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:: 2004 8 August :: 7.55pm
:: Mood: headache!
:: Music: True by: Ryan Cabrera <3!!

all my life i've waited, this is true...
today went to the mall with camila. we ran into allie and her friends gia, aileen, jillian and sum boys. they were weird (well the boys) the girls were cool. we jus walked around and stuff. we jerked off a flashlight. lol. and we sat in chairs that like attacked us. haha then us and sum stange boys were playing with these very large vibrators. lol fun stuff. then one of the boys (juan) stood in the window of crate and barrel and acted like a fake person and then when sumone walked bya nd looked he wuld make a face of sumthin. it was funny shit. oo and there was hot half naked firemen there too. hehe. oh we made up a way to find each other if we get lost, we hold up our middle finger and wave it while we scream their name. hip hip (insert middle finger here) hooray! lol.

now im downloading ashlee simpson and ryan cabrera songs. im like obsessed. ahaha.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 8 August :: 12.34am

::15 RaNdOm FaVoRiTeS::

*1.playing in the rain
*2.ashlee simpson
*3.seeing old friends
*4.talking at camilas window at nite
*7.skater boys
*8.oreos and whipped cream
*9.palm trees
*11.talking online
*14.my big brother
*15.dying my hair

::14 FaVorItE fOoDs::

~1.easy mac
~2.corn dogs
~3.chicken fingers
~4.white rice
~6. thats all, im very picky

::13 MoSt WatChEd SHoWs::

*1. real world
*2. boy meets world
*3. road rules
*4. ashlee simpson show
*5. dave the barbarian
*6. 7th heaven
*7. full house
*8. sister sister
*9. recess
*1o. newlyweds
*11. step by step
*12. jimmy neutron
*13. spongebob

::12 GoOd SoNgS iN yOuR oPiNiOn::

~1. maroon 5-she will be loved is #1 bitch!
~2. the killers-somebody told me
~3.jet-look what you've done
~4. american hi-fi-flavor of the week
~5. white stripes-seven nation army
~6. ashlee simpson-la la
~7. avril-my happy ending
~8. taking back sumday-cute without the e
~9. taking back sunday-you're so last summer
~10. switchfoot-dare you to move
~11. ryan cabrera-on the way down
~12. lonestar-im already there

::11 MeMoRiEs::

*1. woodlands
*2. lutherock
*3. national bball tourney in indiana
*4. when steph burped at wendys and the employee heard and said "oh dear god"
*5. me and scott breaking the stupid fence
*6. sneaking out of camilas house at nite
*7. sneaking boys in camilas room at nite
*8. when the couch flew up and smacked camila in the face
*9. spinning around and watching the stoplights change color with scott, camila, and gustavo the nite we snuck out
*10.getting to kno michael better
*11.all the cockroaches in camilas house

::10 ClOsE fREiNDs::


::9 tHiNGS yOu'rE lOoKiNg FoRwArD tO::

*1.my license!!
*2.getting a car
*3.going to wis for the holidays
*4.going to spain with camila
*5.my 17th bday
*7. spring break
*8.med school
*9.school being over

::8 tHiNGs YoU wEaR dAiLy::

~3.pants possibly a skirt
~4.tank top or shirt
~5.my star sweatband
~7.my key necklace
~8. black eyeliner

::7 tHiNGs THAt AnNoY yOu::

*2.ghetto pimp ass people
*3.conceited bitches
*4.people who dont listen to me even when i dont say anything at all
*5.people who judge other ppl
*6.romantic people

::6 tHiNgS yOu ToUcH eVeRYdAy::

~1.my face
~2.my hair
~3.the keyboard
~4.door knob
~6.tv remote

::5 MoViEs YoU cOuLd WaTcH oVeR anD oVeR::

*1.the notebook
*2.remember the titans
*3.pearl harbor
*4.def, not spiderman
*5. armagedeon (sp?)

::4 fAvOrItE cHiLdHoOd ToYs::

~1.my little pony
~2.care bears

::3 pEoPlE yOu LaSt HuGgEd::


::2 of my favorite role models::

~1.my mom
~2.nobodie else

1 pErSoN i CoUlD spENd THe ReSt Of wItH
*1. hmm i mite have an idea, but yeah...not sure.

wow now, wasnt that fun?

