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A Silly Little Blog for A Silly Little Girl

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:: 2004 25 January :: 10.47am

Whosh i just woke up...hmm 9:30....fuck its too early...hehe...i just ate a bagel yummy with chocolate milk another yummy...hehe i want more chocolate milk...im missing two of my rubber duckies...thats not good...my ferrets probably got a hold of them...i better go look for them soon before they become umm i dont know a word but ruined..i hate today...i already can tell...tomorrow is school and i dont want to go to school but i have too...cause people and umm i got to retake a test that ive been stalling...damn it ms rizzo remembered...yea i got my report card like last week some time..it wasnt half bad...i finally got a B in my ap class...whosh thats a great one...i feel ahh sick...yesterday was weird...friday night was hilarious...my nails are pink...yesterday a lady clapped for me at walmart supercenter...it was funny cause i was backin out and having trouble cause there were a lot of cars in the way and i wsa just ahh...i like angled parking...but straight back ahh trouble...umm i dont know...do i have hw...hmm i dont know....omg jerrica tell me the chemistry hw...i got to try to do that or just copy...my mouth feels weird...today im going to al lopez park to go run/jog/walk...its fun and jerrica is meeting me there or something...i like that park cause you can walk around the whole thing and its like 2 miles and you dont realize it...its nice..umm i need to go download some music for my sister and myself...im goin to create a new mix...hehe mix number 5 or 6...who knows....ouchy the chair hurt me...okay well im goin ill write later maybe...bye bye..

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:: 2004 24 January :: 8.28pm

man i hate my sister...she is so much like my dad...arg jealous, paranoid, manipulative, and a whole bunch of other shit...she just through a half an hour tantrum to my mom cause i was talkin to mike....omg wow...arg she is sooooo gay.....and she is pmsing...go figure...then she acts like everyon owes her something and she has the worst life in the world...she can sit there and cry and look my mom in the face and say how bad a life she had...im sorry i lived it too and it was pretty bad but we had good moments...and also its so gay...she just crys and crys about oh how horrible things are and can i buy this or nah nah nah....arg she nags...she sux...w.e..okay lets go happy before i get pissed ever more....

ahh my mouth hurts hehe...mmm chocolate milk...man i love chocolate milk...and i got my favorite pringles...oh gosh marcos just signed on...he was supposed to ask me out friday and i advoided him all day so score me...i dont want to say no and i dont want to say yes...i hate it how now adays we all got to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend and i just want to date guys...thats all have fun...but then i want to go out...its gay...whosh...today i went to walmart supercenter...i saw a yummy guy...oh wellz...ahh something in my eye...ahh somebody missed hehe...you know this is like first entry i wrote in a while...arg freddie thinks he has a right to touch me now..i dont mind but i just dont get it...he grabs my arm and trys to take me to class...its like okay wtf...oh wellz...wanessa is tryin to get me to go out with daniel...i went to her house today...it was fun...we praticed and i love her rents...they are soo funny...they think we are good...so its all good...oh yea ppl we started a band...its called fallin misery...omg i fuckin hate my sister...she just told me im not good enough and im not beautiful cause im not a size 3....omg fuck her....im goin....bye

i hope she dies in her sleep...i hate it how she can make me feel...w/e...she has ruined everything that i have...takin everything i have...she ruined my life....

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:: 2004 24 January :: 7.05pm
:: Mood: boredisimo
:: Music: love song for no one by john mayer.....im obsessed yo se...hehe

cute survey i found
I AM: thaimi

I WANT: to be happy

I HAVE: good friends

I WISH: i was less lazy

I HATE: blonde bimbos and whiney ppl

I MISS: miami

I FEAR: i wont get into a good college

I HEAR: john mayer

I SEARCH: for true love

I WONDER: if it truly exists

I REGRET: some of the things i say

I LOVE: laughing

I ALWAYS: make stupid jokes hehe

I AM NOT: gay

I DANCE: occassionally

I SING: alllllllll the time......

