..:*:..Your born (yay!)..:*:..You play drums (more yay!)..:*:..You die(boo!)..:*:..

Hatred is a waste of time and energy " Don't waste your time trying to be different b/c when it comes down to it we're all just alike <


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:: 2003 22 November :: 12.50pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: 3 days grace- I hate everything

_Anne's Party_
Soooo it was fun. For the most part ne ways. It was uncomfortable between Jeremy and I and Jon and I. Jon still likes me which sux monkey balls that have blue bum and that are french (wee). Never the right time...

Jeremy and I got over the uncomfortable state sorta maybe.

Bre--- I HATE her!!! I've tried to be nice and at leat like her a lil tiny bit but nope, can't do it. Sh'es gona to far. She's in my territory w/ stuff and she's a bigger poser than I knew. Grrr!!! She made me soo damn pissed.

NIck---I'm starting to like him again and that's bad. I have a b/f. Not good!! He makes me feel guilty for having a b/f.

I dunno what to do at all!!!!

I really didn't want Leppy there, I was glad when he left. Thta's bad too.

Ok..well I'm gonna go now. ta ta.


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:: 2003 22 November :: 1.16am
:: Mood: confused

Ok so this dude.....he isnt apparently a player but he is a "playboi".......whut the hell? apparently there is something behind this but i have no idea whut it would be. it sounded like a playboi is better than a player in the sence that they dont use gurls, just kno them. but...apparently there is more to playboi but becuz im a gurl i cant kno, which pisses me off cuzz i already kno 2 much.can someone pluhezz help me out here?

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:: 2003 21 November :: 9.34pm
:: Mood: sad

Just my luck, i fall for a player! Ok it has been a lloonnnggg time since i like someone ALOT and he is a player! Apparently he has a different girl in his bed every week! And he goes far w/ ppl. GGRRRRR! This blows chunks, i like him alot 2! Tear tear(for real)! Oh well, ill just go back to being cold hearted cuzz i cant stand players.:-(

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:: 2003 18 November :: 6.09pm

Happy b-day Michelle! 3 years till you can do seniors!lolz

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:: 2003 18 November :: 10.19am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: It's my party I can Cry if i want to...You would to if it hapened to you!

_*_My Birthday_*_
Today is November 18th, my B-day. OH what a wonderful day for me. Well Lets see.... This morning on the bus Anne gave me her gift to me. It was a Gift card to FYE. Thanks hun! Dick threw "thing 2" at me. Thanks for that LDM! Kyle gave me a big B-day hug. Yum Yum! LOL. J/k.
I went to go open my locker and I got a big surprise! Amanda gave me a browine cake thing w/ a small clown balloon. Yay! That surprised me a lot! I bet the brownies are gonna be gone by the end of the day b/c of lunch. Thanks Mandy!
Leppy got me a green carebears hoodie. It's an inside joke w/ a bear and lepercons stuff. I'm wearing it now. I love it a lot. I feel special. It's soo damn soft!
That's all I got so far. It's actually more than I thought.
The weekend after Turkey weekend I think I may have a sleep over w/ the "Klan" at my house. I'll c if i can do it. Don't worry we're not a "Klan", I just call us that when I'm refering to the main gang bang. Believe me we do bang. LOL!!! Sorry...

I'm in school now, still, n e ways. Ok, well I'll write l8r.


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:: 2003 17 November :: 11.07pm
:: Mood: excited

Hehe ok i dont kno how many of you watch Average Joe and im like ashamed that i admit to it but it is so addicting! Ok for those of you that dont kno whut the deal is they put this really funny sweet chick w/ the 16 fat ugly nerds. She thinks that they are gunna be really hot but GUESS NOT! Well she starts really falling for these guys that are ugly but really sweet and she has her list down to 3 guys. Well now they just added a twist.....they added 3 of the hottest guys i have ever seen in my life! and i mean HOT!!! like you look at them and you have an orgasim!!!LIKE OMG! So Fucking Hot!(and if you kno me, you kno i dont just say that about anyone). my heart started beating 100 miles per hour just looking at them! LOL Hehe ok ya i kno im pathetic but tune in next Monday night and you will see whut i mean, it is well worth it NBC Mon nights 10pm!MMWWAAAHHH Hot alert!LOL

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:: 2003 17 November :: 8.49am
:: Mood: Thinking again
:: Music: Relient K- what am i getting into?

