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:: 2004 17 August :: 8.00pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Love For Me by: Ashlee Simpson

im mixed up, so what?



grrr. i was supposed to go and buy it right after skool but i didnt have any money so my mommy is taking me this weekend. w00t w00t.

imma gunna marry that motherfucker. <3

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:: 2004 16 August :: 9.28pm

"I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything."


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:: 2004 15 August :: 9.39pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: who the fuck cares?

i hope you die...

wow i fucking hate everybodie right now. you all seriously need to die. i do so much shit for u people and i go out of my way to help and when i rilly need to to help me with sumthing, u dont want to or sum gay shit. i hate how i feel like i cant depend on anyone. everyone is jus a lying, cheating, backstabbing, self centered asshole and i cant take it anymore. i aint fucking doing anything for anyone again....

..ever....now fuck off.

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:: 2004 15 August :: 9.24pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Love For Me by: Ashlee Simpson

next thing you know, you'll be using my toothpaste...

today was unn...unexciting? after doing homework went over to scotts house with zach and camila. we went to wake him up. we also brought him pretty pink and purple balloons for being a lazy fuck. lol. hes rilly grumpy when he wakes up. haha. i was playing magnetic darts. it was soooo awesome. i want one. lol. then we went outside and yeah pretty much didnt do shit. while we were walking, scott found a birdy egg. zach wanted to break it but i said NO! then zach tried to break it over my head so i had to drop the egg. it cracked and broke. i almost cried. i am a KILLER. i feel terrible [gosh, imma loser]. then yeah pretty much went home and did more homework. Joy! k i have nothing more to say. bye.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 15 August :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Exit to Exit by: My Love

im lost without your light...

...sigh....last nite was fucked up. slept over camilas again. lol. we went online and what not for a lil then gustavo, chris, and jeremy come over at like 10:45 so we go outside for like 20 minutes then we have to go inside and they go to the window. we talk to them there for a while. they sooooo dont kno how to do the window thing as well as scott. lol. they are amateurs. then we IMed scott and told him to come over. didnt think he was tho. him and zach end up coming and then there is 5 boys outside her window. lol. they were so fucking loud tho. they all left shortly after and yeah. it was gay tho. worst window experience yet. but oh well. oh and jeremy knows miss skank [emily hogan] and heslike head over heels for her. its kinda patethic. no offense. yeah but then we went mosquito killing. damn there was like a bazillion. then went to sleep. i woke up at 9, went home and wrote my analysis for english. i still have to write a one page newspaper analysis and write a spanish poem, make flashcards for spanish, read part of the scarlett letter and yeah. i think thats it. lol. well im gunna go shower. i think i smell. =)

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 14 August :: 10.14pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Love For Me by: Ashlee Simpson

im not the kind of girl you want to leave...

YaY! QuIz!!!

You usually do your own thing with your friends. Friday night you could be chilling at a party and Saturday night you could be with some of your close friends skateboarding and running from the cops.

What Is Your Social Status?

LMAO! me, a stoner. yeah riiiiight. =)

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:: 2004 14 August :: 10.05pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: La La by: Ashlee Simpson

i like it better when it hurts!...

today was ok. i woke up at like 11 and did my chores. then got ready and camilas mom took me to advent where i met up with camila and kristin. from there we went to the mall. we walked around and shit for ahwile. then we asked if we culd get our makeup done early. so we did. it literally took 15 minutes for my makeup artist lady yto take off my eyeliner. she had to ask this gay guy for assistance. LMAO. then she did my eyes rilly pretty. too bad ill never be able to do what she did. ha. then after all of us got our make done we chilled with jeremy, max, and chris [the lil freshman] LOL. jk. but anyways. we went to get food at fridays and the waiter was soooo nice. he gave us tons of free sodas. he rocks. lol. then gustavo showed up. eghhh. he rilly pissed me off. then we went over to cheesecake factory so they culd skate. go figure. then i had an "episode" lol ad jeremy was very nice about. <3 thanks for caring dude =). then we went bak to the mall and chilled. then kristin left and a lil bit later so did me and camila. it was fun. i think tonite chris, jeremy, and gustavo are coming to the window. what joy.

