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:: 2003 27 December :: 6.01pm
:: Mood: pissed off

i hate it when people fucking butt their way into my life and tell me how i feel and think they know everything when they dont know the first fucking thing about me.

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:: 2003 27 December :: 4.21pm
:: Mood: bored

ladee da
christmas day = was fun. opened presents. mommy told me emy's family was coming over for dinner that night too. = me jumping up and down. fun night. lots of tickle fights :)
yesterday went over andrea's & hung out & went to city place to see cheaper by the dozen & walked around & had dinner.. fun fun. remember kids, christmas ends in s, NOT a t . sigh. that kid was annoying/stupid and obnoxious. lol.
today = boredom. no one seems to be home/picking up their cells. so.. tv tonight :-/ ? call me if you want to do something.

my grandfather has been whistling christmas carols on the couch for the past 1/2 hour. and you can hear him from all the way up here. somebody saave me.



:: 2003 27 December :: 2.29pm
:: Music: Brand New "Secondary"

this isn't for the better...

do it. its great :)

i've been a bit bored the last few days :( sigh. the sleepover was really fun tho..thanks gurlies. i get the phone thing now. lol.

i was browsing cell phone covers...some are cute!

i miss bryan.

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:: 2003 26 December :: 10.13pm
:: Mood: sexii. i wanna go 2 the pool jonah lol
:: Music: breathe - michelle branch

wow wutta day. MayBe CuZ i DiD NuTn!

woke around 6am. fell back asleep until 9am. woke up... watched sum discovery channel with my bro... um... sat on the computer. started talkin' to jonah around 2pm. cleaned the house. continued to talk to jonah..... whoa i lov him... wut if i told him... i wuz starting... to "love" him... idk wut he wud do... i know he wants me to. but its just... not that easy, anyone who knows wut it feels like... wud know that its not easy like that. grrr.... hmmm but then... i talked to him over the phone... and thats about it.
dad: "i'm gettin' wendy's for tommy n emily for dinner, wut do u want."
bri: "just get me sum chicken nuggets."
dad: "how about sumthin else."
bri: "fine... gimme a spicy chicken thingy that tommy is gettin'."
dad: "why don't u just have a salad?"

who... wud think of their kid to b fat? i mean... he always mentions it... but grrrr, i don't think i am. n i know others agree with me.

the pain 4 beauty. <3



:: 2003 25 December :: 2.39pm


aLL d0nE. thank u 4 the compliment vanessa. anyone else wanna comment? b my guest. speak the words of the unspoken. <3

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:: 2003 25 December :: 12.18pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: yellowcard- empty apartment

i <3 christmas

it is THE best holiday of the year. :: giggle ::
and it just seems to be getting better every year : )

last night was a-ma-zing. lets just say santa was kind to me and brought me my christmas wish : ) . i missed that so much <3

presents were yummy too.
mommy got me a coach purse.. its cute.. but a little to dressy for my taste. she got one too from daddy that shes not in love with though so we're gonna go exchange them for different ones.
daddy got me a watch and a wallet and memory for my digi cam and some nice 200$ :-D
grandma got me some cute picture frames and a generous amount of money as well
grandpa (alex) gave me some yummy chocolate and money too
mike got me the will and grace dvds. oh how much i wanted them :D

i still think my favorite part of presents was my little santa bear from emy's present. its so damn soft and cute : )

hope everyones having as awesome a chistmas as i ammm <33

1 . | <3


:: 2003 25 December :: 10.51am
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: life for rent - dido

MeRRy ChrisTmas!

this is wut i got:
+kodak 3.1 megapixel easyshare digital camera. (grandpa said the 3.1 wuz important... idk)
+Escada Sentiment perfume (yummy)
+shirts, pants, buncha clothes.
+hair curler thingy (kinda neat)
+cute necklace.
+flat panel screen monitor (family thing)

hope everyone else has a good christmas. don't lose ur spirit, and don't forget the real reason of christmas. <3

i love all.



:: 2003 24 December :: 11.37pm
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: r.e.m. - man on the moon

merry christmas
so my family opened christmas presents tonight instead of in the morning cause my brother has to wake up super early tomorrow morning to work.

i got many things i wanted.
bunch of cds including
-r.e.m: the best of r.e.m.
-britney spears: in the zone (hehe. didn't really even want it that much. now i can dance around in my room though)
-dave matthews: some devil (tina <3)
-red hot chili peppers: greatest hits and videos
-no doubt: the singles 1992-2003

then i got boots, purses, a cute ae skirt, guitar, gator shirt, $50 to hollister, $25, wallet, cell phone w/camera, and not to forget this thingy to hold my phone when it's charging.

i don't think i was expecting as nearly as much as i got i guess that's why i'm so grateful. also the homily the priest gave today helped a lot too. he simply said how wonderful God was, loving everyone. christmas is a great time of the year. i haven't been this happy in a while. tomorrow it shall be christmas dinner at uncle terry's and aunt jenny's. i wish you all i merry christmas. have a terrific day tomorrow wherever you are.

love you all.

