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:: 2003 18 December :: 9.26pm
:: Mood: stuffy
:: Music: something corporate- bad day

it is ALMOST over.
today wasnt half bad. it was actually fun.
i got to school and i was walking around with sunil. and i hear some kid playing a recorder.. and little do i know, joey pops out from behind a corner with it. lol. it was funny... i hung out with him n adam n kat n ari n lauren n people.. it was fun. we got the pogs outa my locker & adam n joey were playing.. and then joey went and played his recorder under a tree in the 400's and we gave him change and stuff. good times ..
spanish exam was alright.. pretty easy.
math.. erh. hardly finished .. and guessed on a good amount. oh well.
then andrea came home on the bus with us.. and might i say it was freaking hatian packed. man oh man. we had to take laps. luckily we're all close anyways <3 . it was a fun ride. then me n andrea hung out n stuff and started studying for chem with liz and then went solo. she went home to get her stuff and shes gonna sleep here nad we're just gonna study some more. im not sure as to whats going on tomorrow.. kat ?
alrighty.. later gaters <3

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:: 2003 18 December :: 8.49pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: tristan prettyman and jason mraz

<3 spending time with the one i love. (danielle)
As if you were born into a world of tears, you
always tend to look at the darker things in
life. Inside you crave attention yet push away
society, and you're a hopeless romantic. Drawn
to things like the occult and mysteries, you
spend your time daydreaming of

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla



:: 2003 18 December :: 5.09pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: dear momma-tupac


lol..today wuz a good day..i made a pretty christmas tree on my economics scantron..hehe..one harrd test..i gave up..spanish wuz easy..i finished early and stared at tupac..lol

thank u sammi for my verrry sexy christmas card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....verry sexy!!!..lol

thanx pee wee for my baby daddy..lol..i love his sexy voice..lol..

and thank u amanda for my yummy cookies!!!! we had a cookie party on the bus again!!!!...

and then we took funny picz..can't wait ta get em developed!!!!! "blow up dem cheeks!!!"..lmao..

great day..cant wait till 2moro..PAJAMA PARTY!!..lol..amy n sam..<3 pokey

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:: 2003 18 December :: 8.43am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: kelly clarkson - "the trouble with love"

i'm sorry, i just love the song so much.
last night i felt like crap! i was in serious hell. i got a stuffy nose and my eyes were itchy and watery and i started coughing. once i started coughing, danielle told me to go to bed, so i listened to her. i went to bed at 10:30. i woke up at like 7:30, so i got plenty of sleep. though i still wanna go back to bed. i dont wanna go to school. i dont want to take the math exam, dont wanna deal with some things. whatever. it's sooooooooooooo cold. i like it being cool, like 60s... but 40s and 50s?! brrrrrrrr. i can't wait for school to be OVER. i'll miss people but i will not miss the school or the classes. sigh. vacation is gonna be absolute bliss.

can't stop singing it!
*the trouble with love is, it can tear you up inside. make your heart believe a lie. it's stronger than your pride. the trouble with love is, it doesn't care how fast you fall. and you can't refuse the call. see, you've got no say at all.*



:: 2003 18 December :: 8.13am

Hello to all, this will be my last entry for a while because I am going on a cruise, thats right, a cruise.

This morning I woke up to my brother walking noisly around the hose, so when I go into the kitchen to see my dad he's like " Did you get mom or Brandon anything?" and I hadn't so said and he makes this mean face and is like but you had time to buy all your friends gifts? and now I feel liike shit, so CONGRATULATIONS dad, for ruining my morning!

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:: 2003 17 December :: 11.12pm

i just deleted the journal entry i just wrote on accident. aw man.

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:: 2003 17 December :: 8.07pm
:: Mood: bleh
:: Music: Saves the day "at your funeral"

do u think you'd make it out?
sigh. def feeling the "blah" of exam week! The exams haven't been too bad. I'm pretty sure i'm getting straight a's on the next report card :) i've missed that.

thanks every1 for gifts/cards. i like this season for that :) Bryan- big grin- thank you for ur thoughtfulness...the bus has been pretty fun this week, all of us crazy kids packed on 2gether after a day of exams. Much amusement with "tammy's" impressions, fake boobs, sex w/ guiloutinne's...::giggle:: Gotta love last night's sex & the city..."you need anti depressants...but i'm not depressed!..they're not for you..they're for your vagina." Fun :)

2 daysss baby

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:: 2003 17 December :: 6.33pm
:: Mood: peaceful

"let's runaway to LA and get married" - Jonah.

like tina said.... nobody really updated last night... i thought about that too... so much studying. its kinda hard, but i attempted to write the other night at.... around 1 a.m. =)

i hafta take the make up for epstein's ch. 8 & 9 test..... alllllll i hafta do is get a 50! alllllll i hafta do. but then after i finish that test, i have his exam.... which reminds me, i hafta call ally.

alright homie i love u all.

hmmmm wut to wear tomorrow?!



