2004 4 September :: 4.59 pm
:: Mood: content
The Tale of the Grizounding
Nick borrowed Shrek 2 a long time ago, gave it back to me and I forgot it at Ben's. Tom was over at Ben's and decided it was a cool idea to take it. So I ended up forgetting that it was even out of the house. Tom gave it to Katie so Katie could give it back to me.
So on to last night. Katie, Ben and I were hanging out and my sister called to ask me where Shrek 2 was. I had no idea. I couldn't remember it even leaving the house. Then my mom called and was pretty mad so I asked Katie and Ben for the whole story and they told me all that stuff upstairs.
Katie told me that Tom gave it to her and blah de blah.
My mom and I went back and forth for a while about the fact that she was really pissed and I was a giant idiot and she threatened to not let Nick in the house. I pleaded with her and she finally just said, "You better have fun hanging out with your friends tonight because it won't be happening for a while." And we hung up and I cried.
So anyway. My parents are both asleep downstairs right now or I'd ask my mom about the terms and conditions.
Nick came over today and we tried to put my dad's old stereo/CD player into Nick's car but it just turned out to be really frustrating.
I think that means it's okay if people come over here. Since so many people do all the time.
We had an anime club meeting today but since I'm grounded and didn't feel like going, I didn't go.
I need to find a book for Contemporary Lit. Woah. I just found a site with contemp lit book reviews. Some of them I've read. Sigh.
I might do some of my homework before Monday night.
I love you all.
"We do not disappear without a trace. We leave a wake that never quite disappears, a gash in time that we so laboriously leave behind us."
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2004 3 September :: 11.12 pm
I be grounded, yo.
Sorry, Kelly, I can't go to the thing on Monday.
Sorry, everyone, I won't be able to go anywhere for a while. I'm sure it's okay if you stop by though. HINT! HINT!
It'll be for a week or so. I don't know. I'll get details in the morning.
I love you all.
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2004 3 September :: 12.47 pm
New icon thingy.
I made this for Alex:

The bug is iri smurfing descent.
I was so unaware that it had a flower vase. That's like the most awesome thing ever.
I love you all.
"The ceremony was not proper
There was not enough people
And who picked the music?
Those melodies almost made me physically sick"
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2004 2 September :: 6.17 pm
So my dad's car was totaled.
He got a VW bug. It's a sort of eggplant color. In the sun, it looks black/blue but in the shade it looks eggplant/purple.
I get that car, I believe.
It's a stick shift so I need to learn how to drive it.
It's so cool. There's the CD changer in the trunk which is weird but it can hold five or six CDs.
And it's got a moon/sun roof thing!
Rock hard, yo!
I love you all.
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2004 2 September :: 4.39 pm
:: Mood: sore
I fell down yesterday in Physics. Hard. So hard that my glasses flew off.
And today I'm sore. Really really bad. My neck hurts, my back hurts, my legs hurt. I just hurt all over.
Yesterday I hung out with Nick, Brigitte and Ben. Nick has to work today, tomorrow and Saturday which blows because I probably won't be able to see him until Sunday or Monday.
School today was kind of blah. We played bocce ball in French 4 but that was the only interesting thing.
I love you all.
There's nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually do something about it. Too often a person grows complacent with their disillusionment, perpetually wearing their "discomfort" like a favorite shirt. I can't say I'm very pleased with where my life is just now... but I can't help but look forward to where it's going.
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2004 31 August :: 8.17 pm
I forgot to bring my Physics book home. The homework isn't due until Thursday but I wanted to do it while I didn't have a heavy workload.
I said it yesterday but I don't know who heard it. I made a new layout. RAWK.
I love you all.
Hi, floor! Make me a sandwich! SANDWICH! Hehehehe!
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2004 31 August :: 6.23 pm
"Oh, don't worry. Most of you will never fall in love. You'll just marry out of fear of dying alone."
Today was better than I thought it was going to be. I was dreading going to school but it was okay.
I'm really tired though.
My mom has this thing with her arm and hand where her fingers will go numb for sometimes a week at a time.
I'll wake up some days and my first few fingers will be numb. Or during the day, my index finger will go numb.
My mom thinks it's either carpal tunnel or the same thing she has, where she kills nerves every once in a bit.
So I'll probably get tested for carpal tunnel syndrome. Right now I'm wearing her wrist thingy and my finger is slowly becoming un-numb.
It's like it falls asleep.
