2003 5 August :: 10.49pm
:: Mood: surprised yo!
I spent today w/ Mike and phil. It was fun. Mike is a TubuLAR dude yo! We layed around my house watching movies and t.v. Then we went into my room and Jesse (he was over 2) threw a tapon in my room! I was like ewww! Get it away! lol. Phil and mike grabbed it and putted it in water to c it expand and then they put ketchup on it to make it look like it had blood on it. Dude, that's gay. I was pissed at 'em for it. But w/e.
After Mike left phil cam w/ me to drum practice. It's OUR candy store. (Candycane lol) He ditched me for the guitars as soon as we stepped inside. After that we went to Jc Penny's. Fun place. Then we went home.
When I opened my front door My face lit up soo much. Phil sai dhe never saw it like that before.LOL. There right in my living room is a pearl drum set! I'm like wahoo! It's awesome yo.
So right now it's in my room, my very own drum set. I also have Phil's guitar in there too. He let me borrow it for 1 night. It's fun.
I'm in happiness right now.
Mike though. Boy he got me a lil mad. He's leaving for a week to go to the keys ya know? Well, he wanted to go to teh movies tonight at 10. I'm like no can do. My parents wont let me b/c their bums. Well He's there at the movie and i'm here. He could of gona sooner but no, he had to go at 10. He's w/ his sister and brother an dtheir g/f and b/f. Lucky him. He's the 5th wheel. Maybe he'll miss me. O knows? well his leaving tomorrow. Wont c him or hear him untill sunday. Tear but a smile. Smile b/c well i dunno. Ok, just a tear. lol. L8r home cats!
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 5 August :: 8.57am
:: Mood: blah
blah blah blah goes the Loser (that's me!)
Eyyy! Well I am just sittin here, being the bored one of the bunch. O well.
I got a letter from someone i met at camp:) and I was all happy u know like this :). Well I started to read the letter and my face went like this :( more and more soon I was all like this >:(). u know GRRRRdified.
The chick that sent me that letter didn't want to know whow i was doin, nooo of course not. Or to tell me that she misses me, noooo can't be that either. She wants my friends Levi's number,address and all that. Boy, i'm gonna throw that letter to him fo shizzle.
I've noticed that there's a lot of ppl getting to know that i have a journal. I really have to be careful at what I type now. Right Germany? Or maybe I wont. I'll still speak my lil Loser mind though. NO one can stop me, ever. Well maybe not ever. But u get it.
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 15 July :: 12.29pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: With Out You
English School!!
Yea! I got to go to English school with my friends Lettie and Alice. Which means we have to get up really early. We had breakfast on the road. Rich and I slept in the car. When we got there I was more awake than Lettie and Alice which is funny cuz it was 1 in the morning for me!! They go to a private school, so they had to wear uniform and I didn't Yea! There bus stop was like 3 mins walk away. When we got there Lettie was telling me that there was a guy on the bus who might take the piss on me. I was like "What??!!" I found out it meant like pick on. Which never happened. At the bus stop I meet up with Oliver and Dan who I had meet last time. They grow up SOoO much! I was like "Wow they are really cute now!!" Hehe!! By they way Oliver (Olly) has the prettiest blue eyes almost like Frank M. When the bus come I was sOoO jealous it was one of those buses that we take on long field trips!! I was joking around and asked if it had drinks and food. They said "Yea sometimes." Grrr!! Hehe! During the bus ride I meet some of there friends who were all really cool. It was non stop questions about America. Somehow this girl said something about Orlando Bloom (Hottie!!) I said 'He looked SOoO good in Pirates of the Caribbean (Good Movie!!) And everyone was like you saw no fair that when I figured out that we get movies before them!!! Cool! So I was telling all about the movie previews like American Wedding and Jeepers Creepers 2. They were all like cool!! When we got to the school (Which was really big and it was an inside outside school) We got to sit outside and everyone was like "Its so hot!" I was like "Uhhh no." I meet more of their friends and some X boyfriends (Who still talk to them unlike here) I realized that the guys there were more open and carefree. I was talking to Lettie and I told her that a lot of the guys had shags (Really long hair) and like almost everyone was quiet and looking at me and Lettie was like what do you mean. I was like they all have long hair. She was like "Ohh I thought you meet like shag have sex." I'm, so stupid not to remember that!! Hehe! The bell rang so we all went in. I went to Lettie's homeroom and talked to Lettie and this really hot guy who I now forgot his name, but lets call him Hottie!! The bell rang and we walked into a really big room with lots of seat I was talking to Lettie when the Headmaster come in and everyone was quiet and I was still talking not realizing that everyone was quiet. Lettie was like "Shhh!" It was so funny!! When the Headmaster stood infront of his chair everyone stood up and I was still seating so I sat up really fast just as he sat down, so did everyone else I was still standing, so I sat down again and looked at Lettie who was trying so hard not to laugh. The Headmaster did a speech then a girl played the piano. We were then allowed to leave to go to the lockers then a class. I went to Alice's class which was History. The rest of the day was changing class from Lettie to Alice. There teachers were SoOo mean and boring I really don't know how they were able to not fall asleep. While walking with Alice to one of Lettie classes we meet Hottie and some of his friends they were calling after me and asking me where from America I was from and if I was having fun. It was funny. I went to Lettie's P.E class and that was funny.