1 . | <3


:: 2003 24 December :: 9.20pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: the sounds of my family

my time in houston so far..
mmm... so i'm at my uncle's house right now. its kinda weird cuz usually its all of my family here for dinner but all of my moms other sisters are at in laws. so tomorrow will be the big family dinner. what have i done today? damn, i woke up at 4:30. i mostly slept on the plane. then we went to my aunt's house and we wrapped presents. took a little trip to costco in prep for tomorrows dinner, then met mostly everyone in my family for lunch. then... whew. my family is like so disorganized, it's funny. i always get so confused about where i'm going, where i'm staying, and where my stuff ends up. but its all good. cuz they're entertaining. my little cousins... they are definitely something. they're so competitive with each other. and each of em have these quirky, freaky traits. its quite funny. i would say that today is pretty unproductive, but seeing all my family again is good. it's kinda weird, they think i'm on a diet because apparently i look thinner... yeah right! i wish. well. i'm on aim... none of the people i need to talk to are on right now! grrr. this always happens dammit. i miss everyone. love everyone. merry christmas eve!

the amusing moment of my day:
(listening nonstop to christmas songs that made me laugh)
mamacita, donde esta santa claus?
donde esta santa claus?

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:: 2003 24 December :: 9.09pm
:: Music: anberlin

sorry, but i'm bored!
1. What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before? go to a concert, had a paying job, wore...

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? i'm not really big on resolutions- i'm pretty self-satisfied.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? nope

4. Did anyone close to you die? unfortunetly- my grandfather. then sara. rip. :(

5. What countries did you visit? i wish.

6. What would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003? i'm not lacking anything

7. What date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 4/11- fun day with friends...10/25..homecoming...
11/16..concert...12/13...one yr with bry <3

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? um. becoming more confident/secure in myself?

9. What was your biggest failure? d on bio exam. lol

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? the common cold...not really

11. What was the best thing you got? my cell-y fone. and my digi cam..coming...soon?

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
haha. um?

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? some friends make decisions that are a bit appalling. but i love em anyway

14. Where did most of your money go? clothes, movies

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? probably summer vacation/winter? eh i'm boring.

16. What song will always remind you of 2003? hey ya/ ignition

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? probably happier
ii. thinner or fatter? eh.
iii. richer or poorer? hmm. i'm not really finacially indepedent..but...yea

18. What do you wish you'd done more of? more fun times, less stress

19. What do you wish you'd done less of? worrying over things i dunt have control over

20. How will you be spending Christmas? xmas night w/ jess, katherine, and amy

22. Did you fall in love in 2003? i fell in love in '02. but maintained it and increased it in '03 :)

23. How many one-night stands? 10...no j/k. don't have a <3 attack bry.

C:\Documents and Settings\David Zatz\My Documents\My Pictures\lovebf.gif">
24. What was your favorite TV program? oc + sex 'n' city + everwood

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? hmmph. hate? no. but not particular love for them..yes

26. What was the best book you read? perks of being a wallflower

27. What was your greatest musical discovery? ahhh. too many wonderful bands!

28. What did you want and get? i did want a cell + got it!

30. What was your favorite film of this year? chicago

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? for my birthday i had a little pool party with friends. i turned 15

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? lack of Ib stress

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003? casual but cute?

34. What kept you sane? bryan, friends, parents, and music.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? jake gyllenhaal. (giggle)

36. What political issue stirred you the most? can't say i'm too politically active. but i do have opinions on abortion

37. Who did you miss? danielle. and friends/bry when i/them were away

38. Who was the best new person you met? aw. i love everyone

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003: not to interfere in other's business.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: what's cooler than cold? ICE COLD!
(seriously. that's so a metaphor for life. always strive for more..right??)

u best comment. i worked hard on this. i'm sorry my loves who i didn't have pics of :( mwah!!!!!

