All of our dreams can come true if we have to courage to pursue them.


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:: 2006 14 September :: 10.45pm

well... tonight scared the shit out of me, i was driving home from burger king and i take west street home. so i am always in the right hand lane coming into town, and i almost got there and there was some douche bag wearing all black, walking in the road. i almost hit'em. i was going almost 45. it scared the shit out of me, then i got home and told my dad and my brother over heard me and he just got home like 2 min before me and he took the same way and almost hit the same person. it was scarey.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 9 September :: 7.32pm
:: Mood: crusty
:: Music: Fattz Domino - Pimpin' Ain't Easy

Norma Flooglehoffer !

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 6 September :: 9.39pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Acoustic #3

What's the point in all this screaming? No one's listening anyway.
Josh and I, ONE MONTH tomorrow. Seems longer, but shorter at the same time. It's weird. I like it though. I love him. I love the feeling when I see him for the first time of the day. And then the feeling everytime I see him after that. I love that we don't fight. Our first official argument was over him not going to the doctor. His wrist has been hurting him for a while now, but he refuses to see a doctor. He finally said he'd ask Julie (a nurse and family friend) about it. I agreed to that compromise. Anyway, the point is that I love him. I really can see this lasting. It's different than JD and I... it's more real. He makes me better, and I do the same for him. He's like my gaurdian angel or something. It's amazing.

Yep, pretty much awesome.

I should probably jet though. Can't go to sleep late anymore... not when I have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning. So check ya' later peeps.

Mucho amor a todos,

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 1 September :: 10.08pm

I'm all set up here at UofM. It's pretty cool, the atmosphere is great and my roomie is really ... good. I hang around him alot, he knows everyone and is very well connected in general. Nice guy. Lot's of crazy parties around, my roomie goes to them every night. I could go with him I guess but I don't. Kind of disappointed in myself that I'm not trying stuff but meeeh.. tough for me. Have gone to alot of school related pep things and errmm crap though, so the majority of my time has actually not been spent on the computer. Football game against Vanderbilt tomorrow and my classes start on the 5th, woo.

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 1 September :: 10.16pm
:: Mood: thankful
:: Music: Whose Line is it Anyway

In this river all shall fade to black...
Josh is perfect. He told me that if he ever found out someone made me cry he'd beat them. He said I have never and will never deserve that pain. He told me that I'm amazing, and that he never wants to leave me. We never fight, we never hurt eachother. We'd never do something stupid that we know the other would dislike. We love eachother. When he looks at me I know that he doesn't want anyone else, he just wants me. And he doesn't care that I'm a dork, and that I do stupid stuff. He just cares about me the way I am and wouldn't have it any other way. I like that a LOT! He is the jealous type, but he doesn't care that I'm friends with Cory. He even told me to keep a picture of Cory and I from prom, up in my room. Of course it is next to what will soon be a picture of Josh and I from Homecoming this year. Hmm... perfection.

So Josh's family is coming over on Sunday for a lunch/dinner. My Dad is making this thing called beer can chicken. Very redneck... but very good. When Josh told his dad about it he said "Oh, we're goin'!" I thought that was funny. His Mom's all nervous though, she said she's weird around new people. I doubt that though... she's SO outgoing. It would be odd to see her be shy. Anyway, I hope it all goes well. I think Rob and my dad will get along, but I'm not completely sure about the moms. They're a bit different than one another. We'll see I guess. If all goes as planned they'll be friends and be much more comfortable with Josh and I being together. ROCK ON!!

Anywho, I should get going now. Gotta' do absolutely nothing and wait for the fam. to get back home. Peace out home skillet. Love.


Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 30 August :: 3.05pm

1. AP Lit- Dolbee
2. Chem- Vree
3. BMMT 2- Hansen
4. Business Law 1- Plain
5. Bible as in Lit- Olsen

Looking forward to my senior year.


Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 30 August :: 12.09pm

School starts in 6 days. 6. That's it. No more summer. Just one last year of high school. One last year in Cedar. One last year safe, secure, at home. One last year with the people I've known my whole life. One last chance to make lifelong friendships. One last chance to prove myself. One chance to make this the best year of my life so far. It's starting out okay. Hopefully it'll keep going. My goal is to have at least a 3.9 GPA this year. I want to graduate summa cum laude SO badly!!! You don't even know. And I'm retaking my ACT's, again, in February just to try to get a little bit higher. Right now I have a 27. This year is all about school. Luckily Josh feels the same. He said he's gonna' do all he can to get to bed by 9 o' clock every night just so he won't be tired at school. Plus he wants to get good grades, he wants to have a 4.0 in college for goodness sakes. The kid is crazier than me!! And I like that. Hopefully between my goals and him pushing me I'll get a 4.0 or higher this year. I have a 3.67 right now... so I have some work. But I can do it. Especially since my new thing is that I DON'T lose. Josh told me that one... and I like it.

Anyway, I should get going. Mucho amor a todos.


Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 29 August :: 3.30am

Okay... I know that "you're" exists. I know what it means. Most of the time on the internet, "your" means the same damn thing. I don't care that it's not proper, so please stop telling me.

On another note, I'm leaving for UofM in 2 days. I'm excited and nervous, the usual emotions for such a situation I think.