-later skater-


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:: 2004 14 August :: 11.28am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: My Happy ending

so much for my happy ending..

grrrrr. i hate seriously everything right now. my life is horrible. everything i have right now, i dont want. everything i dont have, i want. i hate school. it sucks. i seriously have like no friends. the ones i do have dont help much. u hate my classes. i hate florida. i hate not being single. i hate my teachers. i prolly hate u. pretty much i hate EVERYTHING. but mostly stupid ass WEST BOCA HIGH. it needs to die.


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:: 2004 14 August :: 12.35am
:: Mood: distressed
:: Music: Nothing New by: Ashlee Simpson

dont let me get in your way...

today was friday the 13th. i had a most horrible day. i woke up late. we had to to go skool. damn huricane. then i cut my armpit shaving. then i burnt myself on the iron. and i heard a train coming and everyone told me i was on crack. wtf there has to be a train around here. then got to skool hair got fucked up before 1st hr. grrr. awww i saw chris today! i didnt kno he went to the new skool. anyways...then it got severly windy and i had to hold me skirt so it wuldnt fly up. then had a pop quiz in chemistry. grrrr. then we walked home cuz were cool like that. well us - scott cuz he ditched us for a free ride from lauren lol. and we tried to get thri this gate and it was locked. shit. so me, camila, and martin walked around in the graa and i tripped over a tree. wow. im gay. then martin left and we walkd to wendys cuz we were starving. then camilasmom piked us up and we went home.

then decided finally after sum upsetting times, to go to the movies with zach, eric, jeremy, scott, and jason. we were late so we didnt go see a movie. we went out back and the skated and we saw a big ass dead stork bird thing. it smelled bad. camila almost barfed. then zach broke erics board so he was depressed. awww. anywyas...then we went to mc donalds a "stole" soda. then we went to starbuck and on the way i was a reindeer. yeah u heard me. then we went to borders to but books for skool. i saw chris and chris. haha. yeah. senior chris and sophmore chris. then yeah. we got in trouble there so we left. then went to walgrrens or sumthin. i cant remember. oh yeah jeremy looked very sexy in his gay french person beret. then yes we met up with gusavo, lauren, patrice, juliano, alex, justin, sum other kid named jeremy and other ppl who shall remain nameless since i dont kno their names. lol then we had like 3 fat security guys tell us to go away. damn fat fake cops. so we left and i have jeremys hat (the non-gay american one) so yeah. took scott and zach home then decided to sleep over camilas. i dont riilly want to any more cuz i forgot that i have chores 2morrow. oh well. oh yeah did i forgot to mention another aspect that jus topped off my bad day..brian asked me out. ahh jus wondefull....*moans*. im so horrible when it comes to this stuff. grrrr. die. im out.



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:: 2004 12 August :: 9.47pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Soak up the Sun by: Shreyl Crow

everytime i feel lame im looking up...