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:: 2003 24 December :: 6.13pm
:: Mood: drab
:: Music: brand new

you're just jealous cuz we're young and in love...
Adopt your own useless blob!

ahh. isn't it cute?

yesterday was fun- first bike ride w/ katherine..then movie- mona lisa smile, then starbucks. tehehe. fun

me gusta anberlin y brand new. thanks katherine :)

merry xmas <3

1 . | <3


:: 2003 24 December :: 12.10pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: cupid-112


blahhhhhhhh...ugh..i feel really sick..we're in tha car rite now..headed for tampa..car sick..:(..dizziness..we're almost there..i can't wait ta get outta dis car..derz alotta traffic cuz everybodyz goin on vacation..

newayz..i hope everybody has a good holiday..Merry Christmas..Happy Hannukah..Happy Kwanzaa..lol..HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY..:D



:: 2003 24 December :: 11.15am
:: Mood: working
:: Music: Feliz Navidad - Celine Dion

its approximately 11:15 a.m. on December 24th, 2003.

Happy Merry Eve oF Christmas.

ok... yesterday i shopped at the mall for presents for the family. got sum good stuff. daddy got a paintball jersey, mommy got clinque happy perfume (which she is going to kill me for spending that much money on her), emily (my lil' sis) got a limited too purse and a shirt.... she is going to love b/c i picked it out and i feel like sucha big sis, and my bro got sum sean john shirts. o yeah!

when i got home i met this kid... online... that went to Atlantic and graduated... iB, he wuz cool, we talked about sum stuff like iB and wut not.

um... pretty much i just cleaned the house and showered and did nothing after that. i ate sum dinner.... and from then i wuz talkin to jonah online til about 10:30pm... then he decided to call me

we were on the phone from... 10:40pm til like... 5a.m. then both of our dads got up and we hadda go. but... tiny toons, lol, ur a goat!, x- g/f and b/f's, friends, school, family, i mean we covered... everything. but the tiny toons... that wuz precious...

"u end up sitting on the phone singing the tiny toons theme with ur girlfriend after she remembered it for u."

but now, i can't sleep anymore cuz my bro and sis are running around the house. grrr

i <3 my boyfriend.


volcomstoned56: i found were my mom hide the presants
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: lol
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: so do i but i can't reach them

good day sirs and sir-ettes.



:: 2003 23 December :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: giddy

fun fun
today = was a busy day. last night i tried watching lotr again.. but i fell asleep.. again. lol. then this morning i watched like, 2 hours of it... and it still wasnt over. so i went out with daddy and alex. i drove them to publix and back.. and then i drove to sports authority. AND parked STRAIGHT . oh yeah baby. check that out. the search for a ski jacket didnt go all that well.. then we went to the bank to get me my atm card but they stopped doing it for 16 year olds so we have to go to the other bank. then we hit the mall.. sigh. the mall + my dad = never leaving. i think ive spent at least 12 hours there in the past week. i got a new watch tho.. its really cute. and a new wallet. got my mom a coach bag.. and he was about to buy me one too but they didnt have it in black :-/ oh well. then we went to costco.. then i got dropped off at borders and hung around and met kat and liz and rach to see mona lisa smile.. and then dor showed up and saw it with us lol. it was alright.. then we went to starbucks and got us some coffee... and liz n rach left.. then me n dor n kat hung out and giggled our asses off. hermit crab but sex = good conversation topic. and i was rubbing kats belly cause shes a buddha and some guys had a nice little comment on it. funny stuff man. the coffee gave us that extra umph. and i saw cara ! <3
fun night.. thanks guys :)
but tomorrow night shall be even better, hopefully. lol
later gaters <33333333

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:: 2003 23 December :: 5.35pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: dave matthews - gravedigger

gravedigger, when you dig my grave could you make it shallow so that i can feel the rain?

thank you tina for all my wonderful gifts. you remembered things i even forgot that i wanted.

more good times on break. tina came over last night. we had fun. new cell phones can occupy for a while. i wrapped so many presents. still got one more to wrap. i want to know where all my presents are. there are like 15 under my tree for my brother and only like 4 for me. did some volunteer work today. yay. tina is leaving tomorrow. =/ i will miss her. luan is coming... tonight. yay. =) that's it. adios. merry eve of christmas eve to all.




:: 2003 23 December :: 4.25pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: tristan - "void"

this is probably like my most favorite song without my realizing it. like... it wasnt an instant thing. but i never skip it and its the only tristan song that can make me cry. so i guess it's the one that touches me heart the most. hmmm. ever had a song like that?

so yesterday... what the hell did i do? lol. oh yeah! i watched movies with my brother. i <3 spending lazy time with him. like, is that so wrong to be close to your brother? i don't think so. it's sweet. then later on i slept over danielle's. she was a psycho, lemme tell ya. like even more psycho than usual! she was freaking ready to murder/rape me. sigh. that girl needs some therapy. but i love her always. then we called altan up and invited him into the world of danielle and christina. crazy. we fell asleep to... i dont remember! i was tired for some reason. then today we volunteered a bit at the locks for love place. who would have thought that you can spend 2 hours and 15 minutes just writing addresses? yeah. interesting.

luan is on his way down here!!

i'm leaving tomorrow.... really really early in the morning. won't be back til late sunday. sigh... i will miss the world of woohu. maybe i'll update in houston, who knows! i can't wait to see all of my family again. i will miss my friends though. danielle!! aaaah. merry christmas to all.