:: 2003 17 December :: 6.26pm
:: Mood: burnt out

exam week
ehhh. i am already so incredibly tired of these freaking tests. it is the week of HELL as sunil would say. haha. yearbook was nice study/eat time.. economics was easy at first.. but it got a little frustrating towards the end.. french was a joke, except it was sooo long and after a while i started to fall asleep.. english.. vocab was easy .. the story. my gosh. i think we ALL had something to say about that. argh. tomorrow is spanish and ......... pre-cal. supposedly it is going to be scary. we shall see. :-/ i doubt i'll get an A on it to get my semester A .. so maybe i'll just shoot for the d.. hmpf.
notice how since exams started no ones really updated. they kill us. slowly, but surely : P
i dont know if i even COULD do this for more than 4 nights... sigh
time to study math. :: shoots myself ::



:: 2003 17 December :: 6.04pm
:: Mood: loving
:: Music: kelly clarkson - "the trouble with love"

my new favorite song.
so... exams. i d k what to say about it all. almost nobody updated last night. was everyone studying? today is probably the easiest exam day. english and art was easier than i thought they would be. and it was just good. minus the painful (beauty is pain.) shoes and the irritating contacts. i dont know what to say. i love everyone? but i guess u know that already. i can't wait for school to be over. i need to do volunteer hours over break. but still. sigh. i need a vacation! and ... i want something for xmas... you.

*every time i turn around, i think i’ve got it all figured out. my heart keeps calling, and i keep on falling, over and over again. this set story always ends the same; me standin in the pouring rain. it seems no matter what i do... it tears my heart in two.*

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:: 2003 16 December :: 12.58am
:: Mood: artistic

lets let her tell her side of the story.

ok... folks.... so far i'm not leaving atlantic. fathers suck. i wuz happy and cheerful during school all day and then when it came time to come home... mommy wuz about to call the counselor to talk.... but she suggest til i wait til my dad gets home... i didnt want that, but of course... i had no choice. i did sum chem hw, talked to tina, jonah, hema, and carlos... then ate sum dinner. dinner time.... wuzn't sooo pleasant.

dealt with my dad yelling at me about how i didnt know anything and how i wuz just a child and wuzn't capable of understanding everything that life can offer..... and who is to say that he does? now in the long run i would hafta say that he did have sum good points but most of it wuz just bullshit that i had already heard* so i just argued my points and i confessed of cheating on statz which kinda made him see that i cant do this so he said "well if u feel this strongly we will talk about it sum more but i am not happy about ur decision" however he didnt say it as calmy as it sounded he yelled it and everything so i ran to my room quite frustrated and in tears so i grabbed the phone and dialed the first seven digits that my hands could which wuz jonahs number

the moment i got on the phone with him i couldnt stop smiling i mean him and i just have this connection that no matter which one of us is mad or sad or crying we just start making each other laugh

bri: "jonah cant u just come to atlantic i mean there is this kid that got into ib and hes really dumb and so is everyone else because he seems to be convincing ppl that one day he went to school in egypt and the next day he is talking about going to school in africa"

jonah: "bri........ egypt... is in africa"
jonah: "in order to love me, u hafta love my dog too, we are one."
jonah: "bri, i wanna grow up to be just like u."
bri: "u know.... u don't hafta grow.... UP"
jonah: "my mom thinks she is sooo cute trying to watch kelly clarkson and hilary duff on tv. she keeps asking me to come watch it with her"
acc hole.... lol ur mommy. i wish i just coulda been there. and neil's parents and ur relatives and like wow.
chill outttttttttt
i feel soooo sexy i wanna go to the pool.
jonah: "u sound like... a guy during puberty, with all that squeaking."

gosh i wanna marry u. <3 take my heart but plz don't break it. love wuz made 4 me and u.
--lil' rascals.