Your full name::janelle leigh bannow
Natural hair colour::blonde
Eye colour::hazel
Number of siblings::2
Glasses/contacts?::neither =)
Piercings::yes sir
Colour::pink and black
Band::hmmm...maroon 5 ? i dunno
Song::She will be loved, all ryan cabrera songs
Stuffed animal::wtf i dont have an animal, i have a blankey lol
Video game::i dont play video games
TV show::recess
Movie::the notebook
Book::to kill a mockingbird
Food::chicken fingers
Game on a cell phone::dont have one
CD cover::ashlee simpsons
Flower::white daisy
Scent::ralph lauren
Comic book::wtf ppl still read those?
Cereal::cap'n crunch
Website::woohu.com (my journal)
Cartoon::kim possible
Play an instrument?::heck no
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?::no i dont think so
Like to sing?::yeah
Have a job?::no
Have a cell phone?::yea
Like to play sports?::yeah
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?::nope
Have a crush on someone?::uhh yess
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?::no
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?::i have 5
Have any special talents/skills?::ha no
Excercise daily?::lol riiight
Like school?::uhh at times
Sing the alphabet backwards?::yes
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?::noo
Speak any other languages?::nope
Go a day without food?::never tried...
Stay up for more than 24 hours?::yeahhh
Read music, not just tabs?::ha no
Roll your tongue?::nope
Eat a whole pizza?::no
Snuck out of the house?::yes
Cried to get out of trouble?::oh yeah
Gotten lost in your city?::yup
Seen a shooting star?::yes sir
Been to any other countries besides the united states?::nope
Had a serious surgery?::no
Stolen something important to someone else?::dont think so
Solved a rubiks cube?::nope
Gone out in public in your pajamas?::oh definately all the time
Cried over a girl?::prolly over a friend
Cried over a boy?::oh yes all the time
Kissed a random stranger?::no
Hugged a random stranger?::yes
Been in a fist fight?::nope
Been arrested?::almost lol
Done drugs?::heck no
Had alcohol?::yeah
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?::haha no i had chocolate come out my nose tho,
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?::oh yes all the time
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?::no
Swore at your parents?::no
Been to warped tour?::nope
Kicked a guy where it hurts?::yeah
Been in love?::no way
Been close to love?::nopee
Been to a casino?::yes
Ran over an animal and killed it?::omg on accident! the poor bunny
Broken a bone?::no
Gotten stitches?::nope
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?::uh yeah!
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?::eww no
Made homemade muffins?::yeah, but i forgot the eggs so they bounced lol
Bitten someone?::oh yes [owen] lol
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?::yeah
More than 5 times?::nope
Been to niagra falls?::no
Burped in someones face?::yeah!
Gotten the chicken pox?::yes
Brushed your teeth::this morning
Went to the bathroom::few minutes ago
Saw a movie in theaters::hmm dodgeball w/ alex and camila i think
Read a book::last week of summer
Had a snow day::years ago...=(
Had a party::my bday
Had a slumber party::monday nite [wink]
Made fun of someone::today
Tripped in front of someone::prolly today if not yesterday then
Went to the grocery store::umm monday
Got sick::while ago
Lights on/lights off::off
Body spray/lotion::spray
Headache/stomach ache::headache
Chinese food/mexican food::eww gross neither
French toast/french fries::fries
Ocean/swimming pool::pool
Window/door::window [haha]
Emo/goth::emo boys are soo adorable!
Long sleeve/short sleeve::short
Winter break/spring break::winter break
Clouds/clear sky::clouds
How many friends do you have?::lots
What are their names?::wtf im not naming them all.
Do you have a best friend?::yes
Have you ever liked one of your friends?::oh yeah
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?::girl i think
Have you ever lost a friend?::yeah
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?::yes sir
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?::reddi_whip! lol
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?::uh yeah? who hasnt?
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?::dunno
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?::dunno
Do you miss any of your old friends?::oh yes i miss my olympic friends to death
What friend have you known the longest?::hillary
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?::yeah
If so, what is it?::none ya bizness
How often do you spend time with your friends?::everyday?
Do any of your friends drive?::yeah
Has a friend of yours ever died?::nope
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?::haha....lotsa stuff
What do you think your friends think of you?::im a loser/retarded/blonde fag lol
Have you ever been in love?::heck no
If you have, with who?::nobodie
Are you single?::yess
Are you in a relationship?::um no
If so, for how long?::leave me alone!!
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?::i guess
What is your idea of the best date?::dont care
What was your first kiss like?::ha...no comment
How old were you when you got your first kiss?::13 i think
Do you think love is a load of shit?::oh yes definately
Whats the best experiance youve ever had with the opposite sex?::[wink] you'l never kno...
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?::yeah
Have you ever been dumped?::yup
Have you ever dumped someone?::yes
Whats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?::im not telling you. its confidential
Good charlotte::hott
Hardcore::heavy metal
want::to sleep
need::a boyfriend...i think
crave::nothing rilly
love::my friends
hate::preps and pimps
did::my homework
miss::jack, kyrie, dilan, mara, carolyn, SETH, etc.
am annoyed by::my brother
would rather::die
am tired of::school already
will always::love you
What is your favourite genre of music?::rock
What time is it now?::9:38 pm
What day is it?::thursday
Whens the last time you called someone?::tonite
How much money do you have right now?::50 dollars
Are you hungry?::no
Whatcha doin?::takin this gay survey and talking to brian
Do you like parades?::no
Do you like the moon?::sure
What are you going to do when youre done with this?::go to sleep
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?::hahahah yeah...
If you could have any magical power what would it be?::to fly
Have you ever had a picnic?::yes
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?::oh boy i sure did
What about sock em boppers?::no mommy never bought me them
Are you wearing any socks right now?::no i never wear socks
pretty?::i dunno
sarcastic?::yes lol ppl never get my sarcasm tho..
hyper?::oh most definately
evil?::haha not rilly
strong?::ehh not rilly
dorky?::oh boy yes
dance::scott and his sexy dancing LOL
brain freeze::jeremy
drunk drivers::against
united states::against
rock music::for
gay marriage::for go gay ppl!!! w00t
britney spears::against
Sky dive?::no way
Play strip poker?::ha
Run away?::yeah
Curse at a teacher?::nope
Not take a shower for a week?::eww no
Ask someone out?::yeah already done.
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?::no
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?::yeaahh! that wuld rock
Go scuba diving?::no prolly not i hate water
Write a book?::no
Become a rockstar?::sure!
Have casual sex?::no way
What shampoo do you use?::biolage color care
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?::monday nite, well actually early tuesday morning
What kind of computer do you have?::dell?
What grade are you in?::11th
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?::never tried it
Or just make out?::no
How many posters do you have in your room?::none
How many cds do you have?::like 15?
What time is it now?::9:45 pm

