2003 14 July :: 1.18pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: Here w/ out you~~~3 doors down
Sniff Sniff
Hey. Last night soo sux major beans. It was going really great talking to my close friends and all. U know just another happy/ok night.
Well BAM! It took the crappy turn...First, Jeremy all of a sudden tells me lets not talk to eavhother for a week. I'm like huh? It's all b/c I wasn't there "for him" at the stupid party. But come on, when a guy acts like he's all happy and giddy all the time even when he's blue, it's hard to tell if he's not or w/e. Jeremy is a drama queen. He makes it worse than it really is, it's his way of getting attention. I know the Jeremy u don't want to know. I see through him and I see the REAL him. It sux. So I'm not gonna talk to him longer than a week. I said I'm really sorry and all that an that's all I can do. It's his problem now, not mine.
Secondly, Joe says I don't want you, go out w/ Alex. I'm like what do u mean? He says he has to much crap going on right now for a g/f. I totally understand and respect that, u have no idea. But I still got pissed at him b/c he did what he did to me that I did to LDB. I know how he felt now. U should not tell soemone that u like them and get 'em all sycked and stuff and then turn around and say get loss or w/e. It sux blue bum monkey ass. I stopped talking to him and just signed off. Later that night I realized I wasn't mad at him for what he did, I'm mad at him b/c he denied me. Not trying to be concieded or what not but I never got denied by a guy that I wanted. So i'm freaked by that. I'll get over it for sure though. I hope n e ways.
I'm gonna stop going on line for a while and stop talking to ppl for a while too. I'm gonna isolate myself from everyone here. It's not gonna be this week but next week. I need to get outta here. That's what i'll do! I don't know how, but i'm gonna leave this place for a while, "lay low". (sigh). I'll leave now. TA TA...
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2003 13 July :: 8.21pm
:: Mood: Woo-Hoo
Weeeee! lol (sorry)
Hey ya'll! I'm in a TubuLAR mood! Wooo! lol. Sorry.
First of all, Germany, I am soooo Freakin sorry for the way I acted at the party. It sux that I missed the chance to show what a neato friend that I am. Poo....
OK, I went to a party. I thought it was ok. But it was still fun! A lot of my friends were there, well not all, but most.
Matt Todd was there! Ok Todd w/ no shirt, no problem! It's sooo weird he is the Hottest guy that I know besides Alan and Alex and Joe and....i can go on, lol, no really I can't, but n e ways, I have no "boyfriend attraction" to him. I'm freaked. It's weird and it sux b/c he's sooo awesome.
Well Joe looked really hot that night. Well hotter than usual. His band was there and they played. It was more of just fooling around though. It was still swell.
Alex and I hanged out a lot. We cuddled in a room (w/ no one). We were getting more "flirty" (hehe) lol and Jordan walked in. Then more ppl walked in, they ruined it. So practicly the whole time we flrited. Later when I came home I found out that Joe is mad at me. Why do u ask? B/c of Alex and I. So I found out Joe likes me and I'm like super. I think he was more jealous than n e thing but w/e. I like joe. He's sweet and hot and everything else.
A couple broke up at the party though. :( (sigh) (wipeing a tear) lol.
Mostly we played pool, hang out outside, basketball, go swiming. In the pool we had a water gun war. Todd didn't need a gun (lucky bastard, lol) He used he's hands to squirt out a force of water into your face. It hurt.
Alex, Joe, Mike, Jared, Jeremy, and I were outside laying on the driveway getting a moon tan. There was no moon though, or stars. But some how we got burnt,,hmmm? It could of been the street light though.. or wasn't it? Interesting......
So yeah, today I had church and I helped the kids. I got a kiss by a cute guy in church !
He's 3 but he's a fine lil boy. lol. Well I'll write later if the site is actually working. Later....
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2003 10 July :: 8.47pm
:: Mood: confused
Hello. Today was boring as usual.
I found out that some guys like me. (woohoo) I like 3 of 'em. But i'm not serious about n e of 'em to go out w/ them. I want to go out w/ this really hot one, but there's the other one that is a lil more innocent that i want too. Then there's this really really hot one that is soo TubuLAR and I would LOVE to go out w/ him more than the others, but me and him talked and we're not gonna go out, just fool around. hehe.
We're not gonna go out b/c we don't c eachother a lot and some ppl that we know will think it's weird. But we like eachother though.
I'm going to a party on sat. and 2 of the guys that like me are gonna be there. I wonder how it's gonna go down. I mean I'm attracted to one more then the other one physically, but i don't know mentally.
Yeah I know what ur thinkin, o what a problem. But i don't think it's a problem just a situation that has good and bad in it.
Well i'm gonna go. I'll talk to u later.
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2003 9 July :: 11.38am
:: Mood: Sorry, TubuLAR
Sorry I havn't been writing but woohu wouldn't let me on. It should be called yahoo now. lol. yea...
SO lately I just been hangin at my home, Sk8brding and crap. U know teh usual.
