2004 27 May :: 10.50 pm
Today was the last full day of my junior year in high school. Other then the grand title, school was pretty uneventful.
After school, what's left of anime club headed over to Jacques' house. We watched some Kimagure Orange Road and hung out at JAK's awesome house.
Um wow. I thought this would be way more interesting but I have nothing to say about it really.
After the whole hanging out thing, JAK went to take Katie, Tracey and I home. He and Tracey and I just hung around for a while. It was peaceful. All the stress and everything was gone.
Clouds are beautiful at night.
I love you all.
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2004 26 May :: 11.21 pm
I couldn't get good enough lighting earlier to take pictures so you'll all have to wait a week to see pictures of me in makeup. Sorry.
I should be in bed right now. Oh well.
I love you all.
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2004 26 May :: 5.35 pm
I had my senior pictures today at 1. I missed 4th, 5th and most of 6th hour.
It was fun. I was dreading it but it was really fun.
I wore/am wearing makeup and I look pretty. I don't like it but meh, the fake me is pretty.
I saw one of my pictures and it was... well amazing.
I told my mom that I wanted to do modeling and she said she'll look into it.
That's the last time you'll ever see me in makeup so I hope you enjoyed it. I'll go on the upstairs computer in a bit and take pictures for y'all.
I love you all.
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2004 25 May :: 3.33 pm
I totally failed my Japanese presentation. Right after I was done, I went back to my desk and burst into tears. Blargh.
How is everyone?
I love you all.
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2004 25 May :: 6.32 am
I had a dream that Sam Brown, the guy who runs Exploding Dog, died.
Except his name wasn't Sam Brown and no one would tell me about it.
I cried. In the dream.
I don't know. It was weird.
I love you all.
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2004 24 May :: 8.27 pm
Here I am "working on my English project" and "memorizing my Japanese presentation"
The end of the year sucks motivation-wise. I am so apathetic right now. I just don't care about school anymore.
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2004 23 May :: 6.45 pm
I went shopping. Willingly. I even suggested it.
I have my senior pictures on Wednesday so I thought I needed to look abnormally pretty for them.
I got three dresses. Two black and pink. One black and it's got that sheer thing that people keep saying makes me look naked. Yay I think.
Rumor has it my mother is going to make me wear makeup for this picture ordeal. [I forgot to mention that I've never worn makeup in my entire life] We'll see how that goes. She says I also am allowed to skip school that day but I don't know about that.
My leg hurts.
I'm going to slack off on my Japanese presentation and not memorize it at all. Meh.
I love you all.
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2004 23 May :: 12.25 pm
Capitalism confuses me.
They re-ran the season finale for Joan of Arcadia at 11ish last night.
I never watch channel 3 except for Joan of Arcadia and the occasional episode of Jeopardy.
So when I heard from my father this morning that they had re-run it at a time when all children who watch it are asleep, it got me wondering...
The only space they informed you of the episode re-running is on their website at 8:30ish. What about those without a computer? What about those who were out that night? What about people who have no reason to visit their website?
Capitalism confuses me.
What was I doing at 11? I was watching Nicholas Nickleby. I was not, by pure chance, watching the 11 o'clock news on channel 3 like they assumed I'd be doing.
How does any of that make sense?
I'm going to e-mail them to see if they can sacrifice a soap opera and put Joan of Arcadia on at a time when the young'uns can see it.
I love you all.
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2004 22 May :: 9.14 pm
I don't know why people like Livejournal. It hardly ever works for me. I have to refresh the page a few times before it comes up.
Livejournal sucks.
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2004 22 May :: 1.03 pm
:: Mood: a little pissed
Joan of Arcadia
Storms are fun and all, don't get me wrong, I love rain.
But when the news on channel 3 feels the need to interrupt the season finale of Joan of Arcadia with only fifteen minutes left of the episode because some county by the lake has a tornado warning (even though any idiot could tell they did by the gigantic icon in the corner and the huge marquee at the bottom of the screen), I get a little pissed.
They stayed on the news for an hour just repeating the same facts over and over before returning to This Show is Not Your Season Finale of Joan of Arcadia, You Poor Idiot.
So yeah. Joan of Arcadia was pretty good last night, up until the one cop was telling Joan's Dad that he was delusional and the news came on.
They better re-run it or I will die.