extremely long survey brought to you by BZOINK!
EmotionDump - 100% Anonymous Emotions and Confessions

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:: 2004 12 August :: 6.17pm
:: Mood: bummed
:: Music: Love For Me by: Ashlee SImpson

here i am as perfect as im ever gunna be...<3

2nd day of school. still didnt get much better. kinda got worse. did sum gay thing in ap env. then wrote a fuckin essay in ap english. grrr. mine sucked major cock. then didnt rilly do anything in psychology cuz mr. adler is cool like that. then read a stupid story in spanish and guess what....we arent allowed to speak english to her. wtf!? its all spanish. grrrrrness. then lunch was retarded. we lost janis and angela, dont kno where they went. but i got a Dr. Pepper. YAY!!!! i was happy. then sum stupid police man and goth ppl were sitting in our designated spot [the 12 shade as scott calls it]. so we sat in a gay place and lauren and jeremy and gustavo were there for a while. then gustavo sat on my head. lol. history was cool. we took notes and i paid attention and learned stuff. yay! lol i kno, im a nerd. then algebra is gay. the ppl in my class need to die. i cant pay attention. grrrr. and chemistry was gay we looked at our lab supplies and did sum gay conversion w/s. then was gunna walk home with scott and camila again but daddy came to pik us up. scott walked tho. lol. yeah then i did my hw. went to camilas. did her hw and she helped me with my spanish. then we walked to scotts in the deadly lighting cuz her computer was being gay. so we printed out her thingy on his comp and watched "Rocky and Bullwinkle" yayness!!! it was soooo kickass awesome. i forgot how ghetto [well sexy ghetto] it was. i <3 bullwinkle! hes sooo dumb!! lol. then we left and i went home to eat dinner.

hopefully CHARLIE will come and we wont have school tomorrow. however, if it comes, then alex cant come over 2morrow *tear* so hmmm....having a hurricane day wuld kick butt!!