In the Zone
It's weird. This feeling inside. Don't understand it. Confused. Puzzled. Maybe it's a missing feeling of something or someone. But what can I possibly miss or who from this god-forsaken place that I call home and cherish and love? There's nuttin here for me to stay, but yet I still hang around waiting. Waiting for something to discover to prove myself that my belief is wrong and that there is something here for me. I'm sure many people feel like this in their "Cape Coma". I'm not alone. It feels like it though over half the time. To escape, to be gone, to be free from this dead place all seems like a dream. A dream that will never come true. Maybe it's not true. Maybe I will be free, I will escape, I will be gone from here. But yet, the feeling is still there. Empty?? No clue. I think I am missing someone who I cherish and love. May I say myself that is a damn miricle!


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:: 2003 16 November :: 10.09pm
:: Mood: chipper

Im happy, and that worries me because I kno that when good comes so does bad, the ying yang type thing. I was just talking to a friend about that and he completely knew where i was when i said that. There are a few new guys that are prospects and thats always good....really good. I am letting go of grudges, and school and my new school is getting easier to go to, im almost enjoying it!LOL i just got back from dinner w/ a really fun friend, she always amazes me in some way w/ her personality, i luv being around her! LOL (you kno who you are) and im looking forward to be around someone xoxo lol byes

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:: 2003 13 November :: 8.17am
:: Mood: Open Minded

Just thinking....
"Pain is a necessary reminder of what happiness truly is. Without pain joy would die. This is a circular paradox that represents itself in every important aspect of the human philosophy. Without such ideals we would not exist as we are today."


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:: 2003 11 November :: 5.49pm
:: Mood: snory and grateful
:: Music: Jets: Would you be my girl?

_Last Night_ToDay!
*DicK* came home w/ me and we played drums. My drum set that is..lol. Ahh..then we walked to his dad's house. Long walk! Amanda and Anne came over a lil bit after us from Anne's mom's house by bike. That's kinda far. Poor amanda couldn't really handle it though. :(. We watched T.v and played PS2.
Then ahh....Nick, Jordan, Jenna, Mike, and that other dude that Jordan and Jenna r crazy about. He's no that great. He's a fag. Yep, a fag. At least Nick and I think so. Jordan and Jenna left. We skated and watched and sk8ed some more. Nick flirted w/ everyone. It bugged me.
Then we went inside and played PS2. fun fun fun. Then Amanda went home. I decided to sleep over. Nick had to go home at like 11. I took a shower in Dick's room. Nick and Kyle wouldn't leave me alone. Nick saw me in my bra b/c I opened the door to kick them out. I was scared *shiver* that they would come in the bathroom. Nick was trying to get me to flash him b/c I owe him.
He left a while later and when we were outside waiting for his dad to come a lil dog came in anne's yard. It was soo cute. Kyle and Dick thought it was called something else then it really was. They couldn't read the tag very well. We found the owner though and we played w/ the dog. Nick left and Anne and I went back to get some shut eye.

Anne and I went to the beach w/ Brandon. It was fun. Brandon is a big big big big HUge I mean HUGE DORK! Worse than me. That's pretty bad. We layed out & went in the cold freezing water and stuff. Yeah..then he dropped us off at Anne's.
Anne and I went in the pool, the spa and then her dad's bathtub. Poor Dick. He had to do yard work all day. He was pissed about it. I would be too.
Then I came home and got ready to go to drum practice. I'm wiped out yo. A guy from the pest control came over to do his thang, he was sooo friggin wierd dude. I was scared. *more shivers* As it turns out we were too late to go to drum practice. hallaluja!! My God has helped me today. WOO! but n e ways, I have to go practice now in my roomthough. So lata Cats!


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:: 2003 11 November :: 4.29pm
:: Mood: sick

Hey, I was sick today, so i missed more school. I dunno whut i had but it kinda sucked. I got a call today and it was one of my teachers, Mr.Ndiangu'i and he called and had my class sing happy birthday to me! It was sooo sweet, then he asked why i wasnt in school and i told him i was feeling ill. he had the whole class scream FEEL BETTER AMBER and COME BACK TO SCHOOL SOON it was so cute. I dont think ive ever had a teacher do that before. For once someone acutally did make me feel better! LOL ttyl later