Drum lessons:Grrrr. I'm so frusterated w/ it. I can't get some measures down and it's killing me. My family are freaks man. If we can't do somethin we try and try till we do even if it kills us. I think i'm dead right now.
My 4th of July sucked as usual. I went to my Aunt's party out in Hickvill (south fort myers). Rednecks were everywhere. (O by the way I'm related to rednecks. I'm a country girl living in the city world.)A guy was drunk by 5 pm. It rained off and on and it was hot and mucky out. Poo. The band was playing country music. I don't perfer country. N e ways, My sisters and I left there like around 7.
After that we went to our friend's house, Ginny's. (HI ginny). We watched the fire works, Movies, and Old movies back in the hood when I was a lil cat. Wow, We all sucked at singing and danceing. I'm better at the dancing now. lol.
Eddie sang me one of his songs and it was so neato. I'm like ahh..eddie u rock my world..he's like hell yeah. lol. yeah.
U know it's hard to trust a girl for me more than a guy b/c how can u trust something that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die?
I woke up today w/ Jesse here. That boy never goes home I swear. j/p.
In 2 weeks i'm going away again for another week 2. I'm going to go white water rafting again! YeppY! lol.
I haven't talked to DLM for a loooong time. yeah....
Well I'll check u all later. Byes...
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2003 4 July :: 3.15pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: Island in the Sun
Hey! I just the cutest necklace today! You know the necklace that Austen Powers has like for the male sex symbol??Well I got the one for chicks, its like a ring on top and a cross attached. I got that and a silver chain to match.(Hehe there were other ones there that showed to ppl going at it in different positions!!! One was like the guy over and woman under and one doggy style!!!I wanted one but my mom was like NO NO NO So I was like fine!) And a few days ago I got a amber ring which I absolutly love!!And a braclet that matches my watch thats amber like 3 different shades!My hair is the perfect colour, I think i'll have to die it again soon thou :-( Well I'm flying to London tomorrow, then the day after we are doing the 8 hr flight to Atlanta and the 1 1/2 hr flight home! We will get back around 7pm on Sunday! Yay! This has been such an amazing trip but I'm soooooo ready to go home and see everyone!!!!Yay!Well L8rz all!!!!MMWWWAAAHHHH Luv from Sweden!!!!XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
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2003 9 May :: 4.31am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Hell ya
We went diving, so I had to get up early again Grr! We got our stuff on the boat and meet our Dive master Andrew (AkA White Boy) He was cute. He was from Scott land, so he had a cool accent. On the first dive we really didn't see much cuz we were getting Kyle and Kelsey used to it, so I just swam around with my mom and Rich watching Dad teach Kyle and Kelsey stuff. On the next dive I saw a huge Reef Shark. It was funny cuz I was looking around and it just popped out and I said "Holy Shit!!" in my regulator. Hehe!! This shark was SOoO big!! Holy crap it come sOoO darn close to me I could see its teeth I was like "Eeekkkk!!" Diving is really fun and all, but the work suxz ass!! I went to bed after diving cuz it tries you out, but before that I took a shower. Kelsey, Kyle, and Rich went fishing with my dad they caught 8 fish and brought them all home. On the way to the showers (For Kelsey) we meet D.J, Patrick, and Ricki they talked to us and told us to meet them at Lobster Trap (A local restranut/Bar/Pool table place) On the way back from the boat we saw a huge dolphin fish that some people had caught. I watched Vanilla Sky it was kinda good. Ate dinner and went to bed.
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2003 3 July :: 4.41pm
:: Mood: aggravated
Dude! Hello! What's sizzling on ur side of the skizzle?
I love my answerin machine. It's sooo neato. Some ppl don't leave messages b/c they think they got the wrong house. lol. I love it.
Today I went to the mall w/ Jesse and my "hot" sister, as Casey would say. hehe. It was fun. Jesse was trying on girl's hats. He made me try on and cowboy hat thing and Boy did I look good.....hehe.
I am Fed-up w/ this one person, I dunno. It's weird. It's just not the same n e more. But I guess all I have to do and wait and c if everything is ok. (sigh)
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2003 8 May :: 4.05am
:: Mood: gloomy
:: Music: Rock you Body
We had to cross the Alantic today, so we had to get up early to take sea sick tablets. We went back to sleep after that, but we really couldn't cuz that boat was rocking (Like the song!) It actually really suxed, so I went upstairs while Kelsey selpt. Upstairs Rich was laying down and he looked sick, but he didn't throw up or anything (Thank godness!) We got splashed sOoO many times!! I went downstairs cuz I was tired of getting wet. I feel alseep on the couch along with Rich and Kelsey. Kyle woke us all up to tell us that we were at Walkers Cay (Prounced Key) After docking we washed the boat while dad went to customs. After all that was down we lied out. 2 cute black guys passed us and they were like "Excuse me miss whats your name." Hehe! (It's a song for those who don't know that.) We couldn't answere cuz dad come back and said we had to go to the dive shop to book our dives for tommorrow. The lady there was called Stacie and she had really cute hair. She said Kelsey and I were pretty Awww!! Us kids all went to go play vollyball when that was all down, but we had to stop cuz Kyle was being a butt head, so everyone, but Kyle went into the pool. We goofed around with my parents and Rich. We ate dinner and went to bed.