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:: 2004 8 August :: 12.11am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: guess. she will be loved duhh!!

its so hard to say goodbye...

wow im beat. jus got home from anba's 16th birthday party. it was fun. it was a dance party like kia's. dilan, kyrie, jack, shreya, bryan, onan, diego, brad, leah, debra, amanda, melissa, kia, and stehpanie. sum scary black guys who were dj-ing were there. one i swear to god looked jus like LUDACRIS. lol. omg and one of them (the scariest looking one i mite add) asked jack to dance and she said no cuz she didnt kno how, then he came up behind dilan and started dancing with her and she got away and then he came up behind ME and i was like wtf dont touch me but he wuldnt leave. finally i got away after bryan made fun of me. ahhh. damn black ppl. grrrr. anyways it was lots of fun. onan gave a speech for anna and he started crying. it was sooo cute. awww. lol. but yeah it was great to see all my friends from OH. and they all are staying there too. oh poo.

dear god im going to miss them.

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:: 2004 7 August :: 12.17am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: she will be loved of course!

i've had you so many times, but somehow i want more...

GooD nEws!!

daddy and kim opened a new office and they are doing very well so soon money wont be so tight around here and this is whats gunna happen (yay):

--gunna go up to wis. during xmas break!!! yay! SNOW!!!
--gunna get to go to wis every year at least once (so summer too)
--mayb ill get to go with camila to spain or uruguay. that wuld be kick ass awesome!
--gunna get me a car before senior year! ahhh! w00t w00t!!
--and we'll move.

^^dont kno if the last one is so great but the rest are! yay! go daddy!

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:: 2004 7 August :: 12.07am
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: Jack and Diane by: John Mellencamp

.rock on...

My Trip:
(well a jist of it. too much to write)

-these are jus sum of the highlights of my trip instead of bothering u all with the boring details.

--got there and was bout to murder sara (so was everyone else)
--bonded with michael while playing bball
--had a carpool party
-- ^ wasnt much fun
--went to hills for 5 days.
--went bowling with scott, hill, mike and our moms. haha
--i had dinner with the "beverly hillbillies" LOL
--my favorite color is polka dot
--got pulled over by the cops at 2 am after eating at dennys
--went shopping at mayfair!!
--went to hillarys cottage in hancock witha population of 463 people lol
--hillarys grandma hit her head and had to be taken to the emergency room while we sat at home eating oreos and whipped cream
--talked to 28 year old men in chatrooms with the sn reddi_whip and found out sum things we didnt need to kno....eww
--slept over michaels and watched cheaper by the dozen and legally blonde and stuff...
--saw ted (ew) and al and jim (gay guys)
--car broke down on the way to dinner with aunt carol and ppls
--went mini golfing with my family and michaels family
-- ^ i won! w00t w00t!
--then i left milwaukee to go to peshtigo *tear*
--went to grandmas lil town of 3,537 ppl.
--did like nothing.
--saw deer cross the road. pretty cool
--ooooo! and saw bats!!
--saw little steve (my big bro) his wife and kids
--went out to dinner lots.
--went fishing...haha me fishin? yeah i kno funny isnt it?
--i drove and SUV for the first time
--went to the "mall" which consists of a walmart, jc penneys, dollar store, a book store, foot locker, claries and sum other random shoe store. wow. what a selection!
--went out to dinner with kim....COMPLETE DISASTER.
-- ^ hes a fag. he thinks hes funny. he told the waitress that i was a lesbian and wanted to go out with her. wtf?!?!
--ooo i bought clothes at kohls. w00t w00t! i <3 that place
--little steve kept picking on me by telling me i had a spider on me and by picking up this HUGE ASS DADDY LONG LEGS and trying to actually put it on me! i locked him outside. lol
--i tried to be "one of the guys" but it didnt work. grrness. im always gunna be the stupid girl.
--meghan gave me her flower bracelet. i <3 u!
--left for home after stopping in green bay and saying by to my big bro <33
--drove 4 1/2 hrs to airport in chicago
--sat on airplane for 3 hrs
--got home at 11:45 pm

and yes. thats basically my trip. it twas fun. i learned sum new things bout old friends and what not.

oh yeah, and michael is convinced that im AVRIL and that hill is HILARY DUFF. erghh. lol

omg i had a bazillion ppl ask me why i had a key around my neck (cuz its on my necklace cuz i like it and its different) and i was about to strangle the next person who asked me. random ppl at stores and such wuld ask me. god people. fuck off!!

