2004 9 March :: 6.24am
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: metallica
life sucks :(
omg i feel insanely sick right now and im thinking im gonna have to go to school. I think im going to get dressed and then lay on the couch so my mom know's i don't feel good. i've been absent from school SO FUCKING MUCH already but like i feel sick and i can't stand it. Mannnnnnn, this shit really sucks being sick and all, and we have to move. Our landlord isn't renewing the lease and shit because they say 'they have to do work in the house' and me and my mom know that that's just a sack of shit. We looked at 2 apartments in queens and they were aright. I don't think i could live in queens...im just not that urban of a girl but hey well see. My mom talked to my principal and my pricipal gave my mom a list of towns that we would move to that i would still be able to go to pace. All this shit always happens to me like honestly 1 good thing happens to me and another bad thing happens to fuck it all up. Sucks, but what can you do? nothing. Well, i hope everyone's life is going better than mine right now :-/
Then i see your face