They were playing a game kinda like baseball, but instead of plates has
bases it was sticks, and no one had gloves on, and the bats were way shorter, and you had to run no matter if you did not hit the ball. Being that I kept on thinking baseball I never ran when I did not hit the ball. It was really funny. Needless to say my team won Yea!!
Lunch was like 30 mins long included a break which was about an hour where you could do whatever really. We armed wrestled and played a game where we had to get this guy Andy on the floor (One of Lettie's X Boyfriends) We were throwing shoes at him and trying to make him walk backwards over someone's back. It was fun. After this I went to a German class with a guy called Grim. Who thought I was really good at German thankz to Lettie LoLz! I told him I could understand and speak it, but I could not read or write it. The whole lesson was on reading and writing I felt SOoO bad cuz he kept on asking me questions and I did not know the answers to them, so we goofed off the rest of the class by throwing a spoons at people. Hehe! After that Grim took me to the stairs where I would meet Lettie to go to her last class. Hottie walked past us and was like "Hi Anne!' I said "Hey!' Grim asked me if I thought he was hot cuz he said that most of the girls do, and that it was really annoying. Thank goodness Lettie come, so I did not have to say "Yea!!" The last class the teacher was in a really bad mood and Lettie and I weren't do anything and he was all like "Stop talking or I will send you and your friend to the Headmaster." HeHe! To bad we did not go it would have been better then staying in the room with him even though it was entertaining when everyone pretended that they could not see and had to move up to the floor. Hehe! On the bus ride back I talked to a bunch of really cute guys about anything from Harry Pottter to sports and presidents being English. At our bus stop we meet up with Olly who come over and we sat outside and talked. Lettie and Alice's
friend Clare and Sophie (Who I meet last time) come over, so we all went into a game room thing and played ping pong. Rich come in after like 30mins of that. He had been at Nana and Grandad's house were he had slept and took a hike. Basically it was boring for him Haha! A little later on the realization come over me that I had been up for 19 hours, so I slept the whole way back to the hotel. When we got to the hotel we all went to sleep cuz basically we had stayed up the whole night!!
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 14 July :: 11.56am
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: A Million Miles
Leaving For England!!
We are leaving for England today and I have just a few last min. packing to do, because of that I was not able to go say bye to Kelsey (She could not come over cuz she had surgery on her leg just a few days ago.) So Richard went for me of course he acted like a dork as usually. We packed up the car and left. O yea last min. Dad decide to come along just for the part in London and leave with Rich after that was done and Mom and I would stay on to visit friends and family. On the way to the Airport Rich freaked out a lady next to us by waving and showing thumbs up signs at her with his dork glasses on. (In case you don't know they are fake glasses with tape around the nose part and really thick lens.) When we got there we ate and saw Victor/Mark, but we were not able to go over to him. Being us we got a security check. We passed of course. On the way out Rich was looking back and forth and acting like he was sneaking out. Some cops saw this and started laughing at him. We were boarding the plane and there was a basket full of headphone and Rich sneak over and grabbed the basket in front of all the check in staff they were laughing at him as he tried to stick it in his jacket. He put it back and we boarded. During the flight to New York Rich and I talked, spelt, and I wrote notes. At New York we had to wait like 2 hours, so we ate a meal at a restaurant. In the restaurant there was a bird that had come in and he was flying everywhere. We all played cards while waiting for the food. After that it was time to get on the plane to Germany. We were flying business class (Yea!). On the way we watched videos like Agent Cody Banks (Frankie M has the prettiest eyes!!) and Muppet Treasure Island (That is a funny movie LoLz!!) The staff on the plane were really nice they gave his ice cream and chocolate! When we landed one of the over head apartments opened and dumped a bunch of magazines on Rich's head it was to funny!! Next we boarded a plane to get to London. When we finally got there we took a taxi to our hotel. When we got there we slept until 6pm then we got up and walked around London looking for a place to eat. After eating we went back and slept.