<3 <3

edit ... i was bored.

Orlando Bloom
You are going to marry ORLANDO BLOOM. Lucky you! he
is so Hot! Well, Anyway you like your men to
have fun and take risk. Plus you like them drop
dead gorges. You also like a man that will
treat you right. Treat you like the lady you

What Celebrity will you Marry? (NEW for men and women)
brought to you by Quizilla

my god i love him.

Please rate my quiz I worked hard on it thanks

Which Lord of the Rings person do you want? (many out comes for anyone plus pics to)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Chicago. You are a dancer and a singer. You
love to dance and do anything to do it even
sleep with a person who says that they can help
you make "it big". All you think is
about dancing and singing everything is dance
and a song.

Which Movie Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

elegant sexy
You're ELEGANT sexy! You have a tasteful style,
that not only draws attention to you, but gives
you respect. Your style is more graceful than
that of others.

What kind of sexy are you? [For girls only! With Pics! Finally Finished!]
brought to you by Quizilla

i've done this one like a billion times but one more couldnt hurt right....although it never changes.

You have a mysterious kiss. Your partner never
knows what you're going to come up with next;
this creates great excitement and arousal never
knowing what to expect. And it's sure to end
in a kiss as great as your mystery.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

more quizzes i've taken time and time again...

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla

1 . | <3


:: 2003 22 December :: 11.40pm

fine.. i will conform. lol
In 2003 did you:

1. Go to a party? many
2. Try something new? hm. probly.
3. Have someone change your life? yes siree bob
4. Kiss someone? yep :) a special someone
5. Tell your family and friends you love them? mucho.. i love them so much ! <3
6. Buy something extravagant? yes. my banana hat. :-P
7. Do something nice for you? all the time. i love pampering myself :)
8. Do something terribly wrong? ehm. lol
9. Move? nope
10. Go to a concert? many.. nfg.. warped tour.. mae.. something corporate/mae.. probly more. i love shows. they are so much fun :)

Best of the Year:

1. Party: hmm. andrea's trip to halloween horror nights. if it was a party. that was the best trip ever <333 so much fun lol
2. Show: everwood baby!!! and one tree hill AND SEX AND THE CITY !!!!! my new found love.
3. CD: something corporate- north and michelle branch- hotel paper
4. Movie: finding neeemo
5. Song: hey ya.. no doubt about it. lol. total bus song.
6. Experience: there were so many
7. Concert: something corporate/mae/ rx bandits <333 best night ever man
8. Book: lovely bones
9. Month: december
10. Day: 4/11 and 11/16 and 7/4 :)

Worst of the Year:

1. Party: rather not say
2. Show: kim possible. gosh i hate that show lol
3. CD: i dont listen to music i dotn like man
4. Movie: hm. i dont know.
5. Song: some rap song probly. gosh. lol theres only a select good few.
6. Experience: heart ache/break
7. Concert: hm. im satisfied with my concert going.
8. Book: that freaking hardball book. couldnt even read it. lol
9. Month: july
10. Day: some day in midnovember

Hopes for 2004:

1. Predict something that you think will happen in 2004? i might get my license.. lol
2. What do you hope changes about your country? eh who cares.
3. What do you hope for yourself? to finally win over my boy for good
4. What do you hope for your family? that they start freaking leaving me alone
5. What do you hope for your best friends? more good times ;)
6. What do you hope for the rest of your friends? uhm, i dont know? lol
7. Do you think any amazing medical advances will be made? sure
8. What is your hope for 2004? maybe ill stop biting my nails for good ?

During 2003:

where were you when it began: my house
did you stay up: no. i was being rebellious. lol
what was your new year wish? to see him
how many boyfriends: 1
broke up:1. . kinda?
have any crushes?: not drastic. but a fwe i guess
care to mention names? there was sexy surfer dude and joe and lets not forget the best of all, emy
new friends: yesm
name them: christina, hannah, better friends with sunil, ashley, greta, ari, closer with liz, theres so many .. i love them all :)
had to say goodbye: the hardest thing in the world
missed anyone: yes .. a lot
win anything? me and joey won the jackpot at boomers.. ?
best place you went to: mae/something corporate show.. it was so amazing <3
worst place you went to: room 333? or wherever epsteins class is lol
happiest moment: 4th of july :)
how was your birthday: amazing <3
best present: my digi-cam.. and my tour of friday's kitchen. lol

