2003 20 March :: 11.17 pm
:: Mood: relieved
As I stepped off that yellow pickle (school bus yo!) i could feel the rush of excitment turning inside me. I walked home on free land. No more school! No more FCAT!The freedom bell was ringing here in cape coma for all public schools. I suddenly had pitty come over me for all whose not free this week with me, but that only lasted for about 1 minute. So far this past week i have worked my bum off for some money, paint balling, knee boarding, and beach. i've also have gone to a hockey game and watched people kick other bums.i had friends over and gone to friend's houses and played drums yo! i don't want it to really end. well i'll check you later till then check yourself! -*-*-*-*AndI-*-*-*-*
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2003 14 March :: 11.17 am
:: Mood: curious
Dear Poeple,
Hello...I just found out today in school (i'm there now) that a chick likes my b/f. I don't really care if a chick likes him but she's obsessed over him. She's friends w/ my friend steph and steph is comin over my house today. So she's gonna try to come over my house b/c of DLM. DLM is comein over my house today 2, so she's trying to see him. I don't know what she looks like so it sux b/c i don't know if she hot. If she is a hottie then I would watch out for her when she's w/ DLM. Maybe i'm just parranoid (don't know how to spell it thank u) I'm just a curious monkey about what she looks like. HEy you would too if it happened to u!
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2003 13 March :: 5.51 pm
:: Mood: Poopy
Hello! Ok,I'm soooo tired. I went to crappy track today (yeah!)I do the 400 and teh mile relay. Well one of the regular chicks weren't there so we had to use a girl that sux a bean! She is slow like an old old old turtle. She doesn't know how to do teh relay right. We had the other team kickin our bum and I went to hand the patone (don't know how to spell it) to her and when the person is like 4 ft away you start to sprint well she didn't sprint! She stood there untill my foot trampled over hers. She sux beans! Not just one but a lot! I know it's not nice of me but screw it! well i'm gonna go and kick her ass. Later! Nah..i'll work on skateboardin.
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2003 11 March :: 7.21 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
What's on my mind
Sorry If I'm down to Earth
Sorry I tell what's on my mind
Sorry you can't define
Sorry I don't do what I'm told
Sorry if I am so bold
Sorry I can take it
Sorry I seem so lit
Sorry I am so real
Sorry I tell what I feel
Sorry I don't give a what
Sorry I ain't a slut
Sorry I'm not perfect
Sorry I'm worth it
This is me. It's what I am.
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2003 10 March :: 11.31 am
:: Mood: exhausted
hello there! i'm in school right now. Dude! i just got done taking the NRT's. Fcat is almost over! YEAH! i have science tomorrows. today isn't going alll that well so far but it's alright. i went to the beach so i'm burnt. a 28 yr. old wanted me to be in a swimsuit contest. isn't that funny? i'm only 14. o w/e. My legs r all sore and i can't lift up my arms i'm so sore from jet skiing. i had a tubular time. i'll write later when i'm outta school. byes!
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2003 5 March :: 4.33 pm
:: Mood: crushed
ok, so ah..read this song and tell me what you think so leave a comment!
"She Can't"
She would suffer, she would fight and compromise. She'll do anything just to sparkle in his eye.
She can't hold him this way.
She needs to rinse it all away.
She can't love him this way.
She must be held in his arms to be free. Everthing happeneds for a reason she can't comprehand. She can never understand untill she knows the heart of a woman can never be found in the heart of a man.
If she could only see...
She wished on the stars that shine bright for answers that will 'taunt her tonight.
She can't hold him this way.
She needs to rinse it all away.
She can't love him this way.
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 2 March :: 2.39 pm
:: Mood: chipper
few words from me to u...
"Do NOT throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will recieve all that He has promised.."
"Since GOD did not spare even his own son but gave Hin up for us all, won't God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything else?"
"peopl will never stop dying and being destroyed and they will never stop wanting more than they have."
"But Godliness w/ contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can not take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content w/ that."
"GOD will suppliy all t5hat you ever need from His glorious resources in Christ Jesus.
"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal w/ whatever hard things come up when the time comes."
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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