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Il n'y a pas de crainte dans l'amour

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:: 2005 23 November :: 4.21 pm

What is the point of these e-mails? What happens?

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:: 2005 23 November :: 4.14 pm

I got out of work early (3 instead of 5) and that makes me happy.

Sadly, since it's bad out, I'm not allowed to go anywhere. Stupid snow. Maybe I'll go cash my paycheck.

We all should hang out this weekend.

I'm gonna go write my paper that's due at 5. Yay!

I love you all.

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:: 2005 21 November :: 6.09 pm

I know I've probably never told anyone this (my mom just heard about it today and laughed) but here's how dorky my siblings and I are:

Hannah, Nathaniel and I were playing some kind of shopkeeping game loosely based around Chrono Cross. I was the shopkeeper, Buddy was some pet and Hannah was the customer(s).

Once, Hannah came in as a "customer," snuck in the back of my shop and I was audited by an IRS agent (played by Hannah).

And apparently, NORMAL children don't do these things.

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:: 2005 18 November :: 8.20 pm

So Katie is having her appendix removed.


Please pray for her.

She's still down in Kalamazoo at Bronson Hospital. I will probably go down there tomorrow, depending on how she's doing, if she's there and how the weather is faring. So if anyone wants to come along, I'll drive.

Oh, I forgot you're all not around here. Well if you want to come, find your way over here or be ready to pay me gas money to come get you.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 13 November :: 11.46 am

Yesterday was my aunt's birthday.

So I made sure that I spent time with my mom.

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:: 2005 11 November :: 5.59 am

I don't have any friends at school.

The only person I actually hang out with a lot is Jeremy and he's planning on transferring next year. I'd love to hang out a lot with Emily, my friend from French class, but all the people who live on campus have their dorm friends and dorm things.

I mean, Shayne and I used to eat lunch all the time and hang out but he goes home to eat or hangs out with other people.

I'm hoping that next semester, when a girl I know from my I & E class is in another one of my classes, that I can be friends with her. And since my classes are switching around and I'll have tons of free time, I'll have more friend time.

I mean, you all know I don't have trouble "making friends." I don't know what's going on.

But it makes me really sad.

I love you all.

P.S. I was hoping Kelly and Katie were coming home this weekend because at the Wealthy Street Theatre today and tomorrow, they're showing the Wizard of Oz with a live band playing Dark Side of the Moon. Here

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:: 2005 9 November :: 8.45 pm

Best illusion ever.

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:: 2005 9 November :: 8.21 pm

I know I am awful and you might not be able to forgive me but I'm only on this site for a media study paper due tomorrow. I would not visit this site on my own free will.

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I love you all.

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:: 2005 5 November :: 7.43 pm

We're in Chicago. We being my entire family and two of Hannah's friends.

Tomorrow we're going to see the musical Wicked. Maybe then Hannah will shut up about it.

My throat hurts and I'm tired.

I love you all. And, pathetically, I miss Nick.

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:: 2005 27 October :: 9.25 pm

Jabberwocky should be made into a musical. It'd be awesome.

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:: 2005 27 October :: 3.34 pm

I'm sick.

Someone should come over and make me soup and baby me.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 21 October :: 6.07 pm

I got into a car accident today. I'm fine, the woman I hit is fine, my car was fine, her car was fine. Right now I'm in Kalamazoo visiting Katie. I'll be home on Sunday sometimes. Um. Something.

Oh, Jessa, when are you moving? Are you working at that bank yet?

Have a nice weekend. I love you all.

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:: 2005 20 October :: 7.42 am

Last night, I was watching Lost and there was a frost advisory warning that popped up and proceeded to scroll the counties that were affected across the screen. This wasn't neccessary because they had a lutle picture of the counties in west Michigan and the ones with the warning were colored blue.

Anyway, they were showing some flashback from the Korean chick so of course they were speaking Korean. With subtitles. And the warning only came up when they were talking, with the subtitles at the bottom.

So, for a while, you had no idea what was going on.

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:: 2005 19 October :: 8.27 pm

Free Tibet... I'll take it!
Look who's back, back again...
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The Dalai Lama is going to speak at Stanford in November. Oh, how I wish one day that I might be able to see Tenzin Gyatso! Either way, you can watch his lectures at Stanford live(!) on their site. So it's a nice alternative.

There's a Free Tibet group in Michigan called TIBETmichigan. Starting on Sunday, October 23, they will show Tibet-related films every Sunday until January 29. You need to RVSP [re(accent?)spondez s'il vous plai(with-a-hat)t] to attend but it would be an awesome thing to go to. It's on Monroe Center, too so it's not too far away. You know what? I will go. If anyone wants to come with, call me. Here is their calendar and here is the event.

I love you all.

P.S. French is the most beautiful language. Songs in French are the most beautiful songs. This is not open for debate.

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:: 2005 19 October :: 6.30 pm

This is the cutest thing. Ever.

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:: 2005 18 October :: 4.20 pm

Girls are bitches.

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:: 2005 18 October :: 2.14 pm

So last week, because of budget cuts, three people at work were laid off. And I mean people, not student workers, people who had worked there for 5 - 30 years.

There were two people laid off in the Registrar's and Advising office, where I work. One was the receptionist, Michele, with whom I worked and loved to death. She'd been working there for four years. Her daughter works on the floor above us. One advisor was laid off, I didn't know her very well. Across the hall, in the Registrar's office, the person who handled all the graduation stuff was laid off.

They said they chose to lay off the people whose jobs could be taken over by others.

So it was really sad on Thursday, when they told everyone what happened. Since both offices are run entirely by women, everyone was crying. Even today, people were still upset. And they had reason to be. They are all very close, throwing parties for birthdays and parties for holidays.

So that's what's been happening. It's been upsetting because everyone feels guilty that they still have a job. Especially the student workers.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 15 October :: 4.25 pm

Why should you go to Aquinas?
This next week, all week, we have no school. That's right, a week-long fall break.

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:: 2005 12 October :: 8.00 pm

Happy anniversary, sirrah!

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:: 2005 9 October :: 10.30 pm
:: Mood: blank

Blah blah some old speech blah crap blah
Being a woman sux0rz.
Being hormonal sux0rz.

Thinking with your amygdala sux0rz.

I love you all. I hope you're doing okay. I know I'm not home a lot because of school and stuff but I still have my cell phone. So if you want to talk about anything ever (I don't care if you want to tell me how hard you gave it to those hookers last night, tell me ALL about it) call me. Tell me what's going on. Tell me how much you miss your dog (which I swear was NOT BLACK, Kelly). I don't care what you want to tell me. If you want to talk: I'm here.

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