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:: 2003 22 December :: 11.41pm
:: Music: touch of my hand - britney spears

woke up at 7am.
got plans for the mall set and then we headed there... around like 1ish, 2ish. had much fun. ally n the fish outfit lol. runnin' around not knowin' where we were goin'. lol. and all the jammin' to britney spears.

hema and i went to see cat in the hat after the movies. omg... dirty hoe! lol gimme a high five.... four! lol afterwards, we ran to best buy and talked to jonah on the phone for a lil' bit. then went to matt's house.

we hadda run to her house tho and put together a bunk bed! SLACKER! the jew is the slacker! lol great.

matt: "all my friends wanna holla." lol i think that wuz the first thing u ever said to me today. we had fun! lol... are we EVER gonna make it outta here? lets give the bear.... plastic surgery.

i learned how hema n matt met... lol BLONDE!

i'm gonna go finish talking to my baby.... like i do every night now, so bub byes

thank u for the gift hema n ally! awww how adorable. FURBALLS!



:: 2003 22 December :: 11.28pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: dashboard confessional- as lovers go

tehe. i = all giggly tonight.

hannukah dinner at ad's was fun. me and adnrea went over and met all his family. his mom is so funny. i love her. lol. and his sister.. man. shes gonna belike. a photographer when she grows up. everyone loved leroy. he was a hit. we watched 8 crazy nights in honor of hannukah.. and ate adams delicious latka's and andreas dreidal cookies. lol. then andrea came over and then we went to her house and organized a bit and went to bed. very giggly last night too. i think im a night person. this mornng we took the palm tran to the mall. we were lookin hot man ;) .. brown flip flops and jeans and our pink jackets.. and our pimped out trucker hats. haha. that was a sight to see. we spent so much time at the mall. but it was fun. "stop biting my shirt.. youre gonna rip it !!" haha. i <3 hangin out with her. came home.. attempted to watch lotr but resulted in falling asleep till 9-ish. haha. its hopeless.

oh yeah. grandpa's down from ny. it will be an interesting month. sigh. lol
if you know my grandpa.. you know this = bad. very bad. = time to criticize christine about anything and everything time. and make her life hell. and it begins...........



:: 2003 22 December :: 10.09pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: John Mayer

i'm a hungry monkey!
Hey, the past few days have been quite nice :)

Saturday- First bryan came over and we rolled truffle centers forever. but it was nice spending time with my baby <3. too bad he is off in another land now. then was gurl's pj night lol. it was random but fun...watched movies, attempted to dance in the moonlight...fun with the gurlies :)

Sunday- Hung around, then went to family hanukkah dinner. It was nice..i played with matthew and adam (cuzins). I got some $$ - yay! And mis padres said they would get me a digital camera- yipeeee :) i can not wait ! I helped my uncle set up a wiggles tent for adam. then i went in the wiggles tent...fun lol. well..not really

Today- Went to the choc. shop with amy. it was fun...we wrapped lots of chocolates in wrappers. Amy has found her new profession. it was nice spending time together :) we just talked and laughed.

tmrw: really wanting to go on a bike ride! also want to visit dor muffin and see rachie. donde estan?

<3 check out my new formatttt. for some reason background is not working tho...argh

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:: 2003 22 December :: 4.07pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: relient k - falling out

vacations are great
i'm having a great time just sitting in my house and doing nothing. just being psycho-danielle is great. running around, wrapping presents, listening to music, and every once in a while stopping in the middle to dance.

this past weekend i spent most of my time with tina. watched another mvoie by myself. hehe. i like doing that. then i snuck back into lotr. i sat in such a bad seat. people were running out to go to the bathroom and were about to run all over my feet. i just put my feet up. ashley pasion's party was mucho fun. if i ever went to a party without music i would have no fun.

today i went shopping with my dad. he shops so fast but doesn't know where he is going so we walk around the mall like 4 times. he'll be like, "where's radio shack?" so we'll go down to radio shack and then he'll be like, "where's a sports store?" and we'll walk back to the other end of the mall. i like listening to my dad though. he's funny. we went to walgreens to pick some stuff up after the mall and we were looking for a card for him to give to my mom. ha. my dad... he's like, "i can't get any of these, i would be lying." then i came home to my new cell phone sitting on the table. woot. so little. looks like a lot of fun.

hope everyone is having a nice break. love to all.