I CRY: on rare occasions.....unless a walk to remember is on hehe

I AM NOT ALWAYS: honest/nice

I WRITE: poetry

I WIN: .....what what do i win? ooh is this some sort of contest?! JUSTIN!

I LOSE: nothing......everyone's a winner in the game of life.......HAHA ... had to throw a corny one liner in here somewhere....come on u shoulda seen that one comin!

I CONFUSE: many ppl....including myself

I NEED: affection

I SHOULD: go do my hw...

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:: 2004 24 January :: 11.02am

oh ya one more thing.....im readin the catcher in the rye......just thought i'd share....hehe great book so far! yay!

haha btw look at yara's away message....

A member of the opposite sex whom you are acquaintances with and who has some flaw which makes sleeping with him/her totally unappealing.

major props to yarita for comin up wit that! haha

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:: 2004 24 January :: 10.18am
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: why georgia why by john mayer.

well yesterday kicked major booty....i had physics which means i got to walk wit colin to lunch.....so ya hehe im a dork. omg i have to tell u guys what that asshole spanish guy did! i had to take my latin project home....which btw it looks awesome.....it's a drawing and it came out like really nice...even my cousin.....an artist! told me it was damn good for someone who hadn't had any classes......so anywayz i had to take it home so i had wit me in piano.....and he walks by.......looks at it......and walks away laughing saying oh god help me......in spanish! that ass.....im like bitch i'd like to see u do better......fucker!...anywayz i stayed after school to tutor monique and jeff and when my mommy picked me up she told me that we were going out to eat.....i guess i should mention that yesterday was my step dad's birthday.....42! agh that's old....hehe. but ya we went to outback steakhouse.........which i've never been to! i talked to shilpa before i went cuz she had called me......and it turns out that that's like one of her fave restaurants so she told me to order the chicken griller with the caesar salad............so that's exactly what i ordered! oh but wait......it wasn't that easy.......when we got there ... there was like an hour long wait....the place was packed! haha so we sat outside and waited for like 20 min.........omg i have never seen so many blonde or even brunette bimbos in my life! "like oh my god and then he was like hehe" AGH! i despise ppl like that.......so ya.......tons and tons of them in their lil skin tight jeans and abercrombie shirts......go to hell.....wit their preppy lil boyfriends.....wit their gay ass american eagle shirts......im like.......BE A MAN! ........IF U AND UR GF SHOP FOR CLOTHES AT THE EXACT SAME STORE..........SOMETHING'S WRONG! fags........anywayz.......we finally got in after 20 min. of waiting...haha but only cuz my step dad slipped the hostess a 20.....haha. he was like "cuban style" hehe. so anywayz we got in.....and i had my lil chicken griller and my mom and grandma had this steak thing......and my step dad had this huge steak........and my lil bro and sis had chicken fingers and french fries.....hehe their usual. oooh yeah! i found out that i dont like mushrooms.........i mean they're ok......but they're tasteless.....and kinda yucky.......so ya.......the rice that came wit the chicken griller was soooo good! omg...it was like spicy rice....wowsers. i had some of my mommie's mashed potatoes and those were really good too.......haha when i was done eating i was stuffed.........but i never say no to dessert.......no matter how full i am! so i ordered a chocolate thunder......which is this warm freshly baked brownie wit macadamia nuts in it....wit a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream on top wit a huge glop of whip cream and chocolate pieces all over it and chocolate sauce..........wow! can we say yummy?! hahaha since it was my step dad's bday the waiters and waitresses came to our table and sang and clapped their hands....haha the song went something like this " happy happy birthday from the outback crew.....we wished it was OUR birthday so we could party too. HEY!" hehe ya....that's bout it hahha it was funny though. they brought him this complimentary sundae......(he hates ice cream) haha so my grandma and my lil sis ate it. so yea by the time we left we were so stuffed....omg i have never been so full in my life....i took my caesar salad to go cuz i was so full! i had it this morning wit some of my lil bro's chicken cuz he didnt want the rest......it was good.....a chicken caesar salad.....YUMMO! hehe. so ya.....well that's bout all i had to say.......btw yara if ur readin this! all those quizzes on ur journale that i wanted to take won't work! cept for one.......grr! alritey wellz ima go.....get online yara! bye

tonite's song: fallen by mya

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:: 2004 24 January :: 9.30am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: neon by john mayer

lookie lookie
hehe...so me!

