Don't read this, asshole


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Stuck in the Past

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:: 2008 28 April :: 12.50pm

Today I fell and felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger and sharper
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 28 April :: 8.25am

Sometimes I wish you were more open and clear. So I could just get past this rut and decide which way to turn...

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 27 April :: 8.52pm

Soooo tired!

Pics and stories to tell later. (tomorrow)

Say happy birthday to Rachel IMHO, or die!


Pull a combo!


:: 2008 25 April :: 11.04pm

I don't want to be alone tonight....

2 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 22 April :: 1.08pm
:: Mood: working
:: Music: FF5- Pur ur Hands up

Uwe Boll
Ok so there I am just kind of reading WoR site during lunch then checking out what silly things are the 5 recent threads.

One of them I notice is about Uwe Boll applied to be director of the upcoming live action (300 styled) WoW movie. Blizzard Laughs away Uwe Boll

So I ask myself,"Who is Uwe Boll? Why is he such a bad choice?" So I head over to IMDb to get teh scoop on this flop of a guy. When I arrive I see his list of movies. Taking careful time to note his recent actions: Far Cry (2008 post production) I return to the article to read it in full and then some of the comments left behind by the community. I was laughing so hard. I made sure to tell everyone else who was remotely familiar with Far Cry the game. They laughed with me and then we all notice something...Petition to stop him

Quoted:To: Dr. Uwe Boll

We, the undersigned, respectfully ask that Uwe Boll give proper weight to the wishes of the video game community, the horror community, and the film going community in general and stop directing, producing, or taking any part in the creation of feature films. His distasteful handling of the subject matter and lack of acknowledgement of his failures simply cannot be abided any longer.

Mr. Boll has repeatedly shown a complete lack of comprehension regarding the videogames he has dragged, kicking and screaming, to the silver screen and his ham-fisted approach to horror has soiled future possibilities for anyone else who may attempt to bring videogames to film.

The undersigned


I am 218004 on the list and not more than 5min after signing has more than 70 folks signed up after me. So I hope that others will sign this as well simply to stop him from making such terrible movies.

I mean cmon! Look at that list! Bloodrayne 3...seriously!? Did anyone even know it went past 2? All this guy does is take games that have are willing to sell rights for cheap and then rip off a shitty movie about it.

Zombie Massacre - Wii game
Alone in the Dark- PC game
Bloodrayne- PS2
In the name of the King: - Dungeon Siege game blah blah blah

The list goes on. People want to know why PC games translate poorly to the film industry, this is why. Half ass movies by a dunce director like Uwe Boll

2 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 21 April :: 8.31am

Put me out because I'm a fucking fire.

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 21 April :: 1.01am

Welcome back to life woohu.


Pull a combo!


:: 2008 20 April :: 3.10pm

"Piss, piss piss piss piss" - Andrea's mom

1 hit Combo! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 19 April :: 11.32am

You'd think I'd be used to this bullshit.
The feeling like shit because my mom puts rolling cigarettes and shuffle board before me.
Especially when its for something I NEED.
I need her to find her 2006 Tax info.
There isnt a want for it, it is an important need.
I need it for Financial Aid.
I need it to get money for college.
I need it so that i dont have to ask for money elsewhere, and take out loans.

But whatever.

2 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 18 April :: 6.04pm
:: Music: Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis

I didn't go to Ohio.
I stayed home to relax, and do some more self-cleansing.
I visited Katelyn today.
I haven't seen her in a very long time, and I feel as though I have abandoned our friendship.

Financial Aid stuff is cluster-fucked.

I just watched the movie Juno.
I liked it.

6 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 17 April :: 6.06pm

SK Gaming Office

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 17 April :: 2.32pm

Wtf is going on Woohu?

3 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 17 April :: 12.52pm

Another double airsoft weekend I think.

Cant decided if I should go to both...


Was a long and busy day yesterday. Hectic work around the office tillabout4pm. Went downstairs to get a key and directions to one of the guys houses so I can go do a house call for him. Issues with his work notebook and not hooking up to his wireless at home. Ended up talking to him and another guy who seem semi interested in coming to play a local game sometime. Showed them a video of Operation Irene and they were just shocked that folks actually are out there doing that sort of thing.

Anyway, got to the guys house around 5:45, he lives in Holland so it was like driving home but in the wrong direction. I worked on that till about 7pm when he showed up with some pizza and his wife at home. Continued to work on that work notebook and his home computer till 10:30.

Couldnt get his home computer working because 1) its a dell that was infected but like 50 different things and 2) once windows was back up after a reformat it had issues using installshield. Some "iKernel.exe was not found" bs that I went and got a utility to fix but it just didnt seem to do the trick.

Been busy this morning again too. Just waiting for the weekend to show up.

7 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo!


:: 2008 16 April :: 6.46pm
:: Mood: tired, hungry, etc.
:: Music: my professor

job hunting

i hate looking for jobs. i mean, i get excited about all of the opportunities. but i also get really depressed about how i feel like i'm not good at anything. and all the things i am good at, aren't interested in having me.

whether it's true or not, even partially, doesn't really matter. it still feels crappy.

then again, maybe i just need to eat.

and i feel guilty for not listening to the lecture today. but it's just review. so there.

Pull a combo!


:: 2008 16 April :: 1.37pm

i'm kind of a hard person to be friends with sometimes, i think.

not all the time. and not in all respects. but there are a few areas where i'm definitely lacking.

but that's okay, because i'm still not really that bad.

2 hit Combo!! | Pull a combo! | Random Journal