All of our dreams can come true if we have to courage to pursue them.


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:: 2006 11 April :: 3.39pm
:: Mood: bubbly
:: Music: Panic! At The Disco - Lying Is The Most Fun

Scary dream and I have to tell you about it before I forget!
This is a sign for you! I had a dream that I was logging onto woohu and the home screen was all the regular text, except behind it was a big picture of a big city with a McDonalds that stuck out. But then at the top was a big G (for Gunnie) that looked like a McDonald's sign!
What could it mean...?
I guess that part of the dream doesn't necessarily sound scary, but trust me, the rest was. I think that's like the second dream I've posted before on woohu about Gunnie... But don't be too weirded out if you're reading because I've been having crazy dreams AALLLL week. It's freaking me out.
< /obnoxious post>

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 10 April :: 9.14pm
:: Mood: tired

Tied up in ancient history...
I am so lost. I hate it when he does that. He wants to go to prom with me, he wants to go with me only if his friends are going so he's not just stuck with mine. We barely see our friends at dances, we're focused on eachother. Plus even if they don't go I'm having a bonfire afterword that they're more than welcome to attend. He's such an idiot. I want to know where I stand, but that seems impossible anymore. Ugh, he said he hasn't yet figured out what I am to him. We kiss and hug and hold hands... even in public... yet we're not "together". The igit.

I hate hate hate this crap. I wish I was over him, because then telling him to take a hike would be WAY easier!

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 10 April :: 12.10pm
:: Mood: bored

Geh.. I gotta start looking for a job.
Any suggestions?

4 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 9 April :: 11.37pm
:: Mood: silly
:: Music: Fall Out Boy - Sugar We're Going Down (HA!)

"Lisping boys make me hostile inside..."

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 9 April :: 10.55pm

Shannon --


Visually addictive

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 9 April :: 10.43pm

Ben --


A real life muppet

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 7 April :: 11.43am

i thought this was funny so i'd share it.

4 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 7 April :: 11.15am

this was a pretty funn video advertisment(SP) that i got in a email from my ucnel so i uploaded it to gmail, check it out

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 6 April :: 2.13pm
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: KISS

So cool
Ya' know, I'm really glad to be me. Seriously. I don't want to sound all conceaded or anything, but I feel bad for other people sometimes. I shouldn't whine about my life... it's great! I have parents who truly love and care about me. A sister who would give her life to see me smile and keep me safe. And I have the greatest friends imaginable. No, it's not always perfect... but it's close. People actually tell me they'd kill to have my confidence sometimes, and they think my hair is beautiful. But I never saw any of it. To me I'm shy, my hair is crappy and hard to work with, my looks are just not up to par, and my parents are too strict. It's all a lie though, and I never saw it. How could I have forgotten? I must seem like the biggest witch ever, not appreciating what I have. Well that ends now. From now on I'm loving my life, becuase it could be a LOT worse.

To my friends: I love you guys, thanks for making me happy all the time. You're all my heros.


Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 6 April :: 1.55pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Kiss XM

I'm so confused...
So, I'm completely lost. JD calls me a lot from Florida, and that makes me way happy. But I don't know what to think about it. Sometimes he says he loves me, but he never says he misses me or anything. He says he misses everyone. He only admitted to missing just me once, and that was just because he doesn't want me to hang out with Tim and some people from his church on Sunday. JD is a crazy person! He actually told me he was trying to hook up with some girls, but then ten seconds later he was like "I love you, I want to come home". Bull shit! Ugh... you cannot try to go make out with random girls that you meet in Florida and then tell your ex-girlfriend how much you love her! That does NOT work out. Stupid kid.

Okay, and on top of the JD situation there's Cory. See, I have a small crush on him... and I have for a while. But I'm afraid. I don't want to lead him on, because I still like JD a lot... and if things are gonna' work out with him than I want to stay. But Cory likes me... he's told me that and that he'd ask me out if he knew I'd say yes. And for a while I might've said yes... but when JD was informed about the situation he was really angry and sad. He said he'd been thinking about wanting to date me again and stuff. So then we dated... and I ended it, because I didn't know where he was with liking another girl. I should just end the whole thing... but I have some sort of weird force holding me here. Keeping me in the JD zone... I HATE it. This is totally not even healthy. I think I'll give him one more chance when he gets home... but if it doesn't work out maybe I'll see what's up with my other options. Because this kid needs to work stuff out for himself before he can be in a relationship with anyone at all.

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 5 April :: 10.03am

well... this spring break isn't much different then the rest of them, just sitting around. I found a few weeks ago that my neightbor is selling there house. and come to find out my other my (Teresa) is looking into buying it. that is going to suck if they do get it. living kitty corner to use. then she can really keep an eye on me. watch what i am doing at all times. that would suck completely. well i'm outta here now.

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 4 April :: 8.26am
:: Mood: scared
:: Music: John Mayer - My Stupid Mouth

I'm taking my driver's test at 1:00 today.
I need a hug.

OMgoooshhh If you love me, you'll call me. I'm scared outta my socks! ahhhhhhhh

3 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 2 April :: 10.25pm

so ray says I dont update anymore.
so here goes.

I go to school, I work, I spend all my time with ray and that is my life. I have complaints because everyday is wonderful and I am happier than I have ever been.

4 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 31 March :: 8.49pm

Every long lost dream, led me to where you are...
I miss him like crazy... and it's only been a day.

Spring break sucks... it always has... why did I think this year would be any different.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2006 30 March :: 9.30pm

A word of advice: Don't say anything to JD about the talent show, he'll rip your fricken head off. No doubt about it.

Yea, J's gone. He left for Florida today with Caleb. I didn't really get to say good-bye... and he was in such a rush when he called me... it kinda' sucked. I don't know why I care so much. I shouldn't. I shouldn't still like him... but I can't help it. He told me to move on, then the next day was all over me (literally). I just have no clue what to do. I give up on guys all together.

So yea, the most odd part of the day had to be going back to my locker after school with Heather. Caleb kissed me on the cheek, and when I went to kiss his cheek he turned his head and we kissed on the lips. It was weird. But he just played it off like nothing and said that he'd miss me. I love that kid, but that was definetly a one time occurance... FREAKY! lol.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good spring break, I'm bored already... but that'll hopefully change. I love you guys. XOXO.


Allie and Brie, we should definetly all get together and kick his butt someday. I'll let ya' know the when and where, okay? Okay! ;) Later

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair | Random Journal