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Kalamazoo Gazette WHAT WOULD SHAKESPEARE SAY? Kalamazoo College presents all-female cast for `Hamlet' Sunday, November 11, 2007 BY ELIZABETH CLARK Special to the Gazette KALAMAZOO Read more.. K-College Index Hamlet By Mariah Frye STAFF WRITER Read more..
to the rule
1 exception | to the rule
tickle me vizzini
Justine Smith - Priceless Works
Architecture in Helsinki
M.I.A. 20 Dollar ignore the lame video. Boyz
"You enter the world with nothing; you leave it with nothing; and during your life on earth it is better to have nothing." -Yuwipi; Vision & Experience in Oglala Ritual By William K. Powers
Unfinished vision by Salvador Dali and Walt Disney. DESTINO
this song just breaks my heart.. Amy Winehouse - Back To Black lyrics
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