Best Text Messages
(971): I have two black x marks on my hands.
(503): Yep you got cut off last night after a stripper bent over in front of you and you screamed very loudly 'I can see your soul from here'
(971): damnit I wish I could remember that.
(330): I don't know where I am but the food in the fridge is awesome
(508): awoke with 47 plastic lawn flamingos in my bed and on surrounding floor. explanation?
(1-508): you said they were your minions of evil that protected you from ferrets.
(724): also, i may or may not be wearing a cape right now. hint: i am.
(714): we're chasing vodka with high fives
(559): Just figured out how to smoke weed with a toaster.
(310): i just defriended some girl because according to her status she "doesn't give a fuck about shark week."
(704): We're pre-gaming then going to chuck e cheese's.
(919): If you're joking I'm going to be sad
(541): my math teacher staples burger king applications to failed tests
(404): What part of "waking up in the crawl space of my house with a raccoon" sounds like a good night to you?
Apparently sucks at life like the rest of society.
Still don't know to deal with frustration and stress..
Should be able to just ignore it after all these years, but if it hasn't happened yet, then it probably won't ever happen.
I need a job that I like..
Maybe then I won't be so frustrated and in super-bitch mode when I come home..
fuck you and your goddamn moped. your not cool because you ride a fucking scooter, most of you arn't even legally riding them, 150cc's with a moped sticker slapped on it, its classified as a moped you queer.
i hate these fuckers riding down the road at 35mph that you can't get around because they ride in the middle of the lane.
I am in kind of a crappy mood today.
I don't deal with frustation well at all.
And I am stressed about this financial aid crap.
I just want it to all be done with already..
I have to get papers up to MCC as soon as I can, that will finish processing my financial aid..
Yeah it sounds easy considering I live like 5 miles from the college.
But I leave at 6:40 in the morning, and they don't open until like 8 or 9.. and I get out of work at 4.. and the financial aid office closes at 4:30.. and i can't get from belding to sydney with enough time to get everything situated..
So hopefully they will let me fax the papers and then go from there..
I found an online program for what I want to do, but it is not covered by financial aid or student loans, and you have to make payments on its for a year..
It's crap. I feel like I am in a rut and that it doesnt matter what I do or how hard I work toward something, that I wont ever get out of it..
I want to be successful, and have money, love and everything else..
But once an obstacle comes in my path, and I get frustrated I am just ready to give up because I get so upset.
So Katie's daughters surgery was yesterday and they were able to get all of the tumor.
Worst case scenario after surgery was that she wasnt going to be able to talk, walk or have any sort of movement because of the location of the tumor.
Thankfully, the surgery went very well and she was talking today.
Tomorrow they will see if she is able to walk and do all the of the other things on her own that she was doing before the surgery.
And today I was informed of more bad news.
My friend Sara's dad was in a bad car accident and is in ICU and on a ventilator.
Finally signed up for classes for fall semester today.
Then realized that today was first day of late registration and tuition was supposed to be paid same day as sign ups..
Oh well..
I guess we will just wait and see if my student loan processes right away or not..
All of this bad news has me in a slump.
That and working full days.
Im physically exhausted and don't feel like doing a damn thing.
I have a severe lack of ambition.
After a long stressful week, I finally got a weekend to relax.
Found a friends daughter that is almost 2, has a brain tumor..
Found out that same day that a kid I went to school with was found dead in greenville..
Houses and cars are being broken into right next to our house, but nothing of ours has been messed with..
Shell Station was robbed at gunpoint last night, and thats like 2-3 blocks from my house..
I should lay out in the sun, but it doesnt seem to be shining all that much in my yard..