I'm really tired. I almost always am. Ug. I fell asleep on the couch for a few minutes off and on.
And my throat hurts. And my everything is sore. My back hurts, my leg hip joint thing hurts, my arm hurts. Garr. I need sleep.
I love you all.
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2004 30 August :: 8.42 pm
And in case you were wondering, you are everything to me.
I changed my layout.
The picture is from Exploding Dog. It's called but you loved me yesterday!
The title of my journal (But the bars and cars/Won't stop the stars/That shine where I'm going) comes from the song Smile by Jeremy Lister.
The comment links, both of them, come from the song Half of Me is Gone by Jeremy Lister.
I've been wanting to use this ED picture for a long while and I was just in the mood to use it.
Layout will change eventually. Sooner rather than later.
The icon will change as soon as I can make a new one.
I love you all.
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2004 30 August :: 4.08 pm
It's time for the annual: SUMMARY OF THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
WOO! So school started out awesome. I got to the spot where we all hang in the morning and Ashley was there. RAWK. All through before school started, I was hugging everyone and shouting hellos to everyone every five seconds.
So we all go to homeroom first thing. We watch some stupid rule video and get our schedules. I got my schedule, gave it a once over to make sure I had the same classes and I noticed that my Conceptual Physics teacher changed.
I was extremely happy to see that good old Mr. Nelligan was my Physics teacher! Mr. Nelligan was one of the two reasons I'm taking physics. The second reason being that the classes go to Cedar Point.
Anyway, the lowdown on my day and impressions furthermore:
First hour, French 4. This class is going to rock. It's mixed, fourth and third years since we only have 11 fourth years and you need 20 to make a class. There are five fourth years. Mrs. Dudka is back too after having her baby and us having five thousand different teachers. I missed her. Plus, Kelly's in that class! WOO! KELLY!
Second hour, Contemporary Literature. I am serious contemplating switching out of this class. The first book we're reading a John Grishom novel. Total bore. I might switch into AP Lit. I'll have to ask Kelly how it is.
Third hour, Introduction to Algebra 2. Mr. Hess sounds awesome. If you do bad on a test and show him the corrections to it, he'll let you retake it and keep the highest grade. Hopefully I might be able to understand algebra. I'm good at geometry, bad at algebra. Really really bad. I have homework.
Fourth hour, Conceptual Physics. Mr. Nelligan! Rhymes with pelican! This class will be fun. I love physics.
Fifth hour, Japanese 2. This class might be almost hard. It's second, third and fourth years all together. There's this David kid who was born in Japan, went to Forest Hills and (according to Wessely-sensei) speaks fluent Japanese. He's a freshmore. I don't know but the class sounds hard.
Sixth hour, General Psychology. This class will be easy as pie. The teacher seems nice. Ashley's in that class!
73h end! This year will hopefully be fun and easy. So far, so good.
Nick works today and Saturday instead of Thursday and Friday. The schedule got switched around or something.
I think that's it.
I love you all.
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2004 29 August :: 7.18 pm
I be fat! WOO!
You know those blue jeans I have with the flowers down the side? They're a size 3. They use to fall down all the time but they actually fit now. JOY! I gained weight! I filled in my pants!
I was folding laundry today and Nick called. He was school shopping (even though he's got a week to go...curses) and invited me along.
We went to Meijer's. It was fun. I saw Amanda there. YAY! AMANDA!
And almost everyone Nick knows in the entire world.
I saw some kid from anime club and lots of Rockford people I know, but they don't know me.
Anyway, today has just be a lazy last hurrah. I've done a load of laundry, hung up two baskets full of clothes and I'm waiting for Hannah's stuff to be done so I can wash another basket or two.
It's fun, laundry is. It's a great cure for boredom. I do a load of laundry and while it's finishing up, go eat or go online. Once it's done, I blast music in my room and hang up the clothes.
Do you know that I have more than two pairs of pants? It's amazing!
Anyway. School starts on the morrow and I almost can't wait. Then again, I almost don't want to go. Either way, I'll be in love with it by tomorrow afternoon.
Well, I'll be in love with every class but math. Ugh.
I love you all and I hope your day is going great.
No heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you touch her
And you feel alive
So live for the moment
And take this advice
Live by every word
Love's completely real
So forget anything that you have heard
And live for the moment now
P.S. The Spill Canvas smurfing ROCKS.
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2004 29 August :: 1.22 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Aisle 10 from JSRF
Thanks to Phil, I gots me a gmail account! I heart you, Phil.