You are Sloth!
Lazy huh ?? You're a bit slow in getting going -
and tend not to do anything unless it is
absolutely necessary. You'd rather sit around,
watch TV/Sleep then go out and about with
friends, or take part in a sporting event. On
the positive side, you tend to be quite smart,
as you spend a lot of time watching the News
(!!) or on the computer, Also by conserving
your energy, it's right there waiting for you
when it's vitally important to get going.
Consider possibly moving out of the room once in a
while - and perhaps once a week trade watching
TV for half an hour with a walk - and you'll be
back on track.
However, Congratulations on being the most
intelligent of the 7 deadly sins...

?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

You are
You are a "But I'm Not Pop" Pop Star!
You're not foolin' anyone!! You may write your
own lyrics (which doesn't necessarily mean you
should), but you're just as manufactured and
over-produced as the rest of 'em. And some
people even think you're all three the same
person. But it's ok. Most people still give ya
more cred than they do other pop stars. And
sometimes you get to open for rock bands as
well as pop bands. Hell, you could probably
date a hot emo boy if you wanted to!

What kind of current pop star are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Reincarnation: You are nice enough to go to heaven,
but Earth won't be as fun without you. So you
shall come back as someone or something else.
As a real optimist and lighthearted person, you
always see the good in things. People probably
respect you for your wonderful personality and
love for life. People like you make the world a
happier place (please rate my quiz)

**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are guided by water. You are generally calm and
peaceful, but you can be very destructive
without even realizing it.(Rate my test)

What force is your soul?
brought to you by Quizilla

Awww, you're Sandy! You're so cute.
You're... Sandy! The little cute Australian who is
hopelessly in love!

What GREASE Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!
How sensitive are you??

click here to take more tests like this at internet junk!
How creative are you?

the internet junk slacker test deems me:
60% slacker

your clothes are properly folded, hung up and put away. you watch tv in moderation. you like to visit with friends but also like a little alone time as well. you tend to change clothes frequently and you definitely wash your hands after a visit to the toilet!

the internet junk 'how bad are you test' deems me:
52% bad!

You wish you were feared. Unfortunately your inner voice tells you to be good. Your badness is all show. You secretly watch the Muppet show. You get scared in the dark, and you probably still sleep with a stuffed animal.

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:: 2004 23 January :: 10.54pm

omg i love this song...wow

by Something Corporate

This is the only lonely picture
waiting on my floor
littering my shore
this is the last true burning letter
given to a girl
written by a boy
living in a world created to destroy

but if I built you a city, would you let me
would you tear it down?

but there you go for the last time
I finally know now what I should have known then
that I could still be ruthless if you'll let me
but there you go and I’m not done
you're waving goodbye, but at least you’re having fun
the rising tide will not let you forget me
forget me

this is the ghost that kneels before me
raises on her tongue, a body full of oxygen
it wont be the last time she'll ignore me
the thinning of my skin, without the strength to go
the winter's setting in, to cover you in snow

but if I built you a city, would you let me
would you tear it down?

but there you go for the last time
I finally know now what I should have known then
that I could still be ruthless if you'll let me
but there you go and I’m not done
you're waving goodbye, but at least you’re having fun
the rising tide will not let you forget me
forget me
forget me
forget me, yeah

ill raise towers and cloud them
rivers and walk them
oceans to drown in
you won't make a sound

but there you go for the last time
I finally know now what I should have known then
that I could still be ruthless if you'll let me
but there you go and I’m not done
you're waving goodbye, but at least you’re having fun
the rising tide will not let you forget me
forget me

Say what??


:: 2004 22 January :: 8.20pm

i hate valentines...i hate people...i hate you.... :-p

i want to go swimming....