ashleigh: "bri thats it, ur NOT leaving! i cant take u AND pete leaving, i'm stuffing u both in closets in my house."
bri: "u don't need to do that, just stuff me in ur smallest cabinet...."

bri: "ok ally, me and hema are going to 3-way u"
ally: "i've never done that before"
bri: "all u hafta do... is pick up the phone"
ally: "pick it up? or are u guys going to call first?"

hema - ally - bri <3
spent hours on the phone til 12:30 a.m. actually studying for chemistry. thank u tina for the help. ha ha <-- she's a funny girl, i love having convos with her. <3

poor danielle got beat up by the evil boys joey and adam..... AHHH! i tried saving my friend!

anyways i hafta go now cuz its getting late and my computer is being stupid and doing everything backwards like when i hit the caps button everything is lowercase and when i move my cursor one way it goes the other soooooo it may b a virus? idk? who knows

all this wuz written to say that there is no official notice on leaving ib or not

i heart all of u



:: 2003 15 December :: 11.03pm

i love the smell of fresh laundry.

people are funny. and weird. and sad. and mad at the world. and .. everything

1 . | <3


:: 2003 15 December :: 5.05pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: holidae in-chingy

nutten chillan at tha holidae innnnnnnn..hehe..we haven't joked bout dat in a while..lol..newayz..today wuz a good day..math wuz funnnnny..didnt do much..it wuz "exam review"..but we juss chilled..ally got my hair caught in between tha desks!!..lmao..guess datz wha i get for havin long hair..lol..art history wuz fun too..sammi itz FER..DWOOR..DWOG..lol..u kno wha im talkin bout..hehe..omg amara!!!..on tha bus..lol..r u sure u didn't get hurt???..r bus driver is madd crazy..lol..guess datz it..examz start 2moro..:(.but i gotz a B in chemistry!!!!!..yay!!..lol..<3..pokey

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:: 2003 14 December :: 9.58pm
:: Mood: cheerful

are we all victims of opportunity?
today wuzzzzzzzzzz plentyful.

slept, slept, ate, and slept. studied. slept.

yes... it has been confirmed. i am able to leave atlantic. its not any of u, i love you all dearly. its just... the work and the atmosphere that is adding filth to my aura.
Dmx504boyz: i lov the wisdom teeth out of u lol
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: did i tell u, i love when ppl call me bri and u n my english teacher are the only ones who do
Dmx504boyz: so u love ur english teacher?!
Dmx504boyz: that is it! cus i lov u and i will always lov and i lov u and i lov u sumore and phew i lov u and sumore again!
Dmx504boyz: damnit we're gonna last 4ever bri!!!!!!!!!! i lov u!
SmilingChica2006: all you really need is a simple, "i love you" every now and then
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: i'm like so happy, but i can't smile cuz my cheeks will start to hurt
SmilingChica2006: lol
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: chipmunk
SmilingChica2006: i hope you still look like it.
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: lmao
SmilingChica2006: and tuesday
SmilingChica2006: and wednesday
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: not really that much
SmilingChica2006: and thursday
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: danielle, would u marry me if i looked like this
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: lol
SmilingChica2006: oh briana... you know i have always had a thing for chipmunks
FallenNGAngel: i wanna see u eat like a chipmunk
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: lol
FallenNGAngel: like... carry nuts in your cheeks
FallenNGAngel: thatd be awesome
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: where can i get sum nuts
FallenNGAngel: and then like... whenever someone had the munchies... just go to brianas secret stash of nuts
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: lol
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: hmmm i should bring nuts to school
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: that would b great

happy joy merry christmas and other holidays to all and to all, a goodnight.

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:: 2003 14 December :: 4.28pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: jewel - "don't"

excuse that last journal. i got angry last night.
sigh. just came back from a fun day at the park. twas janyll's sweet 16. so many people didnt show up, it wasnt even funny. but we had madd fun anyways! it made me happy. it was like a movie. we played in the rain, pouring water and ice all over each other and attempting to slide down the hill. it was great. seeing people soaking wet and cover in silly string made up for all the absences. i love this weekend. although i didnt get to spend much time with my lover, danielle. i miss her. but it was a great weekend that made me forget about school altogether. sigh. if only i could have more weekends like this. i think i'm making a decision.....