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 11 August :: 8.15pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: my happy ending by: avril lavienge

u got ur dumb friends, you know what they say...

grrr....FIRST DAY of SCHOOL.

it was ok. camilas mom took me her and scott to skool after taking a first day of high school picture. lmao! yeah then we met up wit annavictoria, joe, lauren, jeremy etc. 1st was good. ms. more isnt the bitch i thought'd she'd be. 2nd hour tho, was pure hell. AP english is gunna be near to impossible to pass. geez. 3rd hour wil rock. mr. adler is so great. 4th hour, mrs.cripps. need i say more? 1st lunch. yayness! me, janis, angela, nikki and camila have it. w00t w00t. its as close to last year as i can get... yeah saw gustavo at lunch. and jeremy isnt gunna marry me anymore. =( hes marrying evan instead. *tear* lol. 5th hour as alrite. the teacher will def. be more interesting than mrs. skelton. 6th-alg 2, wow our teacher is fucked up. she showed us before and after pictures of her "extrreme make over liposuction" thing. wow. anyways...yeah 7th hour was so so. chemistry teacher=weird. she got mad at me for chewing gum. [rolls eyes]. yeah then me and camila and scott walked home. then went to office max but didnt see scott alarcon *tear* i miss him lol. i miss our after skool talks and walks to my locker. ...but most of all, i miss JACK, KYRIE, DILAN, MARA, and CAROLYN!!!!

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


dear lord, i miss them soooo fucking much, =(

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:: 2004 10 August :: 9.16pm
:: Mood: dreading (if thats a mood)
:: Music: On the Way Down by: ryan cabrera

i saw you and you saved me from myself...

tonite me and camila and scott and jeremy went to mamas pizza for dinner as an end of summer "pizza pow wow party" lol. it was alrite. i hate that pizza tho. then walked home and scott decides he wants to take golds gym big "lowest prices in town" sign home with him. so they carried it. jerermy said sum things that was like "whoa weird cuz like well becuz they were [scott and camila kno wut im talkin bout] so yeah they held the sign over our heads and it looked like they were selling us like prostitutes [lowest prices in town]. lol. yeah they left and so did we. now im getting ready for tomorrow. ick, school. who wulda thought.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


summer ! come bak! please!!! =(

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:: 2004 10 August :: 1.03pm
:: Mood: astonished
:: Music: surrender by: ashlee simpson

if thats the way u want it, well there you go...

wowness. last nite me and camila were tired and decided to try and got to sleep around 12 ish. so we wathced a tiny bit of Malibu's Most Wanted and then went to sleep. i was jus about asleep when scott calls. grrrr. so they came over to her window [scott and alex that is] and we talked to them till like almost 3. yeah it was fun. it was the last "summer window session" . *tear* and the last time we'd see alex for a while, another *tear*. so yeah. then they left and we fell asleep and woke up at fucking 7:30 cuz camila had to babysit again. grrr. so i walked home and went straight to my bed and slept till 12. now im here. wondering what im gunna do today. was supposed to go to the movies tonite with jack and dilan but not sure if im going to. jeremy called too. supposed to call him when camila gets home so we can do sumthin. ok i gotta pee. byeeee.


my summer went out with a bang, well mayb a jerk. lol. wow....

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:: 2004 9 August :: 11.35pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: newlyweds in the other room

blah blah blah....