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:: 2004 22 January :: 4.45pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: my stupid mouth by john mayer

hey.....today i finally figured out how to play my heart will go on (from titanic) on the piano...im so excited...and i figured out how to play scales and stuff.....it feels good to finally play a worth while song......not like kumbaya......haha so yea im happy.....i got my report card....and i am thrilled! on my ap euro test.......the one i thought i was gonna get a C on.....apparently i knew more than i thought cuz i got an A! ...... not only that but second quarter i have all A's and only one B and on my semester average....i got STRAIGHT A'S! what a beautiful thing......sigh......im so proud of myself.....getting straight a's in ib is like.......crazy hard.....so i am soooo proud of me! and u know whats the best part? eventhough i got like one or two b's during the 1st and 2nd quarter......it doesnt matter cuz i got all a's on my semester average and that is all that colleges see anywayz! so whoot whoot! go me......omg.......yesterday.....shilpa went up to colin after track and asked him if he liked me!!!!! even after i specifically told her not to tell him anything! she calls me up and she's like...."ok hypothetical question.....say u have a friend who has a friend who likes a guy.....now the first friend, being a very nice friend!, asks the guy the second friend likes if he likes her.....and....." and right there i flipped out......."YOU DID WHAT?!"....."no thaimi no......HYPOTHETICAL!" hahahha agh! i was so mad at her for asking him that! but his response wasn't bad.......here's how the convo went...or so i hear "hey colin can i ask you something....but u gotta keep this just between us" "ok" "do u have any feelings for thaimi?" "i dunno...i mean she's cool...i guess i haven't really thought bout dating her.........why?....did she tell u to ask me?(supposedly in an eager voice)" "oh .... no no i just saw you guys flirting a lot during lunch and i was wonderin" "oh yeah we were flirting a lot today" end of convo.............agh! alritey shilpa just called so i gtg buhz byez

song: my stupid mouth by john mayer

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:: 2004 21 January :: 5.57pm

im listening to last train home from lostprophets...man im ahh...hehe...i feel for some reason im getting fucked with...man i hate feeling like this...arg i hate having feelings in general...feelings suck ass...

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:: 2004 21 January :: 4.14pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: john mayer why georgia why?

i love these songs.....it's how i felt for so long it's so wonderful!
for anyone out there who's just waiting for someone to love or care about.....cuz there's no one worth while yet

Love Song For No One
by John Mayer

Staying at home alone on a Friday
Flat on the floor looking back
On old love
Or lack thereof
After all the crushes are faded
And all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded
I hate it

I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
(get here)

Searching all my days just to find you
I'm not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know it
When I see you
Until then, I'll hide in my bedroom
just staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one

I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here

I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?(2 times)

I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
You'll be so good
You'll be so good for me

here's one for someone you just can't forget no matter how hard you try....

Back To You
by John Mayer

back to you
it always comes around
back to you
I tried to forget you
I tried to stay away
But it's too late

over you
I'm never over
over you
there's something about you
It's just the way you move
the way you move me

Yea, I'm so good at forgetting
and I quit every game I play
but forgive me love
I can't turn and walk away(this way)

back to you
it always comes around
back to you
I walk with your shadow
I'm sleeping in my bed
with your silhouette

should have smiled in that picture
if it's the last that I'll see of you
it's the least that you could not do

leave the light on
I'll never give up on you
leave the light on
for me too

back to me
I know that it comes
back to me
doesn't it scare you
your will is not as strong
as it used to be

part of a sheryl crow song.....wowsers

I know I ask for nothing
And that's what I got from you tonight
I guess I thought you'd changed
Leaving becomes too easy
Easy by morning light
I still cannot explain
Is it enough to ask and not receive
Just one more kiss before you turn and leave
When love is over
Over it should be
But something still burns in me
A hundred solid reasons
The answers come in waves
But I'm all for calmer seas
You're only lost in the shuffle
But in your usual way
It's you who always comes to me
I've burned up pages
Hidden yesterdays
Here's one more glance before I turn away
When love is over
Over it should stay
But something won't go away...

