2005 15 March :: 8.33 pm
I had my Blockbuster interview today. They pushed it back to 5 because the managers had some meeting or somesuch.
It was short. Really short.
I made the worst mistake ever too because I was nervous. I sat down without being asked or told to. Bleh.
I'll know by Monday if I made the first cut.
Thanks for the well-wishes, everybody.
I love you all.
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2005 14 March :: 9.49 pm
I have an interview at Blockbuster tomorrow at 4.
I'm scared to death and really nervous.
It's my first interview ever.
Wish me luck.
I need this job so I can pay for half of my tuition.
And so I can have Nick's cat.
Bleh. I'm scared.
I love you all.
P.S. I laugh.
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2005 12 March :: 1.30 pm
:: Mood: calm
I got a part as a fairy
Last night, I went over to Ben's to hang out with him and Nick. Jackie called Nick's cell around 11 and asked if we wanted to rent a movie and watch it at her house. I was a little tired, Ben said he was going to fall asleep but we all went over anyway.
It was snowing a lot. You could not see the road. We got to Jackie's then went out again to Blockbuster and rented Invader Zim.
Nick and Ben fell asleep fast. I was supposed to be home at 1:30 but Jackie's mom called and said it was snowing very heavily outside and you couldn't see the road. She told Jackie that she didn't want anyone driving home and we were all staying over.
I watched Invader Zim until 3ish. Nick was out pretty quickly (he had to work this morning) and Ben fell asleep pretty fast too. I slept on Jackie's pull out couch bed thing in her basement.
Nick woke me up before he left for work.
I woke up and got up at 11. Jackie dropped me off at home a bit after that.
I tried out for the school play (Midsummer Night's Dream) on Thursday. I made callbacks and they said they'd call if I got a part. They called yesterday while I was gone. I apparently got some fairy part. I'm a little disappointed but a lot relieved because I won't have a whole bunch of lines. I'm excited for the fairy costume and fairy makeup. Yay!
I don't see how I got the part of a graceful fairy with my dorky hobo dance and this song Kelly and I made up about a cat:
There was a cat
(There was a cat)
And he died
(And he died)
But he smelled fish
(But he smelled fish)
And he woke up
(And he woke up)
There was a cat
And he died
But he smelled fish
And he woke up!
Nine months for Nick and me today. I was going to try to get people together to go bowling. Nick's wanted to go bowling for a long time.
I love you all.
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2005 7 March :: 6.33 pm
I love my mommy and her Lexapro
I'm not one to take drugs and I tell myself that no matter how I feel, there's no way I'm going to pop a Motrin for a gosh darn headache.
My momma. My mom has this thing (I have it too but I'm brushing it off as teenage jazz until I'm 22) where she gets depressed two weeks or so right around when she gets her period. But my momma had this miraculous thing called surgery and she don't get no Fred no more. She is now in that state that all women dream about: menopause.
But she still gets depressed. I know I've talked about this before. It's not like slit-my-wrists angst depression. She just doesn't want to go anywhere and doesn't want to do anything.
This is the momma I grew up with. I got used to that momma.
But now! My momma is on these pill things called anti-depressants. They make my momma not sad! My momma wants to do things! I love this momma!
So drugs are good. Especially when they make your mother even cooler than she was. Which, frankly, is darn near impossible since my mom was pretty awesome to begin with.
I heart anti-depressants.
I love you all.
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2005 6 March :: 7.31 pm
Dolphins...and the s-word
Not safe for Kyle.
Read more..
I love you all.
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2005 6 March :: 5.12 pm
Our computer is completely messed up. Ben came over earlier to see if he could figure it out. He couldn't. Nick said he wanted to see if he could figure out what's wrong so he took it for the night.
In other news, the xbox seems to be doing fine.
I love you all.
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2005 6 March :: 3.01 am
So it's three in the morning.
I think I'm going to go to bed.
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2005 5 March :: 11.38 pm
Sylvia Plath rocks
And his blood beating the old tattoo
I am, I am, I am.
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2005 5 March :: 11.37 am
So I'm awake.
I was thinking of going over to Kristy's because she offered free food but then I realized that Ray was probably going to be there.
And I'm not never in the mood to deal with him.
So my day's free. What do you want to do?
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2005 2 March :: 10.42 pm
I recognized a song in a commercial. Couldn't remember who did the song.
Thank goodness for Tivo. Replayed episode, went to commercials, turned up the sound.
Googled lyrics.
The Postal Service - Such Great Heights.