but overall, trip = fun times

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 6 August :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: youre the only one by:maria mena

i guess theres jus a part of me that likes to bring you down...

today was fun. woke up did stuff. got ready. went ovr to alinas. then steph was so hungry that she was about to eat my elbow so we took her to wendys and she ate. we saw iain and cate there too. ehh. then we decided to go to the new park instead of going home. there rilly wasnt anyone there. so we pee-d and then ran around the hockey rink and sung like losers. ha we were climbing on the hockey goals. fun stuff. then we went to play on the soccer nets and we fell and got stuck so we jus laid in the nets for a while. then sum guys liked alina. ha but her name was jessica. lol! then xtina piked us up and we went home. later at nite me and steph went to the park and saw a dude that had hair like a girl and then we tried to play manhunt with iain and cate but it didnt work out. damn and tonite was the last summer block party too. grrrrness. then went home around 10:30 and then went with daddy to get pepsi and cigarettes. i drove home. in the dark. twas funness.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 5 August :: 11.20pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: she will be loved by maroon 5

i kno that goodbye means nothing at all...

ok ive stayed quiet about this for long enuff. i haveta say sumthin and i dont care who the hell it offends and what u people think. so fuck off.

*ive been home from vacation for less then 48 hours and i feel that my friends have all deserted me. (well sum of the skaters and well, camila). who the hell tells one of their best friends that "it was lots of fun without u, no offense". wtf. how rude is that? and they all "bonded" and shit, and yeah i knew that they'd all hang out and i have nooooo problem whatsoever bout it, but the thing is i dont care to kno all about it. cuz i was pissed enuff that i had to leave for 2 weeks and yeah. i feel like everyones all buddy-buddy with each other and thats theres no room for me anymore. people have been all secretive around me and [sumone]-who will remain nameless cuz i dont feel like arguing with him cuz he thinks he knows fucking everything-keeps trying to get me to leave situations and like when plans for things come up, im never in them. well until sumone rememebrs ha. its jus gay. [i dont mean for this to be a total bashing at my friend or for this to start a fight i jus think it needs to be said]- one of my best friends, no offense, tries rilly hard to fit in. even if it means consenting to doing "things" that she wuldnt normally do jus so they dont make fun of her for chickening out or being scared. this is start to show as her being "easy". not good. also, no offense, but after listening to that phone converstation last nite, shes a hypocrite. she gets extremely upset when people talk bout her behind her back and when shes not allowed on the phone with certain people. when in turn, she does that same thing to me. hmmm.... jus thought u shuld kno how i felt. dont be mad, im jus trying to get my point across since i feel like u never rilly listen to me when i talk to u.

i dont give a shit if anyone thinks im being dramatic or whatever cuz you dont kno how this all feels and yeah. so fuck all you mother fuckers.


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:: 2004 5 August :: 1.26am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: who cares

haha fuck u scott!

Auto response from almostsk8rpunk:

sprinklecheese32 (1:05:14 AM): we only watch porn on the tv silly

thanks for telling our porn secret to everyone!! LoL

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:: 2004 4 August :: 9.35pm
:: Mood: icky
:: Music: my happy ending

all this time you were pretending...

im bak from my vacation in case anyone cares.

ill update bout the trip later.

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:: 2004 19 July :: 8.43pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: she will be loved....again lol

i drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door....
ahhh! im gunna miss u all sooo much!! i <3 u all!! especially camila, alina, steph, scott, gustavo, xtina, dylan, tyler, alana and everyone else i see on a daily basis.

x0x0. see u guys in 2 weeks!!!

wow. im a loser. o well. :D


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:: 2004 19 July :: 8.33pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: she will be loved ...of course

ok i lied...
this is one more entry before i go on vacation.

today was funness. i woke up at friggin 5:45 am!! i had to babysit tyler at 6. babysat till bout 7:45 then left. got paid 16 bucks tho. :D

then came home, showered, packed and got ready. then walked up to wendys with alina and steph and leah and met gustavo on the way.

then we went bak to camilas and he hung with tyler for a while. then it rained. so me and gustavo danced like dorks in the rain. then scott came over. we hung with tyler for a while...ugh! then we ditched him. hung at camilas for awhile then went to scotts house. we were walking and eating gummy bears and spitting them at each other. it had rained alot and there were PUDDLES! so i jumped in them. then i got ppl wet and eventually we were all soaking wet cuz dumass ryan brought out the hose. so we decided to jump in the pool. twas fun. almost drown like a thousand times. lol. then we went bak to camilas, got gustavo cell and ....*tear* said our goodbyes. so sad so sad. haha.

