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:: 2010 17 December :: 10.30pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: "Bad Habit" by The Offspring

I give up.
People are a fucking constant disappointment.
I'm so sick of this unreliable bullshit.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I'm just fucking done with people.

I'm doing everything


:: 2010 15 December :: 10.13pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: "Anywhere" by Evanescence

You know what?
The more I talk to you, the more you seem to drive me crazy.
But then I realize, it's only because of how much I must like you.
And then I kind of have to just laugh about it all.
They say good things come to those who wait.
Well, it officially looks like I'm waiting.
I'd be lying if I said I was 100% over my ex.
But that doesn't mean that my feelings for you aren't genuine.
It kind of hurts that you must probably think that.
Whatever it takes, I'll prove that I'm in it for you.
Every day you push my nerves a little bit, but that's okay.
You know why?
Because it's still you I daydream about before falling asleep at night.
There's so much to learn and so much to teach.
You make me look forward to every day of getting to know you better.
Even if you do just piss me off sometimes. :P
I know it'll probably take a while, but I'll deal with it.
I can't wait for the day your drop your guard with me again.
I miss that sweet, softer side of you that you let me see before.
I just hope that one day you'll show that side to me again.
Until then, I'll just have to show you that I won't give up on you.
I won't just run away.
I'm here for the long run.
Care to join me? :3

I'm doing everything


:: 2010 14 December :: 1.46pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: "Wasting My Time" by Default

It's freakin' cold up in this bitch.
Yep, I actually just used that sentence. xD

I honestly don't know what the hell I'm writing in my journal for right now.
I don't have anything super interesting to write about...
Yesterday was my last day for Professional Practices.
My client interview actually went a lot better than I expected it to.
I even had to go last, after everyone else, and apparently, I still did really well. :]
That was honestly what I was probably most stressed about, so I'm glad it's over.

Just 3 more classes until I'm out for winter break!! :]
My final is done for animation, and my final for digital video is almost done.
Just gotta finish that up by Thursday, and I'm all set.
I'm really pleased with the work I finished too. I actually pushed myself and did some new things.
I think I'm going to have a slight addiction to Flash now. xD

I'm actually fairly genuinely happy today.
Not sure exactly why, but I just hope it lasts.
ColossalCon 9.5 is this weekend!!
And I just realized... I don't even have any glowsticks...
Or anything to wear...
That sounds like a good game plan for today!! :]

Well... it would be a good plan... if my money were actually in my bank account... o.o
Looks like I'm going to have to bum some money off of my dad until it shows up in my bank.
Work says my direct deposit is set up... now I just need to get my damn money in my bank... o.o;;

Okay, so I'm in one of those moods where I just keep listening to love-ish songs.
What the hell is up with this random girly mood?! xD
Hmm, oh well. I like it. :3

I'm doing everything


:: 2010 12 December :: 3.25pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: "The Stranger" by A Perfect Circle

What am I to do with all this silence?
My last entry was rather angsty, wasn't it? o.o
Bah, oh well. It's how I felt last night.
Today feels a little better. Not by much, but I'll take it.

I'm actually rather impressed with how focused I've been.
Most of my final projects are just about done.
My Flash site is almost finished. I just need to get the external links in.
My PSA for my video class is almost finished. It just needs a little more work.
I still have to do my website mock up for Media Design.
And prepare for my Professional Practices presentation tomorrow.
But other than that, I'm pretty good. :3

I still feel like I could cease to exist and most people wouldn't notice.
I wish Jenny were here so damn much!
Then we could get an apartment together and be full of epic win. xD

I'm still pretty sure I'm just giving up on the idea of romance.
It's only been 2 damn weeks and it seems like that little spark fizzled out.
We used to talk for hours on end, now I'm lucky to hear a few words a day.

I blame Michael. >.>
It's like I got used to being a certain way with him that now it's screwing things up.
Like, I got to the point where I was afraid to talk about how I felt.
I avoided bringing things up if they were bothering me to avoid conflict.
I got so used to US, I forgot about ME.
It's hard trying to remember who I am these days.
God, that sounds horrible. o.o;

Those first few days of talking to Mike was the most I felt like the old me in a long time.
It just felt right.
I know I need to talk to him about all these things...
I used to be so open and able to talk about how I felt.
I was never afraid of conflict before...
When did I turn into this little insecure, fearful child?

Somewhere along the lines, it was drilled into my head that I was a controlling bitch.
That I was too clingy, that I was too available, that I had to let him come to me.
I was never afraid to be the one to pick up the phone and call someone.
Now I just feel like they'll think I'm a bother, that I'm nagging them, etc.

You know what?
I'm not going to let him have that power over me anymore.
I may stumble, but I'll learn to walk on my own again.
He doesn't deserve that control over my life.
I'm not going to let this ruin what could be something great.

Gotta move on with my own life.
Those who don't want to be a part of it, move along.
Nothing to see here.

I'm doing everything


:: 2010 11 December :: 10.06pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: "It's Been Awhile" by Staind

Falling for someone...
It really sucks... >.>
I think I'm giving up on romance.

I found myself looking at old pictures of me and Michael the other day.
I came across one of us kissing.
I tilted my head and looked at it inquisitively.
I felt nothing.
I honestly don't remember how to feel anymore.

I looked at it and tried to remember how it feels to feel loved.
How it feels to completely love and trust someone with all your heart.
I just couldn't remember that feeling at all.
I wasn't sad. I wasn't depressed. I just WAS.
Am I doomed to just exist without really living?
Or at least without loving?

I've already ruined things with Mike.
I took things too fast, fell too hard too soon.
I almost thought that I just fell for the THOUGHT of him and not him.
But more and more I'm realizing that it really is him I fell for.
Yet I feel like I could completely cease to exist and he wouldn't notice.
Why do I even give a damn?

Just fuck it.
I don't even care anymore.

I'm doing everything

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