2004 17 April :: 6.36pm
:: Mood: Weeeee!!!
:: Music: Hoobastank- Remember me
Amanda's house!
Woke up and goofed around!! Took some pictures, and ate a lot of Amanda's food LoLz! Brandon (Amanda's baby!) come over and we were hanging out with him, than Kelsey and I had to leave, so Kelsey wouldn't get in trouble! Amanda is coming to dinner with me tonight, so I will write in here later! Byez!
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2004 16 April :: 6.15pm
:: Mood: Im Loopie Im Loopie
:: Music: JKwon- Tipsy
Amanda's B-day Party!
Happy B-day Mandy!! Omg where to start such a fun day!! I got mandy roses for her B-day! We will be skipping my day at school cuz nothing happened. LoLz! Well Kelsey called me and she was upset, so I come over and we talked and are naughty LiL Kelsey is grounded for 2 weeks!! We were a lil late for Amanda's cuz I wanted to eat hehe!! I was straving! Got to Amanda's house and Amber and Ali were alreay there! I texted Amber's cell phone saying "Do you know who I am?!" and she was like nooo I thought she knew my number, so all night long I was texting her, and everyone knew about it except for Amber! We went out for dinner at Outback Steak houe! There was a wait so we walked to the movies and saw Nick, Lance, and Curtis!! N and C are soooo cute!! Lance has huge arms!! We than went back to the restaurant! I was still texting Amber and she was starting to get a lil worried cuz I was saying stuff that was private in her life and stuff! The best part was in the restaurant when she found it that it was me!! Your face was sooo funny!! LoLz! That was really cool of Greg to come over and talk to us, I thought he was being a lil immature, but maybe Its just me! Or I know how he can act. The waiters and waiteress sang Happy B-day to Amanda and gave her ice cream! We stuck it all over her face LoLz! After the dinner we went to Jermey's house and Jon was there! Ok, Im sorry I made a mistake about Jermey! Had some fun there! We were Jermey's fantasia! That was funny with the sprinklers! His Mom is really cool! Lolz! Went to Amanda's house, messed around than went to bed!
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2004 17 April :: 11.04am
:: Mood: STOKED!
Omg! Like Wow! HEHE! LA LA LA LA! Yesterday was like the best b-day ever!!! I had Kelsey, Anne, AMber. Ali, and Michelle over! I got Kelsey for a B-day present!! Lmao! Yay! And then everyone else gave me mad tubular money! WHOAH! lol! hey this is ali just poppin in to say hi while amanda is away! i love u forever and i think this is like the only time iv ever actually written in this lol bye! haha! Um....where was i?? hum.... O yea! Well when everyone got here at like 6:30 we all were just chillin in my room and got through all my stuff lol!Omg! Anne was texting Amber and she was like do you know who this is? and amber thought it was someone from Canterbury! LoL! We kept saying stuff freakin the hell out of her and in the end at dinner anne text her say hehe it's not's anne! HAHAH!! GOT YOU! She couldn't freakin believe it she was clueless. Later we decided to go out to dinner at Outback's but was an hour wait so we all walked over to the movies to see if anyone was there but we didn't really see anyone except Nick H, Lance, someother guy and Curtis....Anyways um.... then we walked to Brookstone or something and we sat on the vibrating massage chairs! o0o0o0o0o0oMMMMMMGGGGG!!! it felt sooo freakin good! Anyways....hehe umm...we got to outbacks and i realized that Greg was there( Anne's Guy Friend! CUTIE!!) Um...then after we ate he came over to say hi and wished me a happy b-day and then Freakin Kelsey and everyone else were like SHE'S THE B-DAY GIRL! LoL! So the ppl came out w/ icecream and sang happy b-day to me and i was sooo embarrassed and then Kelsey was trying to feed my Hot Fudge and she missed my mouth and eveyone attacked me w/ icecream LMao i felt 2 again! hehe! But yea then we went driving and ended up goin to Jeremy's house! FROGGY STYLE!WHEW!! But yea he's been moving so we were sitting on the U-hual! fun stuff man! lol! I got a b-day hug and kiss from Jon Q. (my love lol) and Jer( aaww lol) i was trying to shove jon in the car so we could take him w/ us! i missed him sooo much!! :-P But no i wasn't aloud to! We looked like that farmer pic turn when the guy had a pitch fork and the wife was next to him...but it was a hocky sitck and i'm not old or his wife lmao! Then we came home! o0o0o0o BuM FucK EgypT! lOl! But um...we ate my apple pies( in replace of b-day cake cause i don't like cake? lol) Um...Everyone passed out by 1:30 except Kelsey and I who stayed up talking until like 4:30 lol i was up for a full 24 hours man! Whew! Ummm....we had some fun w/ whipped cream, Chocolate and Strawberries! Whew Good times LmaO! j/k! hehe! Umm....yea if i forgot something lol somebody tell me! hehe! Cause oopps my bad! lol! But yea It was most definitely the best Birthday ever! I love you guys SOOOOO MUCH! Thank you!! hehe! Muah!