errrgh. gotta wake p early. see ya soon! <3 xo

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 19 July :: 9.15am
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: she will be loved

look for the girl with the b r o k e n smile...

well this is my last journal entry for 2 weeks. tomorrow i leave at 5 in the friggin morning to go to WISCONSIN. w00t w00t! im excited. but i dont wanna leave either. im gunna miss u guys!! <33 id call ya'll or w.e but i cant. so i guess jus leave me comments and tell me how much u miss me....(u kno ur going to :P ) anyways,,,, ill update u on my trip when i get bak! <33

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 18 July :: 7.07pm



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:: 2004 18 July :: 12.05am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: youre the only one

youre the only one who knows exactly what i mean...

ooh yeah. today i learned that when you go Rock Climbing, you make Sex Noises.

haha. :D

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:: 2004 17 July :: 11.29pm
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: she will be loved

ive had u so many times, but sumhow i want more....
Thursday Night:

didnt do much. slept over camilas. it was kinda boring. we watched tv and talked online. ooo yeah and there were 2 COCKroaches!! eew. lol. went to bed. my ear kinda hurt, (the cartilage one taht was recently pierced).

Friday Morning:

woke up at 7 am cuz friggin gustavo called. ahhh damn u! lol. then i looked at my ear in the mirror and it hurt pretty bad so i decided to jus go home and catch my mom before she went to work. she got scared cuz it was rilly swollen. she told me to try and take the earring out. i couldnt cuz it couldnt grab it cuz it was so friggin swollen. so we went to the DOCTOR. the lady had me lay down and tried to take the earring out. she had to try to untwist the back part. OMFG! i swear i have never gone thru so much PAIN before in my entire life. it hurt sooooo bad. i cried and cried and cried. ahhh i wuld never wish that kinda pain on anyone. she got the earring out and a bunch of yellow infection shit oozed out (not that u needed to kno that). so now im on antibiotics for 10 days. ick.

then we went to the mall. it was gay cuz we were there too long and there was nuttin to do. there were these
two guys that were like orgasmic. ahah they were like sex gods. LMAO. anyways bought a cute shirt and a ring.

Friday Night:

didnt rilly do anything. hung outsid with peoples. danced in the rain like a moron with steph. it twas fun. :D and we played with dylan. he is sooooo fuckin adorable. <33. but a brat. LOL. then went home and fell asleep in my clothes with the lights and the tv on at like 10. haha. then i woke up at 3 am and took my pill and went bak to sleep..

Today (Saturday):

went with camila and her parents to pik up julian at a friends house. we stopped by her old catholic school. it was cool but weird. i had never been in a catholic chapel before. then we stopped in camilas dads office. haha we opened a drawer in sum ladies desk and found Peppermint Penises. LOL. then we left and got a froty at wendys and got harrassed by sum scary black guys. then went home. later we went to the airport to pik up cindy, her sister and sum lady. i dont like her. lol. then we went to elsa's house for food. eewww gross spanish shit. even camila wuldnt eat it. lol. so we had wine and soda. then we went home and ate pancakes w00t w00t. ha.

thats it. not ril interesting. but hey, live with it.

2 days till i go to Wisconsin! yay!!

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 15 July :: 11.27pm
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: taking bak sunday

and will u tell all ur friends, u got ur gun to my head....


» Personality:
» Eyes:
» Face:
» Hair:
» Clothes:
» Mannerisms:
» Family:

» Be my friend?:
» Lie to make me feel better?:
» Spread rumors about me?:
» Keep a secret if I told you one?:
» Loan me some cash?:
» Hold my hand?:
» Take a bullet for me?:
» Keep in touch?:
» Try and solve my problems?:
» Love me?:
» Date me?:

» I died from natural causes:
» I said I liked you:
» I kissed you:
» I lived next door to you:
» I started smoking:
» I stole something:
» I was hospitalized:
» I ran away from home:

if u love me at all, you'll fill it out. it makes me happy. (makes me feel like i have friends. hahahaha)

