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:: 2003 22 August :: 10.49 pm
:: Mood: hyper

It's way too early for me to be this tired.
Even though I'm really hyper right now, I'm actually tired. You know those things I'm talking about. ADMIT IT! We just completed our first full week of school, and I literally spent more hours doing homework than sleeping this week. This scares me. I would like to announce that I am dropping out of IB. Tuesday. Wednesday will be the official disowning-ment ceremony by my entire family. Cookies and punch will be served.

Now that that's said, I have just been chatting with amanda about why I never use woohu. This is because I went out instead and got a real diary. There was just too much that I wanted to write out that I did not necessarily want published on the internet. But now I decided to do the real version in the diary and the abridged version for YOU to read. Therefore, let me warn you that I may slip sometimes. If I post anything on here that pisses you off, TOUGH! Hmm...that may come off a little harsh. Dont get me wrong. Comments are more than welcome and very appreciated...positive or negative. I just will not tolerate any actual real life arguments (discussions are fine) about what is written here. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Now, I am very hesitant to say this, but it's my journal, so screw you. I mean... O:-) I honestly think that band will be good this year. *GASP!* I know I know! We have no music! We have no sets! We could not pick the head director out of a lineup! But you know what? After several conversations with markgraf (oh yea, go third lunch on green days! ;-) ) I honestly belives that he atleast (I cant say anything really about lerner, I dont know the guy) really sincerely cares about the band and our success. I know that we are all concerned this year about what is going to happen, i.e. "I dont know." "Ask mr. lerner." And dont get me wrong, I dont think that we will have anything CLOSE to a presentable show by the first football game, and I highly doubt we will get a superior at festival. But really, what can we expect guys? (man...this positiveness is like kryptonite!! I better wrap this up soon!) All I'm saying is that these guys beat the HELL out of voldemort! For all you muggles out there, dont expect to get much of my other posts either... Anywho..I just think that this year is a building year. Powers of pessimism draining...must say something....negative!

En revanche, four years from now apparently looks to be a building year too. I have no idea what's up with lerner. Why would he take this job? Why would he be offered this job? I just do not understand why a man would be hired on a temporary basis to fill this position. He says openly he's only going to be here for four years...why would they want to go through this again?! That's the one thing that I just do not get... I mean, I know that 4 years of one person is better than 4 directors in 4 years, but still..

Well, now I'm less hyper than when I started this. All the stress of the last paragraph really made my tiredness come out I guess.. So I think I will go to bed. I have nothing more to do. Oh, here's something else for all you night-owls actually reading this tonight. Tomorrow afternoon I have veterinary appointments for the dog and the cat. Both. At the same time. In the same room. It should be interesting! I'll try to post that story tomorrow. Check back for it! I plan on writing in here as much as possible, perhaps a few times a week if things actually happen. Most of this will not be news to most of you, since most of my friends are in fact in band, and that's where all the stories come from! ;-) So...that's about it! I'll write tomorrow. (for those of you not familiar with woohu, now is when you post comments. I just like to read them. hehe. It's a race to see who posts first! and then second, etc. so that I actually have more than one post.. Ready....set.....go!)

8 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed | One Fell Off and Bumped His Head | Random Journal