Going to Applebee's with muh lovely Samantha, Emileeeee, and Melanie (my butterfingers who likes to drop nail polish at work). I cannot wait to have one of those tasty margarita's.
Well, i wish it would get green and warm. I feel like I am totally falling behind with everything. I am tired, sick, and have a lot to do! I wish that mike could find a job, and we could pay our bills, and that I could feel accomplished for once.
Life just feels so hectic lately, I don't know what to do.
there is something to be said for the fact that everytime i go to write on a friends wall on facebook, not only do i get distracted by looking at other wall posts but then i feel so sad after being distracted that i don't write them anything...
I would say i am crazy, but that probably isn't news
Of course it could be that part of me that wants to have people want to be around me, but whats the sense in that if they all just piss me off or let me down anyways.
I guess I should just stick to reading... at least in books I can't get hurt