*don't walk too close. don't breathe so soft. don't talk so sweet. don't sing. don't lay oh so near. please, don't let me fall in love with you again.*

1 . | <3


:: 2003 14 December :: 2.46pm
:: Mood: dorky

examz are cummin up..so much crap ta deal wid..it all adds ta tha drama..



:: 2003 14 December :: 1.21pm
:: Music: tristan prettyman - void

mostly i'm just annoyed, with the situation that never fails to find me. i should have known better than i did. i should have listened but oh well. now the memories put the lines on my palms of my hands. can you tell me this much? oh do tell.

*sigh* i don't know what to do anymore. it was a bad weekend. this week isn't going to be any better. it's like test galore. gotta study for only two of them though. i take that as a relief. this weekend i realized how God is so amazing. it was just like... woah. it's so nice to know that He will always be there.

on another note: Briana will be leaving after she gets her braces off. i'll miss her. even though we've sorta drifted apart i still have a closeness to her. i'm not that worried though cause we're still gonna go to france together. i'll miss all the slap happiness though. <3

christina is still with me. she has her nice boca friends though. i know she will never leave me though. that's also relieving. what would i do without her? die.

i want some fun shoes. either pointed and rounded toe with a good size heel if they are rounded and a medium sized heel if they are pointed.

good thing about exam week: i can look pretty 3 days out of 5 thanks to the lateness of going to school. here come the $1 shoes. i should feel good about myself while taking these exams.

pictures like these make you feel better:

i'm done babbling. have a nice day. love to all.

1 . | <3


:: 2003 14 December :: 12.13pm
:: Mood: gloomy
:: Music: something corporate- she paints me blue

tonight i watched the lights go out in your house
wondering how i could get so deep and you could still get sleep
in vain i blame my trembling on the cold air
but i can't hide that i've relied on you
like yellow does on blue
and you're my
good feeling
i'm kneeling
inside a room she paints me blue
and you are
my reason
for breathing
inside a room she paints me blue again
atlanta started raining on me
and teenage love was underground
tonight i'll break the surface
atlanta started raining on me
but no young girl was claiming me
or naming me
and destiny gets nervous
and youre my
good feeling
im kneeling
inside a room she paints me blue
and you are
my reason
for breathing
inside a room she paints me blue again
and you're my
good feeling
i'm kneeling
inside a room she paints me blue
and you are
my reason
for freezing
inside a room she paints me blue again
atlanta started raining
on me
on me
on me
atlanta started raining
on me
on me

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:: 2003 14 December :: 1.32am
:: Music: silence

it feels good to cry.

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:: 2003 13 December :: 9.22pm
:: Mood: listless
:: Music: Fallen Interlude - Blink 182

omg this song is awsum. its like.... beautiful.

but um anyways i dont look so much like a chipmunk today. i talked to my girlies... hema n ally =D i miss them, and everyone else. i'll c u guys on monday tho

my stitches are starting to come out, i can feel them like pulling out. fun fun. um... parents are trying to get me to eat but i dont wanna. nothin new =) i'm taking care of ppl's daily problems and i don't mind one bit because there isn't anyone else out there to do it because lately so many ppl have been caught up in their own problems and everything that they seem to forget about all the other ppl that need help around them... so, i've been helping those ppl without anyone to look to, because i've been there... and i know that hurtful feeling.

on a better note. carol came over today =) she is all better, i missed her. she wuz sick with the flu um... but yeah and it wuz all gravy. now junior is sick... get better buddi, much luv 2 ya!

hmmmm how's everything goin for everyone else? i hope ur doing as dandy as i am. if not, u better be doin' better!

o goodness.... this talk about santaluces is coming up again... but this time i am ready to leave.... if not more than ready than before. i wuz thinkin bout leaving ATL ... after i get my braces off? idk i've been talking to a few ppl from santaluces, and evidentally, jonah is tellin me that i'd be like "popular" over there cuz everyone knows me and remembers me. w/e thats not why i wanna go there tho. i just want out. i'm done with things there. school work. i love the ppl there... like i said before, ur never gonna find a better group of ppl because all of ib and sum others are special. but i just have gotten sick of the work and everything.... and now 2 of my best friends are leaving. i'm gone. just.... poof.