I knew I recognized the song. Joe gave me their CD for my birthday. Technology is awesome!
I know what I'm listening to before I go to bed.
I love you all.
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2005 2 March :: 4.03 pm
I got a blogspot blog. I don't know why. I don't know what I'm going to do with it either.
My mom wasn't going to go to my conferences but my dad "doesn't think it's fair" that he goes to my sibling's conferences and doesn't go to mine.
So I'm quickly running through everything I might get reprimanded for. My dad is strict school-wise but my mom doesn't really mind as long as I don't fail, do my homework and do my best.
I have to write a paper for Psych 2. It was due on Monday but I stayed home from school so I'm turning it in tomorrow. I am, of course, finding the smallest reasons to procrastinate.
I also have to make a poster and print out some pictures for my Japanese presentation. I was supposed to present that on Monday. I should rewrite my script too.
I'm thinking of actually doing my Physics homework too. Oh, that's something I'll get lectured for not doing. I forget sometimes. I'll do it if I have time, which I will.
I'm going to go find reasons to not do my homework. I'll probably start it in an hour or so.
I love you all.
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2005 1 March :: 8.16 pm
So we had a snow day today.
My day was pretty cool. I woke up at around 11 because Nick surprised me by coming over. He is the best person in the world. He has only enough money for gas to and from school for the next week or two. I wasn't expecting to see him until I found a way over to his house somehow. It was really sweet of him to come over here and cheer me up when I'm sick.
I'm just sitting around waiting for House to come on. I don't have much to do really.
I'm feeling a lot better. I'm to that annoying part of my cold. I'm just congested and my nose is running a lot. Sorry for the information.
Anyway, I'll see you at school tomorrow. Half day!
I love you all.
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2005 28 February :: 4.27 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
Stayed home sick.
I'm still feeling horrible. I'm starting to finish my Government views paper thing.
I might just go to the first three hours tomorrow. I have to go to Government even if I'm puking so I get free food and don't have to write a paper. Stupid mandatory attendance days.
I'm fine. Thanks for asking.
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2005 27 February :: 4.41 pm
I'm not feeling well. Hopefully I'll stay home tomorrow. I don't care if my grade gets lowered on my Japanese presentation, Wessely-sensei loves me and I'll get a B anyway.
Yesterday I drove over to Nick's house. I wasn't scared at all. Actually, it was a lot of fun. That was probably because I was driving with my dad instead of my mom.
I fell down the stairs yesterday for the first time in over a year. So today I'm sore and sick.
Ug. I need a hug. And a teddy bear.
I love you all.
P.S. Humphrey Bogart is dreamy.
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2005 26 February :: 7.47 pm
The things that make me the most angry are the things that are my fault.
Because I am perfectly able to change those things but I don't.
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2005 25 February :: 4.18 pm
I finally got on the laptop. Nick told me this a day or so ago.
Nick's grandfather's cancer came back.
They're giving him 16 months but with the chemo and maybe radiation therapy, it might not even be a year.
My grandfather had lung cancer too. He died when I was in first or second grade.
Cancer fucking sucks.
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2005 23 February :: 5.24 pm
I got a 26 on my ACT. Third time's the charm.
Nick got a 23.
Nick had his Davenport interview today. He was accepted and will be starting in August.
My first day at Aquinas is August 22nd. Orientation is the 18th.
I went around yesterday filling out applications so I can get me a job and, therefore, Nick's cat. Actually, of the three places I went to, only Schuler's actually accepted applications. And if I get a job at Schuler's (which I know I won't) that'd be awesome.
I plan on driving once the snow stops falling and I'll hopefully get my license soon after that. I plan on heading down to 28th Street and filling out an application at Barnes and Noble's too. It'd be easier if I could drive.
I'm going to go amend my Blockbuster application and then go do my Japanese homework.
I love you all.
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2005 22 February :: 8.30 am
Motherboard = fried.
I won't update or be online or comment or anything until it's fixed. Sorry.
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2005 21 February :: 10.05 am
The computer is wigging out at home. It's doing that "no signal" thing again but it might just be because I kept restarting it last night without shutting down. Nick fixed the fans last night so it's not loud and I don't have to beat it.
Our hard drive on our xbox might be going out.
We had a two-hour delay today but they're cramming all the classes in. Right now I'm in French "studying" for our quiz tomorrow. It's very exciting.
I love you all.
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2005 20 February :: 12.20 pm
I hope we don't win that duct tape prom thing because you have to send them your dress.
And you don't get it back.
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