2009 24 April :: 3.45pm
Well here is another thing to add to the list of things that keep making my life worse..
Mike's daughters mom and step dad are buying the house that I want more than anything so that their welfare kids can rent it from them..
I am super fucking pissed because they knew that I wanted that house, and was trying to get it..
Right now I am beyond super fucking pissed.
Pull a combo!
2009 21 April :: 5.54pm
:: Music: Hate my life - Theory of a Deadman
Not sure if it is because of the rain, or the sudden load of shit that has been dumped on me lately, but the song "Hate my life - Theory of a Deadman" is my theme song for the moment.. One verse in particular.
I still hate my job, my boss is a dick
"I don't get paid nearly enough
To put up with all of your shit"
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2009 21 April :: 2.43pm
Growing up I was never told that cheating was a good or bad thing. I have formed my own opinions on the subject.
But I can't believe she has the audacity to ask me not to be mad at him. I can understand that she wouldn't want my brother to know. But I honestly cannot believe she can ask me not to be mad at him. I may not have a lot of respect for the woman and she has done somf pretty questionable things in her life but I figured she'd make things right by not forgiving someone for doing the same thing she has done to every guy she has been with.
Makes me sick.
Pull a combo!
2009 20 April :: 10.55pm
So right now out of all the things that were bugging me the only thing left is how emotionally disconnected I feel from my family. Well, I guess you can add friends to that too.
I feel like everyone is against me. Sometimes when I spend time with my family I feel like they aren't even my family and it is a horrible feeling.
Will it ever go away?
Pull a combo!
2009 17 April :: 11.50am
Things are better already..
It took them forever to get my check thing situated and really it didnt get situated but whatever..
The owner of the company gave me cash.. Went to the bank, withdrew money and said "here you go, when you get your check in the mail just cash it, and give me back the same amount I just gave you."
Because my check went to my old address it will take up to a week for the tranfer of address to go through or whatever..
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2009 16 April :: 7.39pm
Things in my life couldn't be any more crappy..
I have a bitch trying to aggravate me to leave Mike, because she thinks I am not qualified to take care of her sister..
I want to buy a house, but that is not going the way I had planned..
I barely have credit, so I can't get a loan, they want me to get a credit card, but I can't get a credit card because I barely have credit..
I didn't get my paycheck today, and who knows when I will get one..
Apparently it got mailed out, or so they think, they aren't really sure.. My check NEVER gets mailed out..
So I have to wait until tomorrow to see if I get it..
But here is the real kicker, they asked me to verify my address, and they only have my old address on file.. So my check was sent to that address.. Delaying it just a couple of more days..
I asked them to re-issue me a new one and void the one they sent out..
But their response was "we have to wait and see if you get it"
Leaving me to wait until fucking MONDAY to see if I get a check and if I don't then they will re-issue me a new one, and have someone from Owosso drop it off at work for me..
Fucking A.. Not to mention, my boss and I have been going rounds all week because he is a fucking moron..
So I right now, I am ready to just quit life. I want to cry, curl up in a ball and sleep for like a month..
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2009 17 April :: 1.30am
so I'm really drunk....
prime minister Aso gave me 12000 yen today...
while making my poor ass happy, it also made me sad for the people working here.
I suppose they had the right idea in that I will spend it IN japan and not send it anywhere else or save it for America.
good night.
Pull a combo!
2009 12 April :: 7.20pm
So I had Easter dinner with both my parents, at my moms house..
Apparently hell froze over..
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2009 10 April :: 6.47pm
I haven't updated in a while.
I miss going places.
I miss my friends.
emo emo emo.
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2009 8 April :: 5.45pm
So I put an old mixed cd in my cd player today on the way home from work because I needed some new music, and I forgot what was on the CD..
And all these memories hit me like a ton of bricks..
Some good, some bad, and some that I can't seem to get off my mind.
This CD had songs that describe so many things in my life..
One song in particular hit home.. Well actually two songs hit home..
And now I can't get the one song out of my head..
And its probably not the best idea for it to be there..
Ugh.. this is why people label should label their cd's..
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2009 4 April :: 9.59pm
I seriously feel like I am losing my mind.
And one thing I hate more than anything, is when people don't listen to me, or acknowledge the fact that I am talking to them..
Not to mention I have other things on my mind that are making me want to throw up and crawl in a corner and cry because that is the only way I know how to deal with them, have known how to deal with them for a very long time..
How fucking lame..
Pull a combo!
2009 2 April :: 10.25pm
:: Music: A Perfect Circle
A fairwell.

6th ESB Embark Specialist. for A Co. Bridge
I dont think Ill be updating this for along time so Im saying it now. Goodbye. Thank you for the friendship.Thank you for the support. I look to not disappoint.
I will be going to Boot Camp then off to MCT(30days) and follow that with MOS(21days) school. After schooling, I will be assigned to the above company. I may find myself shipping out by the end of the year, who knows. We will see. If I am, I expect it to be in Afghanistan as per the MGySgt's notice.
Saturday evening (04042009) if anyone wishes to drop by my house feel free. Im having a few folks over and I really wouldnt mind seeing friendly faces. If you to not have my address Im more than happy to give it out...just not in plain sight. Email me and I will give you it. valoth at gmail dot com
Friends past, present. Thank you for being around.
Time to grow up. Without a doubt this Marine Corps shit will go to my head. Pride motherfuckers....do you have it?
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2009 30 March :: 5.13pm
I feel like all my friends worlds are falling apart and there is nothing I can do about it..
How fucking shitty..
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2009 28 March :: 6.22pm
Bowled a 300 on wii!!
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2009 27 March :: 11.42am
So I took a day off work to recooperate.
Work killed me yesterday, and I can seriously barely move.
I pulled a muscle in my right knee.
Of course it has to be the one that I had surgery on a few years back, not the one that doesn't ever hurt.. Go figure.
I am waiting for a reply back from some people about a washer and dryer.. Hopefully that happens this weekend too, and we can get that.
I had a dream last night, that everyone I used to hang out with from Cedar, showed up at my house in a grey school bus..
So apparently, my sister isn't coming up for two weeks now..
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