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:: 2005 12 July :: 6.37pm
:: Music: Fiona Apple - Criminal

Well, I'm back in NY for apartment searching all this week. Started out well; ran through the list of brokers I had compiled before I headed back to the hotel room in the late afternoon. It's just frustrating because I don't know what to do w/ the evenings. I'm supposed to go out with some other students from the college sometime this week, but I'm waiting to hear back from them. I could take the subway to Manhattan, but for some reason I'm not up for sightseeing this time around. I'm just trying to get a firmer grasp on the Queens area and try to find a place to live. I've been staring at maps on and off since I've gotten here. I do have to say, since I've been here (and especially being on my own) I'm quickly becoming more comfortable and more "at home" here. My biggest adjustment is coming in the form of feeling like the other white male in this city who isn't in a business suit. I can't really relate to elderly Asian women, if you can empathize with that.

It has been nice, getting some focus to my life the past couple days, devoting my time and energy to a singular goal. I've also thought it'd be nice to get back on here (Woohu) more, or at least return to writing.

::looks at clock:: It's almost 7 o'clock, I'm in NYC and wondering what the hell to do. Sounds pathetic, but now that I'm thinking about it, that may be healthier than it seems. Might suggest I've got the tourist out of me (if I ever had that mindset with this place in the first place) and I'm eager to get down to business... to tell you the truth, I haven't looked forward to school so much since I started at Western.

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:: 2005 12 July :: 3.38am

I attempted to run Gnomer with a friend and some people we didn't know.

The tank wouldn't tank, the healer insisted on fighting (and therefore dying so she couldn't heal or rez any of us) and then someone rolled on something that both my friend and I wanted/could wear only to disenchant it.

It ended with the healer jumping off the area we were all standing on, thereby aggro-ing everything, dying, then getting pissed off at us and leaving the group. Then the tank jumped down to help her, died, yelled at us and left.

The rogue was the only nice guy.

I really hate grouping with people I don't know.

And Gnomer is a sucky instance.

Good news: Rumor has it that the new patch comes out tomorrow/today!

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:: 2005 9 July :: 2.56pm

My succubus comes on command!

You know it.

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:: 2005 8 July :: 4.01am

Ha. The fifth result down. You know, the Davenport one.

EDIT: I know Russell Stein! I went to elementary school with him! How many people can seriously have that name and be in my grade?

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:: 2005 5 July :: 11.31pm
:: Mood: subdued
:: Music: Annie Lennox - Why

This cracks me up...

"Don't worry Wilson, I'll do all the paddling. You just hang on."

Dave Eggers is contributing to a screenplay for an adaptation of the children's book "Where The Wild Things Are" with Spike Jonze attached to direct. Yummy.

Amélie came from DDD today. Watched it tonight. One of the most reaffirming movies that I've ever come across:

"You mean she would rather imagine herself relating to an absent person than build relationships with those around her?"

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:: 2005 5 July :: 4.05pm

I was over at Ben's house last night and Ben said it'd be cool if we watched Nick play Battlefield 2 while we were upside-down. So we did and I got all nauseous. I laid around for the rest of the night feeling icky and throw up...y.

Anyway, that's not the point of this entry. Here's the point:

Nick was sleeping because he works third shift and can't get to sleep at night on the weekends. I went into the kitchen to get some water and when I came back into Ben's room, Nick rolled over and sort of woke up. He said, "We should call the realtor!" Like it was some great idea that he thought up. I just looked at Ben and didn't say anything. Ben asked why and Nick said, like it was completely obvious, "So we can sell the house." Ben told him that was alright and he'd go get the phone. Nick rolled back over and fell asleep.

It was awesome.

I love you all.

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:: 2005 5 July :: 3.44am

Hey, Brett, sorry I couldn't come.

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:: 2005 3 July :: 6.35pm

Apparently my name violates WoW's name policy.

Which would normally make me slightly upset.

But Fred's here so I'm pissed.

I looked at the rules, couldn't see anything that it might violate except the "unpronounceable" rule which is bs.

Blah. I emailed them and stated that I didn't see it violating any rules.

edit: Yeah, they emailed me before (my "warning") saying it's unpronounceable. Smurfing grr.

In other news:

Can someone give me a ride home from Bretterson's tomorrow?

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:: 2005 1 July :: 1.20pm

I want to go to the lake.

Well not today because it's fall-like out there.

And not to the lake itself but to some cute little city on the lakeshore.

Maybe I'll see if Katie and I can wrangle up some men and go on an adventure tomorrow.

Michi comes today! Woo! German kid!

I love you all.

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:: 2005 1 July :: 2.14am

I bought the Jimmy Eat World album, Futures, off of iTunes.

Because I still had some iTunes gift card money left and because I heard it at Ben's and really liked it.

I am a slave to capitalism. I could've just downloaded it off of Limewire but I didn't.

Besides, my version of Polaris sucked.

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:: 2005 1 July :: 1.30am

I am a genius, maybe.
You how people (Katie) sometimes refer to being gay as "batting for the other team"?

Well I think being bisexual should be called "pinch-hitting" just to stay in the crappy sports metaphor.


Goodness I hate sports metaphors.

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:: 2005 1 July :: 12.58am
:: Mood: confused

Our toaster and my moral dilemma
Our toaster has two dials on it.

One is numbered and goes from 1 to maybe 8 with these dashes in-between that can only mean "and a half". That somehow correlates to the time that your bread toast/bagel/thing stays down in the toaster. (I always set it at 2 and a half for bread, 3 for a bagel.)

Now the other dial is the one I always have trouble with.

It has two settings: toast and bagel. It's not that hard, really. I don't see that it makes anything different cooking/heating wise.

But you see, people don't just use the toaster for bread and bagels. At least I don't.

I also use it for English muffins.

What setting am I supposed to put it to when I'm toasting my English muffin? It's not toast/bread and it's not a bagel. I'm lying no matter what I turn it to!

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:: 2005 29 June :: 6.44pm

Stuff...skip down and look at the picture(s)!
I'm sick and lonely and my brother has been on the computer all day.

I finally got online, hopped on the messenger and what did I see?

Every single person that was actually online was "away". Minus Joe "cell phone" f0x0rz.


Katie dyed her hair! It's sexy hot!

Read more..

Here's a random picture of Nick and Ben that either Katie or I took at Ben's house. This was before they killed us. My man is the cute frustrated one in the background who wants to be a ninja turtle. That other one is Ben. Ha. I less than three you, Ben.

Read more..

Yeah. That's it.

I love you all.

P.S. You know I'm sick when I don't use proper grammar or spell things correctly. And I don't care.

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:: 2005 28 June :: 1.42pm

My sister and I got these bears from IKEA when we were in Chicago.

Mine is blue.

Being the dorks that we are, we gave them very geeky names.

Mine is named Bjarni Herjolfsson.

Hannah's is named Ingvar after the guy who made IKEA.

Yeah, we rock.

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:: 2005 27 June :: 10.53pm

I am sick.

I feel weak and am constantly out of it.

I have an uber sore throat.

It started Friday night.

Now my ear hurts. I want to cry, it hurts bad.

I'm trying sleep a lot so I can get better fast.

I hope none of you get sick.

I'm going to go get water and drugs.

I love you all.

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