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 3 August :: 9.37am
:: Mood: chipper
Then there was no more space
Hi. I've changed my opinion about ppl that are mad at me. I don't screw no more. I say screw if ur mad at me for a stupid reason wich some of u are. But some of yeas have a good reason like Jeremy. oops, my bad guys.
Jeremy and I are friends again just not as close friends as we were at one time, but we're workin on it.
I spent yesturday (sat) w/ Mike. Woo! It was ok. We just hanged around his house and then we picked up his bro from the airport then we went out to eat. Mike's so gay i swear. Funny gay, not gay gay. SO we're in his room right? We're in there alone for 10 minutes. You know what u can do in 10 minutes? A lot, that's what. It was perfect to make a move i mean we were both on his bed laying next to eachother, alone, u know what happened? Nuttin, that's what, nuttin. He's so stupid. But he saved himself when he walked me to my door.(sigh) Lets just say there was no more space left, of n e thing.....
Well I'm gonna go to church today and then have a lil party at my mom's bosses house and he's not there so i'm gonna take advantege of that!
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 1 August :: 8.16pm
:: Mood: .:*Wooo*:.
Ya everyone! Ok, I came to a conclusion, everyone that is mad at me for a stupid reason like for having a b/f for instance, then screw u. I'm tired of it and i'm not gonna let it stop me from being happy like last time. It's my life, my desicion, get over it...ok? OK.
I've been hanging out w/ 3 neato ppl. I had so much fun this past week. It's been great. I went to the movies w/ phil,amanda, and mike and his cuz. It was really TubuLAR.
Tomorrow i'm going over mike's house. Fun Fun Fun. hehe.
Monday thru like today i've been hanging out w/ Phil and Mike. Their so TubuLAR! If u want a b/f and ur a girl tell me and i'll hook u up w/ my friend.
It's gonna suck major blue monkey bum's b/c when school starts i wont be able to c a lot ppl all the time b/c we're going to different schools. :(.
I've been having such a great time w/ mike. I'm so happy. he's soo awesome.
I'm gonna go and talk to Mike. Later.
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 30 July :: 9.15am
:: Mood: frustrated
Everyone what's sizzling on ur side of the skizzle? I'm so frustrated w/ everyone and their stupid problems. What they think is trama is not at all. It's sooo stupid. They make the problem seem bigger than it really is, so that ppl can feel sorry for 'em or they have nuttin better else to do.
Take Jeremy for instance. I love the guy to death but dude, he's such a drama queen! He told me that he doesn't want to talk to me for a while b/c he was angery at me, an hour later he forgaved me and didn't tell me, so I would think he's really and truely pissed. AH! Now all of a sudden he hates Mike. Just like that. It's so weird. One day he's saying I love you Mike and now he's like I hate you. He wont tell Mike the reason why he hates him, but I know. It's b/c Mike is going out w/ me.
Now, Joe.....i love him too. I guess he has a pretty good reason to hate me, but not the way he's doin it. He's like exaggerating his anger. It's stupid. He wont tell me what's wrong or why he's GRRdified at me. I hate it. But I think it's b/c i'm goin out w/ Mike.
I can't have a b/f, it makes everyone angry and jealous. I hate it. I mean HELLO! I'm single and free, i can do w/evas i please. But no! Ppl have to make a big deal outta of it all the time. It's weird some ppl wont hate on me but they'll hate on my b/f like it's his total fault that we're going out. Hello! It takes 2 ppl to go out w/ eachother. duh! Well i'm gonna go and I hope that everyone would chill out and let me live my life!
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 29 July :: 1.02pm
:: Mood: happy/grrdified
so gay!
i've been having a TubuLAR time these past 2 weeks. It's been great.