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2003 7 May :: 3.54am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Rock Wit You
We woke up to Rich and Kyle coming in and doing stream roller (Where you roll over the person laying down. It like squishes you!!) We had carrots and ranch for breakfast. Yum! The guys had already gone to town and they said it was all fishing stores. So much for Kelsey and I's plan to go to town. A guy come to fix the boat and he was able too Yea! We headed for Pirates Cove on the way there I did a workout. We got to Pirates Cove around 4. Took some shores and messed with the guys, or should I say watched the guys mess with 2 girls. It was funny Rich acted like he was reiterated. They did not know what to think. Kyle filmed it, but he is a really bad filmier, so I banned him from filming!! They thought Kyle was hot, so I told them that he was my Boyfriend and they looked sOoO mad/upset!! Hehe!
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2003 6 May :: 10.50pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Hero
Today we are heading for the Bahamas!! We left the dock around 11:30 cuz we had to wait for my mom who was at a meeting. While waiting we got the boat ready. It was fudging hot outside!! While driving on the boat I suntanned, listened to music, and read some books. We went through some locks and that's when the heat really kicked in!! I must have lost like 3lbs just sitting there! We lost one engine about half way to are docking spot for the night, so we had to dock at Moore Haven. The most red neck and boring town ever!! We hung around on the boat reading, video games, dancing, and crunches! We watched Catch Me If You Can!! That movie is SOoO coolz! He did all of that at 17! Jeepers!! After that we did flare practies and crunches!
1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken |
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2003 2 July :: 6.53pm
:: Music: happy birthday to you!
Todays is Jose's B-day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope u had a jolly time today. I was gonna send u a poop in a box thing that u cna do for $25 but I decided not to. I'm sooooo nice, right? Yes.
Well for u other folks out there, today I had a friend come over. It wasn't all that fun. all we did was watch a movie and T.v. O and threw pillows at eachother. Yeah, O Jolly FUN!
Tomorrow my Chick of my life is comin over ! YEAH! She's sleeping over! I'm so happy. I haven't seen her for almost a year! AA!
4 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 2 July :: 1.57pm
:: Mood: happy
Happy Birthday! Woo!
Happy b-day Jose!
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2003 30 May :: 12.37pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: None, Mommy is sleeping! HeHe!
I went to the movies with Sara, Mike, Melina, Ray, and some other people including Melina's B/F (If they're not hot then I don't remember names LoLz! J/K!). We went to go see Dumb and Dumber we got tired of that, so we went to the Italian Job where Melina was with her B/F. Some people got mad at us cuz we kept on getting up and talking, so we sat down only to get popcorn thrown at us from some of they people we were with. Ray kept on asking me if I wanted anything. I think he still likes me Ewww! After the movies Sara and I raced cars I lost, but it was sOoO close Hehe! We then went outside and I was talking to Mike. He is so weird first he is asking me all about if Kelsey and if she still likes Daryl and then he is all up on me!! I'm like ok!! We meet a guy from there school who started lighting fire works it was sOoO funny cuz a lady just come out and it went off and she liked ducked down!! LoLz!! We rode back in the truck Ray and Mike were in the back and Mike goes "I'm going to join the K K K and kill those fucking niggers! (I don't know how to spell it, but the people who wear the white masks) I was like Wow! Harsh!! After that I meet Kelsey and Sam S outside. They told me about how them and Robert and Jackie were being chased by a car cuz Sam throw a tooth brush at it, for she thought the guy in it really needed it LoLz! They are ok, but they are jumpy every time a car passed them LoLz!!
7 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken |
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2003 1 July :: 2.16pm
:: Mood: cheerful
The rap song!
Hey Hey....My friend that plays bass, Derek wrote this rap song in 5 minutes. I like it. Tell me what you think about it...
i love parkin in handicap places, seein handicap people makin handicap faces,
handicap limp makin a handicap walk, handicap gimps talkin handicap talk,
handicap ho's and handicap pimps, pickin handicap nose look like a handicap chimp,
Handicap moms, handicap dads, Handicap Muenstral cycles using handicap pads,
Handicap boy, handicap girl, everyones handicap in this handicap world,
handicap car, handicap truck, handicap couple tryin to do a handicap fu*k,
handicap ciggarette, handicap bong, im handicapped finished with this handicap song!
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2003 1 July :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: accomplished
Mission Impossible!
WOOHOO! LOL! I have done the impossible.........I saw a hot Russian! Can you believe it????? It is really impossible, it just doesn't happen! Not to mention I got a huge smile and I cute wink. He was in a store and I was in a bus and we only got to see each other for like 10 seconds and that sux! I wanted to pull the string and go flirt but the friggin Russians would want to know what I was doing so I didn't!OH well, he's so far away anyway.L8rz
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