2009 23 July :: 10.18am
Still not a life update
Went to the bank today.
The kid who helped me out was named Bruce Wayne.
I totally asked him if it was his real name. And if he got beat up as a kid.
He said with a name like that, he beat up the other kids.
3 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2009 22 July :: 12.27am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: I Alone - Anouk
Update lulz.
work and work. And, soon enough, school as well.
I'm excited to start my psych degree. Not so much on finishing my business one.
Coke is a hard addiction to kick.
Cherry that is... My drug.
Yeah. I have too much time on my hands usually. Yet I can still never find the time to hang up my clothes.
Funny how those things work.
Totally moved out of the house with Ashley and Lacey. Lacey met a guy from North Dakota and he moved down a few weeks ago. At that time I moved into a house with Renkoski. It's pretty boss, not gonna lie.
I got a raise at work... a wopping $0.40, but still. I also put in for a management postion. I don't know if I'll get it, of course I have my hopes up, but not too high. That would be another pay raise, but idk. At least they'll know I'm interested in a management position for future knowledge, should I not get this one.
Um... yeah. I'm doing super, old-injury wise. No more surgeries, I think. Well, I might have to get an anthroscopy on my knee, but like... that's further off in the future, I think.
It sucks balls when the weather changes, and it's hard to sleep, but I just knock myself out with benadryl on those nights.
Hmm. Yeah. I'm single, of course. Don't think that's going to change any time soon. Like, seriously, I limp and I have scars. Big, obvious ones. Guys my age are too caught up on shit like that to look past it and get to know me.
So I'll get over the loneliness and not worry about it for the next like friggin five years, I guess.
I'm thinking of tattoos, still. It's so hard. I know where I want it, I just need to know what "it" is. I'm torn between a penguin and some script.
I know not what I want.
5 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2009 19 July :: 1.24am
Things that are funny
When people yell at you ON THE INTERNET for saying things to/about them ON THE INTERNET and are upset that you did not say these things to them in person, only to then insist that it is your responsibility to contact them and apologize. Like it's your problem.
I'm sorry, kids. You are way overdue for a life update.
I'll get back to you on that.
3 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2009 5 July :: 5.21pm
i think im on fire
1 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2009 19 June :: 11.15pm
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: Raven's Land - Voltair
Me oh my it has been awhile, hmm?
I'm single. I'm back to working. Some days I do great, others I want to cry my eyes out from pain.
Some days I walk awesomely, others I limp around like my grandmother. I hate walking from the back to the front of the store, and back again. When people see me limping, I always think that they think I'm mocking someone, so I feel bad. Therefore I work really hard on not limping. Sometimes it's rather impossible.
I signed up for classes again.
I decided to get another degree, besides my business one, in psychology. I think I want to teach. But I think I want to like... do businessishy things.
The decisions kill me!
I had a recent surgery on my knee, marking the fifth. A wire had broken and was doing bad things to my tendons, but like... they took it out. And it's still doing the same thing that we had the surgery to fix.
So my surgeon/doctor gave me a shot of cortisone in my knee [which hurt far too bad to want that to make things better, for I want no more. ever.]
We're giving that a month to work. If not, we're going to see what else we can take out and rearrange. Joyous.
Ashley and Lacey ran away to South Dakota. Lacey met this guy off of Speeddate on Facebook. They hit it off rather well, I guess. They had known each other for a week, maybe two, and he came down. Now it's her turn to go up. He put his two weeks in last friday, and then he's moving down as soon as he gets things together. I guess he's probably moving in here, though our house is far too little for four people.
If he gets a job around here, he'll stay. If not, he and Lacey are moving away.
If he stays, I'm moving out with Jacob. If he and she move, Jacob is moving in here. I'm pretty excited, either way.
I found out today I get a forty cent raise, starting August fifth =]
That's exciting; I was happy.
I got "far exceeds expectations" on my evaluation papers. Because I'm awesome like that.
Hmm. Dusty and I dated for like... less than a month. That just... was weird. It was all new and exciting at first, but then I was like, "Dusty... meh." He was very much my friend, as opposed to my boyfriend. It hit awkward land really fast.
So... been single since April 30th. (Yes. We broke up the day after my birthday. It was sad.)
I have definitely hit the tired-of-being-alone status.
2 stay strong |
I'm doing everything