1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind


:: 2003 9 November :: 8.25pm
:: Mood: bouncy

I had a friggin awesome b-day, it went pretty much just as i had wanted. There were no problems(like there normally are at pretty much every party i have ever been to in my life). Ali,Anne,Amanda,Michelle,Kelsey and i went to Beatniks(my fav coffe shop and aparently Michelle's now also). We stayed there and listened to the British guy sing while we drank our carmel shakes(w/ coffee). We then took Anne's car becuz it was bigger and like had fun w/ Tommy. Hehe and Michelle it would have been frickin hilarious if the cop had given u a ticket for j-walking after all this time. Then we went to Jalapenos and like had a bad experience w/ a uber rude lady but lol my mom made her apologize so its all good. We weren't really hungrey but i had fun cuzz we brought up old memories so that was tubular. Then we went to see Love Actually which i liked but was REALLY embarrased about seeing certain scences(porn) w/ my mom like 2 ppl away from me! That was a lil more than horrorifying! LoLz! But anyway we went back home after that and stay up till like almost 6 and finally went to bed. Ali and i sang alot but i loved it, and i totally missed singing w/ her. We got up like at 10 and watched Finding Nemo which is really cute and after that we just watched movies and ate fattening foods. LOL I have a new obsesion w/ cheese puffs which is NOT GOOD. LOL I just finished my b-day dinner whih consisted of mashed potatos,fruit,oreo ice cream cake and other stuff that im not recalling right now but it was umm ummm good. THANK YOU to everyone that was at the party i loved it and it turned out perfect!MMWWWAAAH and thanx for the gifts! XOXOXO Byes

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:: 2003 9 November :: 4.50pm
:: Mood: mellow


It was ok. I went across the street and Nick, Jordan, Jenna, Anne, Rich, Anthony, and Jared ( :) ) were there. It was fun, we just skated, Well not the girls though. I went over Rich's dad's house. It's huge!!! I love it.

Then I went home and was bored for the rest of the night.


I slept in. I cut the whole dang lot!! Not just the front..the sides and fron and back. It was sucky. I did it w/out being asked. I feel special *shrug*. Then....I got ready to go to Gaby's and Amber's b-day parties. Gaby's was ok. I felt outta place b/c i'm not really friends w/ her friends b/c their from the eagles. Anne and I felt like loners, but we weren't. I took the cake and smashed it into gaby's face. It was funny. Michelle and Jordan did it to eachother too.
After that I went to Amber's. We went to beatniks, the greatest place ever. Then Jalapanos..it was ok..then the movies. We saw love actually. It was too long. We go there at 10:45 and we left at 1:30 am. It was a britsih movie, a lil wierd. We went back to amber's and stayed up till like 4. It was soo much fun. yeah great times...I left her house at 3 pm. I stayed longer then i wanna but it was fine.


Today is blah... that's all i have to say about that. Blah...blah blah blah...and blah.

Happy B-day Amber!!!


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:: 2003 7 November :: 9.28pm
:: Mood: loved

He is soooo damn perfect. I don't deserve him one bit, but yet he's mine. He has similar insites as me.. we talked about love and how ppl abuse it. He writes poetry and has a soft and gentle side...no one ever sees it though...but *me*.
He's thoughful and nice and respects me so well.. He has only had one g/f before and I can't really believe it.
The bad thing is that he's opened sooooo damn much to me and trusts me a lot...great right? But the bad thing is i can't really do the same in return. Y is that? B/c I'm not use to it. I'm a ball that can never be popped, i'm a lock that can never be broken, i'm a combination that can never be figured, i'm a deer that never be...well u got it. It's hard for me to open up this quik..we only have been goin out for a week! I believe that if i don't open up soon or in like 2 weeks he's gonna get tired of me and break up w/ me..eek!
He thinks i don't really tell him n e thing is b/c i don't trust him, but i do to the extent. The extent w/ chicks. C he was a "player" when we were "friends" but he's not now, but it's hard for me to trust him about that.

Tell me what u think about this...


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:: 2003 5 November :: 7.19pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Senorita

Omg!! Homecoming was soo much fun!! I wore a blue sparkle dress with one strap. Amanda picked Kelsey and I up and she got us a red rose!! Thankz Mandy!! We went to Carraba and meet up with Cristine, Shannon, Michelle, Jordan, Gaby, Larissa, and Jessica, Brandon (Michelle's man) and Phillip showed up later. Brandon scared the crap out of Michelle and I!! I kinda broke my heel, and I saw Amanda S. When we got to the dance it was soo pretty!! I took picture and then danced! Kelsey and I danced the whole time and then we started blacking out when dancing with some guys (Jr was with Kelsey and Justin was with me) cuz we didnt drink enough!! I danced with the hot curly hair guy!! You guys were soo mad at me Hehe! We went homw with Brandon and that was interesting him stopping in the middle of the bridge and Jordon thought we had to get out!! Michelle likes a man in uniform!! LoLz!!

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