All of our dreams can come true if we have to courage to pursue them.


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:: 2006 6 August :: 12.40am
:: Mood: annoyed

Leave the Pieces
You only care because he could have what you used to.
You only care because suddenly I'm not your puppet anymore.
You only care because I don't believe he's a bad guy like you say he is.
You only care because you're not over me.
You only care because you can't stand the thought of me not caring anymore.

But ya' know what... I like him. I like him a LOT. You knew that the day we broke up... just like I knew about Kayla. You say you hate me dating your friends. Well screw you ass hole. Kayla and Katie are both my friends, and I hated it too. I finally really like a guy other than you. Don't ruin this for me. If you are right about him then so be it, but until he's proven himself a jerk I'm going to like him. I honestly don't care what you say anymore. He's what I want right now... and I think it'll stay that way for a while.

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 5 August :: 11.28am

Never give up. Poptarts and Pepsi aren't worth it.
My six hour test is over and I'm now officially a 1st degree black belt.

It was absolutely not easy physical training this morning for 5 hours, but it was fun.

6 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 3 August :: 8.44pm

My black belt test is in 2 days. I'm so excited. The physical training part starts at 5 a.m. at my senseis house (he lives on a lake) and then we have to go back to the dojo about 9-930 ish for the rest. (this is the part that people can come and watch)

This time Saturday night, I'll be a black belt.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 3 August :: 1.37pm

i miss you and i love you...
*sigh* another day goes by. i wish i could make things all better between us. i really wish i could just sit here and listen to you and make you proud of me but i cant. the last time i did i ended up being hurt way more. i'm glad we had a conversation without yelling at eachother even if it was only for 10 min. i miss you and no matter what, i do love you. i wish we could see eye to eye but i doubt that will happen. but i still love you and i just wanted to let you know since we dont get to talk very much anymore. some things are beyond us. just try to be happy for me and i'll try to do the same for you.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 2 August :: 6.57pm
:: Mood: content

The Beach
I wish life was always like today. Hanging out with friends, just sitting in the sun and the sand. I wish waves were our only obstacles in life. I only got dragged down once by a wave, and I popped right back up completely unharmed. I wish the only fights were mud fights. I wish I could stay with my best friends forever. I wish I never had to come home from the beach, from the carnival, from freedom. I wish we could just keep sitting there in the water, talking and laughing.

I wish life really was a beach.

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 31 July :: 10.15pm
:: Mood: crappy

I dare you...
My goal: don't talk to him (at least not by choice) for a month. Until school starts basically.

How long it will last: Hopefully the whole time... but probably not since I feel like breaking it right now.

I really hate this. I'm so sick of hurting. So sick of feeling like she's better than me... like I'm not good enough. I try to tell myself that I'm too good for him. I try to tell myself that he never treated my well anyway.... but it doesn't help. I still feel like this. I still feel like shit. I hate this. I've never had to do this before... and I do NOT want to do it now.

3 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 30 July :: 10.48pm
:: Mood: crushed

Tied up in ancient history... again
WHY am I jealous?? I should NOT be jealous!! So he kissed her, so what? I've kissed other guys... no biggie. Only it is... like a LOT!!! I know I shouldn't like him, but I do. See before the other girl didn't like him, then the other girl had a boyfriend... but this other girls is single and CRAZY about him. I HATE that. I hate that more than anything else in my whole life. I felt my heart jump from my chest and land at his feet when he told me that. And do you know the worst part? The last thing he said was, "You're still my best friend, right?" HELLO!!!! You just killed me... you made me be completely freaked out and upset all day, but of course I'll still be your best friend. Why not? I LOVE shooting myself in the foot.

I hate boys... stupid stupid creatures.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 30 July :: 12.22am
:: Mood: happy

Being a minor sucks.

I hope you guys had fun. :) Congrats, Stef.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 29 July :: 3.16pm
:: Music: John Mayer - Hummingbird

So I have the option of buying my dream car and being in debt until some year in college, or buying a cheaper/older car that I can pay off now and own until it dies.
It wouldn't be worth it, right? Tell me not to buy my dream car.