2nite we went bowling. twas fun. it was me, camila, scott, anonthony, alex and sum kid who showed up named brian. we bowled one free game in rily hot shoes. i sucked major cock. so did camila. we didnt even get to 70 points. lol. oh my ball [which was brite pink] was named harold. and everybodie kept stealing it and molesting it, along with murray [camilas ball which was light blue] . oh yes, and anonthony is a homosexual. no not rilly. i jus like calling him that. and yeah then scott kindly gave me 50 cents and i bought a spngebob squarepants toy. its ugly but o well. then for sum gay reason, we went outsdie. gotten bitten by mosquitoes and anonthony spit orange soda on me so i chased him. then we went inside and played in the arcade. haha the snow skiing game thing vibrated. lol. then we left and took everybodie but brian with us. god they are obnoxious. pushing and yelling and slapping and touching and AHH. lol. but then again, car rides are always eventful with them in the car. now im here sleeping over camilas house again lol. im tired. later.



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:: 2004 9 August :: 5.10pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: ashlee simpsion

rite now im solo, but that will be changing eventually...

heres a wondeful convo i had with a dear friend of mine...

sprinklecheese32: la la!
almostsk8rpunk: fuck fuck
sprinklecheese32: duck duck
almostsk8rpunk: fuck fuck fuck a duck screw a kangaroo...
almostsk8rpunk: hump hippopautumus at your local zoo
almostsk8rpunk: or
almostsk8rpunk: stick your dick in a monkeys mouth and maybe hell blow you too
sprinklecheese32: or
sprinklecheese32: finger an oranutang and get an orgasm at the zoo!
almostsk8rpunk: lol
almostsk8rpunk: faggot
sprinklecheese32: me?
almostsk8rpunk: yes you ho!
sprinklecheese32: no u bitch
almostsk8rpunk: no u mexican jew bagel
sprinklecheese32: no u scottish fruit roll up
almostsk8rpunk: no u fucking greek homosexual pop tart
sprinklecheese32: no u norwegian transexual crossaint!
almostsk8rpunk: no u french jockstrap
sprinklecheese32: no u australian tampon
almostsk8rpunk: no u fucking jewish german slut bag
sprinklecheese32: no u asian cross eyed ferret
sprinklecheese32: ha i win!
almostsk8rpunk: no u dont
almostsk8rpunk: yiou fucking irish drunk bitch with a dildo shoved up her ass
almostsk8rpunk: lol
sprinklecheese32: wow i dont think i can beat that

^^wow. scott ur so nice! <3 lmao! =)

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:: 2004 9 August :: 3.07pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Exit to Exit by: ryan cabrera <3

fell down for sumone elses kiss...


its so hot i like want to have sex with it. =)

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:: 2004 9 August :: 1.25pm
:: Mood: thankful
:: Music: La La by Ashlee Simpson

u make me wanna scream..

OMFG!. i love camila paola gonzalez sooooo much. thanks for making me my new layout. it is kickass awesome. lol!

what do ya'll think? comment and tell me. =)


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:: 2004 8 August :: 11.51pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Autobiography by: Ashlee Simpson

got stains on my t-shirt, and im the biggest flirt...

tonite we hung out with scott for quite a while. he brought me my towel. =) . then we went to powderhorn(thats the old park) we swung and spinned around and looked at the stars. scott supposedly saw a shooting star,,,no fair i want to see it. he saved his wish uunder the "save as" file thing. wut a loser. lol. then we wandered bak to our hood thru country landing 1. he found sea shells in a pile a dirt and gave them to us. lol. then we went to our hood and walked around then we tried to shake our hips. mine dont work. grrrr ness. oh yeah, scott looked mighty sexy in my pink jacket... lmao! then he left us and we walked the long scary walk home and now im sleeping over...once again. dan called me. cuz hes trying to make me forget bout the thing that i asked him bout today. grrr he pisses me off. die! anywho... yes im tired. gotta wake up early tomorrow cuz camila has to leave to go babysit at 8 and i gotta go grocery shopping with mommy =).


oh yeah, scott peed in the lake while we turned around (so we didnt accidently see his penis lol) we heard it tinkling. hehehe =)

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:: 2004 8 August :: 8.05pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Surrender by: Ashlee Simpson

boy you drive me crazy, you jus bring me down...

i changed the layout. hmm not sure if i like it yet. please please please COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. (and not jus camila ok?lol)



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