2010 7 June :: 1.24am
Nick's grandfather had a heart attack on Saturday and had a smaller one (without knowing it) earlier last week.
He's in the ICU with very low blood pressure and a very low pulse. He was going to have surgery tomorrow but his blood pressure is still very low and the blood thinners haven't left his system yet.
He's in the hospital up in Cadillac. As long as the surgery goes well, we will be visiting him later this week. Luckily, Nick and I both have some days off already scheduled (for our anniversary but whatever, family is first).
Happy thoughts would be welcome.
Love you kids.
4 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2010 31 May :: 2.56am
Nick and I are moving to the Seattle area (Redmond or Bellevue, probably) next year.
This is as long as he finishes what he's doing at CC and gets accepted to the school he wants to go to out there. Both of which are very likely and probably most definitely will happen.
So, I'm already pretty nervous/excited about this. Moving out west means higher rent, higher gas prices, higher everything but it's what we've wanted to do for a long time and now we have the chance to do it. Plus it means maybe a scooter for me which ohmanissoexcitingkidsiamsoexcited.
Things I am currently nervous about:
The actual moving process
Moving our 2 cats
Finding a job
Finding a place to live
Any tips on cross-country or long distance moving between now and July 2011 would be appreciated. I have moved states before but only when I was too young to help out or know the logistics of the whole process. And it was never more than 6 hours away. Also, any Seattle advice would be welcomed with open arms.
I love you all.
P.S. This move means we definitely will get married this year. Exclamation point.
7 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2010 29 May :: 9.00pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: "Eien no Setsuna" by ON/OFF
Woot!~ 5 days until ColossalCon!! :3
I just realized... I don't really have much to say. I just felt like actually updating my journal for once.
I just bought a cute pair of jean shorts from Wal-Mart for ten bucks! I went back down to a size 16, and it feels really good! :D
I also got my hair done last week, and it looks really cute! I'm back to being brunette, and I got it thinned since it's naturally so think. I think it looks LOADS better since I have layers again! :3
Poor Mike didn't get much sleep last night before work, so he's over here napping next to me. xD I'm probably just going to go play some WoW until he gets up. It's so nice to have a three day weekend off from work to actually enjoy! ^^
~ Squallet
2 stay strong |
I'm doing everything
2010 10 May :: 6.41pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: "Futatsu No Kodou To Akai Tsumi" by ON/OFF
Hooray! I finally have a moment to breathe!
Hullo journal. Long time no see!
So, I feel like making an entry, purely because I found something rather amusing a minute ago.
Is it bad when you date someone for over a year, and yet you can't really remember any of it? Honestly, the only thing I can really remember about dating Jim was a lot of arguing. Let's face it, we were NEVER compatible. xD
Dating Michael on the other hand, well, I'm just so much happier. He's my lover and my best friend all wrapped up into one. The best part is that we don't really fight with each other much, we just bitch a lot. It's so drastically different from where I was a year ago!
Despite Michael's undeniable awesomeness, I've been a tad bit more depressed lately than usual. I'd like to think it's because of always being busy with school and a crappy job.
Tomorrow's my last final, and it's going to be extremely easy, so my mind is pretty much already in summer mode. After being done with today, I can already tell that I'm so much more relaxed and happy. In fact, after I post this, I'll probably take a nap. XD
So in the past few days, I've lost almost ten pounds, purely because I've actually been too busy to really eat much of anything. Even today I haven't touched one bite of food, and despite my stomach's constant growls, I think I'm just going to get some rest instead of eating, even if I am extremely hungry.
Sigh. I don't want to end up anorexic, but it just seems like if I even look at food, I keep weight on. Since summer's starting this week, I plan on definitely putting more time into working out.
I've pretty much stopped eating out and for the most part I just try to buy healthy-ish foods that I can prepare easily. I don't have my own kitchen, so when I actually get to use it, I have to make whatever I'm making quick. >.>
I really need to start shopping at Wal-Mart first though instead of just getting everything from Giant Eagle. Wal-Mart definitely has better prices. Just buying stuff for a spaghetti dinner, salad stuff for the week, and a few other things was almost $40. Sigh. I need a better job. Minimum wage isn't going to be good enough forever. >>;
On another topic, just less than a month until Colossal Con at Kalahari water resort! Woot! I can't freakin' wait!! A whole nerdy weekend getaway with my hubby to celebrate the beginning of summer! It'll be great to just get to relax and enjoy some nerdishness with him. We haven't really had time to do anything fun lately. Trust me, this is the closest to a luxury cruise that I'll probably ever get. XD
4 days til payday... I really want to go shopping... I want to get more groceries and I really feel the urge to buy myself something cute... I need a female friend to hang out with. I don't seem to have any of those lately. Jenny needs to freakin' get back up to Ohio. :3
On a random side note, I miss my long hair today. :<
Well, I've vented enough for now, and I'm feeling hungry/tired, so I'm off to get that nap. :P
~ Squallet
I'm doing everything
2010 10 May :: 1.45pm
I got an invite to my high school reunion. The thought of going makes me want to cry.
I just saw these people. I haven't changed. My hair is a little shorter, I guess. I got new glasses. I've been dating the same guy I dated in high school for almost 6 years now and I've been living with him for the past 3 years. I'm a supervisor in a call center. None of these things make me want to see these people.
Oh and look at what the invite says: "Remember parents, even though children aren't invited, bring pictures!!" SOME OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE KIDS. KIDS THAT I HAVE TO FEIGN INTEREST IN. I'M NOT EVEN ENGAGED. PUKE PUKE PUKE.
Also, if I wanted to reconnect or see any of these people, I'd already have done so.
That being said, I still haven't decided if I'm going.
2 stay strong |
I'm doing everything