LiLsHorTcaKe2315: any1 ever tell u that ur the greatest lol
Tennischic2188: lol maybe once ortwice

lol whitney ur like.... really the best ha ha



:: 2003 13 December :: 4.51pm
:: Mood: dorky

last night me n kat didnt end up going to sleep till 3:30-ish. we did lots of stuff. lol
we tried out some alcohol .. romanian. shoulda known it woulda been gross beyond words. it was ahhhh. lol. and stupidly we had more. haha. sam's parents freaking called at 2 am and came to get her. lol. why couldnt they just let her sleep here!??! sigh. lol. then me n kat set up some bedding downstairs by the tv and watched porn lol. it was funnny. im gonna buy her porn for christmas. we just stayed up talking but then i just died out. this morning we dillydallied around n stuff and the girls left.. and andrea stuck around.. we .... put my pictures on my computer.. went to the community pool. haha. watched some jumanji, attempted to make chicken... and took photo-shots of all my presents <3. as soon as i figure out how to get em on woohu.. i will. lots of funny pictures. haha. tonight im goin to the radu's .. probably just hanging around at the beach.. a nice quiet night. <3

1 . | <3


:: 2003 13 December :: 2.43pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: the way u move-outkast

im finally takin that drug n alcohol thingy/class..:D



:: 2003 13 December :: 11.13am
:: Mood: romantic
:: Music: Jason Mraz "You and I Both"


One year of being with Bryan. So many memories flood through my mind of how we began- from re-meeting him in h.s, to him getting me a stolen assignment book and(3?) binders, him starting to tutor me in math, going to a romanian party of his (now that should have been a warning sign..hehe), then the 'big decision' then the few weeks before anything happened, and then us getting together- on dec 13 last yr :) We went to the movie analyze that.

I suppose it seems like we've been together forever, and sometimes it feels like it has been. But even though we've been together for a year now, i still love him more all the time. We've had SO many great times together. There's only been a few times we were apart (from one week- one month) and those really were torture. To not see the one you love really is agony sometimes. (I know many of you know this). Although most people don't understand our relationship, i thank everyone who supported us. Sometimes people like to make jokes about us and spread rumors about us, and thats fine, because we'll pull through it all. We're a team- bryan + liz- and i love you so much baby. I could go on and on about all the emotions and chaos this year has been, all the memories, and although those mean the world, you mean more. Happy one year from the bottom of my heart. i love you bry <3

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:: 2003 13 December :: 9.00am

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards- irb
[ x ] The story behind your user name – woohu username: wanna b a playmate for playboy lol, and for aim: i like strawberry shortcakes.
[ x ] Are you a lesbian – ummm no.
[ x ] Where do you live – L Dub (w)
[ x ] 4 words that sum you up – ---------
[ x ] Wallet – my american eagle one.
[ x ] Hairbrush – I have like 3.
[ x ] Toothbrush - its purple.
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily- my LOS bracelet n earrings in all 4 holes.
[ x ] Pillow covers - i have like a million pillows... umm i have a light blue one a dark blue one and a pillow cover with stars.
[ x ] Blanket - dark blu with stars, clouds, n moons.
[ x ] Coffee cup – dont like coffee
[ x ] Sunglasses – dont use em
[ x ] CD in stereo right now – Blink182
[ x ] Tattoos – no
[ x ] Piercings – 2 holes in each ear.
[ x ] What you are wearing now – a tank top and those boy shorts from victoria secret.
[ x ] hair – medium length, blonde/brown
[ x ] Makeup – none

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)

[ x ] In my mouth – my tongue, teeth w.o my wisdom teeth, and sum stitches
[ x ] In my head - air
[ x ] Wishing – 4 jonah
[ x ] After this – prolly gonna go lay back down
[ x ] Talking to – junior
[ x ] Eating – nothing.
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now - jonah! hema! ally!
[ x ] Is next to you – +checks both sides+ no1 =/
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month – christmas
[ x ] The last thing you ate – um..... jello... like yesterday morning
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of – um... idk
[ x ] Do you like candles – yes
[ x ] Do you like hot wax – kinky lol
[ x ] Do you like incense – whoa i thought that said incest yuck. i do like INCENSE
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood – no, i've tasted it too much the past 3 days
[ x ] Do you believe in love – yes
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates – yes
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight – yes
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven –yep
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness – yes
[ x ] Do you believe in God – DEFiNiTeLY

