skinned by justtestingf_cker


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:: 2004 8 April :: 9.56pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Sugarcult

Well . .I think I got a hold of some BAD tuna fish . .feel REALLY sick . .gonna puke . .but have to watch Witch Hunter Robin first . . . uhhhhh have alot of hw to do . .tests . . quiz bowls . . projects next week . . ok. Bye.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

3 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 7 April :: 7.06pm
:: Mood: dirty
:: Music: Silence

We got killed.
Well, we got our asses kicked at the lacrosse game with us and Noble. They pounded us. Seriously. I was Third man . . .then DW . . . then third Home . . . and I got the ball two times . . well . . next wednesday the boys lacrosse team gets to see us get the hell kicked out of us AGAIN by Noble -_-+ I'm gonna go cry in a corner now.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

1 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 5 April :: 8.45pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: HIM

uhh. . .I am a little emo kid. O.o
Well . .today was uneventul . . .I feel that Skyler hates me lol . . . .Skyler has black testicles. (>.< HAHAHAHAHA) ok sorry that was random . . .uhhhhhhhhhhhh I seriously love Matt but he is mad at me . . ;_; . .uhhhh I should be studying for my Geometry test but I am lazy . . .and yeah. That was an interesting entry.

And No, Dustin does NOT shower no matter what he says.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

2 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 4 April :: 4.24pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: spiritual techno . . .mwuhahaha

Well . . . Aisha's birthday party finished yesterday . . . to many preps lol . . . uhhhh today I am working on my science dinosaur paper thing . . .and studying for the S.S. quiz bowl . . .ok . . .seeya people that are bored enough to read this.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

2 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 31 March :: 8.15pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: rain falling on the roof . .

hehe. -_-
Hello . . well today was very uneventful. We scrimaged oursleves 6 on 6 today at lacrosse practice . . . me and Doug are talking now ^.^ I love Stef . . . . and Dana . . . and James (lol Stef FUCK WORTHY) . . .haha. Ok. Leave a note. I need more of them -_-+

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

2 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 29 March :: 7.27pm
:: Music: AFI . .Tantric

heh. I am so Hated.
Well . . I feel all emo-ish lol jk . . . . . . . I ruined my relationship with Doug . . now we NEVER talk or hang out . . . . we have to right this God awful research paper on fucking Dinosaurs . . the only good part about this week is the fact I found my dress for formal. . . well, now I am done being all emo-ish. Seeya.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

1 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 28 March :: 1.47am
:: Music: flogging molly . . .HIM . . .stuff

Hahaha . . .I am so fucking bored and tired. . . Dana and Steffy are beside me . . . . .we are going to bed after talking about emo kids and looking at this REALLY hot guy thats taken . . uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ttyl.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

1 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 25 March :: 8.11pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: ummm . . .the fan blades spinning?

Well . . I am getting better at updating . . . . . I am now Danaa's "girl" . . . I decided I would get a chinese dress for the formal . . . .feel alone and depressed. . . . Nick is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha . . . . ok. I am done.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

2 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 23 March :: 7.24pm
:: Music: backstreet boys . . (MWUAHAHHAHA)

Well . . I havent updated in a while . . had my birthday . . . .got stuff . . . . got dumped . . dumped someone . . . . sold girl scout cookies . . . . . will fail tommorrow's ecology test . . . . .need to finish my Geometry test . . . . need to work on new Science project . . . . .so many things to do.(but no energy to do them or actually care)

Haha . . . . . talk to ya later people.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

2 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 12 March :: 7.38pm

hm . .spending the night at Dana's . . I hope I don't die. Haha . . . have a new obsession with . . .its cool. Eli is annoying. Dana is a Whore, Aisha is bubbly.

I am misc. And Dustin is Schmexah. hahahaha . . . ok Bye.

