2008 4 August :: 7.18pm
We finally got around to rearranging our living room.
I have been begging and pleading and threatening doing it for months now..
And Mike finally caved and I bribed him into doing it.
And we have one of his turkeys on the wall.
The whole turkey.
On a perch.
And it sticks out from the wall.
Like 2.5 feet out from the wall.
A whole stuffed turkey..
From its beak to its feet, turkey.
And soon, there will be another one on the other end of the wall..
4 hit Combo!! |
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2008 2 August :: 10.14am
:: Music: kebbeen, buying me dinner.
Mr. J, (this entry's more for me than anything else)
movie's done, at least as far as i'm concerned. going canoing today. wrap party for the film is tomorrow. the last class is on monday, and i have to turn in a 3-5 page paper that i have yet to write. should be exciting. also going to try and schedule a job interview for that time. and go into campus view and raise hell for my damage deposit. so, staying plenty busy, even though it's supposedly over.
but that's okay. life barrels on.
Pull a combo!
2008 28 July :: 11.15am
My bike needs it's handlebars right now...
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2008 26 July :: 7.31am
I just found $105 siitting on my apartment walkway. How badass is that? It's a beautiful ray of sunshine in this shitty week I've been having.
Pull a combo!
2008 26 July :: 12.37am
:: Music: Go Fish - Part of the Proof
seriously. i just want a day off. one fucking day off.
we filmed again today. james's room is fully dressed. but since our camera broke this afternoon, and they didn't get to the interior shots on the call sheet, they pushed them back to the end of the schedule, so that room didn't need to be dressed at all... so dumb, but it couldn't be helped.
i'm having lots of fun. but i'm so fucking tired. and i'm just getting sick of being there all the time.
and i'm smoking way too many cigarettes. this is killing me. neither softly, nor slowly.
but i'm determined to have fun, dammit. we're making a movie. it should be a good time.
Pull a combo!
2008 22 July :: 12.04pm
ALrighty so, Im back home again.
The Dark Knight was freaking awesome. I definitly would go see it again. This time I would do Imax though. It needs the bigger screen. The themes and ideals placed into the movie are really dark but very entertainining. The jokers style pulls out the worst in those around him and its good to watch. Grats Heath for the good movie before you were lost. It will be a shame to not have you around for any more of these Batman films.
Ive been fairly busy at work, just more of a hurry up to wait feeling though. We lost one of our developers and it would see the guy I hate, the old guy, is going to be leaving/reretire so I dont have him to irk me on things anymore. Im happy about that. I will miss Enrico, the developer, he was a good guy. Quiet, but easy to talk to, and willing to buy lunch for others. *gotta love free*
I called and talked to Rachel Saturday after getting done with the event earlier that day. I talked to her for awhile and I think we've smoothed things out some. I havent talked to her since then. Shes been really busy though. For instance, when I called she was doing cleaning on the new house shes going to be renting with everyone. -I miss her way too much right now- After I got off the phone with her I was walking back to the campsite and Mandie said "get ur shit unfucked?" I shrugged and said "I think so." Then she said something that struck me and I think its true too. "You two are just fed up with waiting and your taking it out on each other[without knowing it or not.]"
-To be finished-
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2008 21 July :: 4.49pm
Hooray! We now have internet again. =] So the apartment has just become that much more enjoyable, lol. I don't have to sit here and be bored on my days off anymore.
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2008 20 July :: 1.55am
i'm SOOO tired. but it's back to the grindstone again tomorrow, so i suppose i ought to suck it up and deal.
sleepy time looms.
foreboding and somnambulant are the pertinent adjectives.
i think.
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2008 18 July :: 1.28am
drizzunk? schmammered? was macht es?
seriously, guys. 9pm. friday night (tomorrow... or today, depending on how you view it). sazerac lounge. be there (i will).
and fuck you jessa, for getting that damn song stuck in my head, right before i go to sleep. it will drive me insane.
; )
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2008 17 July :: 3.50pm
Jerry, the old guy at the office I really dont like, keeps talking to me about data bases. I honestly think that he keeps thinking Im a developer or something. Hes like "could you do this and with these things I got." When that thing he would like is involving words that have meanings I dont know of in a database system I know minute things about. I dont know SQL code. I dont know what the hell your are talking about. I dont have any background with database stuff. So asking me to do these things is just like ramming my head into the wall. The things he wants involve some prior knowledge on the subject, which I dont have any everyone else here is clear of except him.
