User: | andy (user# 2) |
Name: | Andy |
Location: | Cedar Springs, Michigan, United States |
E-mail: | |
Birthdate: | 10-05-1985 |
AOL IM: | exitboot |
ICQ #: | 16670011 |
Yahoo! IM: | woohucom |
Bio: | Seriously, I'm way too cool to even be on this site. |
Friends: | (117) .j.e.s.s., 1010101, 70billion, achoo, af48, andrea, angel_bob, animehoshi, Atman, bertoe, BigTy623, blackbutterfly, bleedingsun, blondie17, blondiegirl05, bobsaget, brandnew26, brianna, burn667, chelthesmell, cherylee, chibikeriana, cowsgomoo!!!, crazygirl, danibean, daysleeper, deloric, fadingfallenstar, fraggle, Frost, gangles, gideon, gillette, Glitterkisses, godessalthena, goodbye, H2OforDuo, happygolucky4646, holiday, homsar, iamhated, irishidiot, Jaganshi, jbandkg, jedibumblebee, jejuan, jennapie, jim9nin, juicystrwberry, jus4fun06, JustADreamer, kate, katiecat, kelso263, koalalady, kud, kunta, labyrinth, lil_bill06, lovedlessthanmost, m&ms487, mieko, mochababy49319, moonshinehommie, mothman, munkysaurus, my-self, narkivity, naztymizzbella, onceagainistandalone, ORFwasHERE, ouilleaux, Outsyder18, paperheart, PinkPenguin, poisonedheart, pureash, Rachely, rayray, residentevilbrandy, rissa, robots4dancing, seaofsorrow, shannonw55, sheerxlove, sherriffsteve, shinoakurei, sinfulxkittie, siyumai, skife, skippi16, skittlicious, snowman, softspoken, spinder, spud, standard-shift, Star_Gazer05, stinko, sugarjackj, sugarmouse0587, superheromindo, tboblp, threshershark, Tuwang, twiggypuff, Upchuck, usandthem, Valoth, wafflehouse, Wangusspaz00, wraith6699, x0whitney, xhan, xunker, xxinterrupted, zuleika |
Friend Of: | (118) .j.e.s.s., 1010101, 70billion, achoo, af48, anarchistmeow, angel_bob, Atman, bertoe, BigTy623, blackbutterfly, bleedingsun, blondie17, blondiegirl05, bobsaget, brandnew26, brianna, burn667, cherylee, clementine, cowsgomoo!!!, crazygirl, cryptnix, danibean, daysleeper, deloric, egotrip, fadingfallenstar, fraggle, Frost, gangles, gillette, Glitterkisses, godessalthena, goodbye, H2OforDuo, happygolucky4646, holiday, homsar, iamhated, irishidiot, Jaganshi, jbandkg, jedibumblebee, jennapie, jessa_lynne, jim9nin, juicystrwberry, jus4fun06, justadreamer, kate, kelso263, koalalady, kristine, kud, kunta, labyrinth, lil_bill06, losrnancr, lovedlessthanmost, m&ms487, mieko, mochababy49319, moonshinehommie, mothman, munkysaurus, my-self, mystickittie, narkivity, naztymizzbella, onceagainistandalone, ORFwasHERE, Outsyder18, paperheart, PinkPenguin, poisonedheart, Rachely, rayray, residentevilbrandy, rissa, robots4dancing, seaofsorrow, shannonw55, sherriffsteve, shinoakurei, siyumai, skife, skippi16, skittlicious, snowman, softspoken, spinder, spud, standard-shift, Star_Gazer05, stinko, sugarjackj, sugarmouse0587, superheromindo, swiftheartrabbit, tabletop, tboblp, threshershark, Tuwang, twiggypuff, TwiztidClown, Upchuck, usandthem, Valoth, wafflehouse, Wangusspaz00, whipsmart, wraith6699, x0whitney, xhan, xunker, xxinterrupted, zuleika |
Interests: | (7) a stress free life, bzoink, my car, mySQL, php, songrev, woohu |
Account: | Plus |
Created: | 2001-12-31 22:45:35 |
Last Update: | 01 21 2025 |
Journal Entries: | 5762 |
Comments: | Posted: 3620 | Received: 9542 |
Memories: | 2 |
Member Of: | (1) newbies |
Shared With: | None |
Journal Style: | default |