~*~Kiouni Sairye~*~

3 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 23 February :: 8.06pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Yellowcard

Havent updated in a while again . . hm . . . had all county band . . sucked . . . got a HUGE FUCKING gash on my head . . . .dying slowly. Thats it really . . . .hahahahaha the "war" between the Eutoops/ and Power House 7 is so funny . . . . .they're both pretty cool though . . . ok. Bye.

1 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 8 February :: 6.02pm
:: Mood: happyness
:: Music: Linkin Park

idk . . .Damnit -_-
Talked to DOUG alot today and yesterday . . .had a conversation with Jon . .. he was high as a kite . . . . ate gummi worms and a sub sandwich . . . . .uhhhhh . .. idk. DOUG has to be in here though . . b/c DOUG wanted to be. Haha. Ok.


~(*)~Kiouni Sairye~(*)~

2 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 3 February :: 7.52am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: AFI: Sing the Sorrow

Hm . . . . . . tired @_@ . . .need sleep . . .needs to work on Science Fair Project . . . probably will procrastinate . . . dying slowly . . .and Kate, I am writing my chapter over again for you. It will come eventually . . . ..:Yawn:. ANyway . . DANA'S A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND YES I CAN PLAY LACROSSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hm. -_- ya Faerie.

Haha . . just kidding . . I *LOVE* you Dana . . . uhhh. Too much emotion. Damn Caffienne -__-; Ok . .. going to school now with D10s so I can RPG outside . . . .oh yes, It is official that Callisto Moon is dead, along with the other Elements. My new story is about the Tryons (Hybrids . . sorta) and are reincarnations of the Elements:
1. Kiouni Sairye (Callisto Moon)
2. Sagan Skye (Indri Star)
3. Brynn Thyme (Pyralis)
4. Avani Rose (Serrecte)

Doogie's Character ^0^
and others . . . .


~(*)~Kiouni Sairye~(*)~

1 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 31 January :: 7.26pm
:: Music: EVERYTHING PUNK/ROCK!!!!!!!!

at Ollie\'s
At Ollies . . .haven't updated in a while . . .lots of stuff happenned . . .dad's car carborator burst into flames when going to Jazz band at 7:00 three days ago . . . . have to work on science fair project . . . .listening to lots of good music . . like I feel so by box car racer . . and some Emery . . . .bleh. Going home at 8:00 to watch tv shows . . . Teen Titans . . . . Rurouni Kenshin . . .Knights of the Zociac though it does suck . . . hm. Thats all. Bye.

It also occurred to me all hot guys you like are either:
Not interested in you
incredibly stupid

bleh. Lfe sucks ass. -_-;

5 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 12 January :: 7.51pm
:: Music: Sum41

I hate projects. They suck royal ass. Doug WILL give me the DVD of the Advent Children Trailer, and Kingdom Hearts stuff, AND Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack or he WILL DIE! >.< But if he gives it to me tommorrow, I will love him forever. Ok. I'm done.

~~Callisto Moon~~

3 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2004 1 January :: 3.25pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Soundtrack of FFX-2...

meh . . . life sucks
Hm . . . went to sleep at 6 in Ollie's room b/c she was pressing me up against a wall and snoring in the playroom . . . . . got up. Luke came over and we talked for a while then he left . . .yet to be seen. Might go outside and contemplate that New Years is just a day that this pathetic race celebrated b/c we haven't been destroyed yet. Our days are numbered . . .

Three things that scare me:
2:Happy people
3:Happy Tree Friends
Three people who make me laugh:
Three Things I love:
1:Video Games (Kingdom Hearts)
2: My PS2
Three Things I hate:
1:When it's busy as Walmart and only four registers are open -_-
2:When people IM you and you have a note
3:People that hate bisexual and Homosexual people
Three things I don't understand:
1:The Universe
2:My sister
Three things on my desk:
1:Sketching Paper
2:Hellsong DVD
Three things I'm doing right now:
1:Typing . .
2:Contemplzting a story
3:Watching Happy Tree Friend Episodes
Three things I want to do before I die:
1:Become a famous author
2:Join the Chinese Triad
3:Kill someone
Three things I can do:
1:Play Lacrosse
3:Draw Anime
Three ways to describe my personality:
Three things I can't do:
3:Roll my tongue

Three Things brought to you by BZOINK!