1 . | <3


:: 2003 21 December :: 10.04pm

i swear, now everyone in the world will do this quiz....thanks vanessa!
In 2003 did you:

1. Go to a party? many many shindigs + sweet 16's
2. Try something new? yea...new friendships, new ways of thinking
3. Have someone change your life? yes, definately
4. Kiss someone? many, many times. :)
5. Tell your family and friends you love them? oh yea. i hope u guys get it :)
6. Buy something extravagant? no..not really
7. Do something nice for you? i'm soo nice to me
8. Do something terribly wrong? eh. no, i was a good girl. i believe...tehe
9. Move? no
10. Go to a concert? yea :) my first ever...SoCo-w/ my CKC :) awesome-ness

Best of the Year:

1. Party: shindigs at celines...christina's sweet 16...christini's party..my party, and homecoming
2. Show: OC, baby!
3. CD: whoa. toughie. dashboard confessional/jason mraz/ michelle branch/SoCo
4. Movie: CHICAGO!
5. Song: AH! too many. bus songs of the yr- hey ya and ignition :)
6. Experience: the parties, the random nights at my house, the concert.
7. Concert: something corporate + mae
8. Book: perks of being a wallflower
9. Month: ah. ? june was kinda fun
10.Day: one that sticks out 4/11 :)

Worst of the Year:

1. Party: hmmm
2. Show: i dunt know why, but i hate mtv cribs. it's boring
3. CD: britney spears! ugh!
4. Movie: the HULK! gross-ness.
5. Song: that stupid "in those jeans" song...and ashanti's "rain on me" and
6. Experience: being away from bryan, my friends, and home for a month. the lonlieness and longing :-/
7. Concert: no bad concert
8. Book: hm. i was kinda disappointed with the 5th harry potter
9. Month: stressful months? month away from home, altho fun
10. Day: days that i had tests + stress

Hopes for 2004:

1. Predict something that you think will happen in 2004? i'll become a junior..eek!
2. What do you hope changes about your country? JK! john kerry all the way :)
3. What do you hope for yourself? that i stay true to myself and my beliefs. and maintain my optimistic outlook in life
4. What do you hope for your family? that we can do more things together
5. What do you hope for your best friends? that we stay close
6. What do you hope for the rest of your friends? that we stay close
7. Do you think any amazing medical advances will be made? es posible!
8. What is your hope for 2004? that i don't go crazy as a junior

During 2003:

where were you when it began: at jess's house
did you stay up: yep. with the gurlies
what was your new year wish? to have a good year? no procrastination? oops*
how many boyfriends: uno
broke up: no
have any crushes?: no
care to mention names? no
new friends: yea
name them: became really close with sam + rach..plus i met like so many people this yr thro eaglettes and classes
had to say goodbye: to my danielley after the bat mitzvah...my goodbyes to and from fire island
missed anyone: yes!!
win anything? great friends :)
best place you went to: concert, fire island
worst place you went to: grandpa's funeral
happiest moment: being with the gurls and in bry's arms :)
how was your birthday: it was nice, i had a little party. nice gifts :)
best present: i like everyones
party? yeah, baby

2004 here we come :)

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:: 2003 21 December :: 7.54pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: "the music in my head"

there's nothing like vacation.
edit: my brother. i love him. he gave me his xmas gift to me today. right before lord of the rings started, he hands me this box. and i open the wrapping and its a lotr box. and i'm like... o...m...g. he wrote me a note in elvish. it was so sweet. and guess what was in the box. he bought me an official replica of the elvish necklace that arwen/aragorn had in the movie. can you think of anything sweeter than that?

sooo yesterday. vacation is just great. we started off early and went in search for somewhere for danielle and i to volunteer. bad us for waiting last minute. but that's who we are. procrastinators. then we went shopping. then eating. then shopping again. that's my family's life! and a movie now and then. then we went to ashley pasion's party. where was everyone?! grr. we had good times though anyways. it was quite interesting. it was great being with people i love. then i slept over danielle's house.

today we went to lunch with my family at this new italian restaurant. it's soooo good. it was filling. we saw these portions and we were like holy crap. the restaurant is like a maze but it's got a homey feel, because every home is tacky in one aspect or another. but good food. maybe next time we'll have room next time for dessert! mmm. then we went to the movies. danielle went to see cheaper by the dozen. my brother and i saw the return of the king. it was great. yeah, the end. very emotional. i was so close to crying like 3 times. i teared up. we had a fun ride home. good times good times.

