2009 1 September :: 8.39am
:: Mood: dorky
Why is it crunchy?! D:
Dude, seriously? Wtf?
I'm sitting here eating peanut butter, right?
Creamy peanut butter, as the label so kindly points out for me.
Why is it then that I just ended up with something crunchy in my mouth? D:
There is no crunch in creamy peanut butter! >.<
I'm doing everything
2009 31 August :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Dark Black Forest
The amazing Leaping Larva strikes again!
So this is basically just a test entry, to make sure my coding and everything on my page is working. And yes, I have a playlist hidden somewhere on the page. *ninja*
Anyway, originally my first post was going to be some well thought out entry about all the things I'm going through lately, and all of my current goals and aspirations.
Fuck that.
I've been up all night. I finally got all of this put together and looking awesome. And now, I just really don't feel like talking about anything seriously.
However, do you know what I DO feel like saying? My boyfriend can be fucking cold sometimes. >.> Like seriously. I was talking to him this morning, and he just seemed like he was purposely being very spiteful. I've been pretty good with not getting upset over stupid shit lately, but that just hurt. What gives? o.o
Bah. I'll probably just go to bed, wake up, and everything will be better. Sleep has its magical qualities.
At least my boyfriend is actually mentally stable, unlike my most recent ex. Eww.
For the record, my ex and his new fiance are both perfect for each other. They're both fucking psycho. End of story. :D
Well, as you may have noticed, now I'm just purposely trying to take up space to make sure the page looks decent. Something like that.
And from this day forward, my personality shall always be that of good old Squallet, the awesome chick that some people hated and some people loved, but someone who was always true to herself and those she cared most about.
Anyway, I'm off to get that sleep. Signing off!
~ Squallet
1 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2009 16 August :: 1.21am
My mom is on facebook now.
My life will never be the same.
4 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2009 9 August :: 12.31am
:: Music: Take Me to the Riot by Stars
Warning: Rambling Ahead
Nick asked what The Time Traveler's Wife was all about and I told him. He was all
Life Update: I didn't pass the test in Sault Ste Marie because it had things like math and history on it. Those will get me every single time.
We saw Away We Go today and it was fantastic. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Nick was at his computer and just turned around and said "if we leave right now, we have 13 minutes to get across the street to see Away We Go." And so we went. It made me feel all fuzzy and happy. And then I had to go to the bathroom and peed THE WORLD'S LONGEST PEE and I was afraid I was going to be peeing for the rest of my life and Nick was going to have to sneak me food because I was in the women's restroom and I hope they at least allowed him visiting rights because I missed him already and I couldn't eat food in a bathroom while I was peeing and it's never going to stop and it's still going and I can't even feel it anymore but IT IS STILL GOING and I will be peeing for the rest of my life and I can't have a kid while I'm eternally peeing and I'll never have children, I'll just pee forever and ever and my skin will fuse to the seat like that poor woman a few years ago and then I'll have toilet seat butt but no one will care because I'll be peeing forever and I'll already be that woman who peed her entire life and that was really bad enough and will they bring children by to see me like I'm in a zoo or something: THE MYSTERIOUS ETERNALLY PEEING WOMAN and then I stopped peeing thank God.
NewJob is beginning to vary between sucking so hard that I cry on the way to work to OMFG EASIEST JOB EVER EXCEPT I DO IT ALL IN FRENCH to HORRID to I AM SO GLAD I LOVE THESE PEOPLE to I MIGHT PUNCH THIS KID IF HE TALKS TO ME AGAIN to MONEY IS MONEY I GUESS AND THIS MONEY IS GOOD to AT LEAST I HAVE A JOB, SOME PEOPLE DON'T HAVE JOBS to OMG GET ME OUT NOW MAYBE I CAN JUST QUIT. My French is awesome now, bitches. Mangez-le! I told Nick that I liked speaking French because I can talk to people and they understand me and I understand them and we get things done and he was all YOU JUST SAID YOU LIKED SPEAKING FRENCH and I was all OMG I DID, KILL ME NOW.
We finally have a place to live come September. After much drama (we found a dream place, got turned down, found an okay place, found another dream place, dream place ran out of funding and wouldn't be finished until October, saw two horrible places, found an okay place and found out that October apparently = maybe probably November/December but not soon and we actually shouldn't hold our breath (see the kind of math I can do? Word math.), I gave up hope and just wanted a place to live, Nick held out hope for our dream place while I got all sad-like.), we found our dream place for real. It's a totally awesome place that I am totally having friends over at STAT. That is if I had friends. Anyway, party time, kids. Can you say awesome condo on the third floor across from the police station on the best street in GRap: Monroe Center?
NewPlace means NewFurniture (eventually) because Nick and I are not moving the pullout couch alone and whoever moved it before knows better now. That leaves us with the TV, a loveseat, two desks and a small bookshelf. Oh and our three awesome shelves. And our bed, of course.
Changing deodorant helped the smelly problem go away by the way. Apparently your body can get used to deodorant. It only took about 4 years but it happened. I like this new stuff more actually. I'm not pregnant in case that was still a worry of yours. I know you were concerned for an entire comment thread.
I think that's it. That's been my life so far. I'm hungry. The end.
I love you kids.
4 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2009 3 August :: 5.05pm
:: Music: Beg - Evans Blue
My love of Twilight probably puts me into the percentile range of obsession/13-year-old-overweight-girls-with-tiny-tees-and-black-and-blond-hair.
I'm doing everything