TemperamentAll Bark, No Bite
SexualJust Say No
Likely To WinA Nobel Prize
Me - In A WordBelligerent
Brought to you by MemeJack

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:: 2003 26 June :: 12.10 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: OWS~ End of Something

horrifying day from hell...
I am now afraid of ducks...

I got fondled by the doctor in more ways then one...

I got blood drawn after my doctor's appointment (check hormones?)

I Lost 6 pounds.

I can no longer give blood, darn. *sarcasm*


:: 2003 25 June :: 3.57 pm

The funniest thing just happened. For some reason I have like a rash on my arms and chest... my dad says it's poison oak *cough* jay... anyways... we were all sitting on the porch and I go... "my chest itches, how come jay only has it on his arms?" Then my mom says "I want to know why you have it on your chest"....

hahahahah!!! Wow, I got embarrassed. Then my dad saved me. He goes "she touches her boobs all the time"...
Phew! haha


:: 2003 24 June :: 11.57 pm

Another day has gone by. Kaleea wrote me, I saw her, she sent pictures. I feel bad now that I havn't seen her in a year. I hope that i see her soon. It just hasn't been the same since she's been gone. Gone from the city and state.


:: 2003 23 June :: 5.32 pm

Chris, you owe me two dollars for carting your butt to David's... everyone remember that... I love money..

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