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:: 2003 21 December :: 11.46am
:: Mood: eh
:: Music: something corporate- only ashes

yesterday was okay. it was my annual winter-break-clean-out-my-room-fest. refreshing i suppose. i'm still sick. alex was supposed to come down yesterday.. but for some reason now he's comign tomorrow. ( thr original reason i couldnt go to ashleys) , but then i was sick, and my parents didnt want me going all teh way out there and feelign sick and not being able to come home. so i just went to liz's with the girls for a pajama night. it was fun <3 .. we watched matilda, and amy and liz could not stop talking. sigh. people nowadays. lol. then we went and tried to stalk natalia but failed cause she outsmarted us and came by car. :-/ froze our tushies off and rach and i had to pee like whoa. lol. then we all watched some of joy ride.. the end actually, and most of 8 crazy nights. sigh, i love that movie. the old people are so cute !!! lol natalia. thats gonna be you one day !!! . anywho. todays lazyness, followed by andrea coming over, and then we're going over adam's for hannukah dinner. should be fun <3

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:: 2003 20 December :: 6.23pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: white flag - dido


my internet connection and TV cable has been down since thursday and if finally got fixed like a few hours ago which means... saturday around 4pm. gosh stupid ppl.

friday: Exam. Art Hist. not bad... i didn't mind it. i did however have a hard time getting to school. my dad.... is still pissed. w/e. u gain sum u loose sum, its a part of life. over.

friday night: hema got her license! ooooo shoot! lol so we went out, went to spanky's and met up with anthony and josh from "my last words" which are hema's friends. and then we went to taco bell which wuz fun. and then we headed to anthony's house. he lives like five minutes away from me. umm... but we raced him.... 95 mph! oooo shit! lol... they thought we were crazy. but ha! omg, the nigger at taco bell hema! ha! and then all the jammin' to britney spears in the car. sweet! can't wait til sunday night and all day monday.

saturday: WALTER! aHHH! it wuz cool cuz he hasn't been working with me on saturdays but today he wuz there again and he made fun of me as usual but um... it wuz the nastiest thing cuz we saw this fat girl that had these jeans on that showed her crack and then she also had this shirt on that wuz skin tight and like u could see all the cellulite shit on her stomach and like her boobs were barely in her shirt. gosh. BARF! donell and i both agree that ppl like that should be forbidden to wear shit like that

ummmm now i am about to go to tims house for a "family" christmas party i mean they arent really my family u know but like they are sooooo close that i might as well call them family yup yup

i havent talked to jonah since lord knows when / i know i talked to him for five seconds on friday / but gosh... i gotta get goin' ttyl <3

i need a tune-up, can u get me a mechanic plz?

bitch, we're on va - K. yippy!


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:: 2003 20 December :: 11.34am
:: Mood: happy

The wonderful-ness of winter break
Hey guys! Whoa, i'm so happy that it is winter break :) I love the possibiloity that i get to hang out with my loves everyday. Bryan's leaving monday :( well we've spent a week apart before :/ but it still sucks.

Yesterday was such a fun, random day! (Sorry for long-ness) First, sammy and i went to rachie's for the long-awaited veggie party. It was yummy and fun- us all hangin, eating, and listening to rooney :) Then rachie-la got tired...so sam and i decided to call katherine to see if we could crash her place. For some reason it was okay with her mom, so we walked over. The walk was fun- sam and i checked our bags to see how much "rations" we had and sing many verses of "row, row, row yourboat" Yes, ladies and gentleman i think sam now gets the concept of singing those verses NOT in unison. We met up with katherine and then layed around in her room. We listed to music, looked thro old yrbooks...then rape-age occured! tehe. After was hiding games and then sammy had to leave- in the middle of yoga! lol. Katherine and i were bored so we decided to walk to my house...where we layed in the driveway for like a half hour. lol...it was actually nice. Then we invaded the garage, played on the skateboard (which i friken broke the wheel, dumb old skateboard). We discovered tennis rackets and went to go play tennis. My goodness...katherine is muyyy mal. But that's okay :) we had fun speaking spanish and playing. Back to the house where katherine had to go home and then rachie came over. We watched real world + sex n the city and she kept me company for Chanukkah cuz my parents couldn't. But then my mommy came home and we did "hanukkah" and i got a cute leopard bag. ALtho, i have to say, i think i'm getting sick of my leopard obsession. Must move onto something else! So thank you my loves for spending the day with me :) rach- <3- OH NO! Many more fun days await...amy- wen should we have our dancing in the moonlight day- monday night? fun fun!

Today i'm helping out the dad-ster by rolling truffle balls. (but at home) bryans gonna come over and help. i can't open the can...damn can openers..so uhhh bryan get over here! if you want to make plans with me, don't hesitate i love you all and want to see ya :)



:: 2003 19 December :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: sick

i = sick again. how is it that my well-ness only lasted... 3 weeks maybe ? what the fuck.

exams = over. : )
happy. very happy.
today joey came home on the bus with me.. we hung out a little here and me and him n kat were supposed to go to see lotr.. but kat was grounded. so me n joey went to see it.. and i actually liked it. i definately think its one of thsoe movies that if you make it through the first half hour.. it gets really interesting. im thinking about giving the first two another chance now. then we headed over to the palm tran stop and took it to the mall... fun .. got some xmas stuff.. a cute shirt.. we spent a LOT of time in sharper image & brookstone. fun stuff man.. those massagers.. ahhh. aweseomeness. then dad picked me up and he had to drop stuff off at anda's and ended up staying there for like.. 2 freakin hours. and came home.. and watched some sex and the city. <3 happy vacation to all.