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:: 2004 14 July :: 8.17pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: camila singing

aghhhh help me she suxks!!!
What is your favorite..
gum:pink extra sugar free
drink:diet dr. pepper
type of weather:cloudy and cold
thing to do on a half day:go wit friends to mama's pizza
late-night activity:talk to guys outside of camilas window
When was the last time you..
cried:prolly a couple of days ago
played a sport:cant remember
hugged someone:today [tyler]
kissed someone:a few days ago [kevin] eek!
felt depressed:yesterday
felt elated:umm yesterday
felt overworked:today!
faked sick:i dont fake sick
What was the last..
word you said:ok
thing you ate:chicken
song you listened to:Cute without the "e" by Taking Back Sunday
thing you drank:diet coke
place you went to:alinas house
movie you saw:dodgeball
movie you rented:win a date with tad hamiliton
concert you attended:xtina aguliera in like 1999 ha!
Who was the last person you..
cried over:dan prolly
kissed:kevin r.
danced with:that guy mike from the party
shared a secret with:camila or alina
had a sleepover with:camila and allison
went to a movie with:camila and alex
saw:alina, steph, and camila
were angry with:i get angry w/ lots of ppl i jus dont show it
couldn't take your eyes off of:josh lol!
obsessed over:umm ...dunno
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:yess
kissed someone:yeah
done drugs:no way
drank alcohol:yup
slept around:uhh no
partied 'til the sun came up:haha no
had a movie marathon:yeah
gone too far on a dare:umm no
spun until you were immensely dizzy:oh yes always
taken a survey quite like this before:yeah i guess

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2004 14 July :: 12.58pm
:: Mood: forgetful
:: Music: who cares

ooo ooo ooo! yeah...
i forgot to inform u that i burnt my finger rily bad last nite.

oh and scott is gunna give us a cup filled with his "masturbation excretion stuff" LMAO. how generous.

wow. were gay.

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:: 2004 14 July :: 12.35pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: she will be loved by: Maroon 5

i dont mind spending everyday, out on ur corner in the pouring rain...
yesterday was fun. did nothing. then hun gout with scott and aanthony. oh yeah allison was over too.

jus strolled around like usual when scott had the dumb idea to see if JOSH<33 culd come outside. ahhh. we went inside his house!! and into his room! (he didnt seem too thrilled but w/e) oo and i stepped on his underwear!!! ahh . LMFAO! anywho it was gay. we jus walked up to the gas station and bak. i dont think josh rilly liked me or camila. alison on the other hand he did. grrr-nesss. but w/e. what can u do? so scott was dodging cars on the road and camila was freaking out and aanthony being the cold-heartless person he is, broke my fork!! hehe. then scott was sitting on the fence thing that surrounds the lake and i was leanign over it guna do a flip thing like when zach was there when all of a sudden..... THE WHOLE FUCKING FENCE FELL APART!! it was hilarious. but hey, it made a good rail for them to skate on. lol. then aanthony took the over part off and now a whole section of fence is missing. haha. then we all went bak to camilas house and sat around talking. then we went inside and scott and aanthony planned to come bak.

went inside. talked online and then around 1, they came bak. me and camila sat at the window talking. allison watched a movie then went inot the other rom and slept. i thought our conversation was very enlightening. we talked about "Penises, porn, and masturbation.". LMAO! i asked most of the dumb questions, but hey, u gotta learn sumhow!!

Some Thing I Learned:
(names have been changed to protect the innocent)

-"ben" and "bob" both masturbate..ewwie.
-ben does it in the bathroom. he does not do it to "gentlemens magazines"
-pee and sperm come out of the smae whole on their penis. lmao.
-u get muscles from jacking off
-when u pee in a public restroom, other ppl dont see ur penis
-there is a "bathoom code" for guys
-the penis is made up of several different parts.
-i learned what a "cherry" is
-when u have sex for the first time, u bleed.
-if u cut off ur air supply and u masturbate, it will be a much more sexually pleasing. (but...u culd die like that one guy)

and i cant remember anymore but my brain is boggled with all this info. thanks guys for being our "sex ed. teachers" and no, we are NOT horny little girls and we are NOT obsessed with ur penises!!! LMAO!

but yes, after they left at like 4:30 ish we went mosquito hunting and then went to sleep. woek up at noon and camilas still sleeping. im prolly gunna go over to alinas. well im out. peace.

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


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:: 2004 13 July :: 12.16am
:: Music: 12 Stones

and i promise to make the sacrafice....
haha funny convo between me and camila the other day....

janelle: omg! does he have a big penis?

camila: yeah...*blushes* i sucked it.


ur so silly.

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