[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die – barried
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy – ...no1
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be – monkey
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up – maybe like a full day er so
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium – ....no
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks – i think
[ x ] What's your favorite coin – dollar coins
[ x ] What are some of your favorite candy – hmmm... milky ways, starbursts, all the fruity stuff.
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand – its easy to b happy.
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better - can't member at the moment
[ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow – my cheeks back to normal lol

i n f o r m a t i o n

1. name: bri
2. single or taken: taken by jonah
3. sex: girl
4. bday: Mar. o1 88
5. sign: Pisces
6. siblings: Emily n' Tommy
7. hair color: brown/ blonde
8. eye color: Hazel
9. shoe size: 6
10. height: 4'11'' 'git

r e l a t i o n s h i p s

1. who are your best friends?: hema, ally, danielle b, danielle g, brittany, jb, sherman
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
3. did you send this to your crush?: ..no
4. are you a virgin? yes

f a s h i o n | s t u f f

1. where is your favorite place to shop: A&E
2. any tattoos or piercings: ears

s p e c i f i c s

1. do you do drugs?: Nope
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: herbal essences and pantene pro-v
3. what are you most scared of?: death
4. what are you listening to right now?: the radio - baby boy- beyonce and sean da paul lol hema
5. who is the last person that called you? Jonah
6. where do you want to get married? on a beach
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 18
8. what would you change about yourself?: scars. braces.

h a v e | y o u | e v e r

1. given anyone a bath?: ...no
2. smoked?: no
3. bungee jumped?: i want to
4. made yourself throw up?: no
5. skinny dipped?: i've been naked in a pool lol
6: ever been in love?: think i'm getting there for the first time
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: hell yea!!
8. pictured your crush naked?: lmao yeah
9. actually seen your crush naked?: nope
10. cried when someone died?: no1 has died that i loved... but my dad's mom did when i wuz like 2 yrs. old and i have always wondered how my life woulda been if she wuz here because my parents always said that she loved me more than anything.
11. lied: who hasnt
12. fallen for your best friend?: no
13. been rejected?: dunno i think so
14. rejected someone?: yep
15. used someone?: not for anything big
16. done something you regret?: no. i don't live to regret.

1. clothes: i love cltohes
2. music: anything i can dance or sing to
3. make-up: none.
4. annoyance: stupid people
5. smell: good stuff
6. favorite artist: christina aguilera, mandy moore, eminem, blink182, britney spears, jessica simpson
favorite group: theres 2 many
8. desktop picture: sunflower
9. book you're reading: none
10. cd in player: blink182
11. dvd in player: bruce almighty
12. color of toenails: clear



:: 2003 13 December :: 1.00am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: something corporate- i want to save you

i'm 16 ! <3
aah. today was amazing. it was the bestest birthday ever. on the bus in the morning as soon as everyone got on, they sang to me <3 hehe. it was loud. and the lady through the radio sang too :) . the day went alright, tests were tolerable. i think i did as well as i needed to. then after school hannah drove me and sam and rach and whitney home. it was a fun ride <3. showered.. cleaned. then adam and kat came over and we went over to fridays where we met andrea, lauren, rachel, natalia, liz, christina, hannah, sam, dor, and amy. dinner was fun <3 .. liz fell off a bench and broke it. hahaha. and it was someone elses bday and my wonderful friends took over their song. andrea lauren and adam made a rap for me lol.. and i had a wonderful tour of the kitchen from kat and christina lol. and yes. it was fun. then christina had to leave us :-/ and everyone else came back to my house.l hannah blasted out her ghett-o radio. it was funnn. i love driving around with her. we hugn out and had cake and opened presents.. then hannah took me and a few cruising around with hey ya blasting. haha. we had a chinese fire drill and rach ran the wrong way. lmao. i love my girls <3 .. then we just hung around my room and people gradually started to leave. sam has yet to leave. lol. and its freaking 1 am. rach and andrea fell asleep.. but me n kat are about to go knock up the alceehol cabinet. hehe. thanks guys for an awesome birthday and lotsa really cool presents.. <3 i loved them all :) .. later gaters

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:: 2003 12 December :: 11.28pm
:: Mood: loving/happy
:: Music: Die Trying

I can't sleep...
Aw tonite was so much fun! Almost all my fav people gathered in such a fun setting. Fridays was really fun- porn discussions, me falling off the seat, debacles about where to sit, sammy/rachie/and i dancing, adam = dor, the cards...just lotsa fun! And yummy :)
Our little table was cool- xtina (it was so fun having you with us!), adam, dor, and katherine.

