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Il n'y a pas de crainte dans l'amour

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:: 2005 17 December :: 11.27 am

On the people chart, I'm on top of Ghandi.

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:: 2005 17 December :: 10.58 am


Cthulhu stuffed animals! Joy!

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:: 2005 15 December :: 9.35 pm

So. I don't know if you all got me a Christmas present yet (or were planning on it) but I say don't do it.

Here's the thing:

Rachel and Nick are currently accepting donations toward the purchase of a sugar glider. Sugar gliders alone cost $250 but we'd also need a cage and food for it.

If you have a bird cage lying around (I don't know how many of you had birds) that could work as a cage. We could even pay you if your parents don't want to give it away.

Also, I don't know if any of you are the sewing type, but to bond with a sugar glider (and also to give them something to sleep in) you give them a "pouch." Made of FLEECE. Apparently, that's important. Comme ca. (Pretend that c has a cedilla on it, mmkay?) Basically, it's a bag with a string on it. You hang it in/on their cage and the glider sleeps in it during the day. Then you take the pouch out and put it around your neck and (eventually) it'll come out and play. It's a bonding thing, since sugar gliders are like kangaroos or any of those pouch baby animals.

Nick mentioned that upon donating money or resources, one would have the opportunity to [help] name the sugar glider. You'll have to ask him if that offer still stands.

In other news, tomorrow and Saturday I will either be shopping or babysitting or participating in events you are not privy to so I shall not be able to "hang out" with anyone. However, next week I can work whenever I feel like it so if anyone wants to do anything, I'm game.

I love you all.

P.S. I know a whole lot about sugar gliders (I was totally obsessed with them for two or three years) so if you have any questions, direct them to me or Nick. Thanks.

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:: 2005 15 December :: 7.43 am

Don't make me go to work. I'm too tired...

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:: 2005 13 December :: 11.12 pm

Okay. French grades are up and the results are in...

(Imagine some sort of drum roll or dramatic effect that would be right here.)

Oral exam : 100% (FUCK YES!)
Final exam: 82% (SMURF YEAH)

Final grade: (another dramatic effect....)


I am a French genius! Tested into third semester and received an A. In a college French class!

I am beyond excited. Drinks are on me.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 13 December :: 12.11 pm

I'm done! No more stupid exams!

Now to next semester: 18 credits and seven classes... What was I thinking?

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:: 2005 12 December :: 10.54 pm

It turns out I may not have gotten 100% on my oral exam after all...

P.S. I just finished making my notecard for my math exam and then proceeded to LOSE IT!

P.P.S. It has been found!

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:: 2005 12 December :: 9.04 am

I finished my French exam in record time. I know I probably made one thousand mistakes stupides but I don't care.

I am done with having a class at eight in the morning! YAY!

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:: 2005 12 December :: 5.58 am

Curse you final exams! You give me nightmares!

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:: 2005 11 December :: 8.48 pm

You gotta suck it up even though it spits you out.

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:: 2005 11 December :: 1.22 am

I got 100% on my French oral exam.


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:: 2005 10 December :: 3.35 am

Two completely unrelated things:
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:: 2005 9 December :: 6.26 am

Rockford doesn't have school. Actually, no one has school.

I hate being a commuter. All this happy joy ("Rachel, Rachel, we don't have school") and I've got to go give a presentation, do my French oral exam and take a math quiz/test along with finishing up my portfolio by 5.

Luckily, my parents came to pick me up last night. So at least I don't have to drive to school.

But sigh. I am sad.

I am never procrastinating ever again.

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:: 2005 8 December :: 3.06 pm

I think there's a toilet paper boycott going down at Nick's house. I have go to go to the bathroom but there's no toilet paper. I guess I'll use my "facial tissues."

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:: 2005 6 December :: 7.51 pm

look i'm emily dickinson
I don't leave my house!---
Thou hast doom;

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:: 2005 6 December :: 7.49 pm

Did anyone have Mr. Wells for mathematics at any point in their high school career?

And remember any of his songs?

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:: 2005 5 December :: 10.54 am

To those who were driving 20 miles below the speed limit on the East Beltline today:
Look, I know it's December and you're not used to the idea that it's winter in Michigan and it's going to snow every day until March. That's alright, I understand. A few weeks ago, on the first night we got snow, I was driving 30 down the East Beltline. And I drive the speed limit everywhere. I do 70 on the highway (which, if you didn't know, is the speed limit)!

However, when the snow is floating downwards, isn't sticking to the roads and looks like down feathers, it is completely unnecessary to drive 35 miles per hour! I might be a little more lenient if this was real snow but it's lake effect. I don't know if you get your memory erased every March and forget what snow is like, but the roads were barely wet. You don't need to go that slow in your stupid minivan.

Yes, I know I can just shut up and pass you but you're not the only one! The guy in the fast/passing lane was doing 40. It's like a disease!

So please, drive 55 like the sign says. It's okay. You're not going to end up in the ditch. I promise. Just try it and I know that tomorrow you'll be doing your regular 65.


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:: 2005 3 December :: 12.43 am

Nick hit a deer.

His car's pretty banged up but everyone's okay.

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:: 2005 1 December :: 6.38 am

If anyone got a call from me late last night, I apologize.

I keep my cell phone on my bed because I'm too lazy to look for it when it rings and because it charges as I sleep.

Last night I couldn't sleep very well and lately I've been tossing and turning a lot.

My dad just mentioned that I called him when he was downstairs, asleep and in bed.

He called me back.

So if I called you, I'm sorry. I shall find a better place to put my phone.

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:: 2005 28 November :: 3.01 pm

You will not believe this.
Sigur Ros is coming to Calvin College in February.

Tickets go on sale December 8th.

Here is the site.

* feb 18 : 6pm concert calvin college fine arts center, grand rapids (mi)
general on-sale date dec 08

* feb 18 : 10.30pm concert calvin college fine arts center, grand rapids (mi)
general on-sale date dec 08

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