3 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2004 17 April :: 11.25am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Vines
---Last Night--
I went to Amanda's girl party. It was fun. Too much to type. But just imagine 6 girls all in one car that barley sits 5 driving through fort myers and Cape Coral through out the night....
ok well today i am cleaning and doin my projects and then ahhh....drums..o joy!
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2004 14 April :: 1.09pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Dont tell me
Mr. Greenwave
Went to school, blah blah. After school I went to the Mr. Greenwave competition with Michelle, Kelsey, and Ginny! Oh my! It was hilarious! Lets just put it this way hot guys doing dances, taking clothes off, and playing guiters! It was fun fun! I really wanted Bryant to win, cuz he was really good at danceing to "Yea" than when "Lil John" come out! LoLz! When Pat was dancing to Toxic I could not stop laughing it was sooo funny! D Hill has a really really nice body! LoLz! Aww, I loved Robbie's pic he looked so cute and innocent! Went to Mcd afterwards and I left my drink grrr!! Dropping Michelle off we were hit on by some guys at a red light, the were two lanes way from us. They looked kinda cute too! We went looking for them after we dropped Michelle off, but we couldn't find em! Aww to bad hehe!! Well thats really it. Byez!
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2004 13 April :: 11.51pm
Penis breath, a lover's dread
Is what you get when you give head
Unpleasant as it tends to be
Be grateful that he doesn't pee
It's times like this, you wonder why
you bothered reaching for his fly
But it's too late, can't be a tease
Accept the facts, get on your knees
You know you've got a job to do
So open wide and shove it through
Lick the tip then take it all
Don't drag your teeth or he might bawl
Slide up and down, use your tongue
And feel the precum start to run
So when the fuck's he gonna cum
Just, when you can't take anymore
You hear your lover's mighty roar
And when he hits that real high note
You feel it oozing down your throat
Salty, fishy, sticky, yucky stuff
Okay, already that's enough
3 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2004 13 April :: 3.35pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: Million miles- Fuel
You know what? Im sooo done with guys!! What the hell is wrong with them?! Just be up front with me thats all I ask. Well, at least we are still nice to each other. Still it will never be the same and that really sucks!
4 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2004 13 April :: 3.21pm
:: Mood: dirty
Wow! Today felt like another Monday! It sucks monkey bum! I'm soo tired, so why am I yelling?! No clue!
I got to see alan yesturday. That made me very happy. We are all good. We are back to normal!!! Yay!!! I told him of how I felt on Thursday threw Sunday about the feeling of us goin apart and breaking up b/c of the way he was acting. He was like are you stupid? I'm not that stupid to break up w/ you. I was like YES!!! WOO-HHOO!! in my mind but of course I didn't act like that I was like o know "cool" I think if we can make it 2 weeks w/ out seeing eachother and barely talking and w/ out cheating then we have a relationship like no other one that I have had. we have something here. Something that I have never of had. I can resist the hottest guy right now b/c I have Alan. You know me..i'm a cheater and I do mad flirting, but actually i haven't cheated on Alan (not gonna) and I've barely flirted too. I can't stop from flirting b/c well its part of my personailaty. Even if I had the greatest and hottest guy in the world i would still flirt. That's just who i am and it does suck at times..OK well I am gonna go and try to play the drums...i can't get in the groove for it.
o yea..i talked to Joe on the Phone and he sounds really hot and sexy. Its
6 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2004 12 April :: 2.33am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Nirvana
okay, well it is a long story but anyway HE was told about how i felt for him and have been set free! apparently, all it took was him finding out and that was it! i can move on! hell yea!
8 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2004 10 April :: 11.24am
:: Mood: strained
:: Music: maroon 5
---Last Night---Him
On friday kelsey and I went to Ginny's party and had a blast. I flew off the jet ski w/ Jesse and I flew off My sister, Jesse, and Kelsey. I was fun! I went tubing and I did a great job by myself but when i'm w/ ppl i fall off too easy..but n e ways... My arms hurt soo bad now...poo poo.
After that we went to the Mtv Campus Invasion tour. It was hella fun. I liked it a lot better than band beer and BBQ. Everyone was just having a blast. Christian and I went to up front well as much as possible. I helped me out a lot. If he wasn't there I would of been screwed. I helped me out w/ the mosh-pit even though we got pulled in a couple of times. He's such a sweetie. I wish that he wasn't a damn senior.
Matt todd. He soo hot. He only remembered me outta everyone. It was I felt really special. I am the only girl that has "gotten in his pants"
I saw lindsey..haven't seen her forever. She is still sweet....
I wish I saw Madison. OO..well.
Ok well HIM. I am mad at HIM. I think he is trying to avoid me. He wouldn't go to the damn concert that loser. We didn't even talk on teh phone at all yesturday or thrusday. I think we are fallin apart. I wanna do something w/ him, so that it wont really happen. I think it's kinda too late. I wouldn't be surprised if we aren't together by next month and I will be hella surprised if we are.
This sucks major blue french (wee) monkey ass that has poo on it w/ worms.
