2008 15 May :: 9.18am
:: Mood: aggravated
The Going Price For Home
So I left work around 4:30 yesterday got maybe 5-6miles from the office and was another mile from getting onto 196 East. I cross some train tracks and to my ears I hear a glorious sound. Piff! Hisssssss!
Flat tire, rear driver side. I pull into the nearest parking lot just as the tire empties out of all its air. I get out to take a look. I have a nice 2-3" gash on the side wall ending on bottom side of the tire. I was pissed. Something hit the tire hard enough to slice a clean gash in the tire side wall while going over the tracks.
I move onto tryin to change the tire and come across my first problem. Covering the lugnuts up is a nice 6" round cap. The cap is held in place by a phillips head screw. The screw head is completely devoid of its original inset. So I cant get that off to even start on the lug nuts. I call up my Dad and we go home.
We return with tools to get past the problem. And sure enough after rejacking the car back up he pulls out the screw. We take the cap off and use a 4 way torque wrench to work on the lug nuts. We manage to get 2 of them off. The other 3 are on so fucking tight that they had to have been put on with a air wrench of some form. Short of rounding the things off and making it impossible to get them off we could not do anything about it.
So now on top of getting a new tire, custom to the car running me about $95 a piece, I have to pay costs of getting service of an air/power wrench to get those things off.
Oh and the tire may have to be Fed'ex shipped in to the area because after looking online at the tires website it isnt housed locally. At least, not by the tire discount who the tire company goes threw.
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2008 14 May :: 5.47pm
Well, almost a full year has come and gone since my last Woohu post, so I figure it's about time for a new one. Alot's changed in a year, which I suppose is just the natural course of things. Well, that's about all the detail I'm going to go in...
This has been another update brought to you by me
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2008 13 May :: 11.17am
I really do hope that woohu is here to stay. Because I love it much more then anything, ever.
Also I love Snowden. Good band.
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2008 13 May :: 9.09am
I'm going to see Barack in GR.
Anyone want to join?
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2008 12 May :: 9.06am
Hehe, so I finally did it. I handed in my crap to the Nazi on Friday morning, and it felt sooooo wonderful. So as of now, I have a ton of free time. =] Until I find a new job that is. So if you want to hang out, call me! And I will probably be calling some of you as well. =]
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2008 11 May :: 8.27pm
Well dispite Andy being sick of it, here goes....
It WAS my 21st birthday yesterday. I had lots of fun. Now I'm just up there in years soo, whatever.
Happy birthday to me I guess....
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2008 11 May :: 12.04am
Today I spent the majority of the day sitting on my butt.
I went down to my dads to visit.. and see his harley..
He bought a motorcycle yesterday.
And I ended up spending most of my day down there.
And the 2 hours before I went down there I was making ringtones.
And for like 30 minutes while I was there I was making ringtones..
And for the last 45 minutes, I was making ringtones..
I think I made a little over 20 of them today..
And now I sit here and wait for mike to bring me home a pop..
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2008 10 May :: 9.48pm
Got a call at 1am from a really drunk Mandie...not really sure what she wanted. Oh well.
Went out to the Clarksville area with FAH today. Short afternoon, 13 folks showed. Interesting stuff with that. Thats all I got to say about that.
Loving the multicam though.
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2008 7 May :: 7.28pm
I applied for a student loan last night.
Today my loan was approved.
Tomorrow, my money will be sent to MCC.
Finally, all my ducks are afloat and in a row.
My birthday is in 32 days.
Right now things are going really great in my life.
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2008 5 May :: 7.28pm

This woman is amazing and I love her. FYI
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2008 5 May :: 4.00pm
I am not eligible for a Pell Grant.
Therefore I have to get Student Loans.
I am mad because tuition is due Thursday.
Fucking cock suckers!
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2008 3 May :: 4.11am
The opera here at CMU next spring will the Mozart's Magic Flute. My favorite opera and the most challenging opera CMU has done to date. We auditioned today, and we will be learning our parts over the summer. And guess what?
You all have to come see me!! It will be AMAZING!!! I cant even tell you how excited I am!!!
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2008 30 April :: 3.06am
I like facebook because it keeps me connected to old friend.
But it also keeps me connected with people ho cause me great stress.
fo real....
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2008 29 April :: 10.02am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: NIN- Discipline
Okay so it is now Tuesday, I feel regular tired instead of the overly tired from such a long weekend.
Today I my lovely womans Birthday! So Hooray for her, unfortunately I dont think she remembered her own bday or has time to enjoy it. Finals work is getting all up in on her back. Im happy for her though, shes going strong with getting a 4.0 for the year. She gets things done right when she puts the time into it. I love that about her.
Work has slowed down some finally. There was a good 2-3weeks where I was just going, going, going. Seemed like everyone had a computer renewal,breakdown, or reorganizing all at the same time. I was glad to be keeping busy but it was annoying. Go to help someone and someone else comes over with there problem they think is way worse. Go to help them instead and then the other person is all in a tiffy about there issue because they dont know $0.02 to save them the time to solve it.
This last weekend was awesome. Took off from work to go to Operation: Rolling Thunder 2
I walk away from the whole thing with a new team, new friends, and plenty of good times ahead to look forward to.
My new team is FMF(Fleet Marine Force) It is a small new team hosted by Op-Doc(aka Delta-38) Who is the owner of MOA(Military Ops Airsoft) who is also one of the leads of the MIA boards which is in charge of all Michigan airsoft event listing/organizing. So basically its a team thats going to be rolling out in the nice gear, with sponsors to back things. Its nice to have that. If you happen to drop by the FMF site its currently under construction due to the fact that team FMF is only 3weeks old now.
I would like to thank PJ and Mandie for the pictures. PJ for use of his camera to get some shots of the early evening pistol games, and Mandie for the awesome pictures from the rest of the days. Ill be adding in links for the other albums a bit later on.
RT2 Slide by Tex
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2008 28 April :: 8.02pm
I have tough girl exterior that i show to everyone except my family.
Which also means that my family gets to me most of all.
They know what pisses me off, and makes me cry.
My brother most of all, knows each and every button to press, like he's dialing his best friends phone number over and over and over.
Today I got told that I am too small to be a corrections officer. And that if I work in a mens prison facility, I will be gang raped..
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