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:: 2004 21 January :: 4.08pm

eh...i dont know...i feel like im a ghost going through the day..i dont know its weird...i go through school like im not there like im in a cloud and watching down on me...i dont really talk to anyone anymore...i just dont feel like it...oh wellz...sorry...i love my 2nd period...i just walk the halls doing nothing and its such a relief...i see no one and i have no one to bug me...i love it...and i just think that im gone and somewhere else...yea thats good...well im goin to go mess with my guitar...

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:: 2004 20 January :: 8.41pm

You Can't Hurry Love
by Supremes

I need love, love
To ease my mind
I need to find, find someone to call mine
But mama said

You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
But It's a game of give and take

You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
You got to trust, give it time
No matter how long it takes

But how many heartaches
Must I stand before I find a love
To let me live again
Right now the only thing
That keeps me hangin' on
When I feel my strength, yeah
It's almost gone
I remember mama said:

You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
But It's a game of give and take

How long must I wait
How much more can I take
Before loneliness will cause my heart
Heart to break?

No I can't bear to live my life alone
I grow impatient for a love to call my own
But when I feel that I, I can't go on
These precious words keeps me hangin' on
I remember mama said:

You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
But It's a game of give and take

You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said trust, give it time
No matter how long it takes

No, love, love, don't come easy
But I keep on waiting
Anticipating for that soft voice
To talk to me at night
For some tender arms
To hold me tight
I keep waiting
I keep on waiting
But it ain't easy
It ain't easy
But mama said:

You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said to trust, give it time
No matter how long it takes

You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
But It's a game of give and take

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:: 2004 20 January :: 5.42pm

i dont want to go to school tomorrow...i really hate everything right now...like olivia says donna really needs happy pills...oh yes they are really needed...but w.e...life is a bitch ill just deal till im dead...sounds good to me...i cant wait till im 30...life of hell will be done and everything will be set...that kicks ass...arg i think i got people mad at me...oh wellz...

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:: 2004 19 January :: 1.12pm
:: Mood: exanimate
:: Music: please don't do this by plain white t's

i just finished watching love and basketball....god that's such a cute movie. i think the ending could have been better though. i love the line when she's like u and me one on one ill play you and he's like for what...and she goes "....your heart" that was so sweet. i have been wanting to see that movie for so long. ever since shayna told me that it was her fave movie back in 8th grade.....i miss that girl i wonder where she's at. i think she moved to nyc. hmm...i hope she's doin alrite...i should be doin physics hw but i dont want to. u know what i realized? this school stuff.....in the big spectrum of things.....it's bs. it doesn't matter. u could die tomorrow and what would u have to show for it? schoolwork? bs. so ive decided to set my priorities straight. first me, my mind, and my health, then my family, then my friends, and then school. im not gonna kill myself anymore. not that i ever did...hehe me and my lazy ass. but w/e that's enough reflection for today. so yea last nite i watched that movie i wanna marry ryan banks on abc family. it was cute....i think the guy she ended up with was way hotter than the actor dude....he had these amazing crystal green eyes....wow. yesterday i told alex that i like colin....his reaction was so odd. he was like colin? colin? COLIN?! he like flipped out....he was like omg omg omg im speechless.......i was like sheesh calm down he acted like i had said i was in love with a moose or something! and then he said something that kinda pissed me off.....he goes....well at least it's better than anthony......i didnt like that remark.....cuz anthony may not be the best looking guy and he's a bit out there but the boy is the sweetest person and he's nothing but nice to everyone. not to mention he's hilarious and has a great personality....i dont know i didnt like him dissin him...or colin. it just wasn't cool......but im sure he didnt mean anything by it....oh well....i dont know if i should have told him. w/e im gonna go surf the web or something......gosh that movie has me in like this sobby mood...it was so sweet and sad all at the same time.....sniff sniff hehe. buhz byez

song...will be posted later.

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