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2004 10 April :: 2.04am
WHEW!! I just got back from The MTV campous invasion concert...i went w/ Amber,Kelsey, Michelle, Amanda, Dave, Jesse, jesse's Bro, and Christian!! I saw Lindsey C!! Aww i missed her sooo much! And the opener for Lost Prophets...Ima Robot SUCKED ASS!! But once Lost prophets came out and the HOOBASTANK!! Whew Ya! It was awesome!0o0o0o0 some guy undid kelsey's bra! But awww Kelsey was just standing there and Madison came behind her and hugged her! It was too cute! And then later they talked and AWW! Yay!!!! LoL! MOOO! Ok anyways but ya and then Amber and i got stuck in the mosh-pit w/ matt todd o0o0o lol yea! But while we were standing in the pit amber's phone went off and it was a text from Brandon....and yea that was HOTT! hehe! *dreams* hmmmm.....OOPPS my bad! LoL! Love ya Babe! hehe! Well then Kelsey got pushed out of the mosh-pit and got thrown to the ground! Awww i hope your knee feels better! Muah! And on the way home i got to fall asleep on Kelsey! hehe! "SORRY"! lol dork!! But i love ya and i hope everything works w/ Madison!! YAY!! It's like 2:32am and Brandon you need to be on! lol! or get a cell!! lol! GRR! *schnizzle* o00o i can't say that anymore since everyone knows what that is! Crap! lol! Ok ttyl byes!
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2004 8 April :: 10.38pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: some sad tune
..*Not So Different*..
(by me!)
I'm one step closer to the edge and I'm about to break.
I will Fall into another world.
Fall in a world that I don't understand
Fall in a world that I don't want to comprehend
It'll be too different
All new pains and happiness
Maybe it wont be so different
My life as I knew it has taken a different turn
It all has brought me saddness
I hate the feeling to urge, to want, to need, to yurn.
All my love is gone
It was stolen
I gave it to one
My heart can longer take another or go on
The world I can't understand
the world I can't comprehend
I've fallin in it
I'm trapped
My old life is through
My new life is here
Giving me new pain and happiness
Maybe its not so different
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2004 8 April :: 6.28pm
:: Mood: crushed
in love
im in love with someone that doesnt love me. we treat each other horribly and we dont understand each other at all. ive been in love w/ him for 6 months and never told him. ive given him something special and he asked another girl out days later. its killing me because i am so conflicted. i should have told him months ago but i dunno, i thought he and i could just be friends w/ benefits and i would be happy. the same time i wouldnt want to go out w/ him, i just want him to be all mine and no one else gets him. he isnt my type at all, but there is something about him. i just want to break down crying. i want him to know but i dont want to tell him. good gawd im messed up!
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2004 6 April :: 6.08pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Revis- Spin
Past couple days!
Grr! I did it again! Ok, wow its been awhile uhh lots of things have happened LoLz! Uhh everything is out of order but Oh well!! Lets see Chase and I are now going out since Saturday 4/3/04. He was going to write it in the sand at the beach, but we never got there! LoLz! Isn't that cute?! LoLz! Well, let me just say this he is an awsome kisser, and good with his tounge
(Its not what some people are thinking!) and Im very lucky! Its great that my Dad and Darelene like him, and that most of my friends who have meet him approve, and its really great that Rich and Kyle like him ALOT (A LiL too much LoLz!)
Matt and I have a plan to go after Gaby's butt! So anyone who goes to FM you got to help me LoLz! We are hoping to have him grab them and say "Beep, beep!" or for him to slap her butt and say "Giddy up!" LoLz! I made them up. I thought he needed something new besides grabbing it and saying "Grr!" LoLz! We still love you Gaby! But keep your guard up at all times cuz one of these days Matt is going to come out and ATTACK! LoLz!
Had some fun in the car Monday night Lolz! Knocked a bunch of stuff down and made it all foggie haha!! (*Inside Jokes* Chase and I *Hey Kyle, you got something on your shorts!* Amanda and I *I don't think Squishie is a virgin anymore!* *Kyle and I *AHHHHH!! OMG OMG Is that it!?!?!*
Friday was Girls Night Out! Yay!! Went to a resturant, and had a blast! Packed my car with 8 people on the way home! Dude that was great!
Watched them Skateboard at Albertsons. This time we didn't get kicked out, but its all good cuz they were really nice to us when they asked us to go last time. Some guy was driving allowing side me and he had bunny ears on, and I was like "Heyyy nice bunny ears!" "He was like "Yea!!" LoLz!
3 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2004 4 April :: 8.42pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: school of rock dude!
I didn't go to church b/c i had a senor party at my house that ended at 4 am...i slept in which was really nice...
I layed around and got ready to go to Ginny's w/ Amber...
O dude!! Amber said Ginny "is cool"!!! Dude! I never heard her say that before. I'm so happy. See if Amber likes her then she can't be that bad, right? Right!
Amber and I "baby sat" for a Bridle Shower. We barley watched the kids. It was fun.
After Ginny's dad took us out for dinner and then took us home..
I can't wait for this weekend.
We made more money than expected which is awesome...soo awesome.
It was the easiest babysitting job i have ever did.
Concert and party on friday...woo!!!!
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