It's funny listening to songs for the first time on our surround sound thingy.
Like the songs I downloaded on the computer downstairs. I brought them upstairs and there are parts of songs I've never heard before.
It's like burning a CD with lots of l33t subwoofer bass action and playing on my stereo in my room. There's something missing then but now, something has been added.
I'm doing more laundry today. I smurfing love doing laundry.
I love you all.
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2004 29 August :: 8.55 am
:: Mood: blah
I have a bad feeling.
And it's tearing me apart.
I'm sorry, Nick. Maybe people are right. Maybe all I am is a heartbreaker.
But I don't care what they say. I love you. I love you and nothing will ever change that.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was up last night. It's long and stupidly complicated. I didn't want you to not have fun or keep Ben waiting.
I'll tell you as soon as I can.
I love you. Everybody.
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2004 28 August :: 11.35 pm
Is our last day of freedom.
I love you all.
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2004 28 August :: 11.06 am
I wish it was winter.
Or at least fall.
If it's going to be gray, it should rain.
I can't wait for snow.
Heaven's not a place that you go when you die
It's that moment in life when you actually feel alive
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2004 28 August :: 12.57 am
It's a good year for a murder. She's praying to Jesus, she's pulling the trigger. There's no tears cuz he's not here.
It's me and the moon. And it's so beautiful.
I am a butterfly, you wouldn't let me die.
I've realized that I haven't really written about my life in here.
Everything is pretty okay.
Life is pretty awesome. Sure there have been some roadblocks, detours and speed bumps but I always get right back on the road again.
Today was a very nice day. I took a shower and found out that I really stunk so I apologize to anyone I've seen in the past couple of days. Because I smelled bad.
I learned how to do laundry. It's fun. I'm going to be the best wife ever. I like doing dishes and I like doing laundry. Once I learn how to cook, I'll be awesome. I'll be the perfect wife.
Now all I need is a husband.
Nick stopped by after work. It was 10:15ish. I was trying to explain to Hannah ilovebees.com but I heard a car that sounded a lot like Nick's and stopped midsentence.
Yay! Nick!
Nick's sister wrote a big long entry to me about how I should stay out of her life blah blah blah and I just saw it. Ha. I haven't even bothered to look at her journal since she got all explosive at me. I probably won't read it anymore after this entry. It's sort of stupid. And very teenager. This whole argument has been stupid.
Most arguments are.
Sigh. I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed in a bit. Tomorrow I wake up at 7.
Katie's father has some rafting thing with his work people and she invited me along. They'll pick me up at 11, I guess. I'll be back sometime in the evening. So yeah, I'll be gone all day.
Which blows because Nick has tomorrow off and minus Sunday, that's the only day I can hang out with him before... doomsday.
I'm tired. This was pointless.
I love you all.
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2004 27 August :: 5.43 pm
I keep forgetting to say this.
A month or so ago, I was over at Ben's hanging out with Ben and Nick. Nick said I looked like I had gained weight. (Awesome boyfriend, ne?) So I asked Ben if he had a scale and weighed myself.
I weigh 106 pounds. Smurf yeah!
I was wearing jeans and that added something but still.
I weigh more than 100!! w00t!
I love you all.
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2004 27 August :: 1.08 pm
:: Music: Through the Years and Far Away from Hoshi no Koe
And I didn't get to say goodbye... I really wish I got to say goodbye...
Jackie's gone.
And so the beginning of the end begins. Or the end of the beginning. I don't know what it is.
But Jackie's gone and we won't see her for a while.
Sigh sob cry.
I miss her already.
I never got to say goodbye.
I love you all.
If I could fly across this night, faster than the speed of light. I would spread these wings of mine. Through the years and far away...
P.S. I made this for Kyle yesterday.

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2004 26 August :: 7.04 pm
I just had the most heavenly tuna melt ever.
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2004 26 August :: 2.09 pm
I am a hopeless romantic.
zomg!!1!!1one!11 Please tell me that's a joke. I don't want to live in this world if it's fo' real.
eDEN has smurfing METAL SMURFING DDR PADS!!! Smurfing RAWK! Smurf yeah! Who wants to go to eDEN?
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2004 26 August :: 11.09 am
All you need is love
Went to bed at midnight/one.
Woke up at 9.
Tomorrow I wake up at 8.
Saturday: 7.
Sunday: 6.
Monday, school: 6.
I don't want school to start.
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