3 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2003 31 December :: 6.53pm
:: Music: 107.5

New Years
Happy New Years. . . . . Spending the night at Ollie's house . . . . home alone . . . .doing drastic things that cannot be said . . . . .see ya.

~~Callisto Moon~~

suicide kisses


:: 2003 26 December :: 4.13pm
:: Music: uhhh Punk?

Day after xmas
Hello. Happy holidays and a merry new year. I got a Guitar ^.^ SO happy! AND today my rich uncle and aunt are coming and my sister and I get our GOOD presents! SO all in all . . . its all been a good day. Oh yeah, I took this test and it shows all you people how I am mentally. ^^

Schizoid:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

2 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2003 23 December :: 11.36pm
:: Music: Hoobastank

Wow . . .I haven't updated in FOREVER! Well . . .not really anyway :/ To those who read these . .coughDanaRhiannaBethnayEmilycough . . .you have no lives! >.<

I made a Kingdom Hearts background with a remake of Riku . . . .I wrapped ALOT of xmas presents too . . .I got Dahanaha pie and a keychain . . . Kimi came and gave me cookies . . .and my sister looks like a Black person's whore. (No racisism . . . sp?)

Thats all. Seeya

Merry Christmas . . .and shit.

1 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2003 17 December :: 8.18pm
:: Music: Linkin Park remixes

uhhh . . . . bunnies?
Hm . . . . I watched Bubble Boy today o.O It was funny. I also contemplated life. . . . It was interesting. SO I'm sitting her listening to Linkin Park ^^ Happiness . . . . . . I hope Paul asks Renee out . . . . and I hope the guy I like notices me ^^ But life DOES suck aftre all -_-

Yeah well . . . thats all I have to say . . . . see ya

~~Callisto Moon~~

3 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses


:: 2003 16 December :: 10.11am
:: Mood: blah again, slightly happy
:: Music: J-pop video game

School . . . . enough said -_-
Hello. I am at school again, working on that stupid Geometry project. Anyway, we get to go see a stupid movie at Cinema Grill for the AR thing. Let my find a box for my happiness.
Th only good part is the person I like is on my bus ^0^ Yayay!! Ok. I'll stop now. . . . that I will ^^
Rurouni Kenshin moment . . . . . . . bye.

~~Callisto Moon~~

Oh yes, Ms. Windsor is COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^

suicide kisses


:: 2003 15 December :: 10.11am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Evanescence

blah Project
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. . . .I'm at school working on my Quilt project for Geometry -_- AND I have to finish that stupid LA one for Edgar Allen Poe TOO O.o STUPID HUMANITY >.<

Emily: Haha a tree whore . . . .

Kimmi: Metallica rocks

Dana: Dahanaha!!! You are my squishy o.O

Aisha: blah sister

Jesse: Have fun with the Hello Kitty shoes strings o.o

John: Don't EVER hug me again. no matter how much Beef Jerky I give you

Rhianna: Yes, Sora IS hot! >.<

Cristina: Penguin on a stick

Trevor: You are hyper . . . meh

Renee: I'm NOT your whore!

Riley: I WILL hurt you if you don't bring back Kingdom Hearts to me -_-

and everyone else . . . .don't get raped, mugged, killed, dismembered, or any other bad thing. Farewell.

And to all those thats said I couldn't spell,
You were right so go to hell! >.<

Haha . . . nevermind.

suicide kisses


:: 2003 14 December :: 12.06pm
:: Mood: annoyed/stressed
:: Music: J-pop

Hm . . . . I worked on two projects today. Joy. Ben and his family are coming over to try out my dad's saxophone . . . . . . I dont want them to come over >.< I was playing Primal and I had to stop (at the end too) to get ready for them -_- I dislike people. Good bye.

~~Callisto Moon~~

1 bandaged wounds | suicide kisses | Random Journal