9 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 26 July :: 11.30pm

WoW is gei.
almost as gei as scales

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 26 July :: 6.35pm
:: Mood: angry

Still here...

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 26 July :: 11.38am

Wow, time is going by pretty fast. My blackbelt test is less than 2 weeks a way. I'm very nervous.

4 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 23 July :: 10.03pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: silence

Stolen survey
1. are you missing someone right now?: kinda'
2. are you happy: I'm confused which is hindering the happy thing
3. are you talking to anyone right now: No
4. are you bored: Yes
5. are you german: a little
6. are you irish: maybe...
7. are you french: Yes
8. are you Italian: maybe
9. are your parents still married: Happily
10. are you in love with someone right now: Funny how you can love but not be IN love

1. hometown: Cedar Springs
2. hair color: Blonde
4. hair style: I don't think it's named
5. eye color: Blue
6. shoe size: 8
7. mood: Overwhelmed
8. orientation: umm...
9. available?: Pretty much
10. lefty/righty: Righty

1. have you ever been in love: Yep, it's getting over it that's the issue
2. do you believe in love: Obviously
3. why did your last relationship fail: Because we're both stuburn, I can be a witch, and he can be the most selfish, cold-hearted jerk on the planet.
4. have you ever been heart broken: Mmhmm
5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: Yes
6. have you ever fallen for your best friend: Does it count if he turned into my best friend and I fell for him all over again?
7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: Many times
8. are you afraid of commitment: Kind of, I'm too young to know who "the one" is... so why commit to ONE person?
9. have you ever kissed someone you liked: Yep
10. have you ever had a secret admirer: Don't think so.

1. love or lust: In a way, they're interchangable
2. hard liquor or beer: umm... neither
3. night or day: Night
4. one night stands or relationships: How about dating a few guys at once for a while... not just a night
5. television or internet: internet (it's got TV too)
6. pepsi or coke: PEPSI
7. wild night out or romantic night in: In
8. colored pictures or black and white pictures: Black and white
9. phone or in person: In person
10. aim or phone: Phone

1. been caught sneaking out?: Never snuck out
2. skinny dipped?: Nope
3. done something you regret?: Oh yea
4. bungee jumped?: Nope
5. been on a house boat?: Yea
6. finished an entire jaw breaker?: Mmhmm
7. wanted someone so badly it hurt?: Wanted how?
8. been caught by your parents with a hickey?: No
9. danced in the rain?: Of course
10. had a hang over?: Nope, never.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 20 July :: 11.14pm

uhh AP scores a few days ago.
4 in Bio and a 4 in English Comp/Lit.
Mrs. Dolbee, when you told me it was important to respect you and pay attention in class, I'm pretty sure you were wrong. I did everyone in the class a favor by being a brat and disrupting you constantly.

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 15 July :: 3.38pm
:: Mood: aggravated

Can't you just take ten seconds for me anymore? Is it impossible!? You think I want you to spend every waking moment with me... but that's not the case. I love hanging out with my friends and family... I need time for them and myself too. But I would like to see you more than ten minutes a week. We haven't hung out in a week and a half or more. Yet you say that I'm being selfish asking why you have to hang out with Nick and Logan all weekend and then into the week, and sleep over at Matt's for days at a time. You wouldn't even come over when my grandma died to help make me feel better! You were too tired from hanging out with your shit ass friends all night the night before!!! Well I'm sorry that her death came at an inconvenient time for you! Ass hole. You constantly call me your best friend, tell me we'll get married someday, tell me that you love me. Well if you ask me that's a crock of shit. You don't hang out with people you feel that way about only once in a while... you hang out with them at least twice a week... for longer than an hour. I know I have a job and softball, so I don't get as much time to just lounge around with my friends... but you could at least try to hang out with me when I have time. Not avoid me completely. I can't even believe you had your arm around me at that car show. You ignored me basically all day, unless it was to prove you knew my grandpa and his friends. I told you I would only see you for a couple minutes because that's always what happens when you're with your friends, but you wouldn't believe me. Proved ya' wrong again. I'm sick of being you 100th priority. I want to be at least in your top five. So give it a rest with the I love you, you're my best friend crap... I don't believe you anymore.

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair | Random Journal