Pull a combo!
2008 17 July :: 10.24am
Well I havent updated in awhile. So recap time.
The last week in June I got to see Bill again, hung out at his house with everyone playing football most of the evening. Me and PJ took him out to lakeshores field to play airsoft on that sunday. Doc, Prez, and Osiris followed suit. As well as the other FMF members for the morning. The day before that was the cookout at Doc's place with everyone. Good enjoyable day.
Ive been fairly distant with the family. I shouldnt be so distant but I just am. Im not one to reach outwardly for talking. I have managed to make sure that I at least go get my mail and stop to talk to my mom for awhile. Its alot easier to deal with my parents now that Im not in the home.
Weekend of the 4th I stayed home for the most part. Just stopped by the parents house and had friday night pizza with them.
I was going to go airsofting last weekend but sunburn left me defininetly not wanting to do that. So I stayed home again. Im sunburned from going on the tubing trip with PJ's family. Friggin hate sunburn so much.
Relationship: Me and Rachel are still together. Ive been in need of seeing her again. I get fairly emo'esq alot lately. We are both fairly good at keeping busy so talking to her helps ease those wounds for the time being.
It would see she is taking a big step on her end to move out. We talked about it last night, although Im not sure how much got threw to her. She was on crappy internet stolen from neighbors in town. On top of this she had been drinking. We got to talking about her situation and it started to irk me more and more that she was doing this. I should be estatic that she wanted to move out. I should. But the costs of which she is doing it isnt so great. She was told she has to be on the lease and its likely it will be a 1yr lease. I asked her to see if she could be off the lease and just be an occupant. She was like "well I cant do that, I mean I cant just leave them with that higher payment." "Valid point. But do you want to be there for another year?, I responded. She says no. Then is like "we will see more of each other than we ever have this next year." (True-possibly)
[Edward Norton style Self Narration:] Thats about the time I was most irked.
I dont know how to respond to that without getting into a fight and have it end with those words spoken that I know I dont want to hear. Chances are she really doesnt want to say them either.
I just feel like she may be sabotaging herself whenever it gets to be us being close. The date of when we get to be together and not just for a visit seems to just fall farther and farther away.
[ Edward Norton style Self Narration:] And there we go...deep sigh....heavy blank stare into the abyss...yup. 3...2...1....ladies and gentleman emo moment status is a go. I repeat go for emo marker.
Rachel. I know Im asking alot to be with you and be distant from your family. I cannot apologize for that. It just feels like this is turning into perpetual long distance relationship.
EDIT: Im happy for the changes you want to make to better your life in the way you want to do it Rachel, know that first and foremost. Im just afraid you may be getting in over your head with this rent/lease issue.
EDIT 2: One of the guys here at work happened to just quote yoda for no reason and it totally was moment fitting but completely random. "I sense much fear in you...fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate...hate...leads to suffering."
Edit 3: Ugh Im totally not one for arguments. I feel one brooding and nothing has happened yet.
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2008 17 July :: 12.17am
went to blues on the mall tonight with mom and lib.
i got some free beers (we went to the BOB during the thunderstorm), and i got to hang with my family and pontificate some. it was gratifying.
but after spending all day working, and all evening walking around downtown, i am completely beat. and i get to do it all over again tomorrow.
no rest for the wicked, i guess. and apparently i'm totally fucking wicked.
Pull a combo!
2008 15 July :: 8.52pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: none
Summer Film Project
i have finished day two of our preproduction preparations to the caledonia location. there's a shit ton of stuff that needs to be done, but at least we're finally getting somewhere.
i'm not doing anything involving audio, as i said before. but i do at least get to do construction stuff, which i'm fairly good at. not like it's rocket science.
but yeah. it's fun. the people are cool to hang with. but it's a lot of work. i mellowed out a lot once i resigned myself to the fact that this is just a really slipshod operation, and that i won't be able to rely on anything. i will do the best i can to make it happen for them, but nobody, not even me, can ask for anything more than that.
and i think i'm doing my part. i certainly have lots of tools down there, and we're making decent progress. i'll keep you guys posted on the happenings as i can, but no promises. it's keeping me plenty busy.
the important thing for you to remember is:
Friday Night - 9PM - at the...
Sazerac Lounge
1418 Plainfield Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI
Be there if you can. although, i believe it's 21+.
call me if you have questions, or shoot me an email. i'll get more info as it becomes available. (like i said, slip-shod).
Pull a combo!