2005 23 August :: 7.05am
Cant sleep anymore which may be a first.
I got up around 430
had some coffee and some breakfast.
i just went into the kitchen for a refill and my dad was there getting ready to go and i said headin' out. and he was like yeah and I said what time do you think youll be home and he said probably 200 and i said well pj and i will probably go ahead of you guys then. and he said *sigh* yeah okay ill see you there then. all sadlike.
well then im going to bathe and do my last load of laundry and finish up in here.
sadness mixed with ecstatic.
1 Red Hairs Left |
Leave a Red Hair
2005 22 August :: 10.15pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Notin...
School starts in one week from today, that sucks!
I know I don't update much, and it will probably stay that way... Sorry about that I will do what I can... Not really...
Summer Mile Count: 171
2 and 1/4 reports to still do for English... Gotta hustle...
3 Red Hairs Left |
Leave a Red Hair
2005 22 August :: 2.50pm
Quote Of The Day
"It smells like shit covered in bird hair!"
Leave a Red Hair
2005 21 August :: 2.39pm
Quote of To Day
"why the hell would you run unless someone is chasing you?"
4 Red Hairs Left |
Leave a Red Hair
2005 21 August :: 11.46am
Work really blew last night. we were there late, with about 13 return carts. we can longer make and end of night statement. so while we close at ten i was still running my register at 1030. horrible. take another 15 for counting my drawer down and there is absolutely no way that im getting out on time.
Also i brought in some movies for Leo to borrow and the sensor when off when I walked in the door. so I took it to the courtesy desk and deactivated it. The manager walked over and asked about it and i was like I work here and I brought these in for Leo to borrow. if i stole them why would I bring them back into the store. duh.
so that was easy enough. it might have been funnier if I left them activated so that leo would go off when he left. he carries a messenger so they would have searched the whole thing. but i think he would have been pretty pissed and last night he was really irritated to begin with. there were only 3 people working the floor. covering all of the departments. hence the massive amount of return carts. then i got in a little argument with some woman, because her daughter was ripping candy open and eating it and I said your daughter is eating that candy and she said Oh Well and I said well you have to pay for it and she said im not paying for it and i was like yes, because thats stealing and she is your minor daughter which makes it your responsibility. and she said whatever and paid for it. score one for liz.
anyway. that would be all that happened at work. im almost done packing it all up in my room. actually not really close to almost done at all. but most of what is left is everyday stuff that ill hold until tuesday. all of my clothes except for whats in the wash is packed. most of my shoes. that was a feat let me tell you. ive started rolling up my pennies. im at about thirty dollars now with those so score. and i have all my hygiene stuff and makeup and soap and things that ill need until the day i move so whatever. i guess it okay and good enough for the moment ill finish her up on tuesday.
and so thats what happening around here.
I love you pj.
Leave a Red Hair
2005 20 August :: 10.28pm
well.. today is was alright, i had 4 soccer games. the first two were at bommer park. i did great out there. but then the second two games were horrible. i don't like the turf at all. i wish we still had the grass fields.
Leave a Red Hair
2005 19 August :: 10.23pm
Don't you want me baby, dont you want me OOOhhhh Oeewww ooohh
Well today was the day to finish up this week. Finally, It was one hell of a week ill tell ya.
Two break ups some confusions some bullshit. and one very happy ending.
But lets focus on TODAY,
I got up and pj and I hung out. It was extraordinary.
Then He, Justin, Amanda, Mike and I went to Michgans Adventures.
No story there, it was all sorts of great fun. PJ won me a stuffed Cookie Monster that I am going to cherish forever and ever.
BTW. Amanda McDonald. Im sorry If i seemed short with you by the lockers. I was really dazed and I didnt mean to be rude to you guys. Im so sorry. Afterwards I was like, "wow they must really think that im a bitch" so yeah sorry about that.
Then we went to Taco Bell. then PJ and I went to walmart and i bought stuff for my dorm, some under the bed totes and coffee filters.
lol. 4 Days until move in.
Yayness and trepidation.
So everything is great. Im so happy. Only now you all know that Pj and I do not have the ideal relationship. Yeah its true we Fight, only we never really did fight we just agreed and got on with it. Maybe our relationship is ideal then, because we both know how to communicate what we need and want without getting pissed off..
I dont know how but it works for us.
I love him so much.
BUT either way it was just one silly flat tire on the road that is the rest of my life with PJ, It stopped us for awhile but were on the way now. smooth sailing.
well either way that would be my day.
4 Red Hairs Left |
Leave a Red Hair
2005 19 August :: 12.37am
ha everything is all happy and good again
3 Red Hairs Left |
Leave a Red Hair
2005 18 August :: 1.05pm
Being a teenager is so effing stupid.
Thank God Pj loves me. Im so done with all of this bullshit.
No one is PJ. NO ONE. you cant fuck with soul mates my friend cant fuck with em.
I love you Pj
4 Red Hairs Left |
Leave a Red Hair
2005 18 August :: 12.08pm
heres to hoping that the two hours of sleep i got could make up for all that i lost last night.
I was almost done crying i thought, apparently i just ran out of energy. Now that Im slightly refreshed its back to gut wrenching sobs and screaming.
One more day of this and I dont know that I will be able to make it.
Im so fucking tore up
Leave a Red Hair
2005 18 August :: 11.35am
well... last night was horrible at soccer, i screwed my knee up again. i also found out that i'm probably not gonna start saturday :(
so when i got home i went over to talk to jessica it was great. we sat by the pool and look at the stars. It felt so good. i really do love her alot
1 Red Hairs Left |
Leave a Red Hair
2005 18 August :: 7.09am
Sorry to clog up your friends page...
what i really hate is knowing the next morning that everything i did was wrong.
talking to my mom and having her verify what i knew in my heart but shoved aside for practicalities sake.
You will know what this is the next time we talked. soon hopefully i dont think that ill be able to make those two weeks. im already half dead and know what i want finally.
apparently it takes one sleepless night and Deidra to enlighten.
I should have talked to her first. no offense to those who tried to help but well shes Deidra and a damn good mentor.
so now im off to the drs. I look like total shit.
huge ass bags under my eyes all that stuff. you know.
I never really understood that song "Praying for Daylight"
It finally set in around 5:30 this morning as I finished up disk two of the second season of Sex and the City.
I really hope that we work this out. well its not much working out anymore Im finally straight I just hope that it not to late in the game to fix everything. I shouldnt post this i should be talking to you. Im done. I love you.
Leave a Red Hair
2005 18 August :: 4.50am
fucking god I hope that your forgiving.
2 Red Hairs Left |
Leave a Red Hair
2005 18 August :: 4.47am
well two hours left until i can "get up"
or at least until my alarm goes off.
this day isnt starting so well maybe cuz yesterday never ended.
work is going to suck.
who am I kidding everything sucks.
Leave a Red Hair
2005 18 August :: 3.22am
with three hours until my alarm is set to go off i wonder if I should even bother trying to sleep anymore.
my head is splitting.
I still love you, you know.
Leave a Red Hair