:: 2003 19 December :: 7.45pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: in da club

wow..havent updated in a while
ok exam week:
*spanish- im thinking a B/C
*math- i dont even know, but it doesnt matter, i went C-C
*economics- an F..not happy about that
*chemistry- an F..no not happy bout that either
*english- im guessing a B..
*art history- probably a C/D
*law studies- open book..so i would only hope its an A..lol

now onto better news!

*took pictures on the bus..hehe fun! stickin out our tongues n blowin up our cheeks..
*::stuff falls over..amara, sam, n kaila scream:: LMAO...
*cookie party on the bus!! YUMM
*went to kailas on wed...cannolis! it was freakin frio when we were walkin there! lol
*then a friend came over..we had delerious fun
*tuesday, went to the mall, got presents..ran into a lot of ppl...
*harley ran away thurs. night..so i had to get him in the cold..so my toes went numb..
*today, took epsteins test..got a B in the class!
*while waiting for my mom..a scary guy picked up his two friends..and when he was driving by, he rolled down his window and said hey..so i said hi back...he drove away..BUT then after he drove..he reversed his car n came back! so he started askin me if i wanted a ride home n i was like no, its ok..so he says do u always wait here bc i've never seen u before so i said no...then he asked where i lived so i told him boca..then he insisted on giving me a ride home..i had to say no..so he was like ok fine"i'll holla at u lata"..so i said ok w/ a really weird look on my face lol..then he started to drive n stopped n was like" oh yea what the name be?"..so i said sam..he said his name was E (dont ask)..and then he said "iight imma go, holla atcha boy"....i swear it was soo freakin scurry bein by myself!!
*then i went out with my mommy..we had breakfast and then went to the mall..i got shoes!! black n white nikes..got ashleys bday gift
*then i went to amy's house!!! FUNN...we went to the park, then juss chilled, and then we painted things chocolate!!!!! wow..it was soo good..gotta do it more often!! and her dog is so cute!

sorry for things bein outta order lol..but i think i covered everything...

n thnx for all the gifts n cards!!

wuv u all!!! xoxoxo

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:: 2003 19 December :: 7.33pm
:: Music: music in my head.

you be jason, i'll be tristan

the night started out... me and tina just sitting around listening to music. i started to go nutts ^ when lovefool came on and decided to run outside and play.

christmas lights are always fun.

where's the snow? oh well... grass angels will work.

if only i was a pro at html. i would show you the process it took to get to this picture.

now it's time for the hottie that reminded me so much of tristan last night:

i think she was about ready to take the camera away from me.

yes, she won.

hanukkah bushes are fun. blue lights are beautiful.

she's in the trees.

this picture reminds me of a dream.

awww.... great times in the cold winter weather instead of studying for an exam. *sigh* we're done now. more greatness and funness is ahead in these next two weeks. i love you.

<3 all.

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:: 2003 19 December :: 6.47pm
:: Mood: smiling.
:: Music: destiny's child - "brown eyes"

sigh. i feel so much better.
i feel so much freer. today was a good day. i'm in a really lovey-dovey wintery mood. this is exactly when i need a boyfriend, ya know? but it's ok. i'll just... wait. today feels like it was so short yet so long. last night, didnt get much sleep! hehe. danielle kept me up ;) lol. the art hist exam wasnt too bad. twas what i expected. then danielle, edgar, and altan came home with me. i liked being lazy bums. eating pizza. drinking soda. nothing to do. it's just such a weird change from so many things to do. it's great! i love it. now i'm all dressed up to go to my dads company christmas party. fun? no.... boredom. andrew and i could go see lotr rotk, but we want to be nice children. so we're gonna go see it sunday. tomorrow is ashley pasion's party. who's going?? sigh. i wish danielle were still here to keep me company. <3 i need my love! love to all.

. : tina : .
the way we held each others hand, the way we talked, the way we laughed, it felt so good to find true love.
i knew right then and there you were the one.
i know that he loves me cuz he told me so.
i know that he loves me cuz his feelings show.
when he stares at me, you see he cares for me.
you see how he's so deep in love.
i know that he loves me cuz it's obvious.
i know that he loves me cuz it's me he trusts.
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me.
and when he looks at me, his brown eyes tell his soul.

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