Then we went back to christini-lini's and we ate cake + opened presents. Her bags are so cute- aw! then hannah, christine, rach, sam, and i went out for a drive. We listened to hey ya + danced + it was so much fun. I felt really bad after, but it was such a nice experience. I <3 you guys! That made me want to be able to drive! Then we went back to christini's room where more falling occured, lips intertwined, and massage-y things, and just everyone laying eveyrwhere. I love being that close with my friends- that we just lay all over eachother. :) hehe natalia, amy..."yea i just met this kid and he's laying all over me!." I had such a great night w. the people i adore- once again happy b-day christini and thanks for hosting a night to remember :)

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:: 2003 12 December :: 9.55pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: all i want for christmas is you!

i should do this more often.
i went to chill with my boca girls tonight. a very happy birthday to christine! katherine and i got her a tour of the kitchen at friday's. it was nice, being with my boca friends. they make me feel so welcome into their circle of friends. it was great. i wish i had gone to christine's with them, but the two hours spent was good enough to make me happy =). it was an interesting night. liz had a nice porno story. katherine had alterior motives to get to my ass ;). and adam introduced himself to my parents. my mom was like "people like him are very likely to succeed... outgoing and friendly". it was cute. i'm so happy its the weekend. i love being at home and NOT doing homework. although now i must go write the family newsletter. blecch. must go back to boca sometime. it was meant for me.


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:: 2003 12 December :: 6.36pm

guess who called to see if i wuz doin ok?
grandma, mommy, daddy, and brittany =)

daddy called me sweetheart, which is sumthin he hasnt done since i wuz.... like 5 years old. last night tho... when daddy got home he didnt bother to check up on me. my mom made him come in my room n check on me at like 12am last night. wutta jerk. i feel no love there.

but um.... i slept all day. i think i am sooooo skinny now... omg. but my cheeks look like a chipmunk lol its funny as hell. they are swollen and i am waiting for them to go down. but until then.... i need sum nuts. danielle told the bus driver about my teeth lol. i wont ask why. but ok. um.... hopefully i will be able to eat soon. i havent eaten much in 2 days. i ate 3 things of jello and a carnation breakfast drink and water. thats all since like thursday morning. its hard to eat. i have the taste of salt water and blood in my mouth which is rather nasty. but thats pretty much all i can do. umm... i also took my medicine... its all good. anyways i am out. kinda dizzy again.


Jonah -n- Bri
..2 months..

[the sweetest thing, he called me and wuz like... guess wut date it is?! the 12th!]



:: 2003 12 December :: 6.18pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: magic stix

where my dorks at??
i got sick again!!so now i gotta make up two tests!! ::stresses::

so yea..i stayed home today..slept in. then ate, watched tv, talked with my mommy..it was actually nice. then i played with my puppy..but as he was running, he stopped.so it was either step on him or run into the wall..so of course i chose the wall..stubbed my toe..ouch!! then i took a shower..then one of my dorks stopped by (kaila)..she had an interesting day LMAO...then she went home..and i went to go eat dinner..and now im home by MYSELF...i dont think u guys know how happy i am to be home with no one else!! lol i guess thats it...talk to ya'll later..xoxo


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:: 2003 12 December :: 4.57pm
:: Mood: a lil loquita
:: Music: step in tha name of love-r.kelly

man i wuz really lookin foward to dat game too..well technically it wuznt cancelled but juss for us cheerleaders..bcuz pretty much everybodyz gotta go to tha delray parade..so only six of us can make it..oh well..next game: olympic heights..datz shud fun a good one..itz on friday of next week..ruby and adrienne taught us a new dance for half time..itz really cute..briana u missed it..:(..hope ur tooth is betta..:)..lol..newayz economics test wuz frickin harrrrrdddddd...sammi ur gonna have ta make it up..allz i gotta say gurl is STUDY!!!..lol..me amy and amara had fun on tha bus..interesting..sudden burts of giggles..amy gurl watch out for dat jerry..looks like u guyz got a stalker on ya back..lol..omg..i can't believe that happened 2 me 2day at lunch!!!!!...i'm officially traumatized for tha rest of my life!!!..ma peepz no wha im talkin about..and itz soo not funny..lol..yea actually it is..more scurry tho..lol..guess datz it..x0x0..<3 pokey


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