All of our dreams can come true if we have to courage to pursue them.


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:: 2005 14 August :: 1.24pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: The Postal Service


Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 14 August :: 11.57am
:: Mood: confused

MSN isn't working for me.

Is anyone else having this problem?

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 14 August :: 10.09am

I just got out of the shower, your in the living room, like i said damn you because i cant be angry when your around you take it all away from me. god, i love you so much

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 14 August :: 12.52am

hey get on fricken msn would you.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 13 August :: 12.01am

I wanna wake up in your arms
I wanna set off your alarm
I wanna break into your car
and I wanna take out your back seat
The one where you told me everything
I thought I always wanted to hear
The one where you told me that it's over

And everytime you look in your rearview mirror
I hope you see me...
And all the stuff we did when we were back there together..Uh Huh

I hope you like your Two Seater, No Radio
Keymarks paralell to the Pinstripes
Windows broken youre T Tops stolen
Now its one of a kind, Thanks for the Ride

I gotta get the hell out of dodge
I just spent the whole nighta avoiding the cops
I just dont think I'll go to the clink
Just cuz I took out your backseat

The one where you told me everything
I thought I always wanted to hear
The one where you told me that it's over

And everytime you look in your rearview mirror
I hope you see me...
And all the stuff we did when we were back there together...Uh Huh

I hope you like your Two Seater, No Radio
Keymarks paralell to the Pinstripes
Windows broken youre T Tops stolen
Now its one of a kind, Thanks for the Ride

Can you hear your radio?
I bet you can't hear your radio
So you'll never know I wrote this song for you
Sorry that your tires are flat
I know you weren't expecting that
Guess I got a little bit carried away

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 12 August :: 6.04pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: Third Eye Blind - Thanks A Lot

I hate TV appliances.

And wires.
Why can't they make them different colors? Like, hot pink or something, so 1. If you are looking for one you don't take out the wrong one cuz its the same color as something else and 2. So that it might spark a sense of joy while you're ripping your hair out.

I feel like a big ol' failure. Okay I'm being dramatic, but I'm really frustrated that I couldn't figure it out at all after I spent like... 5 hours on that darn thing.

Does anyone know what to do to hook up a DVD recorder thing when you have already used the outlet for the antenna cable?
Oh well.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 12 August :: 12.58am

im feeling really conflicted right now. its horrible.
i hate being lied to.
i hate when i feel like i have to do untrustworthy things in order to find out if i am lied to. i hate not trusting, its against all of my nature.
I hate feeling this way when i find out that i was lied to.

7 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 12 August :: 12.33am

well its been quite awhile hasnt it?
nothing new here.
work work work.
school is blahk
those bastards dont know what is going on and ill be damned if I do.
so i went and talked to them today and supposedly everything is worked out, lets hope so huh.
but um i guess thats all. i had a couple of shitty days at work but i dont really feel like going into it.
my worst day at walmart is kinda like a normal day was at kfc so its cool

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 9 August :: 5.54pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: String Quartet Tribute To Incubus - Pardon Me

An update dedicated to Whetzel
So I added dear Matt Whetzel to my msn list...
And being the funny guy he is, starts talking to me in a language I know less than fluently.


kien eres

¤Shannon¤ says:

¤Shannon¤ says:
is this whetzel?

de donde eres

¤Shannon¤ says:

soy de mexico...

¤Shannon¤ says:
Tengo el email address incorrecto. Apesadumbrado
(I have the incorrect email address. Sorry)

ahh ok.....

¤Shannon¤ says:
hmm it says its mega_zero though

si es

¤Shannon¤ says:

(rolling eyes emoticon)

¤Shannon¤ says:
Estoy apesadumbrado. Mi amigo tiene dos rayas en el email address.
(Typed it as "sorry he has two underscores" or something. Translated again means, "I am grieved. My friend has two rays in the email address.")

ah ok...te equivocaste....jejeje
(something like, oh thats okay, you were mistaken)

And with the trusty Babel Fish Translator I discovered that Whetzel wasn't hispanic and actually had two underscores in his email address.