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 28 August :: 4.01pm
:: Mood: annoyed


1. AP History
2. AP Stats
3. Bible as/in Lit
4. Brit Lit
5. Anatomy & Physiology
Seminar - Millard

Whaddu got?

6 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 27 August :: 8.26pm
:: Mood: tired, but HAPPY

Stone Sour -Looking at you through the glass
Josh told me he loves me. And I believe it. When we look at eachother it's like there's no one else in the world. I love that. I new I'd fall in love with him. You can tell it'll happen immediately. I love love love being in love. He treats me like a princess. You know the only argument we've gotten in so far is over who's more perfect. I say he is, he says I am. We're just always happy to be together. I like that a lot. Our relationship is completely perfect (at least so far...).

Oh wait, I forgot. There is one thing that is not so perfect. His mom. See, she seems to think we spend too much time together. She told him not to get too attatched. My parents think she's crazy. They LOVE Josh... they think he is it. They talk about him like he's their son-in-law or something. My Mom is even driving him all the way to Calvin Christian tomorrow just so that he can go to a baseball game with Steph and I. That does NOT happen. I just don't get why his mom doesn't want us to hang out so much. I keep trying to figure out what I did wrong... but I can't find anything. I hope I didn't do something bad that I didn't realize was bad at the time. I just want her to like me. His dad seems to, and Tyler is in love with me. Ty hangs out with just me and is perfectly fine with it. It's just his mom... which, by the way, is the last person you want not liking you. UGH!!!!

Anyway, I've gotta' jet. Love ya' all. See ya' tomorrow... if you're at school that is. Peace out.


2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 22 August :: 12.59pm

"i chimed in with a havent you people ever heard of closing the god damned door."
yeah a sense of poise and rationalitiy would be fantastic these days.
i havent posted in a grip
just chilling waiting aroudn for jes jes to get here because we are going to look at apartments.
iam moving out of the one I am currently in because well that is the right decision.
ray and I arent breaking up we just arent living together anymore.
because face it living together and working together are kind of a lot of each other.
we are still just kids and we need some space from each other.
outside of that work is awesome because I love being a csm
im a bitch so its the perfect job for me.
and i have been hanging out with matt and katie and loving every minutes of it.
peace out

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 21 August :: 2.40am

I worked my last day at Meijer on the night of the 19th and the morning of the 20th. Woohoo! At Meijers that night, Juliet Dragos came through my line at 1:30am (she is a local TV anchor for those of you who don't watch TV/don't live around here). She was with this man who spoke with a tremendous lisp and the first thing that went through my mind when I saw her was "this lady is on crack". When I noticed the expensive handbag and the plastic surgery style face, I got suspicious that it might be her. Swiped her credit card and sure enough, Juliet Dragos. She bought 4 cases of Corona, 2 bottles of brandy and a bottle of Bacardi vodka. Maybe she was about to go to work?

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 19 August :: 10.13pm
:: Mood: pleased
:: Music: crickets

Josh. I just love the name. He brings out a part of me that I didn't know existed. I feel perfect with him. I can't stop smiling when I'm with him and when I think about him. It's AWESOME. My friends love him, my family loves him, I like him a LOT... it's amazing. Plus his brother is in love with me and his friends and I get along GREAT! We already talk about "our" kids and "our" house and where we'll live. It's weird... but cool. He even wrote a song about the situation we were in with JD... it's WAY sweet to me. He says that he's waited so long for me and that he's not scared to stand up to JD for me even though he would probably get killed, because for me it's worth it. It was AMAZING!!!! He's amazing. This whole relationship is perfect. I absolutely adore seeing him. We hung out until around midnight last night, then today I saw him at two and he goes, "Did ya' miss me?" I thought it was cool, he said even a few hours is too long to not see me. I tell ya', I have to best boyfriend on the planet. NO DOUBT!!!!

Anyway, I'll stop babbling now. Check ya' later loves.


3 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 12 August :: 1.53pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: XM Nation

Tennis starts in TWO days. ONLY TWO!!!!!!!! Rock on baby!!!

Josh = Amazing!! Poor kid had the worst day ever yesterday though. He seemed better after a while of talking though. Hopefully everything gets better.

Umm yea, bonfire at Lauren's tonight... should be BOMB. I can't wait... girls night rocks.

What else? umm... nothing. Tennis will be my life as of Monday... until school at least. So if you need me... look at the courts... I'll probably be there!!

Rock on and rock out people. Peace!

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 8 August :: 12.14am
:: Mood: AMAZING!!!
:: Music: crickets

So, I went to Josh's house today. He made me dinner, I met his family and friends Tyler and Brittany. Then we watched fight club in his basement. It was awesome!! Ya' know what I learned? My skin is soft. lol... yea, he's weird. He played his guitar for me and sang... it was the coolest thing. I pretty much like him a LOT! Yea, unfortunetly two of my friends are gonna' be HEATED. But ya' know what... I am too excited to care right now. I LIKE JOSH... and he's my BOYFRIEND. That's right... he asked, I accepted. ROCK ON!!!!!!!!

Anyway... see ya'll later loves. Chao.

-J to the K-

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