Sigh. Everything happens for a reason. I'm sure God had some weird reason as to why I didn't get to see the end of the season finale. Maybe it portrayed the wrong way to deal with a trial of faith.
Either way, I cried during the episode and I cried when it went off. I prayed that everyone would be safe. My family went to see Shrek 2 so the dog and I were the only ones home. I sat on the couch and prayed that they'd get home safe. I prayed a lot.
Maybe that was the reason. Maybe He wanted me to pray more and get over my guilt of asking him for stuff.
Whatever the reason, Joan of Arcadia was great until it was rudely interrupted.
Sorry but that’s one of my pet peeves: storms during shows (especially the season finale) and the interruptions they cause.
Well, if any of you all missed Joan of Arcadia you can check the recap out here. The full recap will be up probably by Wednesday.
If any of you all saw the end of Joan of Arcadia (or know when it will air again) because you don't live in West Michigan, please tell me what happened. I'll love you even more forever.
I love you all.
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2004 21 May :: 6.18 pm
:: Mood: upset
My sister is being such a teenager.
She keeps snapping at me and saying I'm such a horrible sister/horrible person/jerk/ass/idiot/whatever when I'm not being mean at all. I'm even trying especially hard to be nice so she doesn't get mad.
It makes me cry.
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2004 21 May :: 4.14 pm
Why do we scream at each other
This is what it sounds like when doves cry
I love you all.
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2004 21 May :: 6.33 am
Sob cry
My ramune bottle broke last night. It got knocked off the counter and fell on the floor in the kitchen.
Sigh. I'll make a better tombstone when I get home from school.
Read more..
To those of you who are leaving Woohu or being forced to leave: I miss you already... I love you very much.
I love you all.
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2004 20 May :: 6.31 am
How am I supposed to feel about the things I've done?
I don't know if I should stay or turn around and run
I know that I hurt you, things will never be the same
Yay! It's almost the weekend!!
Read more..
I love you all.
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2004 19 May :: 6.48 pm
"There are bunches of other things besides 'kissing' and the monolith of 'vaginal intercourse.'"
I thought it was a good quote. Translation: there's a hell of a lot more to life than smurfing and bzoinking!
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2004 18 May :: 7.14 pm
Everything comes back.
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2004 17 May :: 8.22 pm
Il est tout pour vous.
[edit 8:53]
This week's Joan of Arcadia seems to be about a crisis of faith. I can't wait. We all go through a crisis of faith sometime in our lives (probably more than thrice) and it'll be cool to see their view on it.
Plus I saw Goth God and Cute Guy God in the preview. Ah, my favorite portrayals.
Kyle said I need to communicate so I guess I'll expand.
It's all for you.
There, expansion done.
I got into a screaming turn-on-and-off the TV fight with my sister. I didn't hurt her this time but I still feel awful about it. She screamed something to me about being the worst sister ever or something. I feel really awful.
I try to be nonviolent but it all just blows up in my face. I have a horrible temper.
She threw a 2 lb weight at my leg. I was afraid it was going to break.
I love you all.
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2004 17 May :: 12.16 pm
Penny Arcade's E3 report... lacking
Killzone - "Honestly, I don't know what the big deal is. Going by current release dates, Killzone itself will launch a week after Halo 2 - honestly, I'd just stop development right now. I've played both, networked and all, and Killzone doesn't even rank Little Brother status. There was some nice geometry, but it wasn't even "Nice Geometry" - it was just better and faster than I expected on the Playstation 2. It's like when you see an old man hobble over to the mailbox all by himself. Getting the mail is no herculean act. And there is nothing startling or noteworthy about Killzone."
Penny Arcade said nothing about the new Legend of Zelda for the GCN. Hopefully they'll say something about it later this week.
I'm not that geeked for Killzone really. It'll get crushed so bad by Halo 2, I'll laugh.
I love you all.
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2004 17 May :: 6.26 am
It's all for you.
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2004 16 May :: 7.38 pm
:: Mood: calm
I had a surreal day.
A picture came out of it. It'll take a while to load. It's taking a while on my computer even.
I woke up around noon and the whole day has been going really slowly. I think it's because I want to go to school tomorrow and we're on the home stretch.
Anyway, check out the picture. Sorry it's so big. Tell me what you think.
I love you all.
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