Well i can't have a b/f at all n e more. Ppl get all jealous and angry and they get mad at me and my b/f. It's soooo stupid. i mean hey! I'm not going out w/ them and i'm free, so i can do w/e i please, so don't get Grrdified at me.
I hate it all! It's romeo and juliet all over again!
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 26 July :: 11.44pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
Guess who!?
I'm back, From outta space! hehe. I'm sooo happy now.
I'm glad that I left. It showed me that I need to choose friends more carefully. Like ones that will up lift me and that are christians. The ones i have now are great but i need more that are christains. I have to space out from my friends that i have right now so that I can grow more closley to GOD. It's gonna be challenging. But don't worry i'm not gonna stop being friends w/ them.
I want to grow to be more of a better Christain and if I do it i'm gonna be pulled back more. I don't want that to happen. I don't want to go to Hell. I wanna go to heaven and be w/ my brothers and sisters of GOD. It's will be an awesome place.
What if I die tomorrow? I think I will go to hell. That would Suck so much blue bum monkey.
I would appreiciate it sooo much that if u talk to me to ask me if I read the bible or w/e for today. It will help.
I want u all to know that if u need a prayer request or u need to talk, i'm here. even if i don't talk to u. I'm here. I love u all.
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 24 July :: 1.11am
:: Mood: amused
Im going to Montana for a family reunion, need I say more?
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 23 July :: 3.07am
:: Mood: anxious
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 21 July :: 7.58pm
:: Mood: annoyed
PPL keep on yelling at me today! I mean when I'm talking to my friends they all say I act to old, "Youre a 30 year old in a 14 year old body" I believe are the exact words. Then I talk to my shrink an he yells at me for talking all night! One is for being to mature and the other for being immature! I can't go either way!!!!I'm tired becuz I only got like 5 hours of sleep.LOL!But we're gunna stop.Tear tear lol!Bye
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 18 July :: 7.36pm
:: Mood: Wooo!
Hey ya'll!
Ok, i'm leaving tomrrow! Woo! Finally outta here! Um....i wont be back. I dont' know where i'm going but i'm gonna go w/ these guys i met b/c i need to get outta here. hehe. It's time for me to focus on me and c what i want to do. I need to space myself out from ppl. Everyone's been like "clingy" to me even though their not but u get it right?
Um.....i'm actually happy right now. Today was the best! I hanged out w/ Jared,Jeremy,Mike, and Philip. My men! lol. Their awesome.
We were sittin on the side of the lil bridge and Jeremy started to pull up his pants and show some leg and he then put his shirt off his shoulder and he turned his hat and and he's like heeeyyy to all the cars that passed. It was great. Then everyone else started to do it! lol. I loved it! The big riggs honked at us. lol
Well after a while I just hanged out w/ Phil and mike, their neato guys. It was all fun. Ok, i'll yalk to u all later like forever later.
I'm gone.....don't know how long, but i'm gone....
3 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 17 July :: 12.04pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: The Vines:Outtathaway
HeY HeY Hey
Was Up! LaLaLa! DoDoDo! Omg! I am so hipper and ooooo! lol Um... Las Vegas was awesome! It was great to get kicked out of the Casino's lol! I can't wait until i am 21 it will be so much fun! But did you know that now you have to be 21 to go in the casino too! I mean geeze they might as well change the adult age! I mean it's like O Yea i am 18 I am an adult ...... I get to vote! geeze some fun right! Anyways i went to mystere' which is like apart of the Circ des' olay.... and omg it was gnarly , they had this little Quail for a beginning show and it was the best.... he ran around and well it's a long story but it was so cute! ....but the one part that i can describe about the show is that these two guys where lifting each other up and omg they would use like one arm or one calf to lift the other up and dang they were fine! lol i asked my mom if they had some in the gift shop! hehe but anyways !It was fun staying at the MGM Grand Hotel it was really nice but i still recommend the Bellagio it was awesome!O the food is awesome! Paris and new york were amazing! The Venetian was cool it had nice shops and on the gondala rides the guys sing to you infront of everyone it is very embarrassing. But anyway hope everyone is having a blast talk to you guys later
Speak Your Neato Mind
2003 15 July :: 6.55pm
:: Mood: aweful!!!
Ok, now I have 2 ppl that hate me and don't want to talk to me no more. GOD! It sux ass!
I hate it. This week sux soo much monkey bum! AAAAAAAAAA!!!!
My life sux! I'm gone...
2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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