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User:anachronism (user# 24080)
Bio:This is who we are: The Truth.
My Photography: xweareallthesame.
Friends:(14) anachronism, CleverLinesUnread, empath, fadingfallenstar, fallenfaces, miniredhawk, PHIL-HIMSELF, redhawk, rocketboxer, swimfan14, tails, tesunai, this-acoustic-love, thugster
Friend Of:(55) .j.e.s.s., anachronism, andrea, bigben61, bleedingsun, brad, brokenmentality, chelthesmell, cherylee, comstockcutie, darthavok, defiant, eddy, empath, fadingfallenstar, fallenfaces, fishyrere, homsar, Janice_2001, jayzulla, jennapie, jes, jim9nin, kate, keltoesx, liz, mothman, neverending, outsyder18, painttheskywithstars, paradox, phil-himself, rayray, reddevil666, redhawk, reigning, rocketboxer, samesongdifferentchorus, shannonw55, shinoakurei, snowman, squish322, starlesseyesremain, stinko, swimfan14, Tabletop, tails, tare, tesunai, this-acoustic-love, thugster, tuwang, wildthing, wraith6699, yersmilefadesinthesummer
Created:2005-01-04 06:35:09
Last Update:07 13 2009
Journal Entries:251
Comments:Posted: 1503 | Received: 1070
Member Of:None
Shared With:None
Journal Style:default