2 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 8 August :: 10.57pm

well today was a day,
first i got up and layed with pj for awhile, then i went to my grandmas.
matty called me, kfc has a new rule apparently
a couple i guess. not sure but bill will fill me in Im pos.
#1 Liz can only be served by management.
#2 No employees can go on break while Liz is in the store
#3 Liz can only be in the store for an hour.

I laugh because they make it seem like i can't live without kfc or something, like i spend a shit load of time there.
Ive been there like 3 times since i quit. and never for more than twenty minutes. lo freaking l
God mindy is a cunt.
and monica and lynda.
Im so glad to be free of that place.
Honestly dont they have anything better to do around there. like i dont know serve the customers?

well either way.
I can have lots of fun with this. LOTS.
I laugh at your audacity Melinda.

in other news. the lake was fun. I like the cousin, I mean I always did, its nice to see him again.
He always changes so much. but two years is a long time,
its odd that they dont come as a pair anymore. Im going to go spend the night when i have more time.
he goes home on the 23 and so ive gotta get there quick, cuz hes got a job and stuff now so every summer isnt too feasible.
next sunday i think.

but in other news I got pulled over for the first time.
by a state boy.
speeding. 85. in a 70 not bad at all. ive done worse surely. but now im going to be careful cuz i got mega lectured.
about killing my sister who was in the car with me at the time,
no ticket though. my dad and pj agree that my femness helped me out.
well i guess thats all ive got. only I love pj so much. more than anything the entire world.

7 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 7 August :: 1.51pm

I fucking love wakefield.
ive been listening to it forever. god. matt I hope the cd you got is as good as this one.
Im still in the afterglow stage. wOOt

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 7 August :: 11.32am

Jamming to Wakefield. Remembering how much ass we kicked last night.
*sigh* I wish it would never end.

Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 7 August :: 12.53am
:: Music: Wakefield...wOOt wOOt

THe Bitchiness night eva'
so tonight was fuckin' bitchin'
I had the best time, matt, josie, pj, kelly, larissa, me totally just saw Bowling for Soup. and it was awesome.
Matt and I kicked some rock hand ass, jumping around, it was greatness. him and I we owned. We were mega excited. The only downer on the night is that they didn't play Surf Colorado and that is my favorite bfs song. so that bummed me out, but it was cool anyway. the played the bitch song, belgium, soldier, hollaback girl, chattahoochie, dont rock the jukebox. all the classics, the place went fucking nuts with girl all the bad guys want, it was crazy, but so awesome.

then we went to steak and shake where we had tyler who was the best waiter ever! He is 110%.
also he is the Bitch Odyssey.
We gave him a massive tip.
like we all just dropped a ton of money. it was cool. i left him a note and he folded it and kept it. so there.
lol. the night was great though. we saw annie and we all hung out. it was awesome. i love being with my friends. I hope that we can do more stuff like this. more hanging out and shit. matty, and kelly and joslyn, dont forget me. we'll go midnight bowling or something, or maybe just hang out at steak n' shake.
who knows. I dont' want to lose friends. matt ill get that wakefield to you asap.
what a great idea we had.
loves and hugs and dont do drugs.

oh yeah and we saw these sluts, who were drunk and could barely stand one was a hot red head but the other one looked like courtney love when she acts in the people vs. larry flynt. horrendous.
okay really hugs this time.

PJ I love you so much, even if you dont get into concerts like I do. Matt can be my concert boyfriend its okay i dont mind. I love you more than my life regardless. not like I go to too many concerts anyway.
god I cant live without you.

4 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 6 August :: 5.58pm

my dad is like so wasted right now, he is being so fucking stupid.
hopefully someone reminds me to never drink, i never want to act like him he acts like a complete jerk

1 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair


:: 2005 6 August :: 9.54am

countdown to BFS, 8 hours and 5 minutes.
*shrieks with excitement*

9 Red